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OS X Yosemite [OT]

Deku Tree

I'll probably return the drive and get another one. Thanks

What kind of Apple computer are you using? It could also be a problem with your internal drive I guess... Do you notice slowness when using your computer?

Did you reformat the external drive using disk utility to the apple format?
What kind of Apple computer are you using? It could also be a problem with your internal drive I guess... Do you notice slowness when using your computer?

Did you reformat the external drive using disk utility to the apple format?

it is a iMac 21.5 late 2013 2.7 Ghz with 8GB ram 1 TB HD. I am not seeing any slowness outside of the time machine. I also did reformat the external drive. I also used the Disk Utility to check for issues on both the computer HD and the external HD, no problem came up. Just all weird.
You Tube working for me. It was not working for embedded videos on some sights but on the site direct working well. (Listening to Clutch via youtube, yeah Friday!)

Deku Tree

it is a iMac 21.5 late 2013 2.7 Ghz with 8GB ram 1 TB HD. I am not seeing any slowness outside of the time machine. I also did reformat the external drive. I also used the Disk Utility to check for issues on both the computer HD and the external HD, no problem came up. Just all weird.

Do you have a massively huge number of very small files? If not, or even if so, if it's not too much trouble I would just exchange the external drive if you are still within the easy exchange time period window.
I have a lot pf photos, but still this is too slow. I erase the external drive again, then when I wanted to go over it with a secure erase, it said it would take over 12 hours to do. Something is definitely wrong with the drive. It is going back this weekend.

So these suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
5.2GB and 5.1GB.
When I open them using DiskImageMounter they both mount as OS X Install ESDs, though theres no installer just all the separate Packages folders in each.

Are these safe to delete?

Oh my Youtube stopped worked too, mega annoying!

The Real Abed

So these suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
5.2GB and 5.1GB.
When I open them using DiskImageMounter they both mount as OS X Install ESDs, though theres no installer just all the separate Packages folders in each.

Generally you can delete that folder. It's probably part of the update installer that didn't get properly deleted and the OS didn't know whether it was supposed to keep it or not.

All links on Google suggest moving the folder to the trash, but don't empty it immediately, instead reboot and make sure the system is fine. Most likely it's deletable without problems.

Also, make sure you maintain a backup anyway like you should. Chances are it's just installers that didn't get properly deleted when the machine rebooted during an update.

lost+found is created when the system wants to cache something it is unsure of. Since your system is running fine right now it's probably safe to delete them as lost+found isn't a folder the system actually loads stuff from. It's basically like the .Trash folder but without the danger of deleting before knowing what's up. Hence the name "Lost and Found". Like "Oh, hey, a weird cache file I don't recognize. Hey, anyone recognize this? No? I'll just turn it into the customer service desk."


Okay, are gifs causing the browser to slow to a crawl for anyone else in Chrome 64bit?
For example, when I go to this page: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=932779&page=27

The scrolling gets insanely choppy until the gifs finish loading. I know for a fact it wasn't like this before Chrome got updated to 64bit...

Have you tried switching t..

Also, please don't tell me to switch to Safari as an answer.


In all seriousness though, Safari is great now. I haven't touched Chrome since updating to Yosemite.


So I just got a notification in Yosemite that says:

"What's new in OS X Yosemite: Take a tour now, or view it later from the Finder Help menu. Close/Show".

Is this the equivalent of a "tips" for Os X? How come we weren't told about this? Or have we? Has anyone else got it?
I have a lot pf photos, but still this is too slow. I erase the external drive again, then when I wanted to go over it with a secure erase, it said it would take over 12 hours to do. Something is definitely wrong with the drive. It is going back this weekend.

Well got a new drive a WD instead of a Seagate 2TB, but it is still super slow. 6GB over 12 hours, so I still have 399GB to go. I think something is wrong with Time Machine. At least I got the drives at Costco, so returns are easy.

The Real Abed

So I just got a notification in Yosemite that says:

"What's new in OS X Yosemite: Take a tour now, or view it later from the Finder Help menu. Close/Show".

Is this the equivalent of a "tips" for Os X? How come we weren't told about this? Or have we? Has anyone else got it?
Everyone gets it once. Not sure what app it belongs to to disable though since there's no "Tips" app. But at least it doesn't post something all the time. Funny that it doesn't post it for days after you've updated too. You'd think it'd appear the day you install the OS.

It was? I only remember compatability being announced for Chrome.
Nope. It's been in Safari since day one. It's a feature of a certain version of H.264, not Chrome. Some Firefox versions support it too. The only reason it's associated with Chrome is because Google got all full of themselves and wanted to brag and the person who made the OT for it took it as fact without checking. And no one has edited the thread title yet despite everyone with Safari posting the contrary.


