My boyfriend has a $50 balance (converted from former Microsoft Points) dating back to the 360. We don't have an Xbox One and don't plan on getting one (went with PS4 this gen), so he figured he'd pick it up for the 360 using that balance money since he doesn't know what else to spend it on.
But apparently it's not out yet. Is a 360 version even confirmed?
Yes just no date yet. Good chance it'll be 30fps instead of 60fps but that shouldn't matter much. (talking out of my ass, no resolution/framerate details for 360 yet).
For anyone that can't afford it right now, check the giveaway thread. For anyone that can, check anyway. We're trying to go wide with this and buy as many codes as we can to give away as many copies as we can to those that can't budget it right now.
My boyfriend has a $50 balance (converted from former Microsoft Points) dating back to the 360. We don't have an Xbox One and don't plan on getting one (went with PS4 this gen), so he figured he'd pick it up for the 360 using that balance money since he doesn't know what else to spend it on.
But apparently it's not out yet. Is a 360 version even confirmed?
Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
I heard it's not possible to go back to areas once you exit them. This can't be true, right?
Damn. Not even playing and i was feeling the pressure haha.
I can assure you that I did not finish that section in one try lol.
I can assure you that I did not finish that section in one try lol.
If you look at the time on the listing:
Steam & Game Stats Updated: 10 March, 2015 @ 11:10pm
Do we know what timezone that is? Wasn't launched until 12.01am GMT on the 11th, and even if it is US (ET?) it would only have been out for 3 hours~, with no pre-orders which might have affected it as people might not have known it was out earlier in the US, it might not even have been released when that chart went up or at least, seems a bit early to write it off.
Someone else pointed out it was the 2nd highest on top sellers for steam earlier too
Microsoft has been pushing the game as an X1 title, understandably, so I'm not surprised. I had to tell a couple of people bemoaning the fact it's an MS game that it's also on the PC.
Nice. Any ETA on your xbox one game?
Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
Took a lot of deaths before I figured it out too. LOL
Funny to see you handle it so differently than I did, though. I love those moments when you think you're done and a shiny projectile of hope shows up at the last second!
Holy shit, that was awesome. I wish I owned an Xbox One. I bought the game on XBL last night in preparation for the day I do, though.
Well...this sucks
Got literally stuck inside of a wall in the Ginso Tree level after about 3 and a half hours of a mad rush to try and get myself out I did the game save and now I have no way of actually continuing because there's no way out of the glitch...all that time is now wasted and I'll have to start over from the very beginning
Whoa, that's hardcore. Do what you gotta do though, get that XBone.
Holy hell that sucks. Are you on XB1? If so, can you upload a clip?
Great game, but boy can it be hard, bordering on frustrating even. Especially the dash-move with Y gave me lots of troubles. Just spent the better part of a half an hour getting past, just before completing world event 2. I love some challenge, but this almost got the better of methe rushing water in the tree
Love all the rest though. The visuals, the music, the level design, puzzels, gameplay. Sublime.
Quick question without any spoilers if possible: what's the replay value on this? Anything interesting that opens up or is left to do upon completion? Not that I really mind short games if they're done well (which seems to be the case here), but I'm curious regardless.
This part is great. I died around 20 times, but I loved every second of it.Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
I'm on PC...the best I can do is put a screenshot up
the bottom right corner...stuck in a box basically the same size as the character
This part is great. I died around 20 times, but I loved every second of it.
Wow this game is seriously a work of art. Put about 3 hours into this last night, I don't have a single negative thing to say about it yet tbh. Stunning looking game. I'd definitely say it's the best looking side scroller type of game I've ever seen. It controls as good as it looks too. Music is phenomenal and the story seems very interesting so far. Watched my 8 year old girl and her friend play the prologue before school this morning haha. Dem feels man. This is going to be one of my favorite games of 2015 easily.
Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
Man, I don't know what else I can say that others haven't said already, so I'll just post a clip to show how awesome the game is. And the music... wow. Just listen.
I'm on PC...the best I can do is put a screenshot up
I heard it's not possible to go back to areas once you exit them. This can't be true, right?
Hopefully the difficulty picks up in the game soon. Finished about an hour so far and I'm not sold on it. It's beautiful but the game's pretty easy and the combat is... eh.
Two crashes at the title screen.
Not exactly the best introduction to a game...
Hi. Mines very slowly installing at the moment its at 34% but at 1 point the bandwidth tool showed no data was being received so wonder if there are some issues, is yours just not progressing?I purchased the game but it isn't installing...I paused the installation in an attempt to restart it and now it won't resume and it's stuck on "Paused". Any suggestions?
The launch trailer music and the E3 trailer music is free to download from here:
Alright, I'm not so good at writing up detailed impressions so I'm just going to leave a mini-review! Tried my best to keep it spoiler free, but if you don't want to know anything about this game and are for some reason reading the thread, be warned!
+ As everyone is probably aware, the art and atmosphere is impeccable. Further, the world feels incredibly natural and nothing seems out of the place.
+ The game's narrative is amazing and does not take a backseat to the other elements of the game like many of its brethren in the genre prefer to do. The 'cast' is wonderful.
+ Some sequences provide breathtaking cinematic gameplay that doesn't rely on QTE.
+ Platforming feels perfectly calibrated, on par with the greats (Mario, Super Meat Boy, etc).
+ The resource-based save system is incredibly well implemented. Any large setback is a failure on part of the player, preventing the game from ever feeling 'cheap'.
+ Abilities are perfectly integrated into both traversal of the game world and combat. To me, this is what elevates the game from good to great. Easily the best ability kit in any Metroidvania game I've played. In particular, one unique ability completely changes the way you traverse and deal with enemies.
+ The game does not forget about abilities and you are constantly using them throughout. Only one ability is 'replaced' by another.
+ There are many inventive puzzles that use your abilities. Some areas introduce other mechanics, including what I think is a fairly unique implementation of a standard platforming gimmick. All of them were great.
+ The skill tree is well thought out and each path is clearly designed to help out particular players in its own way.
+ Secrets are well-hidden but not in a 'bash your face into every wall you see' kind of way.
+ The game can be difficult at some points but is fair. Most obstacles can be cleared with a few tries and the save system ensures that you can progress steadily.
+ As you progress,+ The final areathe world changes around you and your impact is clearly a perfect culmination of the skills you developed in the rest of the game, styled similarly to Ocarina of Time's final dungeon. Pure joy to play through.
- The game does have some points of no return, which can be frustrating if you miss something.
- Energy doors are a nuisance and feel majorly out of place in a game with incredibly tight pacing otherwise. They demand a player have a certain amount of resources, and if they don't, they must go back and try to respawn enemies or flowers.
- Some enemies required to progress have weird respawn tendencies if you don't move in the way the game intended.
Ultimately the negatives are minor, if I was going to assign a score it would be a solid 10/10. This game is one of, if the not the best in the genre and has earned a place as an instant classic alongside Super Metroid for me.
For those interested, I completed the game in just under 7 hours. I'm a big fan of these types of games so I am probably on the fast side. I maxed out the combat and efficiency skill trees with a few points into the other one by the end.