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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(

The Real Abed

You can also just hit the Go menu in Finder, then hold OPT until Library appears.
I hate to say this but I think that feature stopped working in Mavericks.

Fortunately I made my Library visible and have a GeekTool script run every few minutes to make it visible again in case OS X decides to hide it again.


I hate to say this but I think that feature stopped working in Mavericks.

Fortunately I made my Library visible and have a GeekTool script run every few minutes to make it visible again in case OS X decides to hide it again.

Holding down option and clicking Go/pressing option while the Go menu is open still shows the Library on my 10.9 install.


So I decided to go with Safari from now on.
However there are still some things that bug me, could someone maybe help me with those:

  1. If I select a text it sometimes does it weirdly (specially if I select through double clicking on text)

    I would like it to only select "Thanks. Got it" when double clicking into that line and not select all the free space that comes after that
  2. The address (url) bar simply sucks. I only want my bookmarks suggested, nothing more and no autofilling when I start typing, also who needs that reader option, why can't I get rid of that. Besides that I don't need a auto filling / suggested (history) search, for example when typing something into the GAF search that starts with a letter I used in a previous search.
  3. When the history is deleted Safari also deletes all my bookmark favicons, seem odd going through my bookmarks like this afterwards.
  4. Restoring the last closed tabs. Okay, so in other browsers this is handled through cmd shift t in Safari it is cmd z but it can only restores one tab. Yes I could restore tabs through the history but a command is much better for that.
  5. And, since we are on NeoGAF what is the best way to pause a gif. Sometimes the text is appearing so fast that I have to watch the gif 3 times till I finally get it. In Firefox I had a add on for which let me pause and resume the gif by pressing ctrl m, for Safari I only found this and have no idea what to do with it.

I really like Safari and am happy I did the change, however these few things kind of bother me still, after all the adjusting I already went though.

Oh and yeah, I already tried everything I could find through various Google searches, but nothing helped getting the Finder load times back to normal. When I edited a picture in Photoshop or when I want to upload a picture though ablod.de and select a other location than the preloaded one it just doesn't or takes very long to load it, on an SSD, yeah. Based on the searches I think it is because of the sleep mode but even some terminal codes that should have got rid of it only helped for some time. Anyone found a good fix for that?

I'm very happy for every help I might get.
Any way to get rid of the "bounce" effect when you scroll to the end of, say, a pdf in preview? The command line tricks I used before don't seem to work anymore.

The Real Abed

Holding down option and clicking Go/pressing option while the Go menu is open still shows the Library on my 10.9 install.

Same here.

No it still works for me in Mavericks. Go + OPT = Library Folder
My mistake. I forgot I changed the combination to Command+Control+Option+L. I don't remember why I did that though.

So I decided to go with Safari from now on.
However there are still some things that bug me, could someone maybe help me with those:

  1. If I select a text it sometimes does it weirdly (specially if I select through double clicking on text)
If you select a few pixels too much, it selects the rest of the DIV. Just select the text. I have tested this myself. It's very easy to only select the text. Not that it matters since there's no text in that empty area you showed. It's not like it'll get copied to the clipboard.

  1. Restoring the last closed tabs. Okay, so in other browsers this is handled through cmd shift t in Safari it is cmd z but it can only restores one tab. Yes I could restore tabs through the history but a command is much better for that.
I know. This is so inferior to how both Chrome and Firefox do it. Command+Z is meant for text. Not undoing closing a tab. It means you can't go back more than the most recent tab. And if you happen to do anything else after closing a tab, you can't reopen it because the Undo has now been replaced. How Apple could think this is a good idea is beyond me. People need to report this as a bug and tell them to change it to how every other browser does it. Tab history should not be mixed in with text history.

I really like Safari and am happy I did the change, however these few things kind of bother me still, after all the adjusting I already went though.
I switched from Chrome. And while I also have problems, I have adjusted so well so far. Stick with it and you'll never go back. I can't even stand relaunching Chrome anymore. I have all but deleted Chrome from my Mac (It's gone from my iOS devices already) and unsubscribed from the Chrome thread.

Safari just runs so much nicer most of the time.

I have complaints of my own too. But I can't think of them all, I'll just list a few...

