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OPINION: The Star Wars prequels are better than the original trilogy (arguments and discussion included)

Which of the two Star Wars trilogies do you prefer?

  • The original trilogy (I grew up with them)

    Votes: 81 71.1%
  • The prequels (I didn't grew up with them)

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • The original trilogy (I didn't grew up with them)

    Votes: 21 18.4%
  • The prequels (I grew up with them)

    Votes: 7 6.1%

  • Total voters


I do see the argument for the action sequences being several levels better, even before you get into special effects. However, I would actually say that only the Phantom Menace Lightsaber duel stands out, because it had both speed and weight to it. Episode II and III lightsaber duels are just flinging around rubber wands and when you get to the fights that aren't even real people, it just goes off the rails. The duels in Empire and Return of the Jedi weren't just swashbuckling, there was a lot of tension and dread in those moments, they were thriller-type moments of fear with Vader.

However, I do think all of the prequels are better than Return of the Jedi. And the Han and Leia romance in Empire is just as forced and unbelievable as the Anakin/Padme romance in AotC.

It's complicated, I like all the movies but A New Hope is my favorite Star Wars film because of how pure of an adventure it is without all the baggage of a franchise. And Empire Strikes back is just a legitimately good film, getting beyond nerd fandom and sci fi.

The sequels are where it's not really a conversation or debate... :messenger_loudly_crying:
The story is better in the prequels. But execution is better in originals. Palpatines gambit is quite smart. But really we should have started with an older Anakin and got more of the clone wars. In fact it was probably a mistake to call them Star Wars, the framing should have been Clone Wars: The Phantom Menace.

But I think we can all agree they all shit over the sequel (spit!) nonsense.
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I like the prequels but grew up with the OT on video and Phantom came out when I was in high school. I still liked them but they got way better with The Clone Wars filling in gaps.

The ST is okay but it’s a simple story and one that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense without a bunch of back story that the TV series like Mando are probably going to fill in. I still don’t get the rationale for dividing things up into the first order and resistance: just call it the new republic army and resurgent empire.
The story is better in the prequels. But execution is better in originals. Palpatines gambit is quite smart. But really we should have started with an older Anakin and got more of the clone wars. In fact it was probably a mistake to call them Star Wars, the framing should have been Clone Wars: The Phantom Menace.

But I think we can all agree they all shit over the sequel (spit!) nonsense.

Only prequel that comes even close in quality to The Last Jedi is Revenge Of The Sith.

That said, one stand-out movie as a middle chapter does not save a trilogy, so on a storytelling perspective Prequels > Sequels.

Though I can't wait for what the general opinion is 10 to 15 years from now when the threequel trilogy comes around.
Things I appreciate with the prequel trilogy: Lightsaber fights were done well, expanded the lore and characters, and gave us a taste of what the Jedi were like in their prime.
What I don’t care for: Jar Jar (probably the worst character in series), acting/dialogue was cringe at times, most of the movies were Green screen and it didn’t age well, chemistry between Hayden and Portman was absent.
But I don’t agree with people who say prequels are trash. They did enough to justify their existence. Unlike the newest trilogy.




I do see the argument for the action sequences being several levels better, even before you get into special effects. However, I would actually say that only the Phantom Menace Lightsaber duel stands out, because it had both speed and weight to it. Episode II and III lightsaber duels are just flinging around rubber wands and when you get to the fights that aren't even real people, it just goes off the rails. The duels in Empire and Return of the Jedi weren't just swashbuckling, there was a lot of tension and dread in those moments, they were thriller-type moments of fear with Vader.
I have to agree 100%. The sword fights between Anakin and Obi-wan in Episode 3 is especially terrible. None of attacks would even hit if the other person would just stand there. When you compare the fight between Obi-Wan and Maul to Obi-Wan and Anakin it is night and day difference.

The story is better in the prequels. But execution is better in originals. Palpatines gambit is quite smart. But really we should have started with an older Anakin and got more of the clone wars. In fact it was probably a mistake to call them Star Wars, the framing should have been Clone Wars: The Phantom Menace.

