10.10.1 is out now, so all of you who were on the fence waiting, you can finally jump in.
10.10.1 is out now, so all of you who were on the fence waiting, you can finally jump in.
I feel like every browser is trash on OSX now.
I feel like every browser is trash on OSX now.
Safari is the only one I'll use now. What Sch1sm said is right. Chrome is junk now and Firefox feels like it's stuck in the 2010s. Safari however is great for me despite its flaws.Chrome is power hungry, Firefox just feels outdated as hell. Yeah. Seems about right.
Safari is the only one I'll use now. What Sch1sm said is right. Chrome is junk now and Firefox feels like it's stuck in the 2010s. Safari however is great for me despite its flaws.
Agreed. I use Safari now for some of its features and because it's easy on my battery, but their extension game hasn't improved since they launched them.The problem with Safari is that it doesn't have an actual dedicated place for extensions. I have all of my Chrome extensions on Safari but I got them all from different places. That poor excuse they have of a site for extensions is not enough.
That happens when you disable transparency, at least I've noticed that when I disabled transparency.Here's hoping it fixes those irritating bugs. Including the one where Yosemite temporarily loses the custom colour profile.
EDIT: Installed it, but I still get this:
Apple, please fix this minor annoyance.
Safari is the only one I'll use now. What Sch1sm said is right. Chrome is junk now and Firefox feels like it's stuck in the 2010s. Safari however is great for me despite its flaws.
I get that too. The words still type, but it takes forever for them to show up. But it's not often enough for me to want to consider jumping to a worse browser. Because it's still the best one on OS X in my opinion.I have some issues with safari slowing down when typing and just general unintuitive usage.
Is there a trackpad gesture to quickly get to spotlight?
Use BetterTouchTool and set one up yourself. BTT is a must for anyone with a trackpad.Is there a trackpad gesture to quickly get to spotlight?
...if you happen to not like LaunchPad (You monster.) ...
Click and hold and apps that don't exist should show an X. Even for ones that aren't from the App Store.You know what? I'd forgotten it even existed until I read this. I just can't like it, no matter how hard I try. Of course, it doesn't help that it's full of long-deleted steam games that it won't let me remove.
defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock
Not that I know of. I usually just use Cmd + Spacebar to bring it up.
New update deleted everything in my notes app which is annoying.. I had a lot important stuff in there.. Never using that again now.
Guess you arent syncing Notes to iCloud then
New update deleted everything in my notes app which is annoying.. I had a lot important stuff in there.. Never using that again now.
Also it's worth checking to see if you were actually using non local notes either before or after, seeing as notes can be tied to an email account service.Boo. Can you get them out of TimeMachine or other backup?
You can sync Google notes into the Notes app. Unless you're afraid that would also ruin your notes on Google.Yeah, i'll just start using google keep from now on. Wish Google had a keep app I could put in my dock as its easier.
You can sync Google notes into the Notes app. Unless you're afraid that would also ruin your notes on Google.
I haven't had any problems with iCloud.
Yeah, i'll just start using google keep from now on. Wish Google had a keep app I could put in my dock as its easier.
The bottom line is to not trust only the Cloud for data storage. Always keep a local copy and a local backup if possible. All my data is stored on my MacBook or iMac Server as well as a HDD hard copy clone and some data is also stored on either a CrashPlan backup or iCloud/DropBox copy. Nothing I have is only stored in one place. And much of it is stored in three. Nothing is only in the Cloud.The cloud still scares me though. People find it like a safe haven for data but I know one bug and it can all be gone from the cloud and hence very where at once.
The bottom line is to not trust only the Cloud for data storage. Always keep a local copy and a local backup if possible. All my data is stored on my MacBook or iMac Server as well as a HDD hard copy clone and some data is also stored on either a CrashPlan backup or iCloud/DropBox copy. Nothing I have is only stored in one place. And much of it is stored in three. Nothing is only in the Cloud.
I guess the nice thing about DropBox is that it keeps all your data as it is in a local folder. And my backup programs make copies of those files to two separate places (Local networked and Cloud backup) so I can get them back if say DropBox up and died one day. iCloud also keeps local copies, albeit not in as user-friendly of a format, but it's still stored on the machine, and if you make sure to backup that folder (~/Library/Mobile Documents) you'll at least have a copy of that if iCloud fucks up or something. Though since iCloud Drive holds data in a weird format, you won't want to just simply restore the entire Mobile Documents folder, rather pick and choose where possible. Let's hope that never has to be tested though.
Anyone else here having problems with Time Machine? I just got a new 2TB external drive and Time Machine runs extremely slowly. I let it run for almost 3 days and it only backed up about 26 GB of my 405GB. I did a number of tricks I saw online that involve Spotlight and starting in safe mode then restarting but all made no difference.
Yes 3.0. I've tried a few different times as well as using the disk utility to see if the new drive has any issues, it all looks ok. I read some similar complaints online but wanted to see if people here are also having the same issue.