  • Extensions are few and far between. A lot of them on the so-called Extensions Gallery are dead links because instead of hosting them on Apple.com they're on each developers personal site. And a LOT OF THEM are dead. And a large amount are also old and outdated and no-longer work since they were designed for Safari 5. (If ANYONE can find a Statusbar extension that works like Ultimate Statusbar used to, let me know. US stopped working. So now I have to keep the useless built-in status bar enabled just to see where a link goes. It's so useless. They should have replaced it with Chrome-like status bar a long time ago. I miss Ultimate Statusbar.) And their Gallery doesn't even have a goddamned SEARCH feature.
  • I can't remove the Reader button and the + button from my Addressbar. The + is useless and the Reader is useless to me. But they're glued there like sequins on a prom dress.
  • I had to add a Reload button extension because I can't stand that tiny little reload button in the address bar. It's bad enough on iOS. Why so tiny? Why there?
  • I can't find an extension that lets me inject JavaScript and HTML into webpages like Chrome's "Personalized Web Options" extension. I used this for some really cool stuff. I miss it. Fortunately there are a couple extensions for tweaking CSS. But I really need to inject JavaScript too.
  • I also miss having a Clock extension to let me see the time in Fullscreen. Fortunately I work around it by just swiping up with four fingers into Mission Control where I have a custom Bowtie Bowlet showing the time in the corner.
  • Their "Tab Overview" feature is pretty useless compared to Chrome's. I'd prefer having all the tabs in a grid instead of a long list that I have to continuously swipe between...
  • Speaking of grids, I LOVE that Safari's NTP lets me put custom sites in the grid of icons and change the amount shown. Sooooo glad.... BUT, WHY can't I change the thumbnail? It's really really bad. Because a lot of sites will not show their content for a few seconds, so a bunch of my thumbnails are of loading screens (Plex/Web, Capital One) and login screens (Twitter, FaceBook) or missing image placeholders because the images don't load fast enough. Why not let me change them to icons for the site? I tried changing the JPG in the cache folder and locking it, but Safari just makes a new one to replace it. Bah. It looks so bad. Also worse when sites that change their title to reflect notifications and stuff will get that number in its thumbnail until next time it updates. Like Twitter that says "(13) Twitter" right now. Let me customize the title!
  • It doesn't remember your Zoom level for some reason. Thankfully a workaround is to use an extension that lets you apply CSS to webpages (I use QuickStyle) and add "zoom: 1xx%;" to the "body" element. From then on it remembers your zoom for that site. If only Safari could automatically fit sites like on iOS browsers. Maybe that might not be a good idea. I dunno.

But other than that, I love Safari. It works so well. The 1Password extension is so much better. The Share button is useful. The built-in Reading List has replaced my Pocket completely. After 8 years being away, I am back to Safari.


Welp, Apple finally tripped the OCD part of my brain regarding these round icons. I thought that the new revised icon for iTunes 11 heralded a return to nicer icons after iTunes 10 presented that rather unrefined, ugly one that migrated to the App Store. But no, we've now got iBooks with a flatter design so there's three icons that should all look similar--


It only took me 30 minutes to make them look the same, if not as polished as the iTunes one. C'mon, Apple. I get that a UI redesign is probably coming in 10.10 (I for one am frightened about what Ive might do to Aqua after seeing iOS 7), but at least make your applications a bit more consistent in the meantime.



Question - Can I delete the apps that are saved on my mac in the Mobile Applications Folder? I really don't need them saved in iTunes under the iTunes Media Folder.

29 GB of nothing - I use iCloud now.


But other than that, I love Safari. It works so well. The 1Password extension is so much better. The Share button is useful. The built-in Reading List has replaced my Pocket completely. After 8 years being away, I am back to Safari.
Yeah, that puts it well, the overall performance and design is worth it, hopefully your and mine points will addressed in the future.

The Real Abed

Question - Can I delete the apps that are saved on my mac in the Mobile Applications Folder? I really don't need them saved in iTunes under the iTunes Media Folder.

29 GB of nothing - I use iCloud now.
I will speak from experience.

You can delete the apps from iTunes. Make sure to uncheck Apps in iTunes Preferences. Just do all app purchasing on your devices. And hide the Apps item in the sidebar.

The only problems are a few bugs:

One, and it's very minor. When you sync, the apps section of the colored space used bar disappears for a little while.

Two, you can't easily remove or add apps using iTunes itself. But you can manage them. But removing the apps basically makes the side listing of apps useless.

Three, also people have mentioned that if you delete it from your system, you can't revert back to an older version of the app if say a bad update comes out. This isn't as big a deal as you'd think, but occasionally it might be a concern. ALSO if you delete the apps from your system, if the app gets removed from the store, you cannot get it back when you switch to a new device or do a full reinstall of an iOS device.

