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OS X El Capitan [OT]


I promise this is the last time I'll ask, but since some time has passed.

Does Microsoft Office 2011 work well on El Capitan? At first I heard it was busted, but figured since time passed we might all have a general consensus.

Office 2008 has been working fine for me on El Cap, I would assume 2011 would as well, baring things like the occasional visual weirdness or whatnot. Have not tested Entourage at all though.


When you right-click a document-based app in the Dock (e.g. Preview.app), the context menu displays a list of files. But what kind of files are they? The most recently opened? No. When I look at the "Open Recent" menu item in the menu of the respective app, I see a different list of files. The lists do have many files in common, but some of them are only in one of them, not the other.

Actually, when I open an app in Dock Exposé mode (right click on the dock icon -> Show All Windows), the bottom of the screen shows a different list. It is very similar to the one in the context menu, but it's not the same.

So I basically have three different lists of recently used (?) files. The one in the context menu, the one in Dock Exposé, and the one in the File menu. The latter shows the correct files in the correct order, the others do not.

edit: The lists in the Dock and the context menu actually include files which don't exist anymore.


Well, in that case, I have no clue what the hell's going on. I'm just gonna add another item to my extensive list of shit that pisses me off about my Mac.

It does not happen when I use a different account. Curious.

edit: No change when I change the resolution or switch to the discrete GPU.

edit 2: Good lord. EmiPrime, could you please try it once again, but this time with the scroll bar set to being displayed permanently? It's in the General section of System Settings. Show scroll bars -> Always.

edit 3: Yep, that's it. Show scroll bars always, problem happens. Show scroll bars while scrolling, everything's normal. Gonna report this to Readdle.

The Real Abed

I believe my dad has 2011 and he hasn't complained yet. I made sure he tested it when he upgraded. (Like a big boy he updated all by himself before I could tell him to not just in case Office didn't work.)

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Office 2011 is working perfectly. There were some issues with Outlook when El Capitan first released, but Microsoft fixed it with an update. Everything works right now without any issues I can find.


It does not happen when I use a different account. Curious.

edit: No change when I change the resolution or switch to the discrete GPU.

edit 2: Good lord. EmiPrime, could you please try it once again, but this time with the scroll bar set to being displayed permanently? It's in the General section of System Settings. Show scroll bars -> Always.

edit 3: Yep, that's it. Show scroll bars always, problem happens. Show scroll bars while scrolling, everything's normal. Gonna report this to Readdle.

Sorry but I have that turned on already.


Anyone here using VLC to watch YouTube or other network streams?
Is there an automated way for Safari to open videos in VLC? Thinking of something like this or that.


Great. My Mac locked up again. It locked up in a similar way as the last few times, actually.

I was watching a movie with VLC. When I wanted to pause it using the space key, nothing happened. In fact, none of the keys on my keyboard did anything. The trackpad didn't work either. However, the movie kept running. On my second screen, Tweetbot was opened, and it still updated with new tweets. So basically, everything was working fine except for my keyboard and trackpad.

Closing the lid turned the screen off, but it wouldn't go into standby. The movie's audio kept playing. Opening the lid turned the screen back on, of course.

There's a lot of WindowServer stuff in Console.app, so it's graphics-related. Particularly, there are a lot of references to "DMProxy":



Might as well reinstall this piece of shit OS at this point, because why not.


HTML5. But also had Flash before.
Haven't tried other browsers, I would like to stay with Safari. I also don't know exactly what is causing it, only that it is always happening right as I close a tab with a YouTube video. It's not consistent though, only happening sometimes.
No idea whether that's YouTube's or Safari's fault or whatever.

It is happening on a clean install of El Capitan, so if it would be OS related that would happen to way more people. I have a 2013 MacBook Air with 1,3 GHz i5 and 8 GB RAM.

Edit: Also as I mentioned in earlier posts, the whole OS freezes. The mouse cursor still works, nothing else however. It takes a minute or two to recover then it seems to work again, until you do anything in Safari, resulting another freeze or low rate like behavior. Quitting or force quitting and relaunching Safari changes nothing, only a reboot helps.

