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OS X Mavericks |OT| ... it's not called Liger :(

The Real Abed

Oh, you've got to be kidding me, the Safari extension YouTube Options is now a subscription based app called SPOI.
Somebody else came to realize this and has an alternative for me? I specially liked that you could set a default resolution and customize the page the way you want (hide suggestions/comments, show complete description and what not).

Otherwise I'll look into this over the weekend and make an update on my progress.
When this happened someone mentioned YouTube5 and it works great for me. I think YouTube Center is a GreaseMonkey script not that it matters. (I installed NinjaKit just to install the YouTube Me! script for NeoGAF which combined with YouTube5 means I never have to use Flash for 99% of the video I encounter anywhere.) But aside from some missing UX features with YT5 it works great and faster than YouTube Options ever did. It doesn't let the page change around but I just wanted the HTML5 video feature anyway.

I just hope Safari 8 (Or whatever is in 10.10) has some important features other browsers have:

  • Reopening closed tabs needs to be assigned to Command+Shift+T like Firefox and Chrome. Instead it's assigned to Command+Z which means if I type text in the closed tab is now removed from Safari's memory. This makes no sense. Reopening a tab isn't undoing a mistake like text is. It needs to be separate. Keep Undo to text.
  • When reopening the tab, Safari forgets the tabs history. Chrome handled this so well. You could close every tab in your browser window then reopen every single one and have all their histories intact. Safari just reopens the URL with no history at all.
  • Default zoom. On my Retina display at 1920x1200 at normal 100% scaling, shit is tiny! I have to hack it for every site by using QuickStyle to apply a zoom:130% CSS snippet to the HTML or BODY element of a page, but it fucks with some embedded pages like FaceBook commenting systems on news sites. I don't understand why Safari doesn't remember your zoom setting between sessions.
  • Various features I need to use Glims to add. For instance icons in tabs. I've had Glims for so long I keep forgetting this isn't a default feature. It's like favicons on Google. This should be part of that site not an extension/script you have to install. Also remembering the order you visited tabs so when one is closed you return to the previously visited one.
  • And it's a long shot but maybe put the Reload button next to Back/Forward where it belongs? Once again an extension has to exist in order to give us a feature we should have by default. I've disabled my Reload button extension to try and train myself to use the tiny Reload icon in the address bar but I keep finding myself heading to the left corner pretty much every time before realizing it.
  • And wishful thinking, I think the iCloud Tabs list should be in the sidebar instead of a pop-down list. Replace the "Shared Links" tab as I never ever use that. Put iCloud Tabs in that third spot and it'd be perfect.
  • Also, when downloading a tiny file, make it so the downloads button flashes so I can tell it's been downloaded. When clicking a download link for a tiny file it downloads so fast I can't tell if it downloaded and sometimes end up clicking again because there's no notification that it worked. Firefox is nice in that it does an animation when a file finishes. This visual cue is very useful.

The Real Abed

Yeah, same goes for me, great script.

Your wished features for Safari are completely on point, encounter them on my own on a daily basis, Apple needs to fix this up.
Thing is they're all features both Firefox and/or Chrome have anyway so it's not like I'm asking for the moon. So I hope others have cried out too. You don't realize how useful favicons are in tabs until they're gone.


Can anyone explain further what constitutes "significant energy" when clicking on the battery?

For example, I don't see how apps such as Transmission or MPlayerX are using significant energy when they're not active or doing anything? How could MPlayerX be using a lot of energy when it's not even playing anything?

The Real Abed

Can anyone explain further what constitutes "significant energy" when clicking on the battery?

For example, I don't see how apps such as Transmission or MPlayerX are using significant energy when they're not active or doing anything? How could MPlayerX be using a lot of energy when it's not even playing anything?
If they're not designed for App Nap they might be running full speed. (You should keep App Nap off for Transmission anyway since it will prevent it from adding .torrent files automatically when not focused I've discovered. Unless you always manually add them anyway.) And I don't know about MPlayerX. I use VLC. It depends on whether the developer has coded it properly or not. Do you keep Transmission running at all times on your laptop even when it's not downloading anything? Or MPlayerX when it's not playing anything? If they're not designed to, they will not conserve energy when idle.


so every morning when I wake my rMBP Photoshop is asking if I want to save my files before closing? Why is PS trying to close over night?

I do have a software update that it keeps asking me to apply, not sure if it has anything to do with that.

The Real Abed

so every morning when I wake my rMBP Photoshop is asking if I want to save my files before closing? Why is PS trying to close over night?

