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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(


I just realized that for some reason I have photos in my iPhoto Library package that were deleted from iPhoto months ago. They're just sitting in the Masters folder orphaned with nothing referencing them. They'd be images that might have been taken, or screenshots that were taken or images that were saved to my iPhone or iPad and ended up going up to the cloud. But I deleted them. But for some reason they're still there.

I tried Googling but no solution seems to exist. I tried something suggested on Apple Discussions where you create a duplicate and drag the duplicated Masters folder into iPhoto and ignore duplicates but it added a lot of duplicates anyway and completely cluttered everything up.

So now I'm looking at a Finder search window with all images from the Masters folder and seeing a lot of images I deleted and some duplicates and not knowing which ones to remove.

Surely there's a better way to analyze an iPhoto library and figure out which "originals" aren't linked anymore. At least with iTunes you can drag the iTunes Library onto iTunes itself and it'll add only what doesn't exist in the list.

I also have photos I took in 2003 or earlier that for some reason have 2018 as their date created and I don't know why, but it's been like that forever and is annoying as shit. (I blame the camera for being shitty at remembering dates when the batteries are removed. Fuck, how did we survive before cell phone cameras?)

Edit: At least if I have iPhoto open when I try deleting a photo it'll smartly ask if I want to remove it. So that's something. But goddamn there's soooo many old image files that shouldn't be here anymore!

iPhoto is a great aid, but it is insanely cluttered. If you are OCD about computer cleanliness and clutter, you'd best not look in there or stop using it altogether.

Aperture, iPhoto's bigger brother has all sorts of other issues as well that I assume iPhoto also has.

For example, guess what happens when you add a photo to a shared photostream? It creates a copy of that and dumps it in the "originals" folder for easy access. But guess what happens when you remove interim the photostream? Yup it leaves it there. Forever unlinked.

Sometimes it removes it properly. Sometimes not.

On top of that sometimes it thinks some photostream images are orphaned files and dumps it out into a orphaned project. But if you delete them... Yup deletes it from all your photostreams.

There's actually a way to find orphaned photos. At least in aperture. Hold opt or cod or maybe it's opt+cams while opening iPhoto and you get a secret maintenance menu. It allows you to rebuild libraries and part of that is that it finds orphaned images.

At least in aperture it does and I recall it doing similar gringos when I used iPhoto.

I haven't explained it well here but look into it.

Edit: just to make sure when you say you deleted them
Months ago, I assume you're aware that iPhoto has its own trash? Oh wait maybe I'm thinking of aperture. At any rate orphaned photos can exist because the trashing doesn't complete bit some other glitch. Or sometimes you THINK you're deleting an image but you're only removing them from an album.

The Real Abed

Nope. Trash is obsessively emptied all the time. These are images that shouldn't even be there. Random screenshots. Images that I set as wallpapers and deleted. Copies of others with weird dates that don't match the date the photo was taken at all.

And yes, it's Command+Option. I am rebuilding right now. Hopefully it fixes this stuff. Doesn't look like it did though. Still finding photos in the Masters that aren't in the Library anywhere.

Sometimes I think I might as well just stop using iPhoto and manage my photos myself. Does OS X allow you to still use a Photo Stream on the computer if you don't have iPhoto? Like maybe use a folder and save images there instead? I mean iTunes will let me just use a folder for syncing to my phone. Surely it could also save stream photos to a folder. Surely? Surely?

I mean iPhoto has always had a love hate relationship. I hate that its Fullscreen mode is so incorrect. When the Lion Fullscreen mode came along, all other apps simply put themselves in full screen with the same UI. But iPhoto's original fullscreen mode was supposed to be a sort of "clean simplified interface". So when Lion came along they decided to keep that instead. I don't want that stupid interface. I'd rather have normal iPhoto UI in my Fullscreen. Bah. I'm this close to just diving into my Masters, organizing the photos myself and dumping iPhoto all together. Especially after how terrible iMovie became. I can't even use that anymore. I'm so OCD I'd much rather have full control over my photos. I just don't know if there'd be any drawbacks to dumping it. I'd have to switch to using Image Capture to import actual photos. I'd also kind of miss Places and Faces. But not so much. I also used to use FaceBook Uploading but gave that up as times changed. If I uninstall iPhoto will it delete those photos? Hopefully not.

The worst part is how many empty folders it leaves behind.


Nope. Trash is obsessively emptied all the time. These are images that shouldn't even be there. Random screenshots. Images that I set as wallpapers and deleted. Copies of others with weird dates that don't match the date the photo was taken at all.

And yes, it's Command+Option. I am rebuilding right now. Hopefully it fixes this stuff. Doesn't look like it did though. Still finding photos in the Masters that aren't in the Library anywhere.

Sometimes I think I might as well just stop using iPhoto and manage my photos myself. Does OS X allow you to still use a Photo Stream on the computer if you don't have iPhoto? Like maybe use a folder and save images there instead? I mean iTunes will let me just use a folder for syncing to my phone. Surely it could also save stream photos to a folder. Surely? Surely?

