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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


I'd give anything for an extension of some sort that can put a clock in this general area...

On Chrome I had a button extension that used the notification number for a clock. I guess Safari doesn't allow for that.

Or, maybe I could create an extension that adds one to the bottom-right corner of the screen by embedding some HTML and JavaScript into each page. Just a small clock is all. Nothing huge.

Is looking at the upper right corner for the system menubar clock really a major impediment?

The Real Abed

Is looking at the upper right corner for the system menubar clock really a major impediment?
In Fullscreen? Yes. There is no clock in Fullscreen. So a menubar clock is just an inconvenience to check. They really should have thought that one through.

Right now I just have a BowTie Bowlet with a clock set to "Ignore Exposé" and swipe into Mission Control and out to check the time when I need to. But it'd be nice to have a clock always showing in the one app I use most of the time.

I've mentioned a few times that I wish they'd make it so the menubar is always visible but you could still be in Fullscreen.
Is there any way to block youtube ads in safari? Adblock isn't doing it. So far this is the one thing I'm missing from chrome.
Yeah, I'm curious about this too. AdBlock used to work, but now I get ads for basically every video (many of which are of the annoying, unskippable 30-second variety).

Deku Tree

I'd give anything for an extension of some sort that can put a clock in this general area...

On Chrome I had a button extension that used the notification number for a clock. I guess Safari doesn't allow for that.

Or, maybe I could create an extension that adds one to the bottom-right corner of the screen by embedding some HTML and JavaScript into each page. Just a small clock is all. Nothing huge.

What are those other buttons that you have installed in Safari?

The Real Abed

What are those other buttons that you have installed in Safari?

The Extensions site is still terrible though. Many download links are still dead. How do they not fix that? Contact the developers. Tell them to get their shit together or delist them!

The Real Abed

QuickStyle is the closest thing I could find to something that lets me add CSS to pages to tweak their look. I really really wish someone would make a Personalized Web Options extension for Safari. It lets you inject CSS, JavaScript and append HTML to the end of any page so you can do anything you want to.

Really at this point, QuickStyle is all I really need, but I do wish that Safari would remember your zoom setting for sites. I don't get why it doesn't store it like every other browser. (Well, at least Chrome) On a Retina display or other display with a high resolution, it's pretty much required. Stuff is so small on some sites. Zooming helps sooooo much, especially on a beautiful Retina display with the amazingly smooth text rendering. But it's stupid to have to do it every time you load the site. Come on, Apple! Fix that in 10.9.1 please. Seems more like an oversight than a bug. Gonna submit feedback now. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's complained about it.


I'm looking for something to download sms from my iphone to imac, don't wanna screen cap everything, is there anything good that's free?
I updated today, the notifications pushed Mail app from "Remember I have it once a year" to "Best mail app".

Only gripe is that the notifications tend to appear twice for the same email. What can I do about that? My guess is some configuration of the inboxes.


Is there anyway to keep a download going while a MacBook Pro is in sleep mode like on iOS devices?

EDIT: With a little bit of internet sleuthing I figured out a way to get the display to shut off while still keeping a download going. Either just let the screen turn off by itself or manually do it by pressing shift+control+power at the same time. Either way you do it you have to keep the laptop open or else it will go into sleep mode and stop your download.


Long time OS X Fanboy here.

Why does 8.1 seem to blow Mavericks out of the water in nearly every way? It feels like a proper 2013 OS as compared to a thoroughly updated OS from 2006. Honestly, using OS X after using 8.1 for a long time feels like a step back. It was always the other way around. Was iOS 7 development that integral at Apple to make mavericks so severely underwhelming? Not to mention almost nothing is compatible with mavericks, which doesn't help much.

Like, OS X doesn't even have proper touch support. And the fullscreen options are a JOKE compared to Metro.



Long time OS X Fanboy here.

Why does 8.1 seem to blow Mavericks out of the water in nearly every way? It feels like a proper 2013 OS as compared to a thoroughly updated OS from 2006. Honestly, using OS X after using 8.1 for a long time feels like a step back. It was always the other way around. Was iOS 7 development that integral at Apple to make mavericks so severely underwhelming? Not to mention almost nothing is compatible with mavericks, which doesn't help much.

