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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


Uggghh I'm so fucking pissed of right now.

First, is it possible for me to download 1 goddamn app from the app store WITHOUT having to put a password?

Second apparently my home windows 8 computer won't read my seagate external HDD apparently because I formatted it as a mac backup drive? Well I just reformatted everything (I think) and now I deleted all my files and windows STILL wont recognize it (as in it won't show up at all, not even in disk utility, it's as if I plugged in nothing) I also had to put a password on this hdd for some retarded reason.

thirdly windows phone sucks major ass with this. I just wanted to put my library onto my external hdd. Thats all I want, music on my hdd. That shouldn't be driving me insane. Why can't I just make it a device where I drag and drop?

Please gaf, I've googled the shit out of this with zero luck. I'm tired and exhausted and all I want to do is play with my new nexus 5.


Most DMG files I've downloaded these days have very simple instructions in the folder itself with an impossible to miss arrow pointing to a shortcut to your Applications folder.

not everyone has the finder in icon view. and the finder doesn’t always spawn a new window.

so it’s possible to mount a DMG, get the volume up in the sidebar and then the next view (either details or column or overflow) will just show the app icon.

I’ve seen it with my own family with their first Macs before I explained to them they needed to drag the app out of the dmg. we hear stories about it, too.

but, yeah, if you got icon view and new spawning windows for mounted disks, then the instructions are very helpful.


So I used the windows phone app to sync all my files from my phone to my mac except I have no idea where it is.

Finder is of course no help at all and checking my hdd space it looks like I lost about 12gb which means that somewhere on my mac are songs....somewhere. Not even Itunes knows apparently.


FUCK Im mad.

Don't even want to retype this shit.

Checked the hdd music is still at 1gb but other jumped up 12gb. Music and movies jumped up a few gigs as to be expected so music is being filed as other.

Now to find where the fuck is my music. This mac already has almost 0 hdd space so having hdiden music clog up even more space is infuriating. I just want to put these damn songs on an external HDD for christs sakes.


The good old Zip drive days.

I was scavenging parts from my office's clean out and found some old ZIP 100s. Unfortunately you cant do anything with them as there was never a Universal version of the drivers... got myself a USB key with an OS 9 partition with all my old Mac shareware games at least.


So I used the windows phone app to sync all my files from my phone to my mac except I have no idea where it is.

Finder is of course no help at all and checking my hdd space it looks like I lost about 12gb which means that somewhere on my mac are songs....somewhere. Not even Itunes knows apparently.


FUCK Im mad.

Don't even want to retype this shit.

Checked the hdd music is still at 1gb but other jumped up 12gb. Music and movies jumped up a few gigs as to be expected so music is being filed as other.

Now to find where the fuck is my music. This mac already has almost 0 hdd space so having hdiden music clog up even more space is infuriating. I just want to put these damn songs on an external HDD for christs sakes.

Can't you just do a search in the Finder? Spotlight is so powerful. You can search for latest files or music files or what not. If it's in a 'systems' area, make sure to include system files.


Can't you just do a search in the Finder? Spotlight is so powerful. You can search for latest files or music files or what not. If it's in a 'systems' area, make sure to include system files.

Tried that. Nowhere to be found. Anyone had any experience using Windows phone on a Mac?


I finally took the plunge and deleted and removed all traces of iBooks for Mac from my computer.

Now all my books are back into glorious iTunes and able to edit all th metadata I want!

I don't know why it took me this long -- I assume a part of me thought Apple would fix it by now, but I am done waiting.


I found 1 song from 1 album that somehow found its way in itunes music folder.

I tried spotlight but when I click it I hear a "beep" and it won't open. Greeeeaaaattttt.

EDIT: Spotlight works after restart.

I see my mp4s and photos in iphoto is there any way to show them up in finder or any other way for me to put these on an external hdd?

MP3s are still occupying space and missing....