I mean iPhoto has always had a love hate relationship. I hate that its Fullscreen mode is so incorrect. When the Lion Fullscreen mode came along, all other apps simply put themselves in full screen with the same UI. But iPhoto's original fullscreen mode was supposed to be a sort of "clean simplified interface". So when Lion came along they decided to keep that instead. I don't want that stupid interface. I'd rather have normal iPhoto UI in my Fullscreen. Bah. I'm this close to just diving into my Masters, organizing the photos myself and dumping iPhoto all together. Especially after how terrible iMovie became. I can't even use that anymore. I'm so OCD I'd much rather have full control over my photos. I just don't know if there'd be any drawbacks to dumping it. I'd have to switch to using Image Capture to import actual photos. I'd also kind of miss Places and Faces. But not so much. I also used to use FaceBook Uploading but gave that up as times changed. If I uninstall iPhoto will it delete those photos? Hopefully not.

The worst part is how many empty folders it leaves behind.

Yeah, I hear you.

I've used iPhoto since I first got a mac, around 2005. I've upgraded my library again and again as they introduced new versions, so I'm SURE I've got all sorts of legacy junk. I then transitioned to Aperture and did a library conversion (Aperture 2 probably), and I still have keywords show up as XXXX (iPhoto), and YYY (iPhoto modified) etc.

I used to be obsessively "clean" such as yourself, but after a while, so long as I have excessive HD space (and I have been able to keep ahead with it all by upgrading drives as newer capacities become available), I've learnt to leave it well alone.

Like you say, I've detached links from iPhoto to, say, FlickR before and it just simply delete all the photos from that FLickR. That was years ago when it was first introduced, but it's scared me well away from having those kinds of links. I DO use FaceBook linked to Aperture, and I have rebuilt libraries and had them reappear, but generally, you never really know what's going to happen between different software vendors utilising other party APIs and such.

It's generally why I prefer to just stick with Apple, who generally have an end-to-end solution without involving anyone else for a lot of things. Like I would suggest if you were to move away from iPhoto, then do it fully, and break from photostream as well, at least for PC-related streaming.

Anyway, are you sure there are photos in the "package" that aren't in the library? I forget how iPhoto organises these days, but with Aperture, it is generally pretty good at finding orphaned photos (as evidenced above, a little TOO good).

what options show when you hold opt+cmd? Aperture has Repair permissions, Repair Database, and rebuild Library. I used to rebuild fairly often, until realtively recently when I had a catastrophic failure because my Faces database was, well, I don't think corrupt, but a real hog, slowing my machine down entirely (it has been like that since I've moved from a particular version of Aperture. IT crashed on me and deleted all face data, and I had toe restore 500GB from Time Machine. After that I decided to just leave it alone.

(I also noted that after a rebuild, my library would increase by like 5GB - basically it recreated a database but KEPT the old database in some deprecated form somewhere).

iPhoto and APerture, and Apple software in general has always been unafraid to just bloat up the databases for whatever reason with no way to clear things out easily.

Look at how the iPod Cache works, for instance. When syncing an album or selection of photos from your computer to view on your iOS device, it creates an iPodCache folder holding all the thumbs and whatever data. But if you stop syncing that album, does it delete that cache? nope. It keeps it around in case you want to sync it again later, or maybe you have another device that syncs it.

It MIGHT delete it these days, but back in the day it just left stuff lying around.

I spend too much time stressing about stuff like this, so I've kind of learnt, for the most part, just to leave things be. I'm so obsessive about this sort of thing, sometimes the less I know about it the better.


My iPhoto library got to like 120 gigs + so I've torn it apart and are manually going through all of the folders and deleting dupes and blurs and et cetera...

It's been taking me months. But will be worth it in the end.


Ah, that's why I don't have y'all's issues. I rarely retouch my photos and if I do, I grab a copy, edit them in Photoshop and plunk them back in to iPhoto whole.

The Real Abed

I have a 512GB SSD and I still find myself obsessively cleaning things. I would dump iPhoto right now if I could set Photo Stream to just download into a folder on my drive. I'd much rather manually manage all my photos. And I just might do it. It's just the Photo Stream. I wish iCloud was like DropBox in that it let me have a folder on my drive that I can manage myself (Not that useless MobileDocuments folder with the randomly named folders for apps and the inability to use more than one depth level for saving) and have Photo Stream drop photos into it. I'd put my entire library in that folder and drop DropBox in a second. (I literally don't use DropBox for anything anymore other than sharing my photos to my iOS devices since I switched to iCloud for 1Password.) I have 5GB on my iCloud. 4.5GB that I don't even use right now. My DropBox account has 4.6GB total (40% free) thanks to photo sharing.

I used to use Flickr all the time. I was big on Flickr. But I dropped it at one point and never use it anymore. I also never use FaceBook sharing anymore. The only things I'd kind of sort of miss in iPhoto are Places and Faces since you can't get that with the Finder. But then again I don't care enough.

iPhoto's many upgrades have turned the folder structure for my Library into a cluttered mess. I just want to dump it. After next Monday I'll decide whether I want to do it or not. I almost wish it was as easy as just taking all my photos, deleting the Library, starting fresh and bringing them all back in again. But I have so many and don't really care for the hassle. I'd have to rearrange the folder layout anyway if I decided to drop it. I use Events like folders as it is. I couldn't care less about Albums. I know I'm using it wrong, but Events just look nicer than Albums.

