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Orcs Must Die! |OT| Traps have never been so fun!



Orcs Must Die!

By: Robot Entertainment (http://robotentertainment.com/)
Publisher: Microsoft
Type: First Person Tower Defense
Release Date: October 5 (XBLA) and October 12 (Steam) 2011
Platform: Steam and XBLA
Price: 1200 MS points

What is Orcs Must Die!?
Orcs Must Die!” is a white-knuckle blend of action and strategy. Orcs Must Die! challenges players to defend fortresses under siege. With a wide variety of traps and weapons to choose from, Orcs Must Die! dares players to find the best ways to hack, launch, flatten, gibletize, and incinerate an endless army of filthy orcs and their vile allies. Orcs Must Die! features a vibrant look, addictive gameplay, and a blatant disregard for the welfare of orcs.

- Seamless blending of action and strategy gameplay
- Intense, story-driven campaign that tasks you with defending over 20 fortresses
- A varied and unique cache of unlockable defenses – trap, spells, and weapons – are at your disposal to dispatch the orcs in creative and devious ways.

(so far)
The War Mage has a wide variety of tools at his disposal to assist him in Orc slaughtering. He can place devious traps on floors, walls and ceilings. Allied Archers or Paladins can be summoned to aid the War Mage in his defense. The War Mage can even use magical trinkets to shock, freeze, burn or blast the Orcs in to oblivion.

One of the signature weapons of the war mages, the crossbow is accurate at long range and has a rapid rate of fire. Experts learn to pace their shots and aim for the head for maximum orc-killing efficiency. The crossbow can also fire a special bolt that stuns small groups of enemies.

Floor Spikes
One of the signature weapons of the war mages, the crossbow is accurate at long range and has a rapid rate of fire. Experts learn to pace their shots and aim for the head for maximum orc-killing efficiency. The crossbow can also fire a special bolt that stuns small groups of enemies.

Elven Archer
Allies of the Order for centuries, the elves stand ready to come to the aid of fortresses under attack by the orc mob. Deadly accurate with their bows, elven archers are able to fire a volley of arrows in the blink of an eye. If they fall in battle, the power of the rifts will heal them when there’s a break in the action. Just tune them out if they start yammering about birds and plants and “all living things” and the rest of that treehugger nonsense.

Arrow Wall
Who doesn’t like a bunch of arrows to the face? Orcs, that’s who! Place these deadly beauties at the end of fortress corridors to cover an unguarded approach, or stick two across a hall from each other to shred a whole legion of enemies in a devastating crossfire.


Boom Barrel
Boom goes the dynamite! Drop these tasty explosive treats in tight corridors, light them up with your crossbow, then sit back and watch orc giblets paint the walls red. For maximum kill-streaky goodness, wait until large groups of enemies are clustered around a boom barrel before pulling the trigger.


Wind Belt
Harness the power of the wind and kill orcs the eco-friendly way! Shove, push, and launch them into the sharpest, pointy-est, boiling-est spots in the fortress. No matter where you blow them, you can’t go wrong!


Spring Trap
Use the cheap and effective spring trap to launch pesky enemies through the air. Where they land is up to you - a pool of lava, a pit full of acid, or even straight into another trap! Beware heavier enemies such as ogres who prevent the spring trap from firing.


Fire Bracers
Prefer your orcs rare or medium-well? Too bad! The fire bracers can only cook an orc one way - well done! But you won't care how overdone the meat is when an entire wave of enemies stumbles through a fire wall or burns up in a fireball's explosion. You'll be too busy basking in the warm glow of success.


Steam Trap
Take orcs for the ride of their (short and miserable) lives with this low-cost floor trap. Blasts of warm, soothing steam not only send your enemies sky-high, but also soften up those rough orc hides just in time for a crossbow bolt to punch straight into the tender organs underneath


Wall Blades





There are many characters, both good and bad, in the world of Orcs Must Die. Most of them bad.
The War Mage
Impulsive, stubborn, and not the sharpest tool in the shed, he’s far from the Order’s best and brightest. But these days, with so many rift fortresses to protect from the orc mob, everyone with any magical ability at all is needed on the line. If he’s the last, best hope, then maybe all hope is lost. On the plus side, he loves killing orcs – and he’s really good at it.
Orc Warrior
They’re ugly, they’re dumb, they stink, and they have a terrible dental plan. They’re determined to get to the rifts, no matter what stands in the way. Clearly they must die - and fortunately they die easily and in large numbers. Just don’t get too close; their swords are rusty enough to cause a nasty case of lockjaw.
Crossbow Orc
Five brain cells smarter and a head taller than the average orc, these guys have been trained to point a crossbow at their enemies and pull the little trigger (the one by their finger). Given that orcs have the eyesight of an aged mole, their aim is pretty good. They’re more dangerous than their sword-wielding buddies; obviously, all orcs must die, but maybe these orcs should die first.
Gnoll Hunter
Sporting razor-sharp teeth, a fast loping gait, and powerful claws, Gnoll Hunters aren’t interested in getting through the rift – they’re interested in killing you! (They’re also interested in killing archers and paladins, but everyone knows tender young War Mage is the sweetest meat of all.)

