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OS X Yosemite [OT]

The Real Abed

Anyone else having this issue?

Do you mean the missing change log? Yes. I am. It's been like this for a few weeks now. And even worse, WiFi sync no longer works at all. Neither of my devices show up in the top bar. I have to connect my phone and tablet to my computer and sync manually like a caveman.
So after playing around, realising I don't subscribe to any of Apples useless applications or bullshit (iTunes, Mail, iPhone, Safari) ... essentially I just downloaded a new skin for my Macbook Pro.

Thanks Apple.

The Real Abed

So after playing around, realising I don't subscribe to any of Apples useless applications or bullshit (iTunes, Mail, iPhone, Safari) ... essentially I just downloaded a new skin for my Macbook Pro.

Thanks Apple.
I couldn't live without the iOS/OS X integration and built-in apps.

Also, do white chocolate Krispies really exist? Because that sounds delicious.


Do you mean the missing change log? Yes. I am. It's been like this for a few weeks now. And even worse, WiFi sync no longer works at all. Neither of my devices show up in the top bar. I have to connect my phone and tablet to my computer and sync manually like a caveman.

Yes, the missing changelog. Regarding the WiFi sync, same situation here. It stopped working at some point while I was still using Mavericks.


Its probably been asked here but I'm asking again.

Where do I find google search in my spotlight? Ive even enabled Bing but when i write something in spotlight no suggestion for google or bing search appears
I couldn't live without the iOS/OS X integration and built-in apps.

Also, do white chocolate Krispies really exist? Because that sounds delicious.

I'm not mad. It is literally just a new skin for me. I guess I might investigate the Netflix battery improvements in safari ... if I'm ever without a power for more than 6 hours ...

And yes. They are delicious. Melt a large bar of white chocolate over boiling water, then mix it with a whole packet of rice krispies so they get just a light coating, then sit eating it out of the bowl while you binge a whole 5 season show on netflix.

The ... life.


I'd really recommend using Safari. Tried others on Mavericks and nothing compares tbh. On Yosemite it's even better.


I'd love to switch to Safari, but the lack of a proper cmd+shift+T shortcut, the lack of native keyword searches, and the lack of an option to automatically clear all cookies upon exit would make a switch rather painful. And that's just the shortcomings I can think of right now; I'm sure many will will surface after using it for a while.


I'd love to switch to Safari, but the lack of a proper cmd+shift+T shortcut, the lack of native keyword searches, and the lack of an option to automatically clear all cookies upon exit would make a switch rather painful. And that's just the shortcomings I can think of right now; I'm sure many will will surface after using it for a while.

what does cmd+shift+T do?
open your last closed tab? as in accidentally closed tab?

you can do that by pressing cmd+Z


Nice got Continuity to work now, so neat. Thanks to the link in the OP.
Do you now always have Bluetooth enabled on your Mac and iPhone etc? If I recall correctly 4.0 should be fairly fine on battery consumption.

Try changing your Caps Lock key to Control (in Keyboard preferences -> Modifier Keys...). Then use your thumb for Command and pinky for Control. This gives you a second option for Control, which leaves your thumb on Command more frequently.
I’m starting to arrange with it more and more. Also didn’t know about cmd shift right/left arrow, which seems like a winner, I'll try to adapt.

Try BetterTouchTool (free), BetterSnapTool (App Store, same developer), or Divvy (App Store) for some window snapping and positioning features.
Those were nice and put me into the right direction, so that I ended up with Breeze. It's exactly what I wanted, I can define actual save states for every application, it's amazing.

So yeah, it always takes a while to recover after a fresh install, but damn is it nice, Very glad I had the time to do it and very happy with Yosemite.
Mavericks turned my macbook to shit. It slowed my computer and bugs me all the time about updating. It's not old either. So I'll pass.


what does cmd+shift+T do?
open your last closed tab? as in accidentally closed tab?

you can do that by pressing cmd+Z

Yes. It does that, and only that. Cmd+Z is undo, so it only reopens a closed tab if this was my last action. Do anything else, and cmd+Z will undo that action instead. And cmd+Z only reopens one tab.

In any other browser, reopening tabs and undo are two separate actions. You can press cmd+shift+T consecutively, and it will reopen multiple tabs.


Google search suggestions in the address bar for the term "destiny vault":

destiny vault
destiny vault of glass

destiny vault
vault deutsch
vault 34

The fuck?