I just wish the Finder had some more specific management features for special folders like Windows. Where my folders for images would display thumbnails on the icon to help tell what's inside them, and opening it would show my photos presented like they should look. Nice and big. And dump that damn white border around the thumbnails! I already ranted on that in the WWDC thread but I hate that fucking white border! It's so thick and annoying. I miss 10.4 which didn't have a border and showed the image nice and big and clear with a subtle shadow. I hope that feature was a "Skeuomorphism" thing and is removed with 10.10.

All I know is that I have photos in the Library Masters folder that I cannot find anywhere in the iPhoto UI. I have looked the entire photos grid up and down multiple times and they are not there. They are in the folder and repairing/rebuilding does not find them. I've gone through and deleted some manually but there's so many.

I actually keep a SymLink to the clone version of my Masters folder in my DropBox which uploads the entirety of my iPhoto Library to DropBox where I can view them all in the Photos view. It's a bit hacky, but it means I don't have to keep a huge iPod Photo Cache folder in my Library taking up the exact same amount of space as the entirety of my Library itself for each device. I could switch to just using DropBox for photo cloud syncing and turn off Photo Stream but I'd hate to do it. But if I have to I will. I'd much rather they just fix iCloud to be more like DropBox instead. As long as I can drop a SymLink into it and have it treat it as the folder itself. (So I don't actually have to change the location of the files to be sitting in the iCloud folder)

It's looking like 80% chance of dropping iPhoto after WWDC next week. I probably won't miss it at all.


I have a 512GB SSD and I still find myself obsessively cleaning things. I would dump iPhoto right now if I could set Photo Stream to just download into a folder on my drive. I'd much rather manually manage all my photos. And I just might do it. It's just the Photo Stream. I wish iCloud was like DropBox in that it let me have a folder on my drive that I can manage myself (Not that useless MobileDocuments folder with the randomly named folders for apps and the inability to use more than one depth level for saving) and have Photo Stream drop photos into it. I'd put my entire library in that folder and drop DropBox in a second. (I literally don't use DropBox for anything anymore other than sharing my photos to my iOS devices since I switched to iCloud for 1Password.) I have 5GB on my iCloud. 4.5GB that I don't even use right now. My DropBox account has 4.6GB total (40% free) thanks to photo sharing.

I used to use Flickr all the time. I was big on Flickr. But I dropped it at one point and never use it anymore. I also never use FaceBook sharing anymore. The only things I'd kind of sort of miss in iPhoto are Places and Faces since you can't get that with the Finder. But then again I don't care enough.

iPhoto's many upgrades have turned the folder structure for my Library into a cluttered mess. I just want to dump it. After next Monday I'll decide whether I want to do it or not. I almost wish it was as easy as just taking all my photos, deleting the Library, starting fresh and bringing them all back in again. But I have so many and don't really care for the hassle. I'd have to rearrange the folder layout anyway if I decided to drop it. I use Events like folders as it is. I couldn't care less about Albums. I know I'm using it wrong, but Events just look nicer than Albums.

I just wish the Finder had some more specific management features for special folders like Windows. Where my folders for images would display thumbnails on the icon to help tell what's inside them, and opening it would show my photos presented like they should look. Nice and big. And dump that damn white border around the thumbnails! I already ranted on that in the WWDC thread but I hate that fucking white border! It's so thick and annoying. I miss 10.4 which didn't have a border and showed the image nice and big and clear with a subtle shadow. I hope that feature was a "Skeuomorphism" thing and is removed with 10.10.

All I know is that I have photos in the Library Masters folder that I cannot find anywhere in the iPhoto UI. I have looked the entire photos grid up and down multiple times and they are not there. They are in the folder and repairing/rebuilding does not find them. I've gone through and deleted some manually but there's so many.

I actually keep a SymLink to the clone version of my Masters folder in my DropBox which uploads the entirety of my iPhoto Library to DropBox where I can view them all in the Photos view. It's a bit hacky, but it means I don't have to keep a huge iPod Photo Cache folder in my Library taking up the exact same amount of space as the entirety of my Library itself for each device. I could switch to just using DropBox for photo cloud syncing and turn off Photo Stream but I'd hate to do it. But if I have to I will. I'd much rather they just fix iCloud to be more like DropBox instead. As long as I can drop a SymLink into it and have it treat it as the folder itself. (So I don't actually have to change the location of the files to be sitting in the iCloud folder)

It's looking like 80% chance of dropping iPhoto after WWDC next week. I probably won't miss it at all.

I would miss it. I use all the albums, events (equivalent in aperture) and everything.

You can actually rebuild your library, at least in aperture. By right clicking and exporting images as a new library or something you can make a new library. Or open a new one and dragging albums into it.

Not sure about iPhoto.

Are you absolutely 100 % sure the photos in the masters aren't in the events? Have you tried actually searching as opposed to just looking? Because photos can be "hidden" (hidden flag).

Otherwise they might actually be images required for photostream for example. Not sure how iPhoto handles that but if it's like aperture, it creates duplicates of images and dumps them into an event for the photostream.

The Real Abed

I would miss it. I use all the albums, events (equivalent in aperture) and everything.

You can actually rebuild your library, at least in aperture. By right clicking and exporting images as a new library or something you can make a new library. Or open a new one and dragging albums into it.

Not sure about iPhoto.

Are you absolutely 100 % sure the photos in the masters aren't in the events? Have you tried actually searching as opposed to just looking? Because photos can be "hidden" (hidden flag).