EDIT2: So I dragged the photos and MP4s into my external HDD using iphoto and I deleted them but I still see them in the trash file (and they still occupy space). How do I permanently delete photos in iphoto?

EDIT3: Could there be any hidden folders or something that the music is hiding in? When I found the photos they where in a random folder of numbers that not even spotlight could find.

EDIT4: Fuck it. Right now I'm going to use a PC to do something that should be braindead simple and put my music in about 2-3 different flash drives and then go to my mac and put that in my external hdd (since the hdd can no longer be seen on windows, yaaaaay stupidity).

That said I STILL need to find the hidden music occupying space on my internal drive, wherever that is. I want to run a full search on every single folder on this mac, every last one. The music is hiding somewhere just like the photos where that I never would have found if iPhoto hadn't picked it up.

For reference the windows phone app didn't recognize anything as "music, videos or photos" despite them having the extensions .mp3 .mp4 .jpeg (and yes I searched through these extensions, spotlight is terrible) I had to use browse device on the app to find them. Clicking the sync button put them on my mac....somewhere.

Headaches are no fun.
So I dragged the photos and MP4s into my external HDD using iphoto and I deleted them but I still see them in the trash file (and they still occupy space). How do I permanently delete photos in iPhoto?

If it's like Aperture, delete them, empty iPhoto's trash, empty the Mac's trash.

Could there be any hidden folders or something that the music is hiding in?


~/Library/ would be a good place to look. option-click the Go menu in Finder to get at your Library folder, and from there use the Finder's search field to look for things.

Will the Windows Phone application even pull music off your phone to put on your Mac? The application's description suggests it will only put stuff from the Mac to the phone.

With respect to your external hard drive:
Your external HDD should show up in Windows's Disk Management software for you to erase/partition as you like, as well as in the Mac's Disk Utility (the latter should even let you do it non-destructively). If you want a partition to use between Windows 7/8 and the Mac, use the ExFAT format.

The Real Abed

I found 1 song from 1 album that somehow found its way in itunes music folder.

I tried spotlight but when I click it I hear a "beep" and it won't open. Greeeeaaaattttt.

EDIT: Spotlight works after restart.

Did anyone ever suggest using a hard drive visualization tool like GrandPerspective? Because it'll help you find stuff that's out of place. There are dozens of other tools like it, some on the App Store for a few bucks.

Also, remember with Spotlight you can set it to search system files too by pressing Command+F in the Finder and using the + and clicking the pop-down and "Other..." to find the "System Files" option. Then change it to "are included". Also make sure those system folders aren't excluded from your Spotlight database in System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy. I keep my entire disk indexed as it comes in handy.

Then you could run spotlight find again to find music files and have System files included. Have it search only your system folders like both Library folders.


I can't find the songs anywhere. I only had 4gb in photos so why did I lost almost 12gb in HDD space?

I deleted all the photos (presumably) and only 1 gb cleared up.


I'm not too familiar with osx, but could this be an issue with time machine and/or file versions and having backups sitting around of those music files he already deleted?
I can't find the songs anywhere. I only had 4gb in photos so why did I lost almost 12gb in HDD space?

Does it back the phone up?

I'm not too familiar with osx, but could this be an issue with time machine and/or file versions and having backups sitting around of those music files he already deleted?

Yes; if DedValve has Time Machine enabled but the drive not connected it will store backups locally until that space is needed for something else. Versioning is API-based, so Microsoft would have to have invoked it for the files it pulled off the phone— which seems unlikely.


Hey guys,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I tried digging around and I was wondering if it would be okay for me update to Mavericks. I have a 2010 MBP with 2.8 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 gb of ram, so I'm guessing I will take a speed hit. The reason I am considering doing it is because I heard the new version of iMovie will handle AVCHD files without having to transcode them, and that is something that's held me back on working with my family's home videos for a while, bc the process has been such a pain.

I think I could also try digging up an old copy of Adobe Premiere, but I like iMovie bc of the integration with iPhoto. (I'm not looking to do complex editing here - just trimming piecing stuff together)

Any advice? Is it just time to upgrade my computer?



