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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


so I upgraded from a 2011 iMac to a 2013 rMBP last week.

whenever I try to open a quicktime movie that I created on the iMac, Quicktime has to convert the .mov file and then when I close QT, I need to re-save the reconverted version.

why is it doing this?

The Real Abed

Nope. WebKit 2 now uses a separate process per tab like Chrome, on top of it's already awesome process splitting introduced in ...Lion or Mountain Lion.
Oh yeah. I forgot Safari didn't even have this feature until now.

So even then, it stands that this is an amazing attention to detail. Makes it easy to identify what tabs are sucking up your processor and memory like Chrome allowed. Thanks, Apple.

Every little bit helps my transition from Chrome seem much smoother. (I loaded up Chrome yesterday for one little website and oh my god, I wanted to shoot myself at the slowness and sluggishness. And it was only one website in the entire browser. I didn't know it was so bad until I found something better.)


so I upgraded from a 2011 iMac to a 2013 rMBP last week.

whenever I try to open a quicktime movie that I created on the iMac, Quicktime has to convert the .mov file and then when I close QT, I need to re-save the reconverted version.

why is it doing this?

is this because I don't have Perian installed on my new machine?? Can't even remember if I had it on my old iMac (now sold).


Battery life has been crap (exaggeration) on Mavericks. Currently at 47 percent with 3:35 remaining (13 MBA). I can't really say how long it actually lasts but this past week I charged my laptop 3 times, when I used to only charge it once, sometimes twice but never three times. Pretty upset it turned the amazing battery life it used to have to a now average one.

Had the same issue after the update. Only 6 hours while IDLE!. I could basically see my battery life dwindle. Repaired Disk Permissions vis Disk Utility and performed a SMC reset.
Now I'm back at 10 hours Idle and 7 hours web browsing (Note my battery health is already down to 82% so it's quite a good number).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
is this because I don't have Perian installed on my new machine?? Can't even remember if I had it on my old iMac (now sold).

Apparently Perian doesn't work on mavericks and unfortunately it is not being developed anymore. I hope someone else released a similar codec bundle. :(
Good God, iTunes runs horribly in "Album" mode now. I don't know if its an issue with the 11.1.2 update, with Mavericks, or a combo of both. Until something gets fixed though, the "Album" view is literally unusable. Between all the weird shit going on with the Music app in iOS 7 and now iTunes, my love for Apple is starting to dissipate.
Good God, iTunes runs horribly in "Album" mode now. I don't know if its an issue with the 11.1.2 update, with Mavericks, or a combo of both. Until something gets fixed though, the "Album" view is literally unusable. Between all the weird shit going on with the Music app in iOS 7 and now iTunes, my love for Apple is starting to dissipate.

iTunes 11.1 has been a fairly buggy experience since the Betas. And now that it's a Spotify competitor, it's also missing several features that would make it competitive.

Personally, I'm disappointed the new Remote App didn't add a feature to allow users to queue songs on iTunes Radio for parties on Up Next. Would have been awesome and is such a no brainer.


I just updated my mid 2011 iMac (Lion) yesterday and so far everything seems to run faster than before, but I'm sure I'll find some bugs in the next few days !

I unplugged my Time Machine for the time being, just in case something bad happens in the next few days, that way I can come back to a stable machine, just for the safety
(oh, and I use ntfstuxera to write on a NTFS partition, not sure if it's the best but it works even faster on Mavericks than on Lion)
Wait, if I plug Time Machine back in after I update to Mavericks, I can revert back to Lion by using Time Machine?

edit: probably not


Finder has been relaunching itself every minute or so which is driving me crazy. It makes all icons flicker and resets all the view/sort preferences.


The Real Abed

One of my favorite things about Safari is how if I put an HTML5 based video into Fullscreen, it pops it out into a second fullscreen window so I can keep using my browser if I want while having the video on a second display. Makes me wish YouTube and other video sites would drop Flash completely. I hate that half the videos on YouTube are still Flash only. Flash videos don't benefit from the cool features. Sucks.

But I do also like that Safari automatically keeps non-important Flash embeds sleeping. Like advertisements. It only shows a static image instead of sucking down my battery with useless ads.

I'm also glad I can split and merge tabs while in fullscreen. Chrome requires you to leave fullscreen to put a tab into a new window. Then I can drag tabs between the windows. So nice.
Good God, iTunes runs horribly in "Album" mode now. I don't know if its an issue with the 11.1.2 update, with Mavericks, or a combo of both. Until something gets fixed though, the "Album" view is literally unusable. Between all the weird shit going on with the Music app in iOS 7 and now iTunes, my love for Apple is starting to dissipate.

I'm not on mavericks, but the new itunes is a piece of shit. Search doesn't work anymore either. Apple are really fucking up their software game.


hmm. itunes is still working OK for me but I'm in Canada so the itunes radio feature isn't working as yet. maybe that thing slows down the whole app if it's turned on in your country?