Otherwise they might actually be images required for photostream for example. Not sure how iPhoto handles that but if it's like aperture, it creates duplicates of images and dumps them into an event for the photostream.
We've already discussed rebuilding. I've done it half a dozen times. All it does is reorder my Events icons and force me to move them back.

They are not in my Library. I don't use the Hidden option, and Hidden photos are already set to visible.

My Photo Stream is all screwed up now anyway. It has photos in it from 2004 now for no explicable reason on my iPhone. On my Mac it's a completely different Photo Stream with many more photos including many that I took before iCloud even existed. Shouldn't the Stream be the same across everything? It makes no sense at all. And my "Last Import" section has one photo in it, and it's a photo I took 2 years ago of my cat.

If there aren't any major changes at WWDC, I might just have to drop it. Maybe iPhoto just isn't for me anymore.


We've already discussed rebuilding. I've done it half a dozen times. All it does is reorder my Events icons and force me to move them back.

They are not in my Library. I don't use the Hidden option, and Hidden photos are already set to visible.

My Photo Stream is all screwed up now anyway. It has photos in it from 2004 now for no explicable reason on my iPhone. On my Mac it's a completely different Photo Stream with many more photos including many that I took before iCloud even existed. Shouldn't the Stream be the same across everything? It makes no sense at all. And my "Last Import" section has one photo in it, and it's a photo I took 2 years ago of my cat.

If there aren't any major changes at WWDC, I might just have to drop it. Maybe iPhoto just isn't for me anymore.

Yeah, fair enough.

To be honest, since you seem to be such a "power user", I'm surprised you haven't moved onto aperture or something.

I never used "MY" photostream. I have too many devices on different devices and I don't want everything passing back and forth between devices with such little control.

I just use normal importing and then transfer things to shared photostreams.

The only real photos I sync from my library to my iPhone are ones I've flagged as 5 star (goes into a smart album whih is synced).

But yeah, it's a 1500 large album now and syncs with itunes to iPhone now take
Minutes because it has to update the immensely huge library database.xml file every time.

I've seen that get messed up in aperture (there was a hug for the longest time that prevented updates from syncing), not to mention recent itunes sync crashes and stuff.

Anyway, I'm ok with shared photostreams for now.

But yeah, as someone who wants more control over the experience, it would seem apple consumer-level software probably doesn't suit you.

Kind of goes with a lot of Apple stuff actually. Works great if you just want the surface to work. But if you want or need more control, you're out of luck really.

The Real Abed

Yeah, fair enough.

To be honest, since you seem to be such a "power user", I'm surprised you haven't moved onto aperture or something.

I never used "MY" photostream. I have too many devices on different devices and I don't want everything passing back and forth between devices with such little control.

I just use normal importing and then transfer things to shared photostreams.

The only real photos I sync from my library to my iPhone are ones I've flagged as 5 star (goes into a smart album whih is synced).

But yeah, it's a 1500 large album now and syncs with itunes to iPhone now take
Minutes because it has to update the immensely huge library database.xml file every time.

I've seen that get messed up in aperture (there was a hug for the longest time that prevented updates from syncing), not to mention recent itunes sync crashes and stuff.

Anyway, I'm ok with shared photostreams for now.

But yeah, as someone who wants more control over the experience, it would seem apple consumer-level software probably doesn't suit you.

Kind of goes with a lot of Apple stuff actually. Works great if you just want the surface to work. But if you want or need more control, you're out of luck really.
Power user nothing. I never take photos much anymore and only use iPhoto as an organization system. I used to take lots of photos, but the rare times I do these days means I don't really need iPhoto anymore. When I take a single photo from day to day it's just to upload to Twitter/FaceBook for laughs and giggles. If I'm actually out and on vacation and taking many photos, that's the rare time I ever use iPhoto and create a new Event. 99% of the time any photos I take end up in a "Miscellaneous" event I created.

I think I could survive without iPhoto. And probably be happier for it. And if I had to lose Photo Stream, well at least I have DropBox's Photos Upload, which is nice because every time you upload they increase your space. (I started with 2GB. I'm now up to 4.6GB.)

I pretty much already dropped iMovie for the most part. I only keep it for once in a blue moon. But I really miss the old UI. It actually worked. But I bet with some work I can easily replace iMovie with ScreenFlow. If only I could bring iMovie's transitions and titles into ScreenFlow. Their offerings are kind of boring. (And extra ones cost so much money) Then again, if I ever need to seriously get into video editing, instead of just using it for silly YouTube videos no one watches, then I'd probably look into Final Cut or one of the other big video editing suites I don't need at all right now. (Same reason I don't need Aperture right now and probably won't. I'm not a professional. Just a tech savvy computer user with OCD about how his file system is structured.)

Apple, make iCloud work like DropBox and I'm a happy man. If not, then DropBox exclusivity it is. (Does Google Drive work the same as DropBox? Does it have the same Photo Upload feature?) I just wish iOS would let DropBox upload my photos without the app being open. I have to open it first to initiate the upload.

I'm actually restoring my iPhoto Library from yesterday at noon before I made all the changes and will probably just decide whether to dump it or not next week. (Most likely I will.)