What are you running now? I noticed no real difference between 10.9 and 10.8 on my 2010 Mini with a 2.4GHz Core 2; I do have 8GB of RAM.

I have 10.6.8. It's slower than when I got it, but luckily I don't do too much on it besides my pictures, iTunes and Quicken. I would like to start working on my home movies though.

Deku Tree

Hey guys,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I tried digging around and I was wondering if it would be okay for me update to Mavericks. I have a 2010 MBP with 2.8 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 gb of ram, so I'm guessing I will take a speed hit. The reason I am considering doing it is because I heard the new version of iMovie will handle AVCHD files without having to transcode them, and that is something that's held me back on working with my family's home videos for a while, bc the process has been such a pain.

I think I could also try digging up an old copy of Adobe Premiere, but I like iMovie bc of the integration with iPhoto. (I'm not looking to do complex editing here - just trimming piecing stuff together)

Any advice? Is it just time to upgrade my computer?


I installed Mavericks on an old 2008 MBP. I don't use it too much, but it didn't take a speed hit in any case.
It is still as slow as ever at least compared to new machines. but no slower than before, maybe even slightly faster than before.


I installed Mavericks on an old 2008 MBP. I don't use it too much, but it didn't take a speed hit in any case.
It is still as slow as ever at least compared to new machines. but no slower than before, maybe even slightly faster than before.

Thanks for the responses! I've decided to take the plunge. I think I'm finally going to try upgrading the HDD and ram while I'm at it. I just haven't had the motivation until now and I'd rather do that than buying a new machine. (Although I've wanted a retina screen for a while lol)


Thanks for all your suggestions guys but I've given up. I tried them all and can't find those damn songs and wish I never synced. What a load of crap.

Oh well, maybe one day I'll just completely reformat the drive to save space.

Anyone know how to get PCSX2 working? I tried using a tutorial I found on youtube for Maverick users but no matter what it doesn't work (the tutorial itself I believe is missing a step :( )


Did anyone ever suggest using a hard drive visualization tool like GrandPerspective? Because it'll help you find stuff that's out of place. There are dozens of other tools like it, some on the App Store for a few bucks.

Also, remember with Spotlight you can set it to search system files too by pressing Command+F in the Finder and using the + and clicking the pop-down and "Other..." to find the "System Files" option. Then change it to "are included". Also make sure those system folders aren't excluded from your Spotlight database in System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy. I keep my entire disk indexed as it comes in handy.

Then you could run spotlight find again to find music files and have System files included. Have it search only your system folders like both Library folders.

Did you download GrandPerspective? It will give you a grand perspective of your hard drive.

These suggestions are so solid.

Spotlight can find pretty much anything (especially in a finder window), but by default it will only search non-system files, so won't search inside iPhoto libraries and other such directories.

For the record, iPhoto, I assume (it has been a while since I used it, and it has changed a lot), will keep its OWN trash. Deleting photos in iPhoto send it to iPhoto trash, and emptying iPhoto trash will send it to the computer trash.

iPhoto is a photo management tool. By default it will copy photos into its own structure, which resides in ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library.

While it doesn't look like it, that "iPhoto Library" file is nothing more than a directory. Inside, you will find a original and edited (or masters and previews, depending on how they name them), inside those directories are all your photo organised by import events, I believe (again, it may have changed since I move to Aperture).

To view all of this structure, you have to right-click the iPhoto Library and "show package contents". Although it's fine to browse around toe get a feel for what iPhoto does, I STRONGLY urge you DO NOT mess with the files inside there, as you can royally screw up your photo database. Do all manipulation via the iPhoto interface.

As fro your mp4s, they WILL be on your drive somewhere, and the suggestions above should be able to find them.

The other possibility is as crude diatribe mentioned - if your windows phone makes a backup copy, it's possible the backup is what is taking up so much space, which would incidentally include your media, I assume.