But I think we can all agree they all shit over the sequel (spit!) nonsense.

Anakin is older in the script, you can see it so clearly by the way people react to him. Padmé gets the hots for him, he is a seasoned podracer, managed to build his own even, is too old for Jedi training all at the age of 9? Lol. He is obviously supposed to be around 16 years old. Its like playing NieR, even thought you play a dad it is obvious from the story that you are supposed to be a kid (the Japanese original is brother and sister while the international version is dad and daughter). Same exact problem.
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I grew up with both, there should've been an option for that.

Arguments about the FX don't sway me, I'll take the lightsaber duel on Bespin over anything in the PT.
I actuallyenjoy all the Star Wars movies

Seems to be a very rare opinion

I do, too, actually... but I think some of them are fucking shitty. I think Rise of Skywalker was fucking shit, a piece of filth that was smeared across a great franchise's legacy... but I had fun watching it!


Gold Member
I rewatched the original trilogy with someone who has never watched a star wars movie last week. It hit me hard just how amazing and spiritual and magical those movies were and reminded me its got nothing to do with nostalgia.

Beyond good writing, beyond good characters..its the editing that puts it together is such an epic way. The perfect music swells at the perfect time, the perfect high and low notes, the great sense of adventure. Its never dark just to be edgy, its never funny just to have humour, it never shoves a battle in their just to have action.

The prequels have nothing, they are empty...and its the reason nothing post prequels have really been good...you built the entire foundation on the phantom menace...you built a skyscraper on a foundation of trash. Even the mandalorian which i enjoy has to suffer from being attached to the prequels.

People talking about lightsaber duels? The fights in the prequels are garbage....good choreography and skill doesnt give a fight meaning, none of the fights in the prequels carry any weight or threat. Partly because its a prequel but more because the characters are so empty and vapid to begin with.

Anakin was supposed to be a hero to the republic, an ace pilot who was pure of heart and good. Thats what makes a tragedy..when someone good falls from grace. Instead hes a whiny teenager who is never really good at all....theres not one point in the entire trilogy where i would have ever trusted him as a person...hes so weak willed and carries no sense of real honor because we know hes only in it for his own anger and to get that Amidala-Poon. That nonsense about the first movie having to show him as a child so we can see that he starts off pure and innocent is also that..an excuse to have a kid in a movie. No one needed to see him as a kid...all kids are innocent, we dont need to see that. We needed to see a first movie with a great star fighter hero in his mid 20s, one who is beloved and truly a nice guy who wishes to help people..but with one flaw, one small crack which widens and becomes his weakness. Something we see grow in the second movie and used against him...we needed othello what we got was 90210.

The biggest problem with all post original trilogy films ....is they have to fucking explain everything. The whole point of the original was to be like jumping into the middle of a classic film serial . Theres so many obtuse random thrown out there references for you to use your imagination that didnt have to be explained. thats what made the movies so imaginitive an wonderful...they involved YOU to interpret things. None of the post original trilogy films do this, none of them ask questions that dont need answers...instead they rely on "heres a different planet, this one has giant shrooms" That doesnt make the world intesting.

original trilogy - "you scruffy looking nerf herder"
everything since - "ok lets make some nerfs and people herding them, i want a comprehensive list of how nerfs live , their color variation, mating habits and diet..make sure this is all in the film"

If you wanted, you could go find other media like games or comics...and that was fine because none were stone hard cannon, it was flexible..which made the lore so much more interesting and fun and didnt effect the films.

So yea, the fights in the original are so much better..and no the lightsaber dual inthe first movie isnt a lightsaber dual. Its two old rivals greeting eachother....and obi won knows whats gonan happen..hes just giving everyone else time to escape..not trying to fight vader. its not a fight, its a calm cool collected concession.
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I rewatched 1-6 recently. There's some clear highlights in the prequels-- the underappreciated world-building, the score (Duel of the Fates, Battle of the Heroes, Augie's Great Municipal Band, among others), the development of the Emperor, and acting performances (OWK, Palpatine, Dooku). The common criticism is the boring politics, but it's pretty interesting (although I'd say they aren't interesting enough), with plenty of parallels with history, and even modern times. And the 3 episodes supported the overall trilogy plot, while RotJ was arguably light on plot and heavy on filler.