Everyone gets it once. Not sure what app it belongs to to disable though since there's no "Tips" app. But at least it doesn't post something all the time. Funny that it doesn't post it for days after you've updated too. You'd think it'd appear the day you install the OS.

Nope. It's been in Safari since day one. It's a feature of a certain version of H.264, not Chrome. Some Firefox versions support it too. The only reason it's associated with Chrome is because Google got all full of themselves and wanted to brag and the person who made the OT for it took it as fact without checking. And no one has edited the thread title yet despite everyone with Safari posting the contrary.

Ah thanks.

I've had Yosemite since close to day one but did update to 8.1.1 when that dropped.

Well I've been away, I may have only updated the day before I left and this may be only a couple times restart since I dunno.

Anyway thanks. It just takes you to help.apple.com just like the finder help.


Junior Member
Nope. It's been in Safari since day one. It's a feature of a certain version of H.264, not Chrome. Some Firefox versions support it too. The only reason it's associated with Chrome is because Google got all full of themselves and wanted to brag and the person who made the OT for it took it as fact without checking. And no one has edited the thread title yet despite everyone with Safari posting the contrary.

Well, I'll be damned. Thanks for the clarification!

I hope they update their iOS apps with support soon.


Lately Yosemite's been giving me trouble. No idea why, really. Text was slow; writing anything had delayed output. What's sad is I'm not on an old model, it's the mid 2014 rMBP. Anyone else experience this on that model? Or should I just reset and update again on a total clean slate?
Even though I already went back to Mavericks Friday because it was annoying me that much,


so I'm switching to Safari as everyone says Chrome will kill your laptop battery life.

One thing I really miss is typing ama and then hitting TAB and then I can do a search on Amazon right from the URL bar. Is this possible in Safari??
Is there a way to open a second window of the same app from the dock without having to right click and choose "new window"? Like in terminal, for instance. On linux I can just middle click to do it.


Is the Notification Center supposed to refresh widget content in the background automatically? Because mine doesn't. Well, not always. When I open it, most of the time I see old content for a few seconds until it triggers the update. Past calendar events, out-of-date weather data, or even the "Today" and "Tomorrow" info of the previous day (if I hadn't opened NC since then).

The Real Abed

Is the Notification Center supposed to refresh widget content in the background automatically? Because mine doesn't. Well, not always. When I open it, most of the time I see old content for a few seconds until it triggers the update. Past calendar events, out-of-date weather data, or even the "Today" and "Tomorrow" info of the previous day (if I hadn't opened NC since then).
Nope sadly. It never did it with Dashboard either. Widgets don't update until they're needed for power saving reasons. Doesn't even seem to be an option to force it anywhere.


Nope sadly. It never did it with Dashboard either. Widgets don't update until they're needed for power saving reasons. Doesn't even seem to be an option to force it anywhere.

I'd accept that if I were running on battery right now. But I'm not. Oh well.

And yet another issue: Safari often takes forever to display images, especially when there are many of them (e.g. picture-heavy GAF threads, or Google Images). The image frames stay blank for a few seconds, and then suddenly a bunch of images appears at once (though not all of them). As if something were to block the rendering pipeline. Has anyone else this or similar issues?

YouTube is still wonky for me, by the way. Everything's fine in Firefox though.

The Real Abed

I'd accept that if I were running on battery right now. But I'm not. Oh well.
I dont understand why it needs to preserve it when on AC. But it's just a small annoyance. It just feels bad when a system utility isn't ready when you try to get to it and falsely reports information for a short time before updating to correct information without an indication in most cases that it's not finished updating.
I could never get Time Machine to work properly, so backed up my drive using Super Duper. it did all 405GB in about 3 hours. I think I can relax knowing that all my stuff is now backed up somewhere.
Ok, I switched over from Chrome to Safari recently when I started seeing people talking about how much "better" it is with these recent updates and the process has been mostly painless except for not being able to play any videos off of Blip or watch any livestreams from Twitch or Giant Bomb. Is there any kind of fix for this or is the browser just weird about video formats like that?
Ok, I switched over from Chrome to Safari recently when I started seeing people talking about how much "better" it is with these recent updates and the process has been mostly painless except for not being able to play any videos off of Blip or watch any livestreams from Twitch or Giant Bomb. Is there any kind of fix for this or is the browser just weird about video formats like that?

I think you need flash to use Twitch

The Real Abed

Yeah. Twitch does not work without Flash for me. I even tried