On a lighter note, has anyone noticed that this show has a pretty obvious reference to a TV show in each episode?
- Thanksgiving episode, they're talking about killing a bald eagle on Thanksgiving or something and still eating it (my girlfriend says this happens in Shameless)
- Two characters are talking about the problems they have to deal with (maybe in the showers), when one character says "I have things.... STUFF". I am absolutely convinced that this is a Walking Dead reference. I even said "stuff" out loud the same time character did without even knowing they were going to say it. It's such an awkward line if it wasn't referencing that awesome moment in Walking Dead, to the point where I am convinced that it's a reference.
- There were at least one more that I can't recall (possibly two more)
Now that I've typed this all out, I can see people reading this and thinking I'm insane, but I swear this is a thing