I do have a software update that it keeps asking me to apply, not sure if it has anything to do with that.
That is possible. Either that or if it's a newer version it might be OS X trying to close it when it's not being used. Why do you keep unsaved documents open over night anyway? And what version is it? And can't you apply the update and see if that's the reason? Maybe it's trying to update itself.


laziness to all your questions haha. Sometimes I just have things open in PS that aren't super important to save anyways.

but yea I'll apply the update right now and see if this persists.
So I want to do a cloud backup of my iPhoto library which is pretty big and wondering what's the best way to do it. I'm looking into different services but is it really safe to make a backup of just the one big consolidated iPhoto library file? I always worry that if the file corrupts or something the entire library could be lost. Is that a legitimate concern?

I've tried copying over the entire contents of my library from the iPhoto app into a folder so I have individual photo files but it's such a big copy it usually craps out. Is there an easy way to turn my consolidated library file into a folder of individual photos? Or should I just feel safe with the one big file?
... I'm looking into different services but is it really safe to make a backup of just the one big consolidated iPhoto library file? I always worry that if the file corrupts or something the entire library could be lost. Is that a legitimate concern?

It's not actually a single large file; it's a "package" which is a folder that the Finder presents to you as a file. If you right-click on the library and select "show package contents" it will make sense. Don't go moving things around inside it or you will break it.

Any Mac-friendly off-site backup service should cope with it.

Is there an easy way to turn my consolidated library file into a folder of individual photos?

I would use a command line utility like ditto or rsync, or a hypothetical GUI program that uses them, which will allow the copy to restarted if it gets interrupted.


So I want to do a cloud backup of my iPhoto library which is pretty big and wondering what's the best way to do it. I'm looking into different services but is it really safe to make a backup of just the one big consolidated iPhoto library file? I always worry that if the file corrupts or something the entire library could be lost. Is that a legitimate concern?

I've tried copying over the entire contents of my library from the iPhoto app into a folder so I have individual photo files but it's such a big copy it usually craps out. Is there an easy way to turn my consolidated library file into a folder of individual photos? Or should I just feel safe with the one big file?

As mentioned, it's really just a folder.

Inside, seriously don't mess with things, but you can see all your photos organised into the "original" folder inside the upshot library package.

It's organise by year, month and then I think import session (it used to me much more logical and organised by file date as well).

Then there's a "modified" folder containing all the current versions of each photo organised in the same way. This has the photos with any changes made to them, with the original unedited file sitting in the "original" folder. This is hep the non-destructive editing works.

The iPhoto library package is pretty much self-contained. Backing that up will back it all up and any clone f it can be opened by iPhoto or aperture.

It's proprietary though, so if you ever move away from Apple photo software you're
Out of luck regarding organisation,
Although all the photos ARE there in a regular folder format.

Since it's pretty much just a folder, you can't corrupt it all in one go, but if a library file is corrupted you could lose all your organisation and ability to open properly in iPhoto.

A note about backup - it's possible other backup services will treat it as one file and this any incremental changes what issue an ENTIRE re backup.

How's the toddler by the way? Heading to 2 soon....
Okay thanks. So could I open the package contents and then make a copy of the originals folder to back up offsite? Or is it pretty safe just to backup a copy of the library as-is? Don't ever plan to go back to PC so format compatibility is not an issue.


Okay thanks. So could I open the package contents and then make a copy of the originals folder to back up offsite? Or is it pretty safe just to backup a copy of the library as-is? Don't ever plan to go back to PC so format compatibility is not an issue.

Did you make edits on the photos in iPhoto? I would say just backup the whole package as it gets everything and all your organisation.

Your photos are just still the original jpg straight from the camera - you will always be able to extract them for any computer. It's not a format thing really. The proprietary parts are just things like your albums and organisation, possibly keywords and some metadata.

But if you plan on doing incremental backups somehow, or if cloud space is an issue, maybe a more piecemeal approach is in order.

For the record I largely use time machine as my catch all, which recognises changes made to the library as incremental. And every so often I get an off site HD and dump my whole library on it.

It's not ideal but it's something. Would like a cloud solution, but seeing as our upload speeds in NZ are stupid slow, and my library is over 600 GB, that kind of cuts out that option.

The Real Abed

Use CrashPlan. They deal with it properly.

And as said, the library is a folder. Inside is an Originals folder which includes all your photos sorted by date in folders by year/month/day in their original raw format. I actually added a Symlink to this folder to my DropBox and now can access every photo in my Library from my iOS devices without having to sync to my device via iTunes. Works perfectly. But that's only backing up the originals. So use another service to safely back up the entire thing so you don't lose all your other iPhoto metadata.


The OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 Update is recommended for all Mavericks users. It improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.