Like, OS X doesn't even have proper touch support. And the fullscreen options are a JOKE compared to Metro.


Not sure if serious. Mavericks has its share of problems, but this post states none of them. And Windows 8.1 is a mess.
Long time OS X Fanboy here.

Why does 8.1 seem to blow Mavericks out of the water in nearly every way? It feels like a proper 2013 OS as compared to a thoroughly updated OS from 2006. Honestly, using OS X after using 8.1 for a long time feels like a step back. It was always the other way around. Was iOS 7 development that integral at Apple to make mavericks so severely underwhelming? Not to mention almost nothing is compatible with mavericks, which doesn't help much.

Like, OS X doesn't even have proper touch support. And the fullscreen options are a JOKE compared to Metro.

I actually like 8.1 a lot as well, and there are certainly some advantages over OS X, but each OS has it's strengths and problems when it comes down to it. I would like the next update to OS X to be a bit more significant as well, though. They've got everything under the hood for the most part up to date as a baseline with Mavericks. Now do something great.


I actually like 8.1 a lot as well, and there are certainly some advantages over OS X, but each OS has it's strengths and problems when it comes down to it. I would like the next update to OS X to be a bit more significant as well, though. They've got everything under the hood for the most part up to date as a baseline with Mavericks. Now do something great.

I just want OS X to have solid point releases each time. I feel like ever since 10.4 the odd-numbered point releases have been underwhelming or annoying, and it sucks to wait even a year for fixes to it.

The Real Abed

Long time OS X Fanboy here.

Why does 8.1 seem to blow Mavericks out of the water in nearly every way? It feels like a proper 2013 OS as compared to a thoroughly updated OS from 2006. Honestly, using OS X after using 8.1 for a long time feels like a step back. It was always the other way around. Was iOS 7 development that integral at Apple to make mavericks so severely underwhelming? Not to mention almost nothing is compatible with mavericks, which doesn't help much.

Like, OS X doesn't even have proper touch support. And the fullscreen options are a JOKE compared to Metro.

My thoughts are that OS X has the best touch support for a non-touchscreen OS. The Magic Trackpad is amazing and does everything you need to do while still feeling like it learned a trick or two from iOS. And fullscreen apps are wonderfully more awesome than having a Metro app on your desktop PC. With the touchpad gesture to switch between them it makes getting around the OS a breeze. Apple has made OS X work the best way a DESKTOP OS should work in the "post-PC" age. Microsoft is going the completely wrong way and seems that they will be even more with Windows 9.

As an "OS X fanboy" even you should see that. Apple is doing desktop OS modernization the right way. iOS was developed specifically for touch devices and has been kept separate from OS X for a reason. OS X has in turn gained all the right iOS features while still remaining a desktop OS. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Thing is, while Apple could care less if their Mac market dried up and became obsolete since they have their super profitable iOS device market, Microsoft couldn't bring themselves to actually leave Windows behind even as an option. If they'd made a specific OS for the Surface, i.e. done the same thing Apple did, they'd be saying that "Well, Windows could potentially die off one day.. We cannot allow that to happen! So we'll shoehorn it into a tablet OS." Apple is embracing the changing market. Microsoft is just trying to keep their most important product relevant in a changing user paradigm. (Besides, when would Windows even die anyway with its huge user base that still needs it like gamers and businesses? There was absolutely NO REASON they needed to add a touch layer to Windows. And Apple was smart enough to know this. Microsoft however was not.)

Really the only lack of attention was done with Mavericks in that the UI didn't get any sort of refresh like iOS did. But it's to be understandable as the iOS 7 refresh was completely needed and OS X can be fixed later. As I said, iOS is priority now. But OS X has gotten plenty of attention and plenty of iOS-like features. (I use Notes all the time. It's amazing to live in an age where editing text on my computer is immediately available on my cell phone. Same with Reminders and calendars. Maps has come in handy occasionally too. It just needs some more route planning stuff for the desktop side.)