Oh shit. You probably don't want to upgrade, or at least, get a spare hard drive and clone your 10.6 system on to it.

That's what I'm now in the process of doing. I didn't upgrade yet - I am going to use Super Duper to clone my drive onto the new 1TB drive, once everything is copied over I will switch the HDDs and will do the upgrade to Mavericks using the new drive. This way if anything goes wrong I can just put my old drive with 10.6.8 back in. After that I can format the new drive and just stick with 10.6.8 if it calls for it.

The Real Abed

Fuck. The Finder in 10.9.1 is still so fucking shitty. It keeps dying to the point if I force quit it, the Dock thinks it's still open, but there's no process for it, and I can't relaunch it. I have to log out every time. And if you have windows minimized when you relaunch it (Log in) it eats them up and doesn't give them back when you try to restore them.

Fucking fuckity fuck, Apple. How have you made this damn thing worse? If there's one thing, one thing consistent about Apple, it's that the Finder will always be a piece of shit.


Fuck. The Finder in 10.9.1 is still so fucking shitty. It keeps dying to the point if I force quit it, the Dock thinks it's still open, but there's no process for it, and I can't relaunch it. I have to log out every time. And if you have windows minimized when you relaunch it (Log in) it eats them up and doesn't give them back when you try to restore them.

Fucking fuckity fuck, Apple. How have you made this damn thing worse? If there's one thing, one thing consistent about Apple, it's that the Finder will always be a piece of shit.

May I ask why there's all this hate for the Finder? I've never felt particularly limited by it. (As for Mavericks, I haven't noticed any issues with the Finder. I am getting random two or three pixel line glitching when I'm using safari directly under the menu bar.)


May I ask why there's all this hate for the Finder? I've never felt particularly limited by it. (As for Mavericks, I haven't noticed any issues with the Finder. I am getting random two or three pixel line glitching when I'm using safari directly under the menu bar.)
I'm curious too. I've never had an issue with the Finder at all, and it's definitely never frozen, locked up or died on me.

Deku Tree

Finder works good for me 99.9% of the time. For some reason Box Sync crashes the finder when installing. But a restart solves that and it only seems to happen when installing that one time and nothing else gives me problems.
Finder had a lot of bugs and performance issues 10.0-10.5; I feel like all have been resolved by now, or It has trained me around its limitations. It took many, many years but my yearning for the beloved spatial* Finder has finally faded, perhaps only because it has been so long.

*in the first twenty years of the Mac, one Finder window represented one folder, and that was that. If you double-clicked a folder that was already open, that window came to the fore. You would hold the option key to close the parent window as the child folder or application closed. It worked very well with the desktop metaphor, much better than the browser-like thing we have now in OS X, Windows, and most Linux WMs.
WOW...added a samsung SSD to my macbook pro and the difference is night and day. I don't know why I waited so long to add one but damn my laptop is fast now. boot up times went from 45 secs to 10 secs and apps load up almost instantaneously. NEVER going back to regular drives again!

The Real Abed

May I ask why there's all this hate for the Finder? I've never felt particularly limited by it. (As for Mavericks, I haven't noticed any issues with the Finder. I am getting random two or three pixel line glitching when I'm using safari directly under the menu bar.)

I'm curious too. I've never had an issue with the Finder at all, and it's definitely never frozen, locked up or died on me.
I love the Finder. But it's buggy as shit now and never works how it should for years. Zoom button has been broken forever. My Finder death bug results in a -600 error if I try to relaunch it from the Terminal. The damn sidebar refuses to stay away when I ask it to.

It worked perfectly in OS 9. The worst choice they made was to drop the Classic Mac OS Finder's "spacial" orientation, where folders were objects and could not be duplicated, and switched to a browser implementation. Now you can end up with multiple copies of the same folder when you don't want to and the sidebar rears its ugly head even after you've dismissed it. I'd much rather have a Windows Explorer type layout. Keep folders separate as objects that can't be duplicated. And keep a separate "Explorer" mode that allows for in-the-same-window navigation and folder view duplicating. Under normal circumstances, I never want to see that sidebar. That's not how my workflow works. I don't even use tabbed Finder windows because I prefer to have each of my current working folders open in list view and resized to the right size. But then every time I open another folder, BAM, the sidebar is back. (I see above someone else remembers and prefers the Spacial Finder. So I'm not alone.)