Google search suggestions in the address bar for the term "destiny vault":

destiny vault
destiny vault of glass

destiny vault
vault deutsch
vault 34

The fuck?

Seems OK for me (Inoreader is the mouseover for the tab under there).


You hit CTRL with your thumb?! That sounds incredibly awkward. I use a finger (pinky usually) for CTRL.
Guess you are right on that one, pinky would work better, but then again control usually isn't used that much, so there might have been the problem in the first place.


I'm not liking Yosemite. Mavericks felt so much better and responsive, not to mention how much I hate this flat and translucent interface.

I think I'll go back to Mavericks. :-/


Google search suggestions in the address bar for the term "destiny vault":

destiny vault
destiny vault of glass

destiny vault
vault deutsch
vault 34

The fuck?

All I'm reading is: Safari's your porn-browser and you're into german bondage.


I'm not liking Yosemite. Mavericks felt so much better and responsive, not to mention how much I hate this flat and translucent interface.

I think I'll go back to Mavericks. :-/
Skeuomorphism is DEAD.

And Yosemite is faster.


Skeuomorphism is DEAD.

NOOOOOOOO! I probably could just get used to it with time but the translucent part really looks cheap. I turned it off and feels a bit better but the whole OS feels much more heavy and sluggish than Mavericks, I'll wait until they get it together or even until the next OSX release.

It doesn't feel faster for me, at all. And I did a clean install. The fans are super loud now and everything just feels a bit more slower/heavier


NOOOOOOOO! I probably could just get used to it with time but the translucent part really looks cheap. I turned it off and feels a bit better but the whole OS feels much more heavy and sluggish than Mavericks, I'll wait until they get it together or even until the next OSX release.

It doesn't feel faster for me, at all. And I did a clean install. The fans are super loud now and everything just feels a bit more slower/heavier

Hmm, maybe want to try another install? I did a clean install and everything feels perfectly fine on my MBA.

I like the new look, much better then Mavericks so far. Haven't really had a single issue at all. Then again I really am not concerned with the phone stuff at all, and don't use many apple apps at all except safari.



Seems OK for me (Inoreader is the mouseover for the tab under there).

Interesting. I tried a few changes in the search settings, here are my findings:

Safari, default settings:

Safari, Quick Website Search disabled:

Safari, DuckDuckGo:

Safari, DuckDuckGo, Quick Website Search disabled:

Chrome, default settings:
I like safari but the lack of favicons on tabs makes it too difficult to distinguish tabs quickly. When dealing with more than 10 tabs everything just looks "samey".

Also, not enough professional developer utilities for it, I don't think. Not to mention the cross platform Chrome syncing. Is Windows version of Safari a decent enough performer to consider if bookmarks and history syncing matter to you?

Also, can anyone tell me how to make the Yosemite-as-a-speakerphone function not suck with the built-in speaker? People are saying it sounds awful. Muffled, background noise, etc.


Like cmd-f?

No, like in Chrome:

Safari does support website-specific searches, as I realized earlier today. But I disabled it, as it meddled with my Google suggestions for some reason (see my previous post). Besides, it doesn't work with actual keywords. I've been using the same keywords in several browsers and apps (e.g. Alfred) and on different computers for years now.

I'm about to try KeySearch. Looks good, but the source code hasn't been touched since almost two years.

Ninja Dom

I like safari but the lack of favicons on tabs makes it too difficult to distinguish tabs quickly. When dealing with more than 10 tabs everything just looks "samey".

Also, not enough professional developer utilities for it, I don't think. Not to mention the cross platform Chrome syncing. Is Windows version of Safari a decent enough performer to consider if bookmarks and history syncing matter to you?

Windows version of Safari was discontinued in 2012 with version 5.1.2.

Funny enough the Windows Safari is my dad's favourite browser on his old Dell Windows Vista laptop. It's his default browser.


No, like in Chrome:

Safari does support website-specific searches, as I realized earlier today. But I disabled it, as it meddled with my Google suggestions for some reason (see my previous post). Besides, it doesn't work with actual keywords. I've been using the same keywords in several browsers and apps (e.g. Alfred) and on different computers for years now.

I'm about to try KeySearch. Looks good, but the source code hasn't been touched since almost two years.
I'm using Safari Keyword Search, once configured it works like a charm. Yes, many extensions for safari haven't been updated since 5.1, but they still work, some aren't aesthetically appealing anymore though.
Windows version of Safari was discontinued in 2012 with version 5.1.2.