TL;DR, I wouldn't want OS X to feel like Windows 8 ever. I wouldn't want tablet apps on my desktop just as much as I wouldn't want desktop apps on my tablet or phone. Apple did it right. Microsoft did it wrong.
I just want OS X to have solid point releases each time. I feel like ever since 10.4 the odd-numbered point releases have been underwhelming or annoying, and it sucks to wait even a year for fixes to it.

So you don't like the 1-year development cycles, then. Well me neither. I think Apple, Google, and Microsoft are still figuring the pacing of OS updates out.


So you don't like the 1-year development cycles, then. Well me neither. I think Apple, Google, and Microsoft are still figuring the pacing of OS updates out.

It's not even the yearly thing, it's before that: Snow Leopard was a far better OS than Leopard, Mountain Lion than Lion; some of this was the usual refinements but it seems bizarre that Apple ships an OS that doesn't feel solid every other time, and breaks little things you never think about--Mavericks has made Quicklook worse, Quicktime less useful, and screwed people who use CUDA on older machines. Worse, the rapid pace of updates mean it's less likely developers will have timely updates and fixes.

The Real Abed

When my sister and niece were up here a few weeks ago, my niece kept walking up to the TV and trying to control it. She's literally growing up with an iPad and iPhone and is being trained that all glowing monitors need to be touched.

Not that I would want them all to be touch. I don't believe touch belongs on A) a TV screen or B) a laptop or computer display. They only belong on tablets and phones or other specialized UI's like giant whiteboard replacements and such where the UI is designed specifically for touch interaction. Microsoft might make a desktop OS with touch in it which requires a touch screen, but Apple does not, and therefore Macs do not need a touch screen. I would not A) want OS X to get an iOS UI piled onto it like Metro was or B) a touch display on my Mac in order to be able to interact with the normal OS X UI. Apple is the only one keeping the two UI paradigms separate like they should be. They even explained exactly why they did when they released the iPad. Of all the things Microsoft should have "photocopied" from Apple, it's this way of thinking. Instead they shoehorned a UI onto another UI and made a big mess. I'd rather Apple continue keeping their two UI paradigms separate.

I will admit I too occasionally reach for my MacBook display. But it's so rare, but it makes me laugh when I do.


When my sister and niece were up here a few weeks ago, my niece kept walking up to the TV and trying to control it. She's literally growing up with an iPad and iPhone and is being trained that all glowing monitors need to be touched.

Not that I would want them all to be touch. I don't believe touch belongs on A) a TV screen or B) a laptop or computer display. They only belong on tablets and phones or other specialized UI's like giant whiteboard replacements and such where the UI is designed specifically for touch interaction. Microsoft might make a desktop OS with touch in it which requires a touch screen, but Apple does not, and therefore Macs do not need a touch screen. I would not A) want OS X to get an iOS UI piled onto it like Metro was or B) a touch display on my Mac in order to be able to interact with the normal OS X UI. Apple is the only one keeping the two UI paradigms separate like they should be. They even explained exactly why they did when they released the iPad. Of all the things Microsoft should have "photocopied" from Apple, it's this way of thinking. Instead they shoehorned a UI onto another UI and made a big mess. I'd rather Apple continue keeping their two UI paradigms separate.

I will admit I too occasionally reach for my MacBook display. But it's so rare, but it makes me laugh when I do.

I agree with this word for word. Fantastic post except the whole reaching for the screen, thats just dumb.

Ok ok the first thing I did when I got my new macbook pro was trying to swipe the screen to the next window and I thought I had the touchscreen setting turned off or something and nearly called Apple support before common sense kicked in lol.

I would love a touchscreen macbook but not if they gut out the OS to make it touch screen friendly. The OS is touchscreen friendly as it is anyways in limited ways, and it'd be a cool gimmick and Im a sad sucker for "ooooohhh aaaahhh" gimmicks.


