My home and native land has produced a show I can firmly call a new favourite

My home and native land has produced a show I can firmly call a new favourite
Drinking some sewage-ey Timmy's coffee in celebration
Orphan Black (2013) — “Alison Hendrix”
AVC: You give Alison such a different physicality from all of the other characters. Where do you see her physical presence coming from?
TM: There’s something really wonderful about playing somebody who wants you to think they have everything together and is melting down inside. So her physicality, to me, was like a demonstration of her togetherness. If she can make you think that she’s got it together, then it’s okay. As long as everybody thinks that she’s perfect, then it’s all good. As soon as people start to see the cracks, she starts to get really terrified.
I just loved that idea of the external being completely different from the internal. I think the repressive idea, a lot of repression in her life and a lot of quelling of emotions or quelling of opinions [that] kind of burst out of her every now and then, this rigidity that it busts through. And also I thought that Alison would have done ballet as a kid or as a teen—I know because I did ballet when I was younger, and I still have trouble letting go of my stomach muscles or my bum muscles, because you’re taught to hold everything very tightly. So I thought she’s got these residual tendencies or habits that she’s learned from dance or ballet that was part of my exploration of her.
Should've had multiple covers. That is an interesting pose regardless...Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
Spring 2014when does the second season starts?
Going by YouTube and Tumblr's comments (THIS IS HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC, OK), this show has to have one of the highest quotas of female watchers by far.
Going by YouTube and Tumblr's comments (THIS IS HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC, OK), this show has to have one of the highest quotas of female watchers by far.
Entertainment Weekly Comic-Con cover:
I like the look, but that lighting and pose makes it look like they caught a crack whore taking a dump in an alley.
I like the look, but that lighting and pose makes it look like they caught a crack whore taking a dump in an alley.
I don't think the show has any male eye candy yet.Paul is bland as fuck. But that's okay, I can watch Vikings for that instead.
^ No free copy "Big Boob Blowies," no deal.
And I don't care that it doesn't exist. *pout*
There's also a reminder one the tumblr that the dvd/blu-ray are out next week.
Their swag-pack for people tweetin' about it is hilariously awesome:Jell-O! Sugar!
They could have put that in the there and then inside was a video of Alison explaining how she found his porn collection.
I don't remember who told me to get this, but thanks.
The only character i really didn't enjoy was Paul, so fucking dull, ugh.
When he became a good guy, it was painfully boring to watch any segment with him.
And i'm sorry for lady/gay gaf, i know he's handsome and ripped, but he's just so fucking dull.
Honestly, this is the one part of the entire season that bothered me. It really makes no sense and I fail to see why Cosima was so alarmed. That said, she's definitely the hottest clone and I seriously struggle to remind myself she's Maslany and not an entirely different actress. Tatiana would've had fun playing one of the human cylons of BSG, for sure.Finished it yesterday.
I know i said i watched episode 1 and wasn't too impressed with it, but from Episode 3 on, it actually captured me.
I admit there are various plot points which i find dumb and sometimes it gets a little too cheesy, but in general this show is a lot of fun and, actually, most of the fun comes from the lead actress (didn't have time to look up her name) she's just fantastic.
Every time i felt that one of the clones could die as a shocker/season finale, i felt bad for that actress having to leave the show, just to remind myself that it was actually just her.
This happened to me multiple times, too.
Alison is a lot of fun to watch, Cosima is the hottest one, and although Katja and Helena were a bit too over the top, i enjoyed them, too.
The only character i really didn't enjoy was Paul, so fucking dull, ugh.
When he became a good guy, it was painfully boring to watch any segment with him.
And i'm sorry for lady/gay gaf, i know he's handsome and ripped, but he's just so fucking dull.
Also one thing i found overly weird: How is the copyright in any way shape or form a problem? Cloning is not legal, they also care to mention as much in the show, a copyright on something illegal doesn't even make sense.
"This Snuff film is copyright of Russian Mafia S.p.a., plz don't steal!" wat?
I like the look, but that lighting and pose makes it look like they caught a crack whore taking a dump in an alley.
Finished it yesterday.
I know i said i watched episode 1 and wasn't too impressed with it, but from Episode 3 on, it actually captured me.
I admit there are various plot points which i find dumb and sometimes it gets a little too cheesy, but in general this show is a lot of fun and, actually, most of the fun comes from the lead actress (didn't have time to look up her name) she's just fantastic.
Every time i felt that one of the clones could die as a shocker/season finale, i felt bad for that actress having to leave the show, just to remind myself that it was actually just her.
This happened to me multiple times, too.
Alison is a lot of fun to watch, Cosima is the hottest one, and although Katja and Helena were a bit too over the top, i enjoyed them, too.
The only character i really didn't enjoy was Paul, so fucking dull, ugh.
When he became a good guy, it was painfully boring to watch any segment with him.
And i'm sorry for lady/gay gaf, i know he's handsome and ripped, but he's just so fucking dull.
Also one thing i found overly weird: How is the copyright in any way shape or form a problem? Cloning is not legal, they also care to mention as much in the show, a copyright on something illegal doesn't even make sense.
"This Snuff film is copyright of Russian Mafia S.p.a., plz don't steal!" wat?
I wouldn't say that, we knew they were flouting the law, controlling aspects of their lives, and maybe that they have some weird/dumb philosophy about progressing 'human evolution' and whatever that says about them but that's it. The reason the deal broke down (besides Kira being lumped in) is that you can't break a deal if you're just seen as property, even setting aside a persons pride it would seem stupid to enter a deal when you knew that was the other side's attitude. A person wouldn't rationally anticipate that even from the knowledge that they had because it's so opposed to 'common sense', a parent doesn't own their child for example. This line of thinking is alien to most people for fairly obvious reasons I think.But the moral stance was well established already not only for the viewers, but for the characters, too.
Infact, the deal they were going to strike (btw those signed contracts are equally as pointless, i'm assuming) had no moral implications whatsoever and it was purely based on a supposed compromise between the two ends.
Sarah, at the very least, never trusted for one second the Neologist, not on a moral basis, and it was clearly a pragmatic choice, so i don't see how finding a little copyright in their genome is anything that can change that position or imply more than what was already obvious to the characters (and to the audience).
Also one thing i found overly weird: How is the copyright in any way shape or form a problem? Cloning is not legal, they also care to mention as much in the show, a copyright on something illegal doesn't even make sense.
Yes.Cosima is the hottest one
I think the copyright thing made it clear that if Sarah signed that contract she was going to sign at the end that they would get Kira too. Like, they would have hid that in the contract but the copyright language made it clear. Or something.
Quoting this post for the inevitable transformation.I just started watching this. I'm only 2 episodes in and I'm enjoying it so far.
My mind has such a difficult time wrapping around the fact that this is the same actress playing Helena.
Unleash the doves.