This update:
  • Improves 4K display support on Mac Pro (Late 2013) and MacBook Pro with 15-inch Retina Display (Late 2013)
  • Adds the ability to sync contacts and calendars between a Mac and iOS device using a USB connection
  • Improves the reliability of VPN connections using IPsec
  • Resolves an issue that prevented Font Book from installing PostScript Type 1 fonts
  • Improves reliability of copying, editing and inspecting permissions of files on an SMB file server
  • Improves reliability of network home directories
  • Improves stability when installing configuration profiles
  • Improves login speed for users in Active Directory groups
  • Includes Safari 7.0.3


The Real Abed

Heads up guys. As usual the update will once again hide your Library folder in your home folder. This can once again be shown with the View Options window (Command+J).

But something new this time. For some reason they now hide the Users folder in the root of your drive. Not sure why they feel the need to, and it doesn't really affect me much since I only have one user and just have my Home folder in my Dock, but just FYI if you happen to like having that folder showing. Kind of strange to hide it now. I'm surprised they don't hide everything except Applications in there just to keep the user out. Or just not allow them to have the main HDD on the desktop in the first place. (I know it's a toggle and is off by default on new machines anyway, but that encompasses all internal drives and not just the main boot drive.)


Heads up guys. As usual the update will once again hide your Library folder in your home folder. This can once again be shown with the View Options window (Command+J).

But something new this time. For some reason they now hide the Users folder in the root of your drive. Not sure why they feel the need to, and it doesn't really affect me much since I only have one user and just have my Home folder in my Dock, but just FYI if you happen to like having that folder showing. Kind of strange to hide it now. I'm surprised they don't hide everything except Applications in there just to keep the user out. Or just not allow them to have the main HDD on the desktop in the first place. (I know it's a toggle and is off by default on new machines anyway, but that encompasses all internal drives and not just the main boot drive.)

I've seen that some people get the Users folder hidden and some don't.

So you had it hidden after the upgrade? Did you use combo, delay or AppStore to upgrade?


I upgraded through the Mac App Store and my user folder is gone on my 2013 11" Air i7.

Yeah who knows how or why it happens. Maybe it's machine-based, some bug, user-based etc. or a combination. Trouble-shooting can be really though.

And who knows maybe the people who DON'T haven't hidden has the bug!

But thanks for the data point.

I've heard hat people unhide it but a repair permissions hides it again. Strange.

The Real Abed

I've seen that some people get the Users folder hidden and some don't.

So you had it hidden after the upgrade? Did you use combo, delay or AppStore to upgrade?
I just opened App Store, clicked Updates, installed them and rebooted. Boom.

I don't need that folder showing though. But still.


I just opened App Store, clicked Updates, installed them and rebooted. Boom.

I don't need that folder showing though. But still.

Yeah it's not a huge deal, but just curious why only some see it. You're right it's weird they would hide that and not like system folder itself.
I've seen that some people get the Users folder hidden and some don't.

Does it depend on the number of users? Yet to try the upgrade, but there are varying numbers of users on my Macs. Curious if it is hiding /Users or the parent folder of ~/ since the two are not the same on my Mac Pro ( /Volumes/Users/ instead).


Does it depend on the number of users? Yet to try the upgrade, but there are varying numbers of users on my Macs. Curious if it is hiding /Users or the parent folder of ~/ since the two are not the same on my Mac Pro ( /Volumes/Users/ instead).

Some people on other forums mentions being the only user, but still having it hidden.

For the record, I just updated my iMac 2012, using the combo updater, I have multiple users and my Users folder is still visible.

Edit: secodn note - my ~/Library folder is still unhidden as I normally have it.

Deku Tree

My rMBP 2012 i7 updated to 10.9.3 and it only has one user,
and the user folder is gone.

Is this a feature or a bug according to Apple? You would think they would give people a heads up if they were planning to hide the user folder.


My rMBP 2012 i7 updated to 10.9.3 and it only has one user,
and the user folder is gone.

Is this a feature or a bug according to Apple? You would think they would give people a heads up if they were planning to hide the user folder.

Who knows. Smells like a bug to me.

And I just noticed - why does Game Center still use green felt?

Other than that, I think this is the first update to put MAvericks where it should be. Well, hopefully. I'm hoping all the little bugs have been ironed out now.


It was in the update notes in the app store.
Yeah, it's just as usual, a separate update. Sorry, from your wording it could've implied it was part of 9.3 (I was wondering if I needed to download the installer).

Anyway, pretty happy with 9.3 so far.
Some people on other forums mentions being the only user, but still having it hidden.[...]I have multiple users and my Users folder is still visible.

That's what I mean. You don't need it in a single user system, aside from having a navigable file system from / to ~ (tccccch, who needs that).


Yeah, it's just as usual, a separate update. Sorry, from your wording it could've implied it was part of 9.3 (I was wondering if I needed to download the installer).

Anyway, pretty happy with 9.3 so far.
I didn't get an update option for iTunes. Isn't it included in the update? (I haven't actually logged on since the update, so I guess if the new iTunes requires 10.9.3 then that would explain that)


That's what I mean. You don't need it in a single user system, aside from having a navigable file system from / to ~ (tccccch, who needs that).