Power user nothing. I never take photos much anymore and only use iPhoto as an organization system. I used to take lots of photos, but the rare times I do these days means I don't really need iPhoto anymore. When I take a single photo from day to day it's just to upload to Twitter/FaceBook for laughs and giggles. If I'm actually out and on vacation and taking many photos, that's the rare time I ever use iPhoto and create a new Event. 99% of the time any photos I take end up in a "Miscellaneous" event I created.

I think I could survive without iPhoto. And probably be happier for it. And if I had to lose Photo Stream, well at least I have DropBox's Photos Upload, which is nice because every time you upload they increase your space. (I started with 2GB. I'm now up to 4.6GB.)

I pretty much already dropped iMovie for the most part. I only keep it for once in a blue moon. But I really miss the old UI. It actually worked. But I bet with some work I can easily replace iMovie with ScreenFlow. If only I could bring iMovie's transitions and titles into ScreenFlow. Their offerings are kind of boring. (And extra ones cost so much money) Then again, if I ever need to seriously get into video editing, instead of just using it for silly YouTube videos no one watches, then I'd probably look into Final Cut or one of the other big video editing suites I don't need at all right now. (Same reason I don't need Aperture right now and probably won't. I'm not a professional. Just a tech savvy computer user with OCD about how his file system is structured.)

Apple, make iCloud work like DropBox and I'm a happy man. If not, then DropBox exclusivity it is. (Does Google Drive work the same as DropBox? Does it have the same Photo Upload feature?) I just wish iOS would let DropBox upload my photos without the app being open. I have to open it first to initiate the upload.

I'm actually restoring my iPhoto Library from yesterday at noon before I made all the changes and will probably just decide whether to dump it or not next week. (Most likely I will.)

Yeah fair enough. I used the term "power user" very loosely. More that you know what you are doing, what you want and that is more control.

But yeah, fair enough.

I'm actually a pretty heavy photo guy and absolutely love the organisational features of aperture.

iPhoto is a great piece of software if you want to ignore all the inside-stuff, but it does require a certain mind set when it comes to workflow that a lot of people who just want folders and file names just find a bit confusing as to how to approach.

The number of times I've had to explain to people I've encouraged to use iPhoto over the difference and use of "events" (which incidentally used to be called "rolls") vs albums and re other panes in the side bar...

But yeah, you gotta do what works best for you.
My iPhoto library got to like 120 gigs + so I've torn it apart and are manually going through all of the folders and deleting dupes and blurs and et cetera...

It's been taking me months. But will be worth it in the end.

There's and app for that.
I've used that a few times, and it works as advertised.

And I will join the choir stating how bad iPhoto is....
I also have the exact same gripe with the fullscrren mode, its ridiculous....
I too never use Albums and have everything in Events...
Wish they gave it a proper update and fixed all the issues in it.


Hey thanks for that :). I've already pulled everything out of iPhoto into folders sorted by year. Just something I've been needing to do for a decade anyway.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I refuse to use iPhoto. I have been using Picasa for years. I really which Photostream was not dependent on iPhoto but it is not the end of the world if I cant really use it.
iPhoto is a terrible app. I don't even bother installing it on any of my Macs anymore. Hard to find a photo management app that meets my needs these days so I just ended up going all cloud and settled with putting everything on Flickr. I tried Dropbox -> Google Plus Photos -> Flickr. Felt like Google and Flickr had the most fully-featured cloud photo services but the G+ app on iPhone sucks ass so Flickr won.


So I just discovered the Readability button for article minimalist article reading, and so far I prefer it much more over the Reader functionality in Safari.

Reader seems to be faster, it's almost instant, whereas Readability sometimes needs 3-5 seconds to convert the page, but once it's converted I much prefer the overall design of reading articles that way vs. Reader.

I don't know what it is .. maybe it's Readability's font that I prefer or the fact that it seems to be it's own website compared to Reader which pulls up a white page over a gray background.

Does anyone else feel the same way or are you happy with Reader?


Seems like an Abed or Deku task. Although since no one outside of devs will have access to it until later in the summer I dunno when you would make it.

I just realized this thread was made a week or so before Mavericks came out, whoops.

The Real Abed

Seems like an Abed or Deku task. Although since no one outside of devs will have access to it until later in the summer I dunno when you would make it.
I would be terrible at an OT. I'll let Deku or whoever wants to do it. We could just copy everything from the Mavericks OT and edit it... hahaha.. no. Not at all. We need someone who is up to the task. Yosemite is huge. As huge as Yosemite.

Well, real abed, with photos coming for mac, you might just get your wish of photostreams without iPhoto!
Really looking forward to it. If I can somehow import them and organize them into folders I would love it. The only problem I have with iPhoto is how much unneeded stuff it seems to keep and how bad it organizes its folder structure, even though it's hidden from the end user anyway.

Shame they seem to say Photos is one of the features that won't be coming for a short while. I look forward to finding out the specifics. Either way I need to rebuild my iPhoto Library manually. If it does have iCloud Photo Stream integrated and the OS does its downloading without iPhoto needing to be opened, I'll be so happy.

Really really looking forward to installing Yosemite into a VM, then giving up and partitioning my drive and installing onto another partition, then trying it out, saying fuck it and installing over Mavericks on my main machine. It's the reason I keep multiple clones. I'll just keep a sort of snapshot clone of my last Mavericks state that I can restore to when I need to.

