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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


I was just about to restore my non-iBooks ebooks from my backup disk, but apparently I had excluded the Music folder from Time Machine..

They were still on my iPad, so I tried to sync them, but it deleted them from the iPad instead. Ugh.

edit: They're in the MobileSync folder in the Library of the backup disk. I grepped for a few unique terms and got results. But they're in some kind of obscure format. No idea how to get them out of there, yet.

I've got them back. I was not able to extract them from the iPhone backup, but I found them in ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.BKAgentService/Data/Documents/iBooks on my Time Machine backup. The epub files do have random names now, but fortunately most of my files were PDFs anyway, which have their original names. Phew.
Can anyone suggest a reason as to why the "update all apps" button in iTunes would be greyed out? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Annoying to have to open each app and individually update.

I have the same problem, one App of mine says 'updating' and has done so for weeks... :-/


I just upgraded to Mavericks on a 2007 macbook pro. I'd like to try a game that will allow me to use a Six Axis or Dual Shock 3.

Any recommendations for a decent game that will run well? I don't have steam so If I could just get a game I can DL or buy in a store would be great!

Also, does it matter if I'm pairing a DS3 or Six Axis? I'd like to use an old Six Axis I have laying around if possible.


I was looking at some threads yesterday with gifs, and noticed that they would only play once or twice, and then stop. However, they would start playing again whenever I was scrolling or moving my mouse around. I understand that turning gifs off probably helps save battery life, but the only app I had on screen was Safari. And I have an iMac—I don't care about battery life!

Luckily disabling "App Sleep" via the debug menu seems to have fixed this. But it's kind of ridiculous that Apple thinks I want my web content to turn off after one view.


Is the only way to reinstall a built in app (in my case Mail.app) to reinstall the whole OS? Some Googling suggests so, which seems fucking stupid. It crashes every time I open it on my newer Mac Mini (but runs perfect on my ancient Macbook Air).


Is the only way to reinstall a built in app (in my case Mail.app) to reinstall the whole OS? Some Googling suggests so, which seems fucking stupid. It crashes every time I open it on my newer Mac Mini (but runs perfect on my ancient Macbook Air).

You could try wiping out all its setting files.


~/Library/Mail Downloads

That should restore it to factory settings when you reopen it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I just noticed something. Quicklook aparently can't open up a bunch of avi files I have. When I try to open them up in Quicktime, it starts some sort of converting process but it is really slow. The files open up just fine in other video players. Is this an issue with Perian? or something else? I noticed that Perian will not be updated anymore, is there something else out there that is similar?


VLC or MPlayerX are really your main choices, and both fall far short of being perfect (or at least as good as Windows options like MPC-HC).


Setec Astronomer
VLC or MPlayerX are really your main choices, and both fall far short of being perfect (or at least as good as Windows options like MPC-HC).
MPlayerX next-ep autoload makes it better than almost anything, even if 1080p performance isn't as good.
Ever since upgrading to Mavericks, MPlayerX stutters like mad when scanning or skipping around a video.

Quicktime is smooth as butter, but I hate its interface. Hope there's a fix soon...
Youtube video wont play in HD anymore. When ever i switch to HD resolutions, it pauses to a black screen and will never resume. It happened after installing Maverick and has been bugging me for a few days now. Im using Chrome.


Ever since upgrading to Mavericks, MPlayerX stutters like mad when scanning or skipping around a video.

Quicktime is smooth as butter, but I hate its interface. Hope there's a fix soon...
Are you on the newest version? If you're using the Mac App Store one they no longer support updates for that, so you need to download from their website. I haven't had any issues with it on Mavericks at all.


Setec Astronomer
Yeah, Mac App Store imposes a bunch of restrictions that make it not a good option for some programs. The MPlayerX dev decided to stop fighting it.


You could try wiping out all its setting files.


~/Library/Mail Downloads

That should restore it to factory settings when you reopen it.
Not sure if it matters once all those are deleted, but there's also:

~/Library/Saved Application State
I just noticed something. Quicklook aparently can't open up a bunch of avi files I have. When I try to open them up in Quicktime, it starts some sort of converting process but it is really slow. The files open up just fine in other video players. Is this an issue with Perian? or something else? I noticed that Perian will not be updated anymore, is there something else out there that is similar?
QT got changed up a bit again, iirc QTX and Quicklook doesn't use the old plugin architecture (which Perian is on) at all anymore.


Apparently they've removed the options to disable the elastic bounce when scrolling and to display dock icons of hidden apps transparently. Great.
I just upgraded to Mavericks on a 2007 macbook pro. I'd like to try a game that will allow me to use a Six Axis or Dual Shock 3.

Any recommendations for a decent game that will run well? I don't have steam so If I could just get a game I can DL or buy in a store would be great!

Also, does it matter if I'm pairing a DS3 or Six Axis? I'd like to use an old Six Axis I have laying around if possible.

Get Steam, it's free! You have no excuse. As for games that would be good with a controller, Super Meat Boy or Spelunky (or any 2D platformer) would be good. Check out the Steam OT on Gaming side for more advice!