On a different note, why is Spotlight Search not pulling the definitions from the preferred or even the only one selected dictionary?
And Login Items have never completely worked for me, although I tell it to launch certain apps hidden it does the opposite and vise versa.

I had the Safari problem where it just started freezing horribly and locking up the computer not too long ago. No idea what causes it, but it did happen after i tried to close a youtube tab.

I was able to fix the Safari freezing problem by following the steps on this page:

Basically, i had to clear any Safari file stored on the system in order to get the browser working correctly again. Is a strange bug for sure.


Is there seriously no way to disable the Frequently Visited sites section of Safari's new tab page? It's fucking useless anyway. Like, yesterday I googled for something, and now it suddenly shows up there? Why?
And it happened again just a few minutes ago. I visited a site for the first time ever, and apparently Safari now considers it a "frequently visited" site. How on earth is this supposed to make sense?

Found it!


It's in the context menu.


I had the Safari problem where it just started freezing horribly and locking up the computer not too long ago. No idea what causes it, but it did happen after i tried to close a youtube tab.

I was able to fix the Safari freezing problem by following the steps on this page:

Basically, i had to clear any Safari file stored on the system in order to get the browser working correctly again. Is a strange bug for sure.
Thank you, that gives me hope. Gonna try it now and report in a couple of days if it is still happening.

Found it!


It's in the context menu.
Oh, cool, thanks.
I downloaded something that I want to hide from anyone else who uses this computer, without the hassle of having to create another user account (the computer is usually on and people use it whenever without knowing how to log in or out).

It's just the one file I want to hide, so that it's not seen in All Files.

How do I do this?

The Real Abed

Sorry. I just meant that I don't know what's best/don't know how to do it.

I just want to password protect it at the least. I changed the name to make it seem like a horror movie.
If you have a Password Management app like 1Password, you can hide files and notes in their encrypted database. I don't know if the other competitors do it too but 1Password does. Is it a big file? Why not just put it on a USB stick or something?



"Safari can't open the page (...) because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection."

Does this happen to anyone else? Sometimes, when I click the Submit Reply button on GAF, Safari instantly displays this error page. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it also happened when clicking the Preview Post button on several occasions. When I go back and try again, it works without any problems.

Not sure whether Safari, GAF or my connection is the issue, but I can't remember this happening on any other site.

Deku Tree

Trying to back up (it is a first backup of) an 1.8 GHz i7 2011 MBA 13" running latest El Capitan... every single time about half way through the backup Time Machine slows to a crawl and it seems like it would take years to finish the backup... did everything I could think of and did everything I could read about on the internet to fix it. Tried a few different drives and the same thing keeps happening. Tested all drives with disk utility and they all seem to be in good shape.

Is this a known bug?


Trying to back up (it is a first backup of) an 1.8 GHz i7 2011 MBA 13" running latest El Capitan... every single time about half way through the backup Time Machine slows to a crawl and it seems like it would take years to finish the backup... did everything I could think of and did everything I could read about on the internet to fix it. Tried a few different drives and the same thing keeps happening. Tested all drives with disk utility and they all seem to be in good shape.

Is this a known bug?

Same thing happened with my two Macs. As far as I remember, it even slowed down way earlier than for you.


Still happening for me. Also tried some command lines, didn't help either.
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned this OS update stinks. Let's see if this gets fixed.


When I drag a picture from Safari to the desktop of my other monitor, most of the time it is placed on the main desktop instead. But not always. Similarly, when I open a file from the desktop of my second monitor, more often than not it's opened on my main screen. Seriously annoying.

The Real Abed

I HATE how inconsistent apps are at remembering their Fullscreen state. Even across all the stock apps.