I posted in another mac thread but thought it might be a good idea to re-post here:
The other day I got the original Fallout from GOG but when I try to run it I get an error from the OS and I can't start it.

Has anyone on mac os 10.9 had success getting this to run?

Note: It works on an earlier version of the os for someone else.
So ive been getting a recent bug with chrome and firefox on my macbook,

I have swipe to go back and to go forward pages on and if I do it once in the browser, all touch gestures cease to work within the browser. After this happens, the only thing I can do is click around the page, but the system gestures still work. When I command quit the browser and open it up again, the browser gestures work again until I swipe back or forward a page.

This happening to anyone else? Its pissing me off so much since I cant use the gesture to scroll up and down the page.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I posted in another mac thread but thought it might be a good idea to re-post here:

Unfortunately, I think quite a few games that worked on Mountain Lion do not work on Mavericks. Not sure why. I bought the TellTale pack on steam during the recent sale and stuff like Puzzle Agent 2 does not work, yet older games like the Hector series works fine. I asked on Telltale's website if they will be patching but no response so far. I wonder what Mavericks borked with some of these games?


Also, I finally got rid of the menu bar on my second monitor. I just can't comprehend how bad they are at dual display setups after so many years.

With the menu bar, fullscreen in a browser is often borked. It's just a crapshoot when I click that button if it'll actually fill my screen. For the most part, the only full screen application I want to do is run video full screen.


Unfortunately, I think quite a few games that worked on Mountain Lion do not work on Mavericks. Not sure why. I bought the TellTale pack on steam during the recent sale and stuff like Puzzle Agent 2 does not work, yet older games like the Hector series works fine. I asked on Telltale's website if they will be patching but no response so far. I wonder what Mavericks borked with some of these games?

Whatever changes they made under the hood, they're substantial enough to break a lot of more finicky programs like games and AV. You're better off always sticking around with an older OS unfortunately, or having a separate partition for compatibility.


Windows keep getting stuck in corners after I turn on my monitor or switch inputs in my monitor back to my Mac mini. Can only fix it changing the dock position (and then changing it back, due to personal preference). Happened quite a bit in 10.9.0, still happens in 10.9.1. I was hoping for a fix, goddamit Apple :(


Damn, got some weird kernel_task bug that makes it go up to 500%. Doesn't happen in safe mode so I'll assume it has something to do with a broken kext or some shit.


I've got a peculiar issue that is sort of related to all my Apple devices on my iCloud account, so I'm not sure if this is the appropriate thread for it, but the issue most directly affects my iMac, so I'll throw it out here to see if anyone here has a workaround.

Keychain in iCloud is an amazing convenience, but maybe too convenient. I have my iMac wired in with a CATV, but I like to keep my wifi antenna on for AirDrop but without connecting to the AP so as to reserve that bandwidth for other devices. Before iCloud Keychain, this was as easy as not saving the AP password on my iMac. But now since I have that password saved on my other iCloud devices, my iMac's wifi is automatically connecting.

Is there a way to keep my iMac's wifi on while preventing it from connecting to my AP without removing it entirely from the iCloud keychain loop?
Is there a way to keep my iMac's wifi on while preventing it from connecting to my AP without removing it entirely from the iCloud keychain loop?

Do you only want to AirDrop with devices on your WiFi network? If so, you can make AirDrop work over ethernet (if it doesn't do that by default 10.9).

If you want to AirDrop with filthy guests without access to your network, I'd see if demoting WiFi below ethernet in the iMac's network service order will keep it from using WiFI bandwidth.


Do you only want to AirDrop with devices on your WiFi network? If so, you can make AirDrop work over ethernet (if it doesn't do that by default 10.9).

If you want to AirDrop with filthy guests without access to your network, I'd see if demoting WiFi below ethernet in the iMac's network service order will keep it from using WiFI bandwidth.
Interesting, I don't actually think I've tried AirDrop over ethernet since getting 10.9 (I definitely couldn't get it working on 10.8). I've just kept my wifi on for it all along assuming that hadn't changed. Hopefully it's that simple. I will check it out when I get home. Thanks!
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