trab pu kcip
team alison ftw. every scene with her is just so downright amusing
Sarah probably has more plot armour but I'm glad they didn't go with the "you are special because you are the original" route. They didn't really talk much about Rachael but I have to assume she is either an earlier batch and one of the few they raised with full awareness which is interesting. Would be interested to see which batch of clones Sarah/Cosima/Alison/Katja/Beth were from.I just noticed that the writers offed a grand total of three clones in just one season. Better not get too enamored of Sarah/Alison/Cosima. It looks like the show could pull the rug from under any of them at any given moment and move on with it.
Cocky and funnyVic is a funny asshole. Funny assholes are like catnip for girls.
I think I'm more appalled at what the hell Sarah ever saw in Vic.
I think we've all had our "It's a bad idea to bang this person... but I really want to bang this person." moments.
My man!
Seems like only you and me are in #teamcos lol
The rest of Orphan Black-GAF are on #teamalison![]()
Cause the rest of GAF doesn't have bad taste.
Team They'reallsogoodIcan'tpickafavorite
My man!
Seems like only you and me are in #teamcos lol
The rest of Orphan Black-GAF are on #teamalison![]()
Team Cosima here as well
I don't really like dreadlocks, but damn, that girl can rock em
Team Cosima for me too.
Team They'reallsogoodIcan'tpickafavorite
I'd love to see Tat getting an Emmy nom as leading and supporting actress just for shit and giggles. Minds would be blown everywhere.On any other show the actress playing Sarah would be so pissed she is not on anyone's favourite list while she is the lead of the show.
'What ? Helena the psycho killer is more popular then me ??? Get me the showrunners NOW, I demand a rewrite !'
Alison's gonna do some bad things to all yall bitches
I'd love to see Tat getting an Emmy nom as leading and supporting actress just for shit and giggles. Minds would be blown everywhere.
For those who care, composer Trevor Yuile has a bunch of his Orphan Black tracks at SoundCloud. They are not exactly new, but I didn't see them anywhere else. He's made a terrific job with the soundtrack, BTW.
Edit: I see the season's finale track (damn gorgeous) was posted a few pages back.
Like the article reads, Flashpoint had the same problem. Well, the words "Toronto" showed up but no one ever really ever said it was Toronto despite all the Toronto-isms. Does Rookie Blue make the same mistake, for anyone watching it? (only ever caught the pilot).
I need to stop reading articles about Emmy noms, because the odds against Tatiana are way high, sadly. She seems to be everybody's darling ATM, but she also happens to be in a small Canadian show that airs on BBC America. Sigh.
That said, my current TV schedule is pretty crap ATM. Now that I'm done with Orphan Black all there's left is Under the Dome (neat), Defiance (eh) and Falling Skies (ugh). I guess I could try True Blood, but last season went full retard (it's fun and I'm glad the show doesn't take itself seriously, but COME ON).
But it's Teen Wolf.
That can't be right.
Resist, papa. The path of Teenwolf leads only to shirtless men and bad acting.
Resist, papa. The path of Teenwolf leads only to shirtless men and bad acting.
There are a few names that could easily be struck to make room for, Emmy Rossum. Otherwise, good list!
Everyone's a member of Clone Club - they just don't know it yet.bwaahaha
my plan of turning the entire board into Orphan Black watchers is going swimmingly
Everyone's a member of Clone Club - they just don't know it yet.