A patch specifically for the water glitch?
How do you have triple jump that early?
Why does Ori have to unnecessarily kill rhyhorn in such a brutal manner. Poor rhyhorn just doing what rhyhorns do best.Just got a cheevo for this lol.
That sequence was relatively easy, I got stuck once not knowing to jump on the blue flower and once I did that I was fine, the triple jump bailed me out a lot.
Just finished up thelevel and holy shit that was amazing. In the ending I was all like...Ginsu
Such beauty and suspense. I haven't felt that type of rush since I played Dark Souls. The entire level was just platforming at its finest. GG Moon Studios.
100 deaths later and I still can't get past this damn rising water part.
Must... keep... trying...
100 deaths later and I still can't get past this damn rising water part.
Must... keep... trying...
Don worry, you will get it eventually, you will just have to memorize every jump and bash... its pretty frustating dying over and over again but once you get it, ohhh dat dark souls feeling....
I'm currently in the Misty Woods and I can't even begin to describe how good this game is. I thought it was going to be all artsy and emotional, but the fact it is challenging makes things only better. I wouldn't compare it to Dark Souls since it does ease you into it's difficulty a lot better, but I agree that theis a git gud or git out moment. Loved how they used the achievement as a message to the player there.water rising part
Coincidentally as I'm typing this there's a interview/review on the radio with Thomas Mahler. I didn't know any Austrians were involved with the development, but I guess that only is another reason to like the game.
Gives me another local Gaming related person to look up to besides Durante.
i just realized i never used charge flame to fight with before...
Why does Moon Grotto show 99% when I have everything?
Please spoiler tag your posts! Put "[.spoiler.]" before and "[/spoiler]" after (without the two periods in the first one). This is VERY important in an OT when a game has just come out and it will upset folks. I've run through the game twice personally but others haven't. I fixed the part of your post that needed it.
My friend did the same thing. We were playing simultaneously at launch and he was all like 'how the fuck are you flying past these enemies so easily?"
And I was like "I dunno, I just jump over and charge flame and they blow up nice and squishy-like."
And he was like "Fuck, I'm an idiot."
And I was like "Yup".
this is amazing. it's like a giant blue ring of nope, especially for those.tiny spiky guys
and i just learned that you can. yussbash piranhas underwater
Edited it to fit your quote.
Sorry if I potentially spoilered anyone, I just felt like I saw someone talking about it openly but I guess I just accidently clicked away a spoiler tag on mobilegaf without noticing.
charge flow =easysmart mode
Lol yeah you'd be hating life if you didn't realize those two things for the 'no ability upgrades' run if you do it.
Game is amazeballs!
Damn. That disrespect at the end.
Other than framerate drops and a cutscene not playing from the menu, my game ran smoothly on Xbox One.
Smoothly with framerate drops. Is it a tag?
Second playthrough ran 4~ hours. Next one should nab me the achievement, although I plan for it to be far below 3! A couple of neat sequence breaks have been discovered, the first being pixel/frame perfect:
Seems to have a small community already. Hope we'll see some awesome runs in the future (if I get any really good ones I'll post them here)!
Second playthrough ran 4~ hours. Next one should nab me the achievement, although I plan for it to be far below 3! A couple of neat sequence breaks have been discovered, the first being pixel/frame perfect:
Seems to have a small community already. Hope we'll see some awesome runs in the future (if I get any really good ones I'll post them here)!
So is the difficulty spike section ineveryone is talking about comparable to those " chase the treasure chest" levels in raymen: origin? Because I loved those levels.the tree
I'm now 4 ish hours in (taking my time) and liking the game even more than before. The thing is, so far I like it far more as a platform game, both mechanichally and aesthetically than as a metroidvania. As a metroidvania I feel there's some qualities missing, such as sense of place, or maybe a sense of purpose to the places you visit? It's strange that in a game in which every last corner of the map has been individually and painstakingly rendered no parts of the world really stand out, it's all a bit of a (beautiful) blur. Having some meaning attached to parts of the world, including puzzles, secrets or interactions more abstract than the usual ones might have helped. As it is, it's a game one would struggle to make a mental image of the gameworld compared to, say, Symphony of the Night or Super Metroid. Still, eager to play a lot more of it as soon as I'm off work.
I was pleased to look at my X1 friendslist and see most people playing this yesterday evening.
The game has sucked me in. I even delayed going to bed as I wanted to push on.
I'm now 4 ish hours in (taking my time) and liking the game even more than before. The thing is, so far I like it far more as a platform game, both mechanichally and aesthetically than as a metroidvania. As a metroidvania I feel there's some qualities missing, such as sense of place, or maybe a sense of purpose to the places you visit? It's strange that in a game in which every last corner of the map has been individually and painstakingly rendered no parts of the world really stand out, it's all a bit of a (beautiful) blur. Having some meaning attached to parts of the world, including puzzles, secrets or interactions more abstract than the usual ones might have helped. As it is, it's a game one would struggle to make a mental image of the gameworld compared to, say, Symphony of the Night or Super Metroid. Still, eager to play a lot more of it as soon as I'm off work.