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old? Same as OPM :D



And that's where I'm going to end this. There are literally hundreds of things about the game that I've not touched on here, but pretty much all of them are just as rewarding as the things I have discussed. All that remains is to tackle the question we posed at the beginning of this review: Is it really the best game ever made? Quite possibly, yes. Those of you with a sensitive disposition may find aspects of it objectionable, and those of you too hardcore to enjoy anything will no doubt find enough things to complain about to fill a million message board posts. A game of this scope and magnitude cannot help but attract attention, and it probably has more to live up to than any game in history, save for maybe Half-Life 2. In a lot of ways, this story would have been more interesting (and certainly more sensational) had I been able to declare that Rockstar had finally bitten off more than it could chew, and aimed too high with this final part of the PS2 trilogy. Thankfully, that's not the case though. It really is a remarkable achievement.


Those of you with a sensitive disposition may find aspects of it objectionable, and those of you too hardcore to enjoy anything will no doubt find enough things to complain about to fill a million message board posts.

Haha... he reads GAF.



I absolutelly HATE official magazines. If for every *best game ever* from official magazines I was making a cent, I would be a multibillionaire now.


Nothing will ever top Next-Generation magazine proclaiming Mario 64 the best game ever and then proclaiming Zelda:TOOT the best game ever when it came out.

I blame them.
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