As for a DS3 or Six Axis, I don't think it would matter.
Forgive me for asking that may have been asked many times before:

What happend to the "Today" tab on the left hand side in Finder? It used to be at the location where those new colorful tabs are. I used it all the time! I can sort "all files" by "date created", but that takes ages and nearly locks up my old macbook.

Is there an easy way to see recently modified files?


...hate me...
Forgive me for asking that may have been asked many times before:

What happend to the "Today" tab on the left hand side in Finder? It used to be at the location where those new colorful tabs are. I used it all the time! I can sort "all files" by "date created", but that takes ages and nearly locks up my old macbook.

Is there an easy way to see recently modified files?
Actually I never heard of that, but on the other hand... it's damn easy to recreate such a thing on OS X.

File > New Smart Folder

Point the search to your system HD and set the rules of that search. Modified or created in the last day. Or 2 days. Or 3! Go crazy.
You can even make additional rules so it filters unwanted file sizes or filetypes, or only shows you specific ones that you want.

Then save. Show in sidebar. Done.

The Real Abed

Apparently they've removed the options to disable the elastic bounce when scrolling and to display dock icons of hidden apps transparently. Great.
The transparent hidden icons has never been a visible option. And it still works. You have to use a third party program as usual.


The transparent hidden icons has never been a visible option. And it still works. You have to use a third party program as usual.

Yeah, for some reason the option was never accessible in System Settings.
Are you sure it works? Because I just tried it a second time, and it doesn't.

Instead of an app, I used this Terminal one-liner:
defaults write com.apple.Dock showhidden -bool YES; killall Dock

..which I'm pretty sure is exactly what third party apps do.

The Real Abed

Yeah, for some reason the option was never accessible in System Settings.
Are you sure it works? Because I just tried it a second time, and it doesn't.

Instead of an app, I used this Terminal one-liner:

..which I'm pretty sure is exactly what third party apps do.
It works for me. Never stopped working. I've had it enabled for 10 years and it's survived through countless updates.


It works for me. Never stopped working. I've had it enabled for 10 years and it's survived through countless updates.

That's interesting. In that case, the only explanation I can think of is that they renamed the key in the plist and/or moved it to a different file.
I hope someone will find the new one soon.
Just want to post that I got my screensaver working again.

Fix: change screensaver time from original to "1 minute". Test screensaver, and should work immediately. If it does, then set it back to the original time (mine was 5 minutes).


It has been a while since I updated anything on my 2008 iMac. Mavericks works, at least.

Is Safari not doing RSS a new thing?
What do you guys think of Safari on Mavericks? For me it's destroyed everything when it comes to video playback. On Chrome It's impossible for me to stream 1080p videos on Youtube, but Safari streams it like a dream.

The Real Abed

What do you guys think of Safari on Mavericks? For me it's destroyed everything when it comes to video playback. On Chrome It's impossible for me to stream 1080p videos on Youtube, but Safari streams it like a dream.
Dumped Chrome a few days after Mavericks was released. Have pretty much all but finished my transition.

Was only going to be a week trial, but the benefits of the new Safari so heavily outweigh the negatives and missing things that I have easily gotten over it. Sure, Safari misses some things I want, but I can only hope in time they get added or tweaked. But nothing so big that it's a deal breaker.

Already moved Safari into Chrome's old location on my LaunchPad and iOS Homescreens. Already deleted Chrome from my iPhone and iPad. Still keep it on my Mac for now, but not for long I suspect. Plus it's hell of a lot faster on my super slow Mac mini. And it has better plugin sleeping and won't actually wake them up until I bring the tab forward. So no more loading up my browser and having a half a dozen YouTube videos playing all at once that I need to hunt down and stop.

It does struggle a bit with many tabs, but I've tweaked my workflow to not keep so many open at once and put stuff on my Reading List sooner than I used to.

Sorry, Chrome. I don't think I'm going to go back.


Why does iBooks use so much energy? Every time I have it open, it is always in the drop down for apps using significant energy -- an Apple designed app at that.

That seems strange. Why would an e-reader be using so much energy?


So, question. Does Mavericks improve performance? I have a late 2011 iMac, and I've noticed it can get pretty slow at times. My Windows 7 boot is much faster.

I'm a little sceptical of Apple slowly making old hardware slower with new software updates, so I'm hesitant to update. I skipped Mountain Lion, still on Lion. Should I look at other ways to speed it up? Not sure what to do.

Also, I have Time Machine backing my data up. Should I be unplugging the external hard drive I'm using during the update just in case?

Guess Who

So, question. Does Mavericks improve performance? I have a late 2011 iMac, and I've noticed it can get pretty slow at times. My Windows 7 boot is much faster.

I'm a little sceptical of Apple slowly making old hardware slower with new software updates, so I'm hesitant to update. I skipped Mountain Lion, still on Lion. Should I look at other ways to speed it up? Not sure what to do.

Also, I have Time Machine backing my data up. Should I be unplugging the external hard drive I'm using during the update just in case?