Why you should care
This game is nothing short of addictive. It blends the elements of FPS and Tower Defense together perfectly. You can be methodical in planning your trap layout or you can set them up while you rush in headfirst beating the crap out of the invading orcs with melee and ranged combat.

About Robot Entertainment
Founded in 2009, Robot Entertainment is an independent game development studio based in Plano, Texas. Formed by veterans of Ensemble Studios, the creators of Halo Wars and the Ages of Empires franchise, which has sold more than 20 million games, the studio is focused on creating original games that are unbearably fun.


Mention that it isn't coming to PSN anytime soon, as Microsoft is publishing. Get that question out of the way :)
Sounds great, I am a huge TD fan and looking forward to trying FPS TD again after being disappointed in Monday Night Combat.

...but how can we have the OT before we have a release date?


snoopeasystreet said:
Is it coming out soon or is it a premature OT?

either way, great job with the thread.

It is coming out "This summer" is all they have said but since august is almost upon us i would expect them to announce a release date pretty soon. So this thread is kind of both
2th said:
It is coming out "This summer" is all they have said but since august is almost upon us i would expect them to announce a release date pretty soon. So this thread is kind of both
Makes sense. Keep this thread updated then. I'm looking forward to this.


snoopeasystreet said:
Makes sense. Keep this thread updated then. I'm looking forward to this.

that is the plan. their community Manager is a great guy and has been very helpful with this via twitter.


Art style looks nice and I will always welcome more tower defense games. (Trenched needs DLC NOW!) Also hope Dungeon Defenders finds a way to release soon.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Since we have such a shiny and cool OT and we're still on page 1, i decided not to make a new thread for this.

Orcs Must Die! Release Dates Announced!

Robot Entertainment announced today the upcoming release dates for Orcs Must Die!™ on Xbox LIVE Arcade and Steam (and other PC distribution platforms). Xbox players can massacre orcs by the thousands on October 5, 2011, and PC gamers on Steam can begin their murderous defense of rift fortresses on October 12, 2011.

“The slaying hour is nigh upon us,” said Patrick Hudson, CEO of Robot Entertainment. “We can no longer restrain the enemy at the gate. We will soon turn the rift defense over to Xbox and PC gamers to beat back the mob and save the Order!”

Orcs Must Die! is an action-strategy game that challenges players to defend fortresses under siege. With a wide variety of traps and weapons to choose from, Orcs Must Die! dares players to find the best ways to hack, launch, flatten, gibletize, and incinerate an endless army of filthy orcs and their vile allies. Orcs Must Die! features a vibrant look, addictive gameplay, and a blatant disregard for the welfare of orcs.
Does anyone know if this game is CO-OP like trenched was? I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.

if so DAY 1


A co-operative mode might have been nice, or perhaps a multiplayer mode that sees one player taking on the role defensive manager with the other player marshalling an orc horde against them as some sort of monstrous general but, as the rep on the stand said, Robot really wanted to concentrate on delivering an enjoyable singleplayer experience.

Meh.. will wait until its on sale now.


I hope you enjoyed your little rebellion, irritant. But remember, what SHODAN gives she is more than able to take away.


Trucker Sexologist
It kind of reminds me of Trap Gunner. There are about two people here who will know what I'm talking about. Definitely gonna pick it up on the PC though.


Xemu said:
We put out this "choose your own adventure" style interactive video a little while ago:


Some "making of" details here:


Oct 5 is right around the corner and I can't wait to hear what people think of the game...

(I was one of the programmers on the game, BTW)
Really liked what I played during E3, will probably be picking this up.


I've been waiting for an FPS/TPS TD for ages, I don't know why it's taken this long to come out.

Most Horde modes bore me to tears, but TD style gameplay gives a deifnite edge to the proceedings.

Plus Dungeon Defenders is taking bloody forever to come out.

I'll be checking this out soon.


