10.10.1 fixed SSH for me. VNC, on the other hand, still doesn't work.
Finally figured it out, but I don't quite understand it. While Back to my Mac is working fine (Seriously!
It's actually working!!), Screens for iOS did not work at all. Didn't even throw an error message, it just tried to connect forever. None of my connection settings have changed.
According to the developer's blog, some users reported that Yosemite had changed their local computer hostname. "Yeah, whatever, it's just the local name, but I might as well check it out."
System Settings said:
Computers on your local network can access your computer at "macmini-2.local"
Well, there it is. That's supposed to be "macmini.local", obviously.
Now Screens is working again - but
I am not in the same network as my Mac mini. Screens shouldn't care about the hostname, all it needs is the IP, the port and the credentials.
Anyway. Speaking of Screens,
both the iOS and Mac apps are 50% off right now.