I didn't have interest, but I do now because she responded reasonably. I wasn't putting down her WHOLE profile, just one part. Saying something at least clears any potential misunderstanding.
Could I have handled it better? Sure, but winning her over wasn't important to me.
Some people like honesty.
You're blowing this out of proportion.
This will be my last response because clearly you don't want help even though you asked and just want your viewpoint. If you can't understand how starting a relationship (Dating, friendship, whatever) by putting down or finding fault with that person is a bad thing then I have no idea what to tell you.
If you had literally no interest as you keep trumpeting then why contact her? Again, contacting random strangers to put them down is an assholish thing to do. There's no room for discussion on that. If you truly had no interest in her then you only contacted her to let out your petty anger. You didn't do it to help them or helpful you did it to put them down because you were in a bad mood.
Which leads me to the point I've made multiple times but you keep ignoring. If that's the way you carry yourself and handle yourself where you get mad over a girl's requirements on a freaking dating site then that shows a lot of how you handle other situations. Whether you think so or not, there's a certain way we all carry each other. That's why one person can make fun of another person and they're ok with that and another person does the same thing and they get offended. The way you act and the words you choose when talking give off a personality, which is why people asked how you were messaging the girls since they don't respond.
Again, this wasn't a person you knew at all, wanted to get to know, wanted to help or give them helpful advice, it was an absolute stranger that you just couldn't let go by without knowing that they did something wrong. That's why people told you to work on yourself before dating. I can understand getting frustrated, everyone does but you don't carry yourself well if you think you have to critique or put down a complete stranger and that seeps into other aspects of your life and personality. And that's true whether you want to believe it or not. How you respond to situations as they arise is how a lot of people determine feelings about people they meet.
Edit: And one final thing, nothing you did had anything to do with honesty. You wanted to take out your anger on someone and you did. That wasn't honesty and it sure as hell isn't the honest that people appreciate or find attractive. You really need to learn what honesty is if you think all that entails honesty is running your mouth so that you give an opinion on everything.