The OT had superior direction, acting, characters (the PT desperately needed a "run that by me again in English, pal!" character to anchor the audience, like Han in the OT), and lightsaber duels (I don't care how dated the choreography in "SC 38" looks today)-- giving the OT the weight that pivotal moments in the PT should have, but don't.

At this point 1977/ANH certainly looks every bit of its 44 years, and RotJ is overall the weakest of the OT (but still an enjoyable end to the trilogy... as long as Yub-Nub is playing imo), while RotS ended the PT on a strong note. Meanwhile, the PT saber fights, experimental vfx (although you have to start somewhere), and Natalie and Hayden fumbling with their terrible dialogue, drag the PT down.

Still I like them all, including the PT. And especially, unironically, Attack of the Clones (despite containing some of the worst material in the PT). I don't care if know-it-all "JJ Abrams should direct Star Wars" Youtube critics disagree

I watched the OT on TV as a kid (on the Disney Channel, oddly enough), but TPM was the first new Star Wars released when I was alive, which possibly influences my opinion. For overall execution the OT is the clear winner
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Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith) is my favorite Star Wars movie. I still get chills when I watch it and it gets to the part where Anakin is pondering on what to do/choose and thinks of Padme, there is a silence but kind of music in the background, the Coruscant flying cars outside of his building, feels so special to me even now. I think the song is Padme's ruminations. So I do love the prequels.

With that being said, I do believe Ep 4 and 5 (especially Empire Strikes Back) are better movies than Ep1 and 2, so overall the OG trilogy would come on top, but I never understood the hate the prequels got. They are so fun, dreamy, makes you imagine...it makes me feel like a kid again not knowing what adventures await, the OG is lower on that even if better movies.

Agreed, not my favorite but it has some really good scenes. Yoda's duel with Palatine was also great.


What time is it?
The original trilogy is pretty boring but has a likeable cast of charismatic characters the help carry the movies. There is nothing redeemable about the prequel trilogy. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
The Darth Maul showdown in the prequels is probably my favorite in all of Star Wars...

..but the characters in that series of movies all sucked. Quigon, Padme, Obiwan, Anakin? All wooden and boring.
Combine that with the OT being a big part of my childhood, I could never rate the prequels higher than them.


While I agree that the prequels had better special effects and action scenes (most likely due to time period and advancement in technology), I don't think Star Wars is an action movie but more of a drama. In this sense, I feel the prequels are severely lacking in terms of script and acting.


I really enjoyed the prequel trilogy, and it would actually be more accurate to say i grew up With them.. but i watched the originals first, when i was a kid, and yeah they just mean more to be.

CGI.. in almost no cases can i think of cgi as being superior to special effects.. that's just an additional point


Gold Member
Jar Jar (a popular hate subject among the nay sayers) is no worse than C3PO in the OT. Whether it be Jar Jar's anniying clumsiness or C3PO's shitty British dry humour jokes, they're equally annoying to me. But Jar Jar was mostly only seen in Ep I, while that golden piss robot was seen in Ep IV, V and VI. Also, Ep VI had the ewoks, which people even back then thought were out of place.

The OT had Han Solo, but the prequels had Palpatine. Both actors performed extremely well, with Palpatine having a lot of memorable quotes such as "DO IT" and "I AM the senate".
Delet this.

Threepio offers sincere drive-by comic relief at exactly the right time.
Jar Jar isn’t a terrible characters per se, it’s his forefront role in Episode I that’s the problem. He isn’t comic, he’s just ridiculous.

Palpatine’s escalation of ham is interesting, but Han Solo is fucking Harrison Ford and the guy’s a natural. Even comparing the two characters makes little sense IMO, but Ford’s so egregiously spontaneous and so perfect in the role that he easily “wins” this if we really must compare the two.