Also looking forward to playing with iCloud Drive. As long as it acts like a normal folder like it should and applications like Hazel can access files inside it, it'll be great. I'll drop DropBox so fast. AND I'll actually pay for space. 20GB for $1 a month is a steal.

Actually, out of all the stuff I wanted from Apple now the only two I didn't get are iTunes iCloud Syncing, where it syncs all my metadata and playlists in realtime as I use and play my media and trickles changes down to other devices, and... uh.... I forget what the other thing even was. Heh. I got so many wishes granted today.


Well who knows I might be up to an OT. Since I've got my Mac mini that I'm only using for Thunderbolt capture I don't have to worry much if I temporarily brick it, so I might put Yosemite on it. :)

Wonder what's in the cards for further Mavericks updates though. I just realized the other day that the latest point update seems to fix the issue with windows spanning multiple displays not showing on both monitors, but only on my work Mac Pro...


I would be terrible at an OT. I'll let Deku or whoever wants to do it. We could just copy everything from the Mavericks OT and edit it... hahaha.. no. Not at all. We need someone who is up to the task. Yosemite is huge. As huge as Yosemite.

Really looking forward to it. If I can somehow import them and organize them into folders I would love it. The only problem I have with iPhoto is how much unneeded stuff it seems to keep and how bad it organizes its folder structure, even though it's hidden from the end user anyway.

Shame they seem to say Photos is one of the features that won't be coming for a short while. I look forward to finding out the specifics. Either way I need to rebuild my iPhoto Library manually. If it does have iCloud Photo Stream integrated and the OS does its downloading without iPhoto needing to be opened, I'll be so happy.

Really really looking forward to installing Yosemite into a VM, then giving up and partitioning my drive and installing onto another partition, then trying it out, saying fuck it and installing over Mavericks on my main machine. It's the reason I keep multiple clones. I'll just keep a sort of snapshot clone of my last Mavericks state that I can restore to when I need to.

Also looking forward to playing with iCloud Drive. As long as it acts like a normal folder like it should and applications like Hazel can access files inside it, it'll be great. I'll drop DropBox so fast. AND I'll actually pay for space. 20GB for $1 a month is a steal.

Actually, out of all the stuff I wanted from Apple now the only two I didn't get are iTunes iCloud Syncing, where it syncs all my metadata and playlists in realtime as I use and play my media and trickles changes down to other devices, and... uh.... I forget what the other thing even was. Heh. I got so many wishes granted today.

Well, I'm not convinced Photos wouldn't have it's now crazy structure and keep a bunch of "unneeded" database files and thumbnails, edited versions etc. In fact, surely it does? I mean it probably does on your iPhone/iPad aswell, you just never have the chance to see it.

FOr example, when i sync photos from my mac to my iPhone, my "other" balloons by a few GB. No doubt this is library and data fils required fro viewing those photos on the iDevice (likely stuff like locations, library stuff and thumbs).


Hi guys, first time posting in the thread. Pretty excited for all the stuff announced today.

Well, I'm having an issue with Reeder 2, which I bought a few days ago. The app simply won't run properly on my Mac's main account. Here's what I experience:

- Once I sync my Feedly account, all the news are displayed as a list. But if I toggle between Starred or Read news and go back to the Unread ones, the app shows nothing, as if there were no unread news at all.

- When looking at the Unread or Starred filters, no folders or news feeds show on the left panel. They only show when using the Read filter.

- When any news manage to display on the screen, when I click on any of them the right panel shows only the date and the source. No headline or other text shows, leaving that panel completely blank.

- If I close Reeder, when I re-open it, all my information is gone. It asks me to log in to a service as if it were my first time using the app.

However, I created a new account with admin privileges and Reeder 2 runs perfectly on it.

Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

Btw. I have a Macbook Air 13-inch, Mid 2011 running OS X 10.9.2 (13C64).



Hi guys, first time posting in the thread. Pretty excited for all the stuff announced today.

Well, I'm having an issue with Reeder 2, which I bought a few days ago. The app simply won't run properly on my Mac's main account. Here's what I experience:

- Once I sync my Feedly account, all the news are displayed as a list. But if I toggle between Starred or Read news and go back to the Unread ones, the app shows nothing, as if there were no unread news at all.

- When looking at the Unread or Starred filters, no folders or news feeds show on the left panel. They only show when using the Read filter.

- When any news manage to display on the screen, when I click on any of them the right panel shows only the date and the source. No headline or other text shows, leaving that panel completely blank.

- If I close Reeder, when I re-open it, all my information is gone. It asks me to log in to a service as if it were my first time using the app.

However, I created a new account with admin privileges and Reeder 2 runs perfectly on it.

Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

Btw. I have a Macbook Air 13-inch, Mid 2011 running OS X 10.9.2 (13C64).


I actually don't know anything about this issue, but it sounds like some configuration issue the way your user is set up.

A possible fix is to delete that apps .plist file.

Now just a warning as I don't know what would happen if you do that, but typically apps have preferences and settings saved to a .plist file and people often tout a fix of deleting that file. Usually it's harmless to do so as the app will regenerate it on launch (you just lose your preferences for that app).

But I don't know about this specific issue and you can look into trying it. As a sort of "test" you can just move the file away, see it get regenerated and if it doesn't fix your problem, move it back with your original over-writing the new one.

