Miles Quaritch
This fucking guy...

I don't understand.
Here's where it gets stuck roughly each time and can't be pushed or pulled further.
Are you implying that the game isn't good if you've played metroidvanias in the past.
You have to be on the same surface as the rock. Don't try to push it from the higher platform. I tried that at first.
If there's a save on the right. You want the rock thing more to the left and you jump upI don't understand.
Here's where it gets stuck roughly each time and can't be pushed or pulled further. I'll be pulling it and then Ori just breaks away from it and I can't regrip it from either side. On PC on the off chance it's a bug and not
me just missing something.
Are you playing on PC? Fullscreen with vsync on adds a ton of input lag which makes that difficult.Am I the only one who can't seem to master the wall-climb/jump off combo? I can do it in SM3DW all day long but here I just keep messing it up and it is seriously pissing me off.
If there's a save on the right. You want the rock thing more to the left and you jump up
What's that got to do with it being there favorite x1 game?No but I am saying that outside of the Fern Gully meets Secrets of Nimh story it's not going to rock your socks of mechanically it's pretty standard fair. I mean if you want something that is doing that Guacamelee is a much better game for that experience.
Same here but you get really good at controlling Ori by the time you finish that. The next part is so relaxing I feel the developer must have known we would really need a moment to chill.
I think you'd be less impressed with it as that type of game if you've experienced other games of that this type that surpass it mechanically. It's okay man we are just having conversation about video game no one here is wrong or right they have different view points.What's that got to do with it being there favorite x1 game?
I don't understand.
Here's where it gets stuck roughly each time and can't be pushed or pulled further. I'll be pulling it and then Ori just breaks away from it and I can't regrip it from either side. On PC on the off chance it's a bug and not
me just missing something.
I think you'd be less impressed with it as that type of game if you've experienced other games of that this type that surpass it mechanically. It's okay man we are just having conversation about video game no one here is wrong or right they have different view points.
Don't play too many metroidvanias do you?
I think your comments would be a lot more constructive if you explained your opinions a bit more. Why do you find Guacamelee to be better, for example? As is, they don't come off as just constructive conversation.
I have played plenty of games in the same genre as Ori. I am only a few hours in, but thus far I think it is excellent.
Indeed. I got that shit after about 40 deaths and then grabbed a beer and drank that shit like Steve Austin.Man, the end sequence inarea was both frustrating and awesome. Took me like 20-30 tries, but was immensely satisfying once I got it.Ginzo Tree
Try pushing it.
Edit: sorry didn't see you tried pushing as well. Yep definitely a bug.
I managed to get past it by... starting the game completely over in a different save.
Save one, rock gets stuck every time. Save two pulled rock up slope with no issues...
I think your comments would be a lot more constructive if you explained your opinions a bit more. Why do you find Guacamelee to be better, for example? As is, they don't come off as just constructive conversation.
I have played plenty of games in the same genre as Ori. I am only a few hours in, but thus far I think it is excellent. I haven't before played a Metroidvania that held such high quality across the presentation, art design, music, and gameplay. It may not be the very best in all areas, but I don't think it is lacking in any.
Don't even get me started that the puzzling nature of the platform img in Guacamelee actually made me feel like I was achieving something and discovering stuff when I accomplished those platforming feats.
I think Guacamelee has a much more interesting setting, the art and music of Guacamelee were much more coherent to build a world that wasn't just spooky broken forest. The combat was much more engaging in Guacamelee and demanded you to think about your fight as opposed to the mash X nature of Ori and all of these elements come together to make you feel like a super rad lucahdor. Where with Ori the games visual would make you think you should feel sorrowful dread but they contrast with the fact that you are ninja gizmo Bambi with Navi with a laser gun floating above you. Don't even get me started that the puzzley nature of the platforming in Guacamelee actually made me feel like I was achieving something and discovering stuff when I accomplished those platforming feats.
The rest of your complaints are entirely subjective and merely just your opinion but this one confuses me. Guacamelee had some fairly good combat but the platforming was pretty run of the mill. The platforming in this game is basically ripped from Super Meat Boys except by using soul links they extract that game into a much fuller richer metroidvania type experience.
To me what they have done is brilliant, espeically if your a fan of the extremely tight platforming mechanics demonstrated in Super Meat Boy. The focus in this game is on the platforming and they nailed. Guacamelee did a bunch of things really good but nothing amazing IMO.
Disclaimer: I only played the extreme edition of guacamelee. I felt the new levels ruined the later part of that game which may have spoiled my enjoyment of it.
This fucking guy...
Are you playing on PC? Fullscreen with vsync on adds a ton of input lag which makes that difficult.
Don't play too many metroidvanias do you?
This could be the reason, I'll try vsync off and borderless window and see if it helps. Slowly getting used to it, just unlockedand I think its the best powerup since Blink in Dishonored. Can't imagine playing the game without it now.Bash
Could you post it? I'd like it for my MacBook too.Man, the end sequence inarea was both frustrating and awesome. Took me like 20-30 tries, but was immensely satisfying once I got it.Ginzo Tree
Btw, does anyone know or have high res art for this game? I've got the cover image in 1080p, but my macbook has 2880 x 1800 res, so something higher would be great.
EDIT - Nvm. Found it.
Could not disagree more. Guacamelee was a letdown to me and I eventually got too bored with it to finish the game. I'll give you the combat is deeper but I found a lot of that depth was simply not necessary. I can't even comprehend your platforming comment.
I guess I'll reserve judgement until I finish Ori but so far it blows Guacamelee out of the water. And I have played a shit-ton of Metroidvanias if that matters for some reason.
You don't need to turn vsync off if you do windowed/borderless window. In fact, you should leave it on or you'll probably get some stuttering. The triple buffering from windowed is what really helps.
That's how I ended up feeling about Guacamelee as well. About halfway through I just got tired of playing it, but I love its theme and it looks great so I kept with it.
In all honesty, none of these games have really surpassed Super Metroid or Symphony of the Night for me. They all feel the same but with a different coat of paint. Which is fine, I suppose, because they are a lot of fun to play.
I thought windowed mode already applies Vsync so you can turn it off in menu for reduced latency? I actually used this method in Unity to get steady framerate with no stuttering.
I got some stuttering with vsync off in windowed mode, personally, so I turned it on and it went away. AFAIK windowed mode just applies triple buffering.
You know, this thread has a severe lack of gifs/webms. I think some good ones would sell the game a lot better. I encourage gifmakers to make some good stuff!
Can't wait to play this tonight. Today was a real bad day to put my house on the market!
Ori is always kinda small on the screen I dont think the game lends itself to being made into gifs well.
I think Guacamelee has a much more interesting setting, the art and music of Guacamelee were much more coherent to build a world that wasn't just spooky broken forest. The combat was much more engaging in Guacamelee and demanded you to think about your fight as opposed to the mash X nature of Ori and all of these elements come together to make you feel like a super rad lucahdor. Where with Ori the games visual would make you think you should feel sorrowful dread but they contrast with the fact that you are ninja gizmo Bambi with Navi with a laser gun floating above you. Don't even get me started that the puzzley nature of the platforming in Guacamelee actually made me feel like I was achieving something and discovering stuff when I accomplished those platforming feats.
Ori has one trick and that's the kinda interactive beginning.
With that all said it's still a perfectly good game.
Ori has one trick? I agree that everything is subjective but you started this whole thing off with your "YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED MANY OF THESE GAMES," then got all sorry after you got called on it.