Four, if you purchase an app in iTunes, the Apps item in the sidebar will reappear and the app will download to your machine. You'll have to hide it and delete it again.


I hate to say this but I think that feature stopped working in Mavericks.

Fortunately I made my Library visible and have a GeekTool script run every few minutes to make it visible again in case OS X decides to hide it again.

What does the script do? I remember my Library getting hidden again in ML when I used the Terminal, but since I enabled the "official" option in Mavericks (Home folder -> View Options), it has always stayed visible.

By the way, you seem to have missed my previous post about putting the drive list into the Dock? It should work, I've tried it.

The Real Abed

What does the script do? I remember my Library getting hidden again in ML when I used the Terminal, but since I enabled the "official" option in Mavericks (Home folder -> View Options), it has always stayed visible.
I use the following command in a GeekTool script: chflags nohidden ~/Library/

I didn't know Mavericks finally put an option in to show it! Guess I can get rid of the script.

By the way, you seem to have missed my previous post about putting the drive list into the Dock? It should work, I've tried it.
I saw it. But I don't like how clunky it is to have just the Volumes folder there. I'd rather have it be the real Computer folder with everything that that folder has. But it works. I gave it a custom icon of the computer icon. But I have a feeling an update or reboot will change that. I'll use it for now. I'd much rather Apple let us put the actual Computer there though.
My MBP is slower at times and I see the spinning wheel more often now

You have 8GB of RAM. Hopefully that is expected. You're using 6.6GB. You aren't using any swap, which is good-- swap usage would be the source of slowness if memory was the problem.

Of the 6.6GB, 3.3 is used by your applications, while the rest is split between caching and wired. Caching improves file access speed. Wired memory is used by the system.

Unused memory is wasted, so over time the memory used number should approach 8; this isn't a problem unless you are also using swap. The system will reclaim both application and caching memory as needed once there is none free.


[*]Extensions are few and far between. A lot of them on the so-called Extensions Gallery are dead links because instead of hosting them on Apple.com they're on each developers personal site. And a LOT OF THEM are dead. And a large amount are also old and outdated and no-longer work since they were designed for Safari 5. (If ANYONE can find a Statusbar extension that works like Ultimate Statusbar used to, let me know. US stopped working. So now I have to keep the useless built-in status bar enabled just to see where a link goes. It's so useless. They should have replaced it with Chrome-like status bar a long time ago. I miss Ultimate Statusbar.) And their Gallery doesn't even have a goddamned SEARCH feature.

Ultimate Status Bar works for me with Safari 7, as long as I keep App Sleep disabled (via the Debug menu, Miscellaneous Flags).

But Invisible Status Bar typically works with or without App Sleep disabled. It doesn't do as much stuff as Ultimate Status Bar though.

I'm pretty sure App Nap is the dumbest thing to ever happen to computers.

Edit: I was using Invisible Status Bar, but I like Ultimate Status Bar a lot better. Thanks for introducing it to me, lol
Mavericks was definitely a downgrade for me. It runs so much choppier than ML and its been eating my RAM like crazy, and I have no idea why.

Working great on my three Macs.

By "eating RAM" do you mean you're swapping or you have less free? If it's the latter, that's kind of the point. Free RAM is wasted RAM.

Deku Tree

Mavericks + "the Cloud" is the greatest way to use a desktop or laptop computer IMO.
My job gives me "free" 50GB of Cloud storage through "Box".
Box gives you a desktop folder on your computers and an iOS app.
So all my data is present effortlessly where-ever I am what-ever computer I am using.
Love it.


Working great on my three Macs.

By "eating RAM" do you mean you're swapping or you have less free? If it's the latter, that's kind of the point. Free RAM is wasted RAM.

I never understood that mentality.

It's like you want more freed up RAM? It makes no sense. I guess it's a sign you have EXCESS RAM, as opposed to too little, but Mac OSX will use what you have to be efficient.

It's not HD space.
Working great on my three Macs.

By "eating RAM" do you mean you're swapping or you have less free? If it's the latter, that's kind of the point. Free RAM is wasted RAM.

I've seen a case where the kernel had a thread leak in Mavericks, and a case where I was swapping 900MB with 8GB, when my computer had no business swapping.

Of course, I didn't notice anything.


I will speak from experience.

You can delete the apps from iTunes. Make sure to uncheck Apps in iTunes Preferences. Just do all app purchasing on your devices. And hide the Apps item in the sidebar.

