A Human Becoming
More than a Member
Must not think with my dick. Must not think with my dick.
Asked PoF girl for her # for shits 'n giggles. Her response? "You seriously don't know how to speak English". The fuck? You're the one with grammar issues in your description, honey.
It was kinda funny, though.
Is that a new thing? I haven't used Tinder in months.
That is obscene. Lol.
Why do you think I'm on there?I have no flippin' idea where it came from, anyway. I did message her in English, so...
After reading some of the profiles on PoF, I've concluded that it's for:
- trolls
- crack addicts
- serial killers
So I saw a girl on OKC who is apparentely in the same major as me and in the same school, and I've been doing a lot in clubs for it recently, so without thinking I sent her a message saying "Hey! <school + major>! Are you in <club 1> or <club 2>? I don't think I've met you yet but I haven't been around as much this semester."
Like I said I didn't really think about it before I posted, think that came off as creepy?
Well, I believe that I mentioned that, when I was bored the other day, I went through and liked all of the interesting/attractive girls in my area on a dating site...
Just spoke to Girl #1, she doesn't remember saying any of it. Which sucks because, well, it honestly made me smile so much. She was drunk, apparently, and doesn't remember saying it. Urgh.
Why do you think I'm on there?
Doesn't sound creepy to me. If I saw someone on a dating site that went to the same school as I did, I'd be excited and send them a message about it as well. It's on a public profile after all, and is something you have in common. Not like you snooped the info or anything.
Whoa, a Tinder girl messaged me first, she's cute, and she's not a bot. What's going on?!
Her: I want that hoodie!
Me: lol I can see why. We can trade sometime (she has a panda hoodie like me)
Her: haha, I suppose I don't mind sharing
Me: you even wore a Toad costume? Will you take my hand and marriage? Don't tell me the Princess is in another castle
Her: my Toad costume is way epic too haha! She is, do you think you're up for the challenge?
Me: I've got multiple lives and play on the hardest difficulty. I'm up for any challenge. Bring it!
Her: so not only are you cute, but you're a complete badass
Me: if I had a nickel every time I heard that...I's have a nickel
Her: bwuhahahahaha. You make me smile sir
It's still going on. The fact that we are still flirting with nerdy talk is awesome lol. I just tried to follow that simple pickup video advice. Keep it fun and poke a little fun at myself.
Me: if I had a nickel every time I heard that...I's have a nickel
Whoa, a Tinder girl messaged me first, she's cute, and she's not a bot. What's going on?!
Her: I want that hoodie!
Me: lol I can see why. We can trade sometime (she has a panda hoodie like me)
Her: haha, I suppose I don't mind sharing
Me: you even wore a Toad costume? Will you take my hand and marriage? Don't tell me the Princess is in another castle
Her: my Toad costume is way epic too haha! She is, do you think you're up for the challenge?
Me: I've got multiple lives and play on the hardest difficulty. I'm up for any challenge. Bring it!
Her: so not only are you cute, but you're a complete badass
Me: if I had a nickel every time I heard that...I's have a nickel
Her: bwuhahahahaha. You make me smile sir
It's still going on. The fact that we are still flirting with nerdy talk is awesome lol. I just tried to follow that simple pickup video advice. Keep it fun and poke a little fun at myself.
You know that awkward moment when you're messaging someone on OKC, which turns to sexting and photo swapping, only for you both to realise you've fucked before? Yep.
So, are you guys going for Round 2?
Hell no. We had sex and got into an argument about what we were wanting and expecting. This was two years ago. I guess we just forgot each other.Fuck it. Double dip.
Hell no. We had sex and got into an argument about what we were wanting and expecting. This was two years ago. I guess we just forgot each other.
She brought it up, not me. I wanted a fuck (as stated on my OKC profile) and she wanted more than 'just sex' which makes no sense whatsoever. But, yeah, ain't going there again.Double dipping out the fucking door, it is. It's funny how that played out completely backwards. Let's fuck, THEN talking about wants and expectations...
Be cautiously optimistic, but don't set your expectations too high incase she backs down. But still, she's definitely interested in meeting up with you, so that's something. Keep us updated.She responded this morning, and said that going out sometime sounds good, but to wait and see how this next week goes.
I don't know how to feel.
Well, I believe that I mentioned that, when I was bored the other day, I went through and liked all of the interesting/attractive girls in my area on a dating site.
One replied, and I talked to her for a few minutes, but it didn't go well. I'm not good at socializing, especially with women.
Well, another girl replied today. She's four years younger, but pretty attractive and really nice. The message was short and said that she thought I seemed like a nice person that she would like to get to know, and I replied to it.
We talked quite a bit tonight - for about three hours in total, off and on. I was worried that I maybe made myself sound like a bad person to try dating, though, because I got too comfortable and mentioned that I deal with mental illness (I wanted to be honest), and that I work from home and my sleeping schedule sometimes gets reversed. Also that I live at home and spend a lot of my time looking after and obsessing about the health of a disabled parent.