About the tech thing, well, I’ll say that the OT’s achievements are like Breath of the Wild coming out as we know it, but on the N64. Episode I is a blatant CG showcase first and foremost, but what they did with the OT was simply unimaginable even a few years prior and has aged magnificently for the most part.

And then, well, there’s the simple fact that the PT is at best one and a half good movies, while the OT is solid throughout.


Everyone: please note how people reply. They reply the same way as in the ass threads:

"It's nice"
"The movies are bad"

I give up. It seems to be impossible to make people think, to actually put in some effort. To have a proper discussion with arguments, rather than just monkey brains spewing out their opinions left and right.

I'm out.

You're objectively wrong. So there's no need to discuss fantasy.


The new found love for the prequels is a testament to how bad the sequels are more than the prequels actually being good. That said, they’re not without their highlights. Obi-wan talking to a fat cg character in a 50s diner for info, for example


The sequels are so horrible until OP appreciates the prequels. I think prequels are borderline ok to meh with exception order 66.


My issue with the original trilogy at this point is that they are too old and boring to watch. For that reason alone I like the prequels more.


Prequels are really going to hold up in the future and be studied by film historians. George Lucas basically invented 21st century filmmaking by himself. Prequels really hold up because of their timeless nature. The dialog is extremely stylized and classic. Compare this to the ST which has a lot of modern slang that will age incredibly poorly. PT is future proof imo.


advanced basic bitch
Prequels are really going to hold up in the future and be studied by film historians. George Lucas basically invented 21st century filmmaking by himself. Prequels really hold up because of their timeless nature. The dialog is extremely stylized and classic. Compare this to the ST which has a lot of modern slang that will age incredibly poorly. PT is future proof imo.
Surely you jest. Timeless? Classic dialogue? What?


I grew up with both but overall still prefer the original trilogy.
There's stuff from the prequels I enjoy like the more over the top fights and the more varied locations. But overall most characters weren't that compelling and the writing/acting is often terrible.

Still vastly prefer them over the sequels though.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Prequels are hella fun but the Clone Wars cartoon is essential supplement for filling in the gap between II and III. Without it, the audience has an incomplete picture of the war, the clones, the jedi, & Anakin's relation to Obi-Wan.

The original trilogy on the other hand needs no such supplement. Nobody needs a cartoon about the adventures of Luke or the greater goings-on in the rebellion because all the information we need as an audience is already conveyed on film.
OT is better, not even close.

However, I will say that the Prequels had a much heavier load to carry than the OT. The amount of pieces that needed to be shuffled around while still trying to tell the story of Anakin just seemed to be too much to handle. George was his own worst enemy in this regard though as there was countless garbage/characters added to the universe that absolutely did not need to be there.

The sequels seemed hell bent on creating this problem as well. They constantly added new characters and plot devices when they couldnt even figure out what to do with the characters they had. Zori Bliss? What the fuck was the point of this character? Why did she need to exist?


Jar Jar (a popular hate subject among the nay sayers) is no worse than C3PO in the OT. Whether it be Jar Jar's anniying clumsiness or C3PO's shitty British dry humour jokes, they're equally annoying to me. But Jar Jar was mostly only seen in Ep I, while that golden piss robot was seen in Ep IV, V and VI. Also, Ep VI had the ewoks, which people even back then thought were out of place.
I don't think Jar Jar is that bad. I never hated the character and I thought he was funny when I first watched the movie(I was 6 years old). Same with C3PO. I didn't even know that there are people who dislike C3PO until some years ago.
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I watched the whole saga in release order a few years ago, didn't grow up with them. The original trilogy was actually three really good movies.

The prequel trilogy was full of awful dialogue full of way too on the nose exposition and stiff acting (although you can't even blame the actors for not being able to passionately deliver exposition dump after exposition dump).

The overarching plot of the prequel trilogy had no captivating pull like the OT did. The OT plot was a relatable story of David vs Goliath, good guys versus fascists that anyone can get invested in. The prequels were just convoluted political intrigue. Episode 3 had a solid plot in watching the fall of Anakin, but the first 2 movies had literally no hook at all.

