I actually mostly enjoyed the episode, but...
- I find the Coady character boring, and hated the Castor storyline, and I'm sad they've dug her up again.
- Adele is less annoying and has a slightly less terrible southern accent this time. But it's awkward writing that she shows up so conveniently to help investigate.
- I'm really disappointed that they are sidelining Helena. She needs to be kicking Neolution ass. Sarah is the least likeable clone and yet they're making her the star clone of the season. I understand why, but it doesn't make for good TV. She's boring and I'm so done with her temper tantrums and inability to actually get shit done.
- Cosima suddenly sneaking around and being in everyone's face doesn't totally ring true for me. Feels like they're trying to play her like Sarah.
- Mrs. S was great this episode, and I'm glad she got a chance to play someone else.