The only problems are a few bugs:

One, and it's very minor. When you sync, the apps section of the colored space used bar disappears for a little while.

Two, you can't easily remove or add apps using iTunes itself. But you can manage them. But removing the apps basically makes the side listing of apps useless.

Three, also people have mentioned that if you delete it from your system, you can't revert back to an older version of the app if say a bad update comes out. This isn't as big a deal as you'd think, but occasionally it might be a concern. ALSO if you delete the apps from your system, if the app gets removed from the store, you cannot get it back when you switch to a new device or do a full reinstall of an iOS device.

Four, if you purchase an app in iTunes, the Apps item in the sidebar will reappear and the app will download to your machine. You'll have to hide it and delete it again.
Thanks, I'm going to delete them.

No issues with #1.

No issues with #2.

No issues with #3, only app I've ever needed in the last 5 years has been VLC, before it was re-added to the app store this year.

No issues with #4, I'll just leave the app section there, no biggie.

Yeaaahh, saved 30 GB. Thx!!

The Real Abed

I'm so not used to my browser on my Mac correcting my typos that I keep catching them and trying to fix them after Safari has already fixed them. Chrome completely fucked me over in that regard. I love you Safari 7. You work the way an OS X app should.


Is there an easy way to install Mavericks (or Mountain Lion, for that matter) on a Mac which is not officially supported? For example, we have a bunch of 2007 Mac Minis at my work; they are Core 2 Duos so they should be 64-bit compatible... is there a way to make it work or are they stuck on Snow Leopard forever?

The Real Abed

Is there an easy way to install Mavericks (or Mountain Lion, for that matter) on a Mac which is not officially supported? For example, we have a bunch of 2007 Mac Minis at my work; they are Core 2 Duos so they should be 64-bit compatible... is there a way to make it work or are they stuck on Snow Leopard forever?
They probably still have 32-bit EFI so no. They will be stuck.
Is there an easy way to install Mavericks (or Mountain Lion, for that matter) on a Mac which is not officially supported?

The problem is that 10.8/10.9 require 64-bit EFI. While you have 64-bit CPUs, the firmware was never updated by Apple. You can use a third party boot loader (making it a hackintosh), though. This is as much as I know, I replaced my first-gen Mac Pro to get around the issue instead.


Mavericks installation broke my BF's boot partition for his Bootcamp/Windows. Seems to be a well-documented problem on Apple's forums. :(

Any solutions? :(


Is there an easy way to install Mavericks (or Mountain Lion, for that matter) on a Mac which is not officially supported? For example, we have a bunch of 2007 Mac Minis at my work; they are Core 2 Duos so they should be 64-bit compatible... is there a way to make it work or are they stuck on Snow Leopard forever?
Lion is supported on them I think, although with the limited RAM support on them it's arguably better to stick with Snow Leopard.

Regardless of the EFI you're boned cause the GPU, they cut off GMA950 support as of Mountain Lion.


I can't download the latest update of flash. I get an error no matter which browser I use to download it or etc. It just says general flash error. I uninstalled flash ,restarted my computer and it still doesnt work. So now I don't have flash.

Cnay anyone help?
I can't download the latest update of flash. I get an error no matter which browser I use to download it or etc. It just says general flash error. I uninstalled flash ,restarted my computer and it still doesnt work. So now I don't have flash.

Cnay anyone help?

Make sure all the Flash-related files have been deleted from your computer in the Library directories.


So I posted this in the tech support thread but I don't know if this would be a better place to put it:

Alright so I feel like I'm screwed...

Trying to upgrade my MacBook Pro to OSX And it keeps telling me that my disk needs repaired and when I try to repair it, it won't work. I can't get to anything other than the trying to install OSX screen. I was in the middle of doing a PowerPoint and word document for school. I saved them but now I can't even get to my desktop. I have tried googling everything and I can't figure it out. Am I fucked?

I would appreciate any help if you guys could. I keep trying to repair the disk so that osx can install but it keeps getting stopped. Also, looks like I have no time machine backups to restore from.. Great.

If you guys could help me ASAP that would be great, got a paper and PowerPoint due tomorrow by 3pm and it seems like my whole computer is broke


So I posted this in the tech support thread but I don't know if this would be a better place to put it:

Alright so I feel like I'm screwed...

Trying to upgrade my MacBook Pro to OSX And it keeps telling me that my disk needs repaired and when I try to repair it, it won't work. I can't get to anything other than the trying to install OSX screen. I was in the middle of doing a PowerPoint and word document for school. I saved them but now I can't even get to my desktop. I have tried googling everything and I can't figure it out. Am I fucked?