I can still search like before in 11.0 - just as fast. And album view - while it's always been a bit of a dog while scrolling - is not slower than that it was 12 months ago.

got a library of 15K songs and itunes match enabled.

oh wait... I'm on an rMBP with an SSD. the SSD probably makes all the difference.


I think the OS looks more segregated than ever before with Mavericks.

Calendar looks nice, but what about Game Center? It's crazy to think they are part of the same OS.
I think for the next upgrade, they need to level it out across the board.
I'm so happy I now have the option to do this:


Was this feature old or did they just add it? Cause I hated not being able to put anything before the main desktop after disabling dashboard. A simple swipe left gives me my calendar and that remains separate from everything else.


Had the same issue after the update. Only 6 hours while IDLE!. I could basically see my battery life dwindle. Repaired Disk Permissions vis Disk Utility and performed a SMC reset.
Now I'm back at 10 hours Idle and 7 hours web browsing (Note my battery health is already down to 82% so it's quite a good number).

What is a SMC-reset?

The Real Abed

I'm so happy I now have the option to do this:


Was this feature old or did they just add it? Cause I hated not being able to put anything before the main desktop after disabling dashboard. A simple swipe left gives me my calendar and that remains separate from everything else.
Yeah, it's really really nice putting stuff to the left of the Desktop now.

I just wish there was an option to have apps/FS windows remember their order if you quit them. Maybe they'd get priorities and could pop right back into place when they reappear. I like always having my browser immediately right. Fortunately rebooting isn't common. Still. If I have to quit the browser, I end up having to move it back into place again.
What is a SMC-reset?


Yeah, it's really really nice putting stuff to the left of the Desktop now.

I just wish there was an option to have apps/FS windows remember their order if you quit them. Maybe they'd get priorities and could pop right back into place when they reappear. I like always having my browser immediately right. Fortunately rebooting isn't common. Still. If I have to quit the browser, I end up having to move it back into place again.

My apps usually reopen in full screen but i've never actually paid attention to the order they open in... Maybe I should pay better attention then.

The Real Abed

My apps usually reopen in full screen but i've never actually paid attention to the order they open in... Maybe I should pay better attention then.
Depends on a few factors. Processor speed at the time, whether a butterfly flapped its wings a mile away, general random number generation. The usual. They pile themselves up in the order they appear, which is never the same because some apps take longer to open.


...hate me...
I'm so happy I now have the option to do this:


Was this feature old or did they just add it? Cause I hated not being able to put anything before the main desktop after disabling dashboard. A simple swipe left gives me my calendar and that remains separate from everything else.

Interesting. I really feel like I gotta level up my workflow. I'm so clunky, everything is all over the place. I'm not even taking advantage of Finder tabs, let alone spaces or fullscreen apps.

I'm doing away with Dashboard, taking Safari, Mail and Finder into fullscreen without any automatic spaces rearrangement and see where I can go from there.


What I don't like about Mission Control is that the desktops are arranged only horizontally. Spaces's grid back then was better; though I'd actually prefer a cross: One main desktop in the center, and 4 auxiliary desktops around it (e.g. apps I check infrequently for some information, like Calendar, Notes, Mail etc.).
But this wouldn't be perfect either, as I occasionally need multiple "main" desktops.


Quick question: anyone have a 2009 Macbook w/ traditional HDD and 2GB of ram? I'd like performance impressions.

Long of it: I actually upgraded to 10.8 from 10.6.8 but found a bunch of spinning beach ball occurrences, mostly on my wife's account (who knows whats going on there), but ultimately reverted because of Quicken 2004 not being supported.

I've found an $15 upgrade path from Quicken, but I just want to make sure that performance hasn't depreciated with this version. I'm not doing anything taxing on it anymore, really just want access to the iWork stuff so I can make damage sheets for Monster Hunter. ;)


we all knew her
I've got a late 2012 MBP running Mavericks and Parallels with Windows 7. For the entire time I've had this system, I have run Parallels full screen on a separate desktop without incident. Starting this morning, and without making any changes to program installations, software updates, etc., the system is constantly snapping from the Parallels window to my OSX desktop. I can use it for a couple minutes at a time before it happens, but it doesn't matter if I am actively working or not -- it will simply snap back to OSX. Any idea why this might be happening? I have tried rebooting, checking for updates, etc. with no luck. Thanks in advance for any help.


On my 2.4GHz C2D 320M 4GB Macbook, it does seem like it sped up the general cruddy feeling of Mountain Lion a fair bit. I'm not sure I would say it's back in Snow Leopard territory for responsiveness yet though, and it probably just breaks even with it for battery life (lion took a lot away that it never gave back with ML).

Is anyone else having Launchpad pause between pages?


Finder has been relaunching itself every minute or so which is driving me crazy. It makes all icons flicker and resets all the view/sort preferences.


My Finder window keeps disappearing and reloading, which takes away the ability to push the back button. Weird and annoying.

I started getting this same issue yesterday. It was terrible.