I just don't want the responsibility of messing things up more if the plist for this app is something more important than that.

At any rate, I've done it lots and would probably have no qualms about doing this kind of thing.

Typically the .plist file for each app will be in the folder (your user)/Library/Preferences/ and be called something like "reeder.plist" or something named after the developers, or com."developer".plist.

There are other support files you could try deleting or moving but that would be a small place to start.


I actually don't know anything about this issue, but it sounds like some configuration issue the way your user is set up.

A possible fix is to delete that apps .plist file.

Now just a warning as I don't know what would happen if you do that, but typically apps have preferences and settings saved to a .plist file and people often tout a fix of deleting that file. Usually it's harmless to do so as the app will regenerate it on launch (you just lose your preferences for that app).

But I don't know about this specific issue and you can look into trying it. As a sort of "test" you can just move the file away, see it get regenerated and if it doesn't fix your problem, move it back with your original over-writing the new one.

I just don't want the responsibility of messing things up more if the plist for this app is something more important than that.

At any rate, I've done it lots and would probably have no qualms about doing this kind of thing.

Typically the .plist file for each app will be in the folder (your user)/Library/Preferences/ and be called something like "reeder.plist" or something named after the developers, or com."developer".plist.

There are other support files you could try deleting or moving but that would be a small place to start.

Thanks for your reply.

I've tried searching up and down for the .plist file with no success. I even used AppCleaner to find all the files associated with the app and it seems there is none.


I have also deleted the app several times using AppCleaner, restating and trying again to no avail.

I even went to my alternate account and used AppCleaner to find the files associated with Reeder, then copied them and moved them to my main account. There I deleted everything but the app and pasted those files and still nothing. Really odd.

I'm starting to give up on this. Maybe I'll do a fresh install of the Yosemite beta once it comes out and I'll try again then.

Still open up to any other suggestions though! Thanks again!


Thanks for your reply.

I've tried searching up and down for the .plist file with no success. I even used AppCleaner to find all the files associated with the app and it seems there is none.


I have also deleted the app several times using AppCleaner, restating and trying again to no avail.

I even went to my alternate account and used AppCleaner to find the files associated with Reeder, then copied them and moved them to my main account. There I deleted everything but the app and pasted those files and still nothing. Really odd.

I'm starting to give up on this. Maybe I'll do a fresh install of the Yosemite beta once it comes out and I'll try again then.

Still open up to any other suggestions though! Thanks again!
I'm not sure how app cleaner works, but do note that sometimes support files are named after the developer not the app (app cleaner might only look fir the app name).

One way you can check is to arrange the files in the preferences folder of your test user by date modified, then launch a freshly installed reeder then see what .plist appears at the top.

It could be that it doesn't store them in the regular place-after all bit looks like it light create its own support folder. Can also check folders named after it directly in the preferences or library folders or the Application Support folder.

If you are getting really desperate, definitely try contacting the developers themselves, who are likely to guide you to exactly where the support folders are. It could just be that your user has something less installed that interferes


Thanks for your reply.

I've tried searching up and down for the .plist file with no success. I even used AppCleaner to find all the files associated with the app and it seems there is none.


I have also deleted the app several times using AppCleaner, restating and trying again to no avail.

I even went to my alternate account and used AppCleaner to find the files associated with Reeder, then copied them and moved them to my main account. There I deleted everything but the app and pasted those files and still nothing. Really odd.

I'm starting to give up on this. Maybe I'll do a fresh install of the Yosemite beta once it comes out and I'll try again then.

Still open up to any other suggestions though! Thanks again!

~/Library/Containers/com.reederapp.rkit2.mac is the correct directory, the plist is in there.

Did you make sure the files really had been deleted? If so, have you tried emptying the trash afterwards? I'm asking because recently I had an issue with a plist inside the trash bin which was still used by a process.
Thanks for your reply.

I've tried searching up and down for the .plist file with no success. I even used AppCleaner to find all the files associated with the app and it seems there is none.


I have also deleted the app several times using AppCleaner, restating and trying again to no avail.

I even went to my alternate account and used AppCleaner to find the files associated with Reeder, then copied them and moved them to my main account. There I deleted everything but the app and pasted those files and still nothing. Really odd.

I'm starting to give up on this. Maybe I'll do a fresh install of the Yosemite beta once it comes out and I'll try again then.

Still open up to any other suggestions though! Thanks again!

Have you tried any of the troubleshooting here? http://reederapp.com/mac/


~/Library/Containers/com.reederapp.rkit2.mac is the correct directory, the plist is in there.

Did you make sure the files really had been deleted? If so, have you tried emptying the trash afterwards? I'm asking because recently I had an issue with a plist inside the trash bin which was still used by a process.

Yeah, sometimes some apps will load things into a cache first and operate. Especially if there are deeper hooks such as extensions and .kexts.

But yeah, if the trouble is a big issue, start contacting the devs and consulting their official FAQ. No-one will know better than the makers!


~/Library/Containers/com.reederapp.rkit2.mac is the correct directory, the plist is in there.

Did you make sure the files really had been deleted? If so, have you tried emptying the trash afterwards? I'm asking because recently I had an issue with a plist inside the trash bin which was still used by a process.