Xemu said:
Oct 5 is right around the corner and I can't wait to hear what people think of the game...
(I was one of the programmers on the game, BTW)
Good luck with this game, mate. I'll be doing my bit on release day.

cj_iwakura said:
Tecmo gon' sue somebody.
But seriously, looks fun, ESPECIALLY for Deception fans.
Seriously. This is Kagero/Trapt + shooter, not tower defense. It's nothing like, say, Sanctum at all. I've been looking forward to it as a result.

Victrix: Sanctum is the droid you're looking for if you want FPS + TD. Like I said, OMD! isn't really tower defense at all, more like "dungeon defense" like the Deception series, since the luring in of the enemy and the correct positioning of traps seems to play a much bigger role than any kind of constant artillery barrage designed to keep the enemy at bay.

SapientWolf said:
It kind of reminds me of Trap Gunner. There are about two people here who will know what I'm talking about. Definitely gonna pick it up on the PC though.
And I'm one of them :D

I don't know which version I'll pick up yet, though. Leaning towards the Steam version.
so is the right trigger suppose to have infinite shooting? when i use the left click on mouse it's not. oh and the game has on the fly control switch <3 so good.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Demo was a blast, preordered right after I finished it. This game is *screaaaaming* for coop though. Seriously. Screaming. Loudly.






Any chance for co-op and additional characters/skins to make it into the game in the future?

I love games like these but the player character looks a little boring.


yo_soy_el_topo said:
Exactly how close is this to the deception games?

It's not nearly as methodical. You use traps to kill LOTS of enemies, not one or two stupid intruders. I doubt it'll have the hilarious combos.
I've never played any sort of tower defense game, but I'm looking forward to this on xbl.

Looks fun as hell and I love the visuals.


SalsaShark said:
wait this doesnt have co-op!?!?


This right here :(

That put some downer in my punch. I just straight up assumed it was coop because, TDs are coop, right? :(


Sketchbook Picasso
SapientWolf said:
It kind of reminds me of Trap Gunner. There are about two people here who will know what I'm talking about. Definitely gonna pick it up on the PC though.

If only it had this Character select theme... or more Characters!

360 for me. I love how smoothly it all runs, and it just looks like a very fun game, with a lot of solid, well thought out weaponry and setups. Looks like they put enough into this, that I can wait (and really hope) for a 2p Split-screen Co-Op Sequel down the road.

Compared to when I first saw it though, I'd expect Co-Op to have a very unique 2nd character, with their own skills and traps, now. As opposed to having just a clone of P1.

I really like how active your actual character is in this game. You expect him to simply be an avatar for placing traps, and then you see him casting ice spells, using weapons, and running along with power seeping from his hands. All very cool.


game's great, but yet another victim of:

v-sync off = awful tearing

v-sync on = mouse input lag


any workarounds?
I was so hyped about this game till I found out it had no co-op. It went from a buy to a trial download. Without friends I just can't see myself playing it enough to warrant it's purchase. This game seemed made for co-op. Shame.


KenOD said:
Just how bad of mouse lag?

prett-ay bad

its bothersome cause you need to be nailing headshots at a fast pace

and extra bothersome to me cause i have that issue some videocards have where if you go way above a normal framerate the thing just starts to squeal like a pig. If i leave v-sync off i must suffer the tearing + my computer making insane noises cause the framerate is like a thousand fps.

I'll buy it if i find a way to fix this.


SalsaShark said:
prett-ay bad

its bothersome cause you need to be nailing headshots at a fast pace

and extra bothersome to me cause i have that issue some videocards have where if you go way above a normal framerate the thing just starts to squeal like a pig. If i leave v-sync off i must suffer the tearing + my computer making insane noises cause the framerate is like a thousand fps.

I'll buy it if i find a way to fix this.

D3Doverrider with Vsync off...no tearing, no mouse lag. It's working for me right now.

Never knew about this game but after playing the demo I may have to get it.


Wat Demo?
Pre-ordered without looking! Oh well, game looked like damn fun from the reveal trailer I saw some time ago!


AEREC said:
There's a demo on steam.

heh yeah I saw after I posted. Might get it later, not that it'll impact the choice I already made. Art style is enough for me :D

(Some co-op would be nice, then again forever alone and all that)
yeah screw CO-OP, once you're thirty and older it gets REALLY hard to still have a couple buddies your age that don't have a family and/or have lots of free time to play games with you :(

that is my experience at least, i'm sure some of you guys see it differently!

downloading demo atm though :)

edit: just tried it, lots of fun even though the WASD KEYS aren't working right, i have to hit Y to move forward, anyone else get this?
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