The zoom button has stopped working correctly for the past decade now. How it's SUPPOSED to work is when you press it, it resizes the window to the perfect size of the content. Whether you're in Icon, List or even Columns. But somehow, SOMEHOW the Finder team fucked that up years ago. Now it resizes either a bit too small or a bit too big for its contents. (Usually smaller) At least in List view, which is the view I use 90% of the time. (Since Icon view doesn't show any other information other than length of video, size of image or number of contents depending on the file.) Icon view seems to resize correctly. But where I want it to work right, it does not work right at all. It appears to be a simple fix too. Just a case of too much subtraction in its math. And I know it's not me because it does it on every machine I've tried. And has since forever ago. It's literally the first thing I check when new versions come out and disappoints me every time. Except for one single point version a few years ago where it was working right again... only to promptly stop working again with the next update.
In the shot above, you see the size of the window as Zoom interprets it. Which is about 24 screen pixels too short. Every time.

And lastly, the nasty Finder death bug I've had appear ever since 10.9 DP. Occasionally I'll leave windows minimized in the Dock between reboots. When I go to restore a window, the Dock will play the resize animation and the window will promptly disappear. Never ever to be seen again. If I try to reopen the window from another angle, it acts as if it's back, but it never shows up. So if I quit the Finder (The obvious last resort to fix all problems... usually) it dies. The Dock continues to report it as open. Activity Monitor reports it as closed. And Terminal won't reopen it because of an error -600. I have to reboot just to get the Finder back. It's not caused by the minimized windows though I don't think as I've quit the Finder with nothing minimized and have still had it happen.

Edit: Yep. So shitty. Fucking buggy piece of shit. If I kill the Finder (When it does the disappearing window thing) with the Terminal instead of Force Quit (Or the Quit menu which you can enable via a hidden preference since version 1.0) it will relaunch. But the Dock now thinks it's not alive. So it's like the opposite of before when the Finder was gone, but Dock thought it was still there. Killing both the Dock and Finder do not fix the -600 bug. Next time this shit happens I should record it. Because it's so often that it'll probably happen next time I reboot.


i just read this comment about a bug with mac os that allows everyone to change the pw - here is the fix:

You can change the permissions (and thus, making the OS ask you for an admin password to use the command) by issuing the next command on the Terminal:

sudo chmod 100 /usr/bin/dscl

so i did this - however i then (yeah i know…) read up a bit and they said - nah DO this instead:

Instead, do this:

sudo chmod go-x /usr/bin/dscl

That will -only- remove the execute permission on group and other, leaving the other permissions (read & write, and root’s full permissions) completely as was before the change. To reverse, do:

sudo chmod go+x /usr/bin/dscl

Only touch the stuff you need to touch!

so is sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/dscl the right command to set everything back?
Anyone noticing the "back swipe" refresh thingy is happening again with Safari?

When I first installed Mavericks, I could swipe to back / forth on pages without it reloading again. Then the last few weeks or so whenever I swipe back / forth, it always refreshes and takes me back to the top of the page.

Ugh. Infuriating. I feel like Safari is a lot more lightweight and faster on Mavericks than Chrome is but this thing is so annoying.

leng jai

What's the best youtube app? I like Tuba's interface but no matter what I do it keeps asking me to connect my Google+ account. The search bar also seems to disappear in full screen mode (WTF?).


The MacHeist nanoBundle 4 is out.

Anyone have any opinions on the apps? Is it worth it for $19.99? I don't really see anything there I need or really want, but just curious.

I would link but I am on my phone.


The MacHeist nanoBundle 4 is out.