Looking it up, people noticed that quitting Google Drive would end the relaunching. Must be some kind of bug with it. Quitting Drive worked for me.


Yup, it's Google Drive. Out of the blue, my Finder kept crashing every minute yesterday, and it was driving me crazy. Did enough research to find out it was Drive, and turning it off indeed fixed the issue.


Can someone reproduce this behaviour? In Contacts, I created a new group and put a few contacts in it. Then I created a smart folder which is supposed to contain all contacts not in the previously created group. However, it is empty. Though when I reverse the rule ("is Member of"), then all contacts are there.

edit: Created another group, it worked. Deleted everything and started from scratch, didn't work. Starting yet again, now it works. Something's broken here.

edit 2: The smart folder is empty if my own contact is in the group. As soon as I remove it, the other contacts appear again.


RSS in Safari

Wondering if it's possible to use safari as I would an rss reader client. I don't want to miss any news and would like it to work over iCloud with my phone. It's never worked like I want it to in the past - like as simple as a service like feedly.

Hate the look and feel of feedly.


Apple got rid of RSS support in Safari 2 versions ago, I think.

If you can wait, Reeder 2 will be coming out soon and will support feedly and other services, so you won't need to go to the website.

readkit supports a lot of services now and is pretty decent

Deku Tree

I just got an iMessage on my computer. But so far it has not showed up on my phone... Weird. Also the shows up with a yellow bubble. I never saw a yellow message bubble in iMessage before...

The Real Abed

I just got an iMessage on my computer. But so far it has not showed up on my phone... Weird. Also the shows up with a yellow bubble. I never saw a yellow message bubble in iMessage before...
Is it from someone you know? I'd ask for pics or it didn't happen but it's probably private.

All I know is when I switched it Mavericks and had AOL turned on I instantly got a dozen weird non-Apple looking requests from random emails asking to be my Jabber friend. I don't know what the fuck Jabber is but needless to say I dumped AOL right then and there. They were all obviously spam bots and cam girls. Same shit I get on Skype which is why I don't keep that running all the time.


Is there any way to adjust the number of servers/documents/apps that appear in Recent Items separately, like you used to be able to (Snow Leopard and below, I believe)?

I need to know because of reasons.

Deku Tree

Is it from someone you know? I'd ask for pics or it didn't happen but it's probably private.

Yes it is from someone I know, and yes it is private. Apparently I just figured out that iMessage preferences on Mac now allows you to change your standard bubble color. And if you are messaging someone on a Mac they also see your preferred bubble color (unless you set your preferences away from "automatic" for the senders color). You have eight colors to choose from.

BTW the iMessages just showed up on my phone about 20 minutes late...
I just got an iMessage on my computer. But so far it has not showed up on my phone... Weird. Also the shows up with a yellow bubble. I never saw a yellow message bubble in iMessage before...

They don't always push at the same time for whatever reason. The colour thing is a new feature, look in preferences under 'viewing', and you can set your colour and the colour of the correspondent's. If it's automatic you get a range of colours.

Edit: apparently I should always preview my posts in case the person asking the question responds to themselves fifteen minutes before my reply, lest I look like an idiot.


we all knew her
I've got a late 2012 MBP running Mavericks and Parallels with Windows 7. For the entire time I've had this system, I have run Parallels full screen on a separate desktop without incident. Starting this morning, and without making any changes to program installations, software updates, etc., the system is constantly snapping from the Parallels window to my OSX desktop. I can use it for a couple minutes at a time before it happens, but it doesn't matter if I am actively working or not -- it will simply snap back to OSX. Any idea why this might be happening? I have tried rebooting, checking for updates, etc. with no luck. Thanks in advance for any help.

Update: When I just leave my screen on the main desktop, it appears to be redrawing the screen at the same interval that it will whisk me out of Parallels. The only thing I have open on OSX is Chrome with 2-3 tabs. I have 16GB of RAM. This is incredibly aggravating.

Update 2: This appears to be a problem with Parallels. Since I refuse to uninstall and reinstall Parallels every time I reboot my machine, I suppose I will have to wait for a fix from them.


Anyone still holding out with Snow Leopard despite Mavericks being free? Just curious. I was half thinking about going back to it and putting Mavericks on a dual boot if I need it, no update since then has matched its 30 seconds on hard drive boot times, general performance, and I don't even think battery life.
Actually I never heard of that, but on the other hand... it's damn easy to recreate such a thing on OS X.

File > New Smart Folder

Point the search to your system HD and set the rules of that search. Modified or created in the last day. Or 2 days. Or 3! Go crazy.
You can even make additional rules so it filters unwanted file sizes or filetypes, or only shows you specific ones that you want.

Then save. Show in sidebar. Done.

Thanks! Only got back from a trip today, so I just tried it and that is indeed an easy fix. Awesome!
Does anyone know how to get the display icon back to the menu bar. There seems to be a checkbox for it in the system preferences settings but it doesn't show up.
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