Have you tried any of the troubleshooting here? http://reederapp.com/mac/

Yeah, sometimes some apps will load things into a cache first and operate. Especially if there are deeper hooks such as extensions and .kexts.

But yeah, if the trouble is a big issue, start contacting the devs and consulting their official FAQ. No-one will know better than the makers!

Ok, so I tried everything and the issues remain. I completely deleted the prefs files, then emptied the trash, restarted, re-downloaded the app and nothing.

I've been contacting the developer for a few days already. He believes this might be a database issue, but in the meantime he already got back to me twice with different suggestions but nothing has worked so far. I'll keep in touch with him, hopefully future updates to the app will solve the problem.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Much appreciated!


I think I've asked before, but how can i get something like vlc to be fullscreen on a second monitor while still being able to use the screen on my laptop?

The Real Abed

I think I've asked before, but how can i get something like vlc to be fullscreen on a second monitor while still being able to use the screen on my laptop?
Yes. There's an option in VLC to use "the native fullscreen mode".

Then when you open your video, go into Mission Control and drag its space to the other display.


So I got a problem after I installed a new SSD and put OSX on it. I cannot scroll left or right on my work's website, I can scroll up and down, this is with both Safari and Firefox.

Anybody have any ideas on how to fix it?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So I have been trying to figure this out, but I am not sure if it is possible.

I want to print my monthly calendar with the start time and end time for each event showing. Right now, when I hit print, the preview only shows start times, but I can't seem to find an option to change that. Is there a way to do this?


GAF, can someone help me out? My Mac is acting really weird.

Turns out my desktop is not "evoking" the Finder anymore. I can't right-click it to bring the context menu up, I can't create folders in it through File->New Folder (it's greyed out) and I can't drop any files into it (the file just bounces back to it's original place inside the Finder). I do can create folders and drop files inside the Desktop folder in a Finder window, but the desktop itself doesn't update to show the files I added.

And such damned files are nowhere to be found in my mac: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.desktop.plist and ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist. So, I can't delete them to force the configs to reset.

I noticed my Time Machine backups to my external HD just hangs after a few megabytes, too, although I don't know if the two problems are related.

What I've tried: restarting, logging in and out, relaunching finder.app multiple times.

My Mac is a Mac mini (Late 2012), running OS X Mavericks 10.9.3.

Someone, please save me =(
GAF, can someone help me out? My Mac is acting really weird.

I would reboot and then open /Applications/Utilities/Console and watch the system log for errors. Google each error, and eventually you'll find one that other Mac users aren't seeing.

You're using an account with admin rights and not one that's been restricted by friends in the control panel?

Speaking of accounts, make a new one and see if it is similarly afflicted- it will tell you if the problem is the system or your account.

If the former, boot in recovery mode, and you should be able to reinstall the OS in place (though I would clone your disk).


I would reboot and then open /Applications/Utilities/Console and watch the system log for errors. Google each error, and eventually you'll find one that other Mac users aren't seeing.

You're using an account with admin rights and not one that's been restricted by friends in the control panel?

Speaking of accounts, make a new one and see if it is similarly afflicted- it will tell you if the problem is the system or your account.

If the former, boot in recovery mode, and you should be able to reinstall the OS in place (though I would clone your disk).

I actually managed to fix the bug with something I found in the Apple support forums after quite a bit of searching. I first repaired my disk's permissions (don't know if it actually did anything towards fixing the problem, but man, there was a lot of errors fixed there), and then I went to the terminal and ran a command I cannot remember to save my life right now. After a restart, everything went back to normal, although opening some files with third-party applications brought up the dialog box asking for me to allow it to open, kinda like the first time you install the app. Weird. Also, all the .plist files are back in the Library! Disk permissions' repair might have done such trick, I think.

Thanks for the help, though, I appreciate it!

Deku Tree

10.9.4 is out.

About the update

The OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 Update is recommended for all Mavericks users. It improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.

This update:

Fixes an issue that prevented some Macs from automatically connecting to known Wi-Fi networks
Fixes issue causing the background or Apple logo to appear incorrectly on startup
Improves the reliability of waking from sleep
Includes Safari 7.0.5
For detailed information about the security content of this update, see Apple security updates.

A surprisingly short Beta period, not that I'm complaining.

Any word if Safari 7.0.5 fixes the loading issue, or if the Wake from Sleep fix solves the issue where Retina MBPs resume to a black screen with a cursor for 30 seconds or so after first waking up?

Deku Tree

Push notifications don't work with iOS Mail and gmail. Google only allows them to work with the official gmail app. But you can just download the gmail app and set up notifications in the right way and then keep using apple mail.


I've never had any issues with it. That's why I'm curious.

Issues with folders, app specific passwords (every now and then it seems to forget the SMTP password), uploading 50 drafts for every email, syncing issues that made me lose an email...

Given all the complaints out there I am not alone on this.
Issues with folders, app specific passwords (every now and then it seems to forget the SMTP password), uploading 50 drafts for every email, syncing issues that made me lose an email...

Given all the complaints out there I am not alone on this.

Those two I also run into. All be it the password thing is once every couple of months or so.
And the drafts don't bother me too much as I empty my folders regularly.

It helps that I recently went from storing all my emails all neat and tidy into folders et al. to deleting every email once it's been processed.
It was was very liberating just deleting thousands of emails in one stroke. So far I haven't missed anything. ;)
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