Her one parent is sick, too, so she said she understands and knows how it feels. However, there was one comment where she made it seem as if she thought I was unable to leave and we'd have to hang out here.
I maybe erred, but asked if I'd said something to scare her away, which she said no to and that I'd done fine - a couple of times. I think even doing that could've scared her away, and hope she wasn't just being nice. She said we'd talk more tomorrow, and I'm going to try to be less weird.
These girls are going through so many guys. Just think of it as you're in a long queue and they haven't gotten to you yet!I'm obviously doing something wrong.
I haven't had a single match on Tinder in over a month, yet I don't think I'm a bad looking guy, I'm 6'2 and I work out, this should be successful right?
Send one my way, bro.Any takers for checking out a profile via PM? I think I may have gone a bit too eccentric, especially the first paragraph, but I'm not sure I want to tone down, either.
Be cautiously optimistic, but don't set your expectations too high incase she backs down. But still, she's definitely interested in meeting up with you, so that's something. Keep us updated.
When you say talk, you mean yall talk over the phone or in person? If over the phone before even going on a date, don't do that again. Save a little excitement for the date itself. Once I secure the date, if they want to learn anything personal before the actual date, I just tell them they'll have to wait until we meet because that's the whole point of a first date, it's to get to know each other more intimately! It leaves some mystery by making them wait for answers.
Well, apparently that works for Girl #1 as she rung last night to say she loves me. And you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm going with Girl #1 as, honestly, she makes me smile. So, yeah, we'll see how this goes.It's obvious, isn't it? You're a serial crack addict killer! D:
Well, apparently that works for Girl #1 as she rung last night to say she loves me. And you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm going with Girl #1 as, honestly, she makes me smile. So, yeah, we'll see how this goes.
Good or bad pic?
EDIT: Is there anyway to hide users you have messaged on POF? I don't see a hide button or the ability to leave them off search results.
At first I thought you had it buttoned all the way up but then I realized that's just how it looks with the shirt. So maybe try a different shirt or mess around with the collar or unbutton an extra button so it doesn't look like that.
We've been texting back and forth all day. Fuck all those who say limit the number of texts you send someone. If you like them, go for it. Which is what I'm doing right now. This girl honestly makes me smile so much. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and we have a load in common. The fact she says she loves me doesn't bother me whatsoever. Her and I are giving this 100% already, and I love it.Go get 'em! Just don't use your cyanide strike on her.
Man, I can't even get a full positive response on a picture I like. The truth hurts.At first I thought you had it buttoned all the way up but then I realized that's just how it looks with the shirt. So maybe try a different shirt or mess around with the collar or unbutton an extra button so it doesn't look like that.
You know what I would try? You should grow your facial hair a bit, the grey area makes me think you could have some good scruff. Also, I would get a haircut. I just think short hair looks best on dudes, which is ironic because I have exactly the same haircut as you at this very moment.Man, I can't even get a full positive response on a picture I like. The truth hurts.
Man, I can't even get a full positive response on a picture I like. The truth hurts.
It's just a shirt, man, which can be easily changed. If you let yourself get worked up over something as trivial as this, you'll really struggle to make your mark on the online dating scene.Man, I can't even get a full positive response on a picture I like. The truth hurts.
Lol, they are out of their minds. What is that, like $15-20 in dollars?
Edit- Looks like it is $17 a month in the US. Can't confirm since I don't have the app.
yeah, about 18 dollars.
App is pretty useless now for everyone who doesn't look 8+/10
I look above average and still need A LOT of swipes to get a match and even more to get someone to respond who isn't a bot.
I was even willing to pay a reasonable amount of money, but 16 is just not acceptable.
Hope a competitor gets a chance to rise now.
My friend says I look shitty with facial hair. I like my stubble look, but I suppose I could grow it out more.You know what I would try? You should grow your facial hair a bit, the grey area makes me think you could have some good scruff. Also, I would get a haircut. I just think short hair looks best on dudes, which is ironic because I have exactly the same haircut as you at this very moment.
Hehe thanks.I'd also suggest playing around with lighting - http://blog.colsongriffith.com/2014...ng-from-the-douchiest-thing-i-have-ever-done/
With full front light and a photo looking up at you, your chin blends in with your neck at a quick glance.
I'm not worked up over it. You're reading too deeply into my posts. I just like the shirt.It's just a shirt, man, which can be easily changed. If you let yourself get worked up over something as trivial as this, you'll really struggle to make your mark on the online dating scene.
I'm not worked up over it. You're reading too deeply into my posts. I just like the shirt.![]()
When I just tried this the woman was confused. I thought I was being fairly smooth about it. More practice is needed.Ask for the number within 10-15 messages, man. Always. Don't waste time.
Alright, next time I wear it I'll mess with the collar and work on the lighting.The problem isn't your shirt, it's how you're wearing it. Unbuttoning one or two buttons will make you look more relaxed. As it is now the only thing that is unbuttoned is the collar, which might look ok on shirts that don't have a stiff collar, but it doesn't work on that one.