Also the CGI in the prequels are comical now. Which is pretty ironic because Lucas famously waited nearly 2 decades to make these movies specifically because he wanted to wait until CGI was advanced enough to meet his vision. But now the CGI is so jarring that it's one of the worst knocks against the movie. The OT with all practical effects is way less jarring. Even if you don't find charm in practical effects like I do, you can at least appreciate the addition by subtraction of NOT having awful CGI. No Gamecube quality digital aliens running around is less jarring than having a guy in a prosthetic mask.

I watched these movies decades after release with no preconceived judgement and I immediately realized why the prequels get so much shit compared to the OT. They're 2 bad movies and one decent popcorn flick compared to 3 iconic classics
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I'm no Star Wars fan by any means but I enjoy the series for the simple fun and action they offer. There was a point where I would have completely agreed that the prequels were better...then I re-watched them after 15 years....they're pretty shit and , trust me, I very really call anything shit.

All three movies have some interesting and exciting set pieces that are unfortunately marred by bad writing, worse acting, poorly dated effects, poor pacing, and on and on...it's shit filled with a few golden nuggets.

The Original Trilogy is not perfect by any means but, despite it's flaws, it retains a character that's hard to dislike. Granted, nostalgia may play a part in it but, my family and I, were able to sit through all three without issue. This includes my youngest at six and oldest at 18.
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Gold Member
Jar Jar (a popular hate subject among the nay sayers) is no worse than C3PO in the OT. Whether it be Jar Jar's anniying clumsiness or C3PO's shitty British dry humour jokes, they're equally annoying to me. But Jar Jar was mostly only seen in Ep I, while that golden piss robot was seen in Ep IV, V and VI. Also, Ep VI had the ewoks, which people even back then thought were out of place.

Wut? No. I think you completely have a misunderstanding on the characters beyond "laughs". Jar Jar was there for kids to laugh at a goofy alien stepping in shit. Hes always jumping in front of the scenes to crack a joke or make a face, he's a toy.

C3PO isnt cracking jokes in the OT, hes just a character who is out of place. Hes never meant to be there..that was the whole point of the characters of the droids....they have no point other then they are two wandering nothings who were getting into trouble before the OT "no more adventures R2D2" he says at the start of A New Hope, we fill in the gaps. the characters are never talked to like they are equals, they are robots that somehow ended up in this epic adventure...and thats the joke. They are constantly ignored and not directly spoken to..they dont matter except when they are useful, yet the crew care about them enough to just barely wait for them before a ship takes off...or put him back together again when hes broken. The idea was that they were US and we were really seeing this grand story through the eyes of the droids who were the background everyman. We can imagine that for the last hundred years stuff like this has been going on....them winding up in weird situations.

Instead in the shit prequels we go C3PO being built by Anakin because OT IRONIC REFERENCE. Not only does it make no sense it doesnt carry the continuity of the point of those characters.

The PT should have started with C3PO and R2D2 randomly wandering into a situation and throughout the PT they should have not had lasting contact with Anakin or Obi Wan.
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Saw the prequels in the theatres.

I don't think it's a question of which set of movies are better. I think it's a question about which set of movies are consistently better. The original trilogy was great with segments that were shit. The prequel trilogy was shit with segments that were great. The entire Anakin rise & fall was terrible. The events around his story was really much better. Sadly, the best clone wars content wasn't even in a movie.

Let me put it this way: I think the prequels could be recut and edited to be glorious, I don't think the original trilogy needs to, and the newest trilogy would need an act of God to salvage.


Everyone: please note how people reply. They reply the same way as in the ass threads:

"It's nice"
"The movies are bad"

I give up. It seems to be impossible to make people think, to actually put in some effort. To have a proper discussion with arguments, rather than just monkey brains spewing out their opinions left and right.

I'm out.
What the hell do you want. A fucking thesis project?