Mavericks is faster than Mountain Lion, which was faster than Lion, at least in my experience.


So, question. Does Mavericks improve performance? I have a late 2011 iMac, and I've noticed it can get pretty slow at times. My Windows 7 boot is much faster.

I'm a little sceptical of Apple slowly making old hardware slower with new software updates, so I'm hesitant to update. I skipped Mountain Lion, still on Lion. Should I look at other ways to speed it up? Not sure what to do.

Also, I have Time Machine backing my data up. Should I be unplugging the external hard drive I'm using during the update just in case?

Mavericks has made huge improvements on my 2009 MBP 15".

Really the best things you can do to speed up your mac are put in an SSD, make sure you have boatloads of RAM and install Mavericks.

Or buy a brand new one I guess :p


Cool! Should I unplug my backup hard drive?

edit: Slightly off-topic. I need to free up some space in order to install this. I have an external hard drive, but it's NTFS. What's the best way for a mac to write to it?
Battery life has been crap (exaggeration) on Mavericks. Currently at 47 percent with 3:35 remaining (13 MBA). I can't really say how long it actually lasts but this past week I charged my laptop 3 times, when I used to only charge it once, sometimes twice but never three times. Pretty upset it turned the amazing battery life it used to have to a now average one.

Guess Who

Battery life has been crap (exaggeration) on Mavericks. Currently at 47 percent with 3:35 remaining (13 MBA). I can't really say how long it actually lasts but this past week I charged my laptop 3 times, when I used to only charge it once, sometimes twice but never three times. Pretty upset it turned the amazing battery life it used to have to a now average one.

Pretty much everyone else has the opposite experience. Have you used Activity Monitor to see if something in particular is draining the battery?


Battery life has been crap (exaggeration) on Mavericks. Currently at 47 percent with 3:35 remaining (13 MBA). I can't really say how long it actually lasts but this past week I charged my laptop 3 times, when I used to only charge it once, sometimes twice but never three times. Pretty upset it turned the amazing battery life it used to have to a now average one.

You may want to do a clean install because after I upgraded to Mavericks my battery life has been longer... I did a clean install as well just to be safe.
So, question. Does Mavericks improve performance? I have a late 2011 iMac, and I've noticed it can get pretty slow at times. My Windows 7 boot is much faster.

I'm a little sceptical of Apple slowly making old hardware slower with new software updates, so I'm hesitant to update. I skipped Mountain Lion, still on Lion. Should I look at other ways to speed it up? Not sure what to do.

Also, I have Time Machine backing my data up. Should I be unplugging the external hard drive I'm using during the update just in case?

I updated my late 2011 iMac last week, also skipped Mountain Lion, i havent noticed a particularly big boost in performance, it already ran pretty well, start up isnt noticeably quicker either; pretty much the same as it was, maybe less hitches now and again, but that wasn't that often anyway

i should say it wasnt a fresh install, so that might give you a more significant performance boost and i never use time machine so can't say to that either, but i'm glad i updated

The Real Abed

I just discovered this awesome feature in Activity Monitor for Safari...


When you hover over a Safari Web Content process, it tells you the tab or tabs using that process. When I switched from Chrome, I kinda missed this feature since Chrome had its own Task Manager window that would tell you the process ID of each process and the tab content of it. So glad Apple added this.

I hope it wasn't in Mountain Lion because I'd feel silly. (Though I never used Safari before Mavericks since 2004.)


So, question. Does Mavericks improve performance? I have a late 2011 iMac, and I've noticed it can get pretty slow at times. My Windows 7 boot is much faster.

I'm a little sceptical of Apple slowly making old hardware slower with new software updates, so I'm hesitant to update. I skipped Mountain Lion, still on Lion. Should I look at other ways to speed it up? Not sure what to do.

Also, I have Time Machine backing my data up. Should I be unplugging the external hard drive I'm using during the update just in case?

I just updated my mid 2011 iMac (Lion) yesterday and so far everything seems to run faster than before, but I'm sure I'll find some bugs in the next few days !

I unplugged my Time Machine for the time being, just in case something bad happens in the next few days, that way I can come back to a stable machine, just for the safety
(oh, and I use ntfstuxera to write on a NTFS partition, not sure if it's the best but it works even faster on Mavericks than on Lion)


I just now realized Safari has a "Group all windows together" option, only because Finder has one, but Safari has probably had that for ages, right?

That was actually one of the reasons I preferred Chrome.
I just discovered this awesome feature in Activity Monitor for Safari...


When you hover over a Safari Web Content process, it tells you the tab or tabs using that process. When I switched from Chrome, I kinda missed this feature since Chrome had its own Task Manager window that would tell you the process ID of each process and the tab content of it. So glad Apple added this.

I hope it wasn't in Mountain Lion because I'd feel silly. (Though I never used Safari before Mavericks since 2004.)

Nope. WebKit 2 now uses a separate process per tab like Chrome, on top of it's already awesome process splitting introduced in ...Lion or Mountain Lion.
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