I would appreciate any help if you guys could. I keep trying to repair the disk so that osx can install but it keeps getting stopped. Also, looks like I have no time machine backups to restore from.. Great.

If you guys could help me ASAP that would be great, got a paper and PowerPoint due tomorrow by 3pm and it seems like my whole computer is broke

I work at a center that handles AppleCare and I'm specific to the Mac OS X Advisor team. Based on what you've told us, I think visiting an Apple Retail Store would be your best bet. Take it in and have somebody look at it. If you can't get it to verify/repair the disk, there's likely a problem with the HDD. It might come down to getting a new one installed and seeing what can be salvaged from that old one.

It sounds like you've done everything we'd go through with you over the phone, but if you want to call AppleCare and double-check, ask for a Senior Advisor/Supervisor as the initial Advisor will likely take you through the steps you've already gone through. And if you're worried about being charged for the call, everyone who installed Mavericks gets 90 days of free phone support, so take advantage of that.

Just have your serial number handy if at all possible and remember to be kind to your phone tech as they'll really appreciate it! I know I always do. :) Good luck!


I work at a center that handles AppleCare and I'm specific to the Mac OS X Advisor team. Based on what you've told us, I think visiting an Apple Retail Store would be your best bet. Take it in and have somebody look at it. If you can't get it to verify/repair the disk, there's likely a problem with the HDD. It might come down to getting a new one installed and seeing what can be salvaged from that old one.

It sounds like you've done everything we'd go through with you over the phone, but if you want to call AppleCare and double-check, ask for a Senior Advisor/Supervisor as the initial Advisor will likely take you through the steps you've already gone through. And if you're worried about being charged for the call, everyone who installed Mavericks gets 90 days of free phone support, so take advantage of that.

Just have your serial number handy if at all possible and remember to be kind to your phone tech as they'll really appreciate it! I know I always do. :) Good luck!

Thanks for the fast reply, I really appreciate it. Is there any possible way I get back to the OS I was using and just act like I never wanna upgrade to Mav? Or has that train left the building. I really wanna be able to finish this ppt/paper but looks like that may be completely out of the question if I gotta go to the store.

edit: also, would it cost me money to go to the retail store and have it checked out?


Thanks for the fast reply, I really appreciate it. Is there any possible way I get back to the OS I was using and just act like I never wanna upgrade to Mav? Or has that train left the building. I really wanna be able to finish this ppt/paper but looks like that may be completely out of the question if I gotta go to the store.

edit: also, would it cost me money to go to the retail store and have it checked out?

As far as downgrading, I imagine you could just boot from a USB stick with another OS installed. I expect doing anything less than a clean install could cause issues, however.


Thanks for the fast reply, I really appreciate it. Is there any possible way I get back to the OS I was using and just act like I never wanna upgrade to Mav? Or has that train left the building. I really wanna be able to finish this ppt/paper but looks like that may be completely out of the question if I gotta go to the store.

edit: also, would it cost me money to go to the retail store and have it checked out?

1 - It really sounds like the HDD is damaged. I don't think you could complete the process of downgrading, which you could really only do if you had a Snow Leopard install disc.

2 - 15 minute consultations are free at the Apple Store. From there, it will depend on your AppleCare/Warranty and what needs to be done.



1 - It really sounds like the HDD is damaged. I don't think you could complete the process of downgrading, which you could really only do if you had a Snow Leopard install disc.

2 - 15 minute consultations are free at the Apple Store. From there, it will depend on your AppleCare/Warranty and what needs to be done.


So for lack of a better term I'm screwed until I go to the store? There's no way to get it back to working tonight at all?

I'm sure a new HDD and getting them to fix it is gonna cost me an arm and a leg, this is great.

I should have never tried to upgrade and I would be fine right now. I really hate my life.

Edit: I try to repair the HDD that says 250.06 GB Fujitsu MJA2250BH FFS G1 Media And it says ok at the end with nothing in red. Then I try to verify and it tells me that it can't be verified and the disk needs to be repaired. I then try to repair and it tells me "Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click repair disk"

Then I could choose the thing under that which is "Macintosh HD" and that doesn't have an option to repair it at all and when I choose to verify it tells me that it cannot and something stopped it.

I have two other things located under "SuperDrive" they are "OS X Install ESD" which has no option to repair anything and "OS X base system" which has no option to repair either.
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