People seem to prefer the original movies more. Could I spend hours rewatching these 6 movies just so I can tell you something you don't even really care about? Are you that desperate for an argument over the internet?
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Gold Member
Star Wars : Episode 1 The Phantom Menace

It is a time of conflict across the Galactic Republic. The Evil Darth Maul
has created an army of clones in order to capture a large sector of the Naboo Star system,
rich in resources and starship construction.
Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, two powerful Jedi knights, the mythical
guardians of the Republic are dispatched to intercept one of Mauls warships as it heads to the planet unaware
that they have just completed construction of the first large class warship, the Star Destroyer.

there you go, simple premise..simple conflict setup just like an old serial, just like the original movie

- Yoda is never shown in the prequels, hes just spoken of as being obi wons master... a great and powerful jedi
- we never see "twins" being born...we just see the queen is preggos andobi won travels with her but tells everyone the child was lost
- no general grevious no count dooku, we dont need 50 baddies, Darth Maul doesnt die until the third episode...so anakin can take his rightful place as second hand man
...until he is KILLED, we never see Anakin become Vader
- Anakin is seduced because of his love for padme but not because of stupid silly celibate jedi rules which make no sense and are bad writing excuses....but because jealousy is his weakness, palp uses that weakness to make him think obi wan knocked her up. Wanna destroy trust and a friendship and send a man spiraling fast..thats how you do it.
-theres just a handful of Jedi..not 700 boring jedi...this is only 20 or so years before people think its all "hokey religions and superstition" they should already be rare, they should already be regarded as near mythical
- Emperor palpatine sends out an edict to kill all newborns in the near vicinity to assure Anakin had no sons, this is why neither him nor vader know of the birth
- limited jedi powers....it should take the best of the best to lift a ship out of a swamp

no midiclorian counts, no virgin birth, no space balance prophecy bullshit
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Gold Member
The only one I really disliked was AotC. I really have zero desire to ever rewatch any of them at this point though.
The prequels have the best overall story. They just are shit tier movies, truly awful abominations of bad acting, awful scripts, terrible pacing, cringe directing, and overuse of mediocre to bad special effects. Even at release Ep2 looked iffy as shit, and with time both Ep2 and 3 just get worse looking with the over abundance of green screen and poor cgi. TPM still aged the best as it made use of the most models, sets, and practical effects of the trilogy, but as a whole they are ugly as movies now especially. The prequels are laughably bad movies in execution.
The Prequels used more models than the OT or ST.

They did, but it doesn't mean shit when they ruined them with CGI. In many cases the models being scanned and turned into CGI, or you have decent models imposed and covered with CGI footage which looked like garbage.

Almost every model scene they used is transformed later with CGI or coated over with so much digital filters, extra effects, and digital lighting enhancements that it kills the practical effects
The original trilogy has the weakest battles, but I can still appreciate them in the same way that I can appreciate battle scenes in Spartacus and Seven Samurai even though bigger and better battles have appeared on screen since then.

My two main issues with the prequel trilogy and the Disney trilogy are (1) the poor acting and (2) the "merchandizing". The dialogue is really really bad. The actors barely seem to comprehend the words they're saying. Some scenes in the prequel trilogy are Castle Shikigami 2 english translation bad. Dialogue gets better in the "new" trilogy comparatively but it's way too hammy and disconnected. Characters are primarily known by their catchphrase and mannerism. Every single line attempts to be the new "I have a bad feeling about this".

The merchandizing... Well just take a look at the glorious battles you've mentioned in the OP. Every scene displays a new droid, a new ship, a new soldier type showing up in well-paced 15-45 second intervals, like the steady rhythm of a song. And the characters casually banter while blowing it all up in lazy green-screen CGI. Consider the opening battle of Ep. 3 where Anakin and Obi Wan are battling in space. "Look master, Vulture Droids, now on sale at Target™ for $49.99" "YES! I see them, Anakin, and what better time for some Republic Clone Army Transport LEGO Cruiser™ to show up on DVD and Blu-Ray for $16.99 to explain the origin of this particular military unit". They yawn. R2D2 squeals and both jedi knights laugh as they crash into a ship and double-frontflip out of the cockpit onto yet another new planet. Rinse repeat. The stories and the characters no longer feel like a part of a cohesive world anymore.

Jar Jar is no worse than C3P0.... except the prequels included both and made C3P0 even more insufferable.
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