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Online Dating- Yay or Nay? Tell me your stories

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Have you ever used an online dating service? Would you ever use one? Tell me your crazy online dating stories.

I asked my friends if they would ever use one, and they said never. I would like to use something like eharmony since lately I don't have much free time to go searching.
No i'd never use one i think its kinda dumb mainly b/c if i just don't find someone in person that i like alot then i'm fine being single lol. But no my mom of all people uses one and it seems that none of them are good enough for her b/c she dates like 5 guys at a time lol

Doth Togo

Yea, I've met some cuties online before. Match.com is probably the best site for decent looking girls. Some are complete sluts looking for a free drink and a hookup. Others are nice girls frustrated with the bar scene and are trying something different. I met more of the latter than the former and have had (edit) one decent relationship from there.

For Washington DC and New York City, you find a lot of mainstream women and men trying it because they're tired of the bar scene. Lots of students, single professionals, lots of people in their 20s and 30s. Basically the majority that I've seen are those that focused on their career first but are now wanting to slow that down and find some cool people to hang out with. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I tried it for a change of pace and to try something new. Not ashamed of it at all. At first I was nervous of the stereotype but when I saw how many people I know were doing it I lost all hesitation about it.

I think the key is being honest with who you are from the get go and looking for someone who will be that way to you.


It depends.

I think it's got possibilities, because I know people who've met via online from thousands of miles apart and are now happily married.

But the downside to it is dealing with people pretending to be someone they're not, and trying to weed through personals that say stuff like OmG i LiKe TrApT aNd SlIpKnOt LoL1!1 can be a pain, I would imagine.

Doth Togo

bjork said:
It depends.

I think it's got possibilities, because I know people who've met via online from thousands of miles apart and are now happily married.

But the downside to it is dealing with people pretending to be someone they're not, and trying to weed through personals that say stuff like OmG i LiKe TrApT aNd SlIpKnOt LoL1!1 can be a pain, I would imagine.

I never really saw many folks like that.

I do remember something that was fun was to IM my friends all of the people that we mutually knew and ran into on Match. Big time LOLs.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Who's the guy with the good looking girl? Is it Vennt? I think he met his girlfriend online, though maybe not through a dating service specifically.

I think online dating is fine, though there are downsides. Most obvious one being the stigma attached.

Personally if I'm getting quite a bit older without any serious relationship, I'll try internet dating/speed dating etc. I hate having my picture taken at all though, let alone online. So online at a dating agency is like hell for me...so I'll try it the old fashioned way for a while first.


I have met all my long term relationships online. I am currently going on year #2 with someone I met at a gaming site. No didn't meet on this site.

No comment and carry on.

Edit: I can find out a lot more online than in person with talking to them longer online. Most people I meet IRL only want to hit it/or cheat/or complete asses.

I need time to weed out morons. Online is perfect for that.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
There are two problems I'd have with online dating:

1. like mentioned above, the stigma attached. "Where'd you meet your girlfriend?" "OMG I m3t hr 0nl1ne LoLZ!!!"

2. I think the best way for two people to meet and become interested in each other is for there to be a 'spark', a chemistry, and that's something you simply cannot get from reading an online profile.


Mama Smurf said:
Your cheating on this site?

hehehe...not cheating. The site is no more. This was a while ago that I met him. He doesn't like to be talked about online anywhere. So I will leave it at that.

But I do go to CC.


I'd have to get to know the person a bit online beforehand. However I will say that I've met some awesome people through the intraweb.


Someone in class the other day said she spent over an hour filling out the eHarmony application, and once she's invested all this time they send a message that says "Oh, our profiling system isn't going to work for you! Actually, it doesn't even work for 20% of applicants!" Then they refuse to provide any matches or whatever..

You might wanna consider that before you sink a load of time into some site's pseudo-psychology tests.
For gay person in a country where no gay bars or hangouts exist because it's illegal, online dating becomes pretty much your only option. And it sucks most of the time, but I did meet some wonderful people (and my current partner) through it, the bad far outweighs the good however. But if you're careful, selective, and with a bit of luck you'll be fine.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Wow, I can't believe anyone could meet up through hotornot (is that the guy I was thinking of?). I've seen the replies some of my friends get with that feature, everyone is a fucking freak. Or an asshole.


Mama Smurf said:
Wow, I can't believe anyone could meet up through hotornot (is that the guy I was thinking of?). I've seen the replies some of my friends get with that feature, everyone is a fucking freak. Or an asshole.

so it's like GAF, then?


Mama Smurf said:
What the hell does that mean? Did she enter a psycho profile?
I don't really know what the hell it means. To me it sounded like a very polite way of saying that you are too nutty to match up with anyone, and they don't want to soil their reputation by offering bad matches. Though if 20% of applicants get rejected, I imagine that their system is nowhere near as good as they seem to market themselves as being.

If 1 out of every 5 people is going to waste an hour of their time, then I don't think they are going to build up a lot of good press. They ought to at least warn people of the possibility that they won't be provided any service.
border said:
Someone in class the other day said she spent over an hour filling out the eHarmony application, and once she's invested all this time they send a message that says "Oh, our profiling system isn't going to work for you! Actually, it doesn't even work for 20% of applicants!" Then they refuse to provide any matches or whatever..

You might wanna consider that before you sink a load of time into some site's pseudo-psychology tests.

Ya, what's that about? I stopped at the 5th page of the personality profile, (out of maybe 80 or 90 pgs.) but they let you save it so you can finish later. That's what I did. But 20% is pretty high for it not to 'work'. What did she do, put all "no comment" or "others" for answers? :p

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I wish there was a dating site where no one posts a photo. Not because I'm ugly, but because I don't want anyone to come across me when laughing at dating profiles who I know from real life.

But then that wouldn't work anyway, some people would be using it for the same reasons I am, but I suspect most would be using it because they're hideous :(


Wellington said:
I'd have to get to know the person a bit online beforehand. However I will say that I've met some awesome people through the intraweb.

Like me, right?

:huggles CK:


BuddyChrist83 said:
someone here met their (attractive) girlfriend via hotornot.com's "meet me now" feature.

A friend of mine had attempted to hook up with someone via the same method. Turns out the attractive girl he thought he was talking with on the phone for a few weeks was actually someone else who had 'stolen' photos from a different girl's online journal. She eventually confessed, so he met with her in person to satiate his curiosity and to grasp a bit of closure. Apparently he was not pleased with the encounter. The girl posing as the cute, skinny blond ended up clocking in around a "deuce... deuce and a half," to use his exact words.

Oni Jazar

I meet lots of girls online. Dont use a dating service though. Try www.myspace.com which is like friendster only 1000x better. Oh and ya before I even think of meeting any girl I need to see multiple pics.
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