Anyone have any opinions on the apps? Is it worth it for $19.99? I don't really see anything there I need or really want, but just curious.

I would link but I am on my phone.

Prolly going to pick it up for Launchbar and the HTML5 apps--might never actually do much with them but they should be fun. Limbo is a good game if you've never played it.


so, i still haven't installed it, but i'm going to do it one of these days.

i'm on os x 10.6.8. my laptop's a few years old: 2.4ghs intel core 2 duo, 2gb 1067mhz ddr3.

will there be much of a speed bump, you think?


so, i still haven't installed it, but i'm going to do it one of these days.

i'm on os x 10.6.8. my laptop's a few years old: 2.4ghs intel core 2 duo, 2gb 1067mhz ddr3.

will there be much of a speed bump, you think?
No. But your laptop should take 8gig of ram


So after days of work I finally got Linux installed on a second harddrive in my MBP with refit.

Then yesterday it was working fine, until I took it out of sleep mode and noticed it had shut down. My OSX then started without going into refit. Weird. Stupidly, I restarted the computer to try and see what was going on without researching first. Ever since then my computer doesnt boot. It tries to do a startup repair then shuts down.

Using Disk Utility shows many many many errors. Invalid thread count, volume nodes or something, invalid folder count etc etc. What the fuck just happened?! It was working fine one second.

Should I buy that Disk Warrior thing I always see in Google searches?

Sorry if this is off topic. I just installed Mavericks so I thought I would post here


so, i still haven't installed it, but i'm going to do it one of these days.

i'm on os x 10.6.8. my laptop's a few years old: 2.4ghs intel core 2 duo, 2gb 1067mhz ddr3.

will there be much of a speed bump, you think?

I think we have the same computer, except I upgraded to 8gb of ram a while ago. Definitely recommend that. I did notice an upgrade in speed though. However, that may be because I did a clean install.


Annoyance. Turns out Apple changed a bunch of things to do with the Dock in Mavericks so if you want to manage Dock preferences for Mavericks clients you need Mavericks server.
New build of 10.9.2 hit last night. Only 6 build numbers higher than the one released almost a month ago. Wonder what that means.

Anyone hear if it takes care of the networking latency problems present in 2013 MacBook Pros and Airs? Or the Kernal_Task running away on clean installs or the beachballs? Probably my biggest pet peeves. Everything else I can live with.

Mr. F

I'm somewhat convinced my mid-2010 MBP is going to bite the dust sometime soon. Hard locks are getting more frequent and the thing crashes most apps and goes unresponsive at least twice a day. Using the guest account seems to run a lot faster/smoother, which makes me wonder what it is on my admin account that's making things unstable. I don't know if the issue is caused by Mavericks but it seems to be more common since I upgraded.

I think I recall the general consensus being that formatting/fresh installs don't benefit Macs the same way they do PCs, but would it be worth trying as a last resort? I've upgraded every OS version since Snow Leopard, and each time the performance dipped (although Mountain Lion was slightly improved over Lion).

I saw a little Finder talk so I'll take this as opportunity to plug Alfred.

Really handy.


Co-signed. Alfred's fantastic, been using for years. I don't remember the last time I clicked to launch an app.

The Real Abed

Anyone hear if it takes care of the networking latency problems present in 2013 MacBook Pros and Airs? Or the Kernal_Task running away on clean installs or the beachballs? Probably my biggest pet peeves. Everything else I can live with.
Network latency?

Hmm. Does this explain why playing Minecraft on my home server (Which is on our network right here in the house) has terrible lag? I was blaming the router. And I never had the problem on my 2012 Air or before. Are you saying it's a Mavericks problem?

My biggest problem in Macericks is still the Finder dying all the time in that it stops working and becomes a Zombie process if I try to quit it for any reason, which I end up having to do all the time because of other Finder bugs. Sometimes it hangs my system when I try to reboot or shutdown. I end up sudo shutdown -r now more often than I should be.
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