Calendar remembers
Safari remembers
Notes DOES NOT remember
Photos DOES NOT remember
Preview remembers
Terminal remembers
Contacts remembers
Reminders remembers
Messages remembers
Maps remembers
iBooks DOES NOT remember
Mail remembers
iTunes remembers
App Store remembers
Chess remembers (And no one even uses that!)
Numbers remembers (I assume the other iWork apps do too)
QuickTime X remembers
QuickTime 7 remembers (WHAT? Has that even been updated in the past half a decade?)
DVD Player DOES NOT remember (lol)
System Information DOES NOT remember
Automator remembers

Third party:
1Password DOES NOT remember
Sublime Text DOES NOT remember
ScreenFlow remembers
Carbon Copy Cloner DOES NOT remember
StreamToMe remembers
VLC DOES NOT remember (Since it doesn't remember the video you had open last and the player for some reason exits out of fullscreen when not playing which I hate)
A Better Finder Rename 9 remembers
Pepperidge Farm remembers

Apple needs to A) apply it to the remainder of their own apps and then B) enforce it and push for it at WWDC next year. I'll send feedback about the apps they forgot and ask them to push for it to be required.

And then somehow figure out how to make windows remember where they are when fullscreen and quitting then relaunching an app. Like Safari on my iMac where I keep the Safari windows to the left of the desktop. If I quit the app they forget and reopen on the right, but if you say reboot the computer while Safari is open it will remember exactly where the windows were. Obviously there's a lot of variables that would make it hard to know what slot to put windows back in but the idea is there. Maybe one day.

Deku Tree

So if I have a Photos library on a case-sensitive drive, and I try to transfer it to a case-insensitive drive... it freaks out... copies for a long time and then says "sorry can't copy because there are two files with the same name in a case-insensitive sense"... and then it stops copying and deletes the whole operation...

... obviously my Photos library is huge and it is not reasonable to hunt and look for the offending files...

... is there any reasonable solution to transferring a photo's library from a case sensitive to a case insensitive drive and not losing any data?



So if I have a Photos library on a case-sensitive drive, and I try to transfer it to a case-insensitive drive... it freaks out... copies for a long time and then says "sorry can't copy because there are two files with the same name in a case-insensitive sense"... and then it stops copying and deletes the whole operation...

... obviously my Photos library is huge and it is not reasonable to hunt and look for the offending files...

... is there any reasonable solution to transferring a photo's library from a case sensitive to a case insensitive drive and not losing any data?


Try PowerPhotos and see if you can transfer the photos in your existing library to a new library on the new drive.


How is this upgrade going for people? I'm debating about upgrading my grandparent's iMac to El Capitan, but I'm hesitant since everything is working great (it's a late 2013 21.5" if that matters).

I don't own a Mac, and they don't have great broadband so I'd probably bring their computer home with me to upgrade it, just wondering if anyone thinks they'll have issues, as I'd hate to go through that trouble only to have issues where I have to bring it home again to fix it with another huge update.

Deku Tree

How is this upgrade going for people? I'm debating about upgrading my grandparent's iMac to El Capitan, but I'm hesitant since everything is working great (it's a late 2013 21.5" if that matters).

I don't own a Mac, and they don't have great broadband so I'd probably bring their computer home with me to upgrade it, just wondering if anyone thinks they'll have issues, as I'd hate to go through that trouble only to have issues where I have to bring it home again to fix it with another huge update.

I love El Capitan. But IMO if everything is working great for your grandparents then it might be better to leave their systems alone.


How is this upgrade going for people? I'm debating about upgrading my grandparent's iMac to El Capitan, but I'm hesitant since everything is working great (it's a late 2013 21.5" if that matters).

I don't own a Mac, and they don't have great broadband so I'd probably bring their computer home with me to upgrade it, just wondering if anyone thinks they'll have issues, as I'd hate to go through that trouble only to have issues where I have to bring it home again to fix it with another huge update.

Which version of OSX are they currently running?

Deku Tree

Same thing happened with my two Macs. As far as I remember, it even slowed down way earlier than for you.