Funny enough the Windows Safari is my dad's favourite browser on his old Dell Windows Vista laptop. It's his default browser.
Cements that I won't be switching to Safari, then.

I go back and forth between OSX and Windows 8.1 all day and having history and plugins shared across platforms is fucking awesome.

Yosemite continues to disappoint me. The framerate dip I'm experiencing is significant and the dark skin and improved Spotlight aren't doing enough to justify my upgrade. Lots of tradeoffs going on here for little enhancement. I may have to do a clean install to see if that helps at all. Not very confident that it will and I'm really disinterested in losing a day of my free time fucking around installing dozens of apps just to get back up to full speed.
I don't really like Dark Mode. Looks kind of like those garish Linux distributions like Sabayon. Ick.

I typically try to use Safari as my primary browser every time I reinstall OS X and it always chases me away for some reason. Let's hope it sticks this time.


Cements that I won't be switching to Safari, then.

I go back and forth between OSX and Windows 8.1 all day and having history and plugins shared across platforms is fucking awesome.

Yosemite continues to disappoint me. The framerate dip I'm experiencing is significant and the dark skin and improved Spotlight aren't doing enough to justify my upgrade. Lots of tradeoffs going on here for little enhancement. I may have to do a clean install to see if that helps at all. Not very confident that it will and I'm really disinterested in losing a day of my free time fucking around installing dozens of apps just to get back up to full speed.

Go into Accessibilty and turn on "Less transluceny" or something like that and it will improve. At least it did for me.


Cements that I won't be switching to Safari, then.

I go back and forth between OSX and Windows 8.1 all day and having history and plugins shared across platforms is fucking awesome.

Yosemite continues to disappoint me. The framerate dip I'm experiencing is significant and the dark skin and improved Spotlight aren't doing enough to justify my upgrade. Lots of tradeoffs going on here for little enhancement. I may have to do a clean install to see if that helps at all. Not very confident that it will and I'm really disinterested in losing a day of my free time fucking around installing dozens of apps just to get back up to full speed.

What computers are you guys using? I'm having zero issue on my 2010 13" MBP. I guess I can't imagine using all these extensions and apps that you use...
What computers are you guys using? I'm having zero issue on my 2010 13" MBP. I guess I can't imagine using all these extensions and apps that you use...
early 2011.

17" MBP

Everything is still smooth on the Windows side. I know it's not the GPU because games are still excellent in Windows. The only thing that has changed is this OS upgrade and my framerate when switching between Spaces in particular is just awful. It's in the teens at best.

For perspective, I actively use 8 desktop spaces and had almost no lag worth mentioning in the last OSX release.

Go into Accessibilty and turn on "Less transluceny" or something like that and it will improve. At least it did for me.
Will try. Ty.
I like safari but the lack of favicons on tabs makes it too difficult to distinguish tabs quickly. When dealing with more than 10 tabs everything just looks "samey".

Also, not enough professional developer utilities for it, I don't think. Not to mention the cross platform Chrome syncing. Is Windows version of Safari a decent enough performer to consider if bookmarks and history syncing matter to you?

Also, can anyone tell me how to make the Yosemite-as-a-speakerphone function not suck with the built-in speaker? People are saying it sounds awful. Muffled, background noise, etc.

there is an extension for chrome that syncs between chrome and icloud. Does your mac have the ambient noise reduction in the sound preference pane


Why the heck can't you use backspace to GO BACK in safari?
Assuming you have a trackpad, why not use the gestures? CTRL + [ is also back in Safari (and other OS X apps).

Not sure why you feel backspace should be back, just because it has the word back in it. It's a backspace key.
Oh hey, you have to buy OS X Server again for Yosemite.

No, like in Chrome:

Oh. I did know (once) that that existed, but I've never seen anyone use it.

Does anyone still use this? Can you disable it?

Haven't in the 24 hours I've had Yosemite, but in the past I've used it for world clocks of where my friends are around the world, currency and unit conversions.

Yes, you can turn it off. System Preferences > Mission Control > "Dashboard:" dropdown > off.


since it's stored in the cloud anyways, have you tried logging out of iCloud entirely and logging back in?
I was transfering files to iCloud Drive and didn't want to mess with the settings.

I tried now just unchecking Notes in the iCloud settings, rebooted and the Notes were checked again (by itself) and now there is no duplicate Notes. So, a bit weird, but it works now.
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