Whoops, yeah that's logical, I meant some other users have stated they are MULTIPLE users, and still have it hidden.

I didn't get an update option for iTunes. Isn't it included in the update? (I haven't actually logged on since the update, so I guess if the new iTunes requires 10.9.3 then that would explain that)

I was going to say that I imagine that the new iTunes DOES require 10.9.3, as they tend to roll out updates when the other ones hit....but that makes no sense iTunes has never been tied to a Mac Os X version update, as the features tend to be introduced for everyone. Typically the iTunes installer works for anyone from 10.6.8 onwards.

Wait, you meant you saw it in the update NOTES of the 10.9.3 installer on the App Store?
Pretty sure iTunes doesn't come with OS updates usually.
It's too soon to tell, but Safari seems to not be getting stuck loading a third of the way through on 10.9.3 as often anymore on a late 2013" 13" rMBP.

On the other hand, I had a Safari tab crash on me on Google Maps last night, which had never happened to me before, and Hulu had a weird bug where commercials continued to play after the episode resumed. So maybe trading one bug for another?

I always do the Combo updates, FWIW, BTW.


I keep getting stuttering on Google Chrome and iTunes when playing music. It's my HDD right, it's a bottleneck? (5400rpm btw).

Can't wait to get an SSD for this thing, I hope it rejuvenates my mac.


My rMBP 2012 i7 updated to 10.9.3 and it only has one user,
and the user folder is gone.

Is this a feature or a bug according to Apple? You would think they would give people a heads up if they were planning to hide the user folder.
For what it's worth I only have one user and mine is still there like normal.


I keep getting stuttering on Google Chrome and iTunes when playing music. It's my HDD right, it's a bottleneck? (5400rpm btw).

Can't wait to get an SSD for this thing, I hope it rejuvenates my mac.

Even a 5400RPM drive should be able to play back music with no stuttering, unless you're pushing some heavy I/O at the same time (copying or zipping files to the same volume.)

An SSD will make things much snappier though, yes.


Even a 5400RPM drive should be able to play back music with no stuttering, unless you're pushing some heavy I/O at the same time (copying or zipping files to the same volume.)

An SSD will make things much snappier though, yes.

Hmm I wonder what my issue is then. I'm never running anything intensive.

Any suggestions?

Deku Tree

An interesting post by Jim D on the hidden /Users folder issue:


This is not a big deal for most people, and not everyone’s /Users folder is hidden. If yours is, and you need access to it, open a Finder window and select Go To Folder… from the Go menu. When the dialog appears, type /Users and click the Go button. The /Users folder will become visible, albeit temporarily.

For a more permanent solution, control-click on the /Users folder and select Make Alias from the contextual menu that appears. Though the /Users folder will become hidden again when you close your Finder window, the alias will stick around.

More at the link.


An interesting post by Jim D on the hidden /Users folder issue:


More at the link.

There are sonebreportsbthat it's not actually a bug with 10.9.3, but rather itunes 11.2 and find my mac.

I don't have find my mac activated, and my users folder us normal.

I have an iMac, so why do I need find my mac on for? I had it on once but the story of the guy who had his mac remote wiped after his Apple ID was breached prompted me to consider whether I really needed that feature on.

Anyway, if that's true, could be an important lesson (that no-one will get), about correlation vs causation. The incidents will be typically correlated with a lot of things that are not actually the cause. For example people blaming 10.9.3, when it may be itunes. Or people blaming MacBooks vs desktops (because there may be a correlation of portables since they're more likely to have find my mac on). Etc.


Setec Astronomer
If OSX hides a folder you use and has a thing about keeping it hidden, just create a symlink to it in the same folder.

Edit: Ah, "sudo chflags nohidden" seems even better.


If OSX hides a folder you use and has a thing about keeping it hidden, just create a symlink to it in the same folder.

Edit: Ah, "sudo chflags nohidden" seems even better.

Apparently it gies hidden again on reboot, speaking about the /Users folder.

Deku Tree

I usually access my regular folders from either the favorites list of a Finder Window or from the Dock. So long ago I put my User folder in both of those places. And it is still there even though the /Users folder is hidden. So I'm good.


I usually access my regular folders from either the favorites list of a Finder Window or from the Dock. So long ago I put my User folder in both of those places. And it is still there even though the /Users folder is hidden. So I'm good.

The actual hidden-ness of it is largely a non-issue as you can easily find workaround a for access if you need to, which most don't.

The bigger possible issue is that these may folders have permissions messed up. This can cause applications to not function or allow inappropriate access. Still not a huge deal I think, just weird.

Do you have Find My Mac on?
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