For me it seemed like a software error. I was able to use migration assistant two times, first onto an external drive, in order to erase and then reinstall everything on my computer. Then I was able to make a time machine backup normally.

Some highly rated posted on apple support communities said my SSD could possibly be failing, but disk utility says everything is ok. Just gonna be careful with my data.

Deku Tree

Try PowerPhotos and see if you can transfer the photos in your existing library to a new library on the new drive.

Ok I recently used "PowerPhotos" (http://www.fatcatsoftware.com/powerphotos/) "duplicate" function to transfer my Photos library so that I could move it from a case sensitive drive to a case insensitive drive.

It looks like the "Masters" folder inside the package content of my Photos library has the same number of items and is the same size... does that tell me that everything transferred correctly?

(I have a 100gb Photos library.)

Any way to be really sure that I transferred all my photos over correctly? Thanks again!


Lol at whoever decided to split up the functionality of a single media encoder into "convert X to MTS/MOV/FLV" apps for 9 euros.

Here's another one of those assholes:


"App for YouTube"? "App for Dropbox"? "App for Gmail"? Really showing your creativity there, buddy.

And what do all of those apps in common? They literally just display the mobile versions of those sites. These "apps" are nothing more than single-page menu bar browsers, set up to load a specific site on launch. They're all the same fucking app, just with different icons.





He even copy-pasted the descriptions. What a lazy, shameless scumbag.

Want more?

Here's "App for Dropbox +", by Relax and Sleep Better Apps Pty Ltd. Also responsible for "App for Instagram +".


Here's "App Drop for Dropbox" by Junhua Xie. Also responsible for "App Insta for Instagram", "App Face for Facebook" and similar shit for Wikipedia, Twitter and so on. In addition to the menu bar window, there's also a standard window, which displays the desktop version of Dropbox. Yes, it's the same for all other apps. Just copy-paste bullshit.



"MenuTab for Dropbox" by Yin Xiao Qi. Other apps: "MenuTab for Imgur", "MenuTube for Youtube" and so on.


"Cloud for Dropbox" by Fresh Squeezed Apps. That's right, the app name doesn't match the name in the screenshot. Other apps: "App for Google Drive", "App for Youtube", "App for Facebook", ...


"App Box for Dropbox" by Longquan Zhu. Other apps: "App Box for Dropbox", "App Drive for OneDrive", "App Flix - Netflix Edition", ...


"App Box for Dropbox" by It's About Time Products. Other apps: "App for Instagram", "App for Gmail", "App for Facebook", ...



Tired of Dropbox already? How about some Netflix instead? It's About Time Products got you covered:


Here's "App Flix for Netflix", a menu bar app for Netflix. $2 for the app, $8 IAP to watch movies. The $2 price is a special Black Friday "discount", by the way. It's also the standard price, apparently.


Here's "App Flix Pro - Netflix edition", a menu bar app for Netflix. It's the paid equivalent (heh) of the previous app, so there's no IAP required to watch movies. $10 on Black Friday. After this weekend, the price will probably go back down to the $2 or something.


Here's "Streaming - Netflix edition", a menu bar app for Netflix. $10 IAP to unlock.


Here's "Play+ for Netflix", a web browser that displays a slightly tweaked version of the Netflix web interface with a few UI elements added (e.g. tabs). You can't actually watch Netflix with this app. It launches Safari when you want to watch a movie.


I am so fucking disgusted right now.


Here's another one of those assholes:

I am so fucking disgusted right now.

I mean, realistically I dunno what you could do about that except Apple tightening their restrictions to "no dumb apps".

And for a second, fulfilling Kickstarter backers on a Google Drive sheet while the missus was trying to watch Jessica Jones on my computer at the same time (as her '08 MB's GPU is slowly dying and resolves to a massive line through the center), I had a Real Abed moment and wished for PiP on OS X. Luckily there's the free Helium which worked quite nicely staying on top of my web browser so I could check backer info while maximizing Netflix real estate. A nifty little application, hadn't seen it mentioned.
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