Paul is awful. He's a (beautifully) wooden actor compared to Tatiana, but his character thus far has been maddening. He's mad at Beth. He leaves Beth even though he's supposed to watch Beth. He comes back and fucks Beth. He leaves. He comes back. Fucks again. Goes to the station. And he's also supposed to be the guy that watches her?
Yes! A fellow Paul hater. He's as good looking as he is a horrible actor. The fact that almost all his scenes are just with Tatiana only makes it worse.
Something that's been bothering me about the premiere: What was the odds that both Beth and Sarah would be at the same place and the same time so she could assume her identity? I mean, that seems to be a fairly huge coincidence. Is there a reason they're both there?
(Bypassing the last half of the season of Justified for now to power through Orphan Black)
I was really hoping they would kill him off. He's really pretty, but yeah his scenes are awful.He's a soap actor. I get it. He probably can do melodrama well. But he's in the same scenes as a woman who might get an Emmy nomination for this role.
Yeah, I was about to say the exact same thing. Not a brilliant character or performance, but he was useful in some situations.I thought Paul got better toward the end once he had some purpose.
The end of 108 >>>>>>>>>> the end of season 3 of Downton
This show has some flaws, but it's incredibly fun and is at least attempting to engage with the viewer on a deeper level.
Helena in the club > everything else
Get ready for the finale. Crazy stuff.
Saw this video on the official tumblr. Fan-made trailer that really sells the show.
I'm about to start with this show on recommendation of Clevinger, Cornballer, Ratsky and dead souls. If I dislike it it'll be on you![]()
Get ready to meet Paul, AKA Amell 2.0
Probably my favorite situation/moment in this show is the house party. It is the perfect scene to show how incredibly insane this show is. The only way that scene could have gotten crazier is if Helena entered the house.
Tatiana's best look in the show was the hooker outfit, that weird half braided hair, and the pound of eye shadow on. Punk hooker. I loved it.
Best clone is Alison because: bangs, yoga pants, also that really high-strung voice.
Also all those crazy adventures she gets into.
I was JUST about to post that that was her worst look. It just wreaked of trying too hard for me.
I've never seen a girl actually look better with dreads, and I think she did.
Is Helena dead dead could it be possible she got some special healing powers like Kira?
Yeah, death wasn't confirmed in that final scene. They left themselves enough wiggle room to bring her back if they want to.As I've said a few times, she did survive about two feet of rebar to the abdomen, that's something.
I hope she does come back, Helena was my fav of the clones. Hope she ditches the crazy cult and acts on her own free will.
Goofy? She's like the most vanilla punk chick ever.I think her being a sort of ridiculous/goofy punk girl was somewhat intentional.
I thought she was acting on her own free will at the end and was no less crazy, lol. They did kill that guy that was controlling her after all.
I thought for sure they were going to redeem Helena but nope, still crazy as hell in that last episode.
Great article, agreed on every point. And lol @ the jello scene. It's funny how memorable this scene is, eh? There's just something about a crazy killer woman eating jello (and putting salt on it, IIRC xD) that's just adorable, somehow.
If youre still reeling from the first-season finale of BBC America's Orphan Black, we feel you. (And if you havent gotten onboard yet, what are you waiting for? Spoilers ahoy! Come back after youve binge-watched!) The tangled web that ensnared Sarah Manning and her clones devolved into a big, bloody mess by the end, leaving several dead and us with many cliff-hangers. Whats Mrs. S. hiding? Was Aynesley in cahoots with Donnie? Who is Kiras dad? New episodes wont premiere until 2014, but series bosses Graeme Manson and John Fawcett have agreed to answer some of your burning questions about the season. Fire away in the comments below. Well send along the best ones and post their answers here later in the week.
Posting here blindly so I don't stumble onto any spoilers.
So I just finished ep5 and Orphan Black is one of my favorite new shows of this season along with Hannibal. It's not high concept nor it has a crazy budget to blow on exuberant FX or the like, but it's really solid, feels slightly creepy at times and has a good sense of humor, which I appreciate. It also helps that Tatiana Maslany is doing an AMAZING job portraying different variations of the same person, so to speak.
All the clones so far (soccer mom*, geeky student**, punk rock ho) are exceedingly well acted and nuanced down to their body language; soccer mom clone (sorry, I'm terrible with names) trying to pass as her drifter sister was amazing, and so is her constant accent switching. This is the best meta-acting since Gjokaj in Dollhouse, which makes me think how damn good would have been that show if Tatiana had been cast as the main character instead of Dushku. Sigh.
Supporting characters are also good for the most part. Her ex is kind of awesome (if tad soft for his violent rep), Fee is a total riot 24/7 and nosy cop is kind of cool. The only exception is his supervisor/boyfriend, whose acting sucks quite fiercely. He reminds me of Stephen Amell, only Amell has some natural charm to him; this dude is just a cardboard cutout.
Anyway, I'm fully onboard and looking for the next season.
*those yoga pants... Jesus.
**man, I usually don't like dreads, but this girl pulls them off like I couldn't believe. Wow.
Funky Papa said:*those yoga pants... Jesus.
Great article, agreed on every point. And lol @ the jello scene. It's funny how memorable this scene is, eh? There's just something about a crazy killer woman eating jello (and putting salt on it, IIRC xD) that's just adorable, somehow.![]()
Join actress Tatiana Maslany at 10 a.m. (Pacific) Wednesday for a live video chat about Maslany's multiple turns in BBC America's sci-fi thriller TV series "Orphan Black."
In the first-year show, Maslany plays Sarah, a hard-luck case wanting to reunite with her young daughter. In the season's first episode, she sees a woman resembling her commit suicide at a train station. Soon, Sarah finds there are many other identical versions of herself -- science geek, soccer mom, punker -- and, yes, they are clones and, of course, there are conspiracies surrounding them and much unraveling to be done.
In all, Maslany plays a dozen characters or versions of Sarah playing clones or Sarah playing clones impersonating clones or ... well, we'll stop here because it's making our heads hurt. Whatever the guise, Maslany is amazing. If you want to get technical about it, you could nominate the 27-year-old Canadian actress for an Emmy in lead actress and over in the supporting category for the fully realized way she brings all these characters to life. It's brilliant work, arguably the best of the year, and it's heartening to see that others are recognizing it too.
So join us Wednesday morning, flow charts and questions in hand, as we talk to one of the season's great discoveries.
I think that was sugar but yeah, the jello scene and Helena dancing in the club are really memorable scenes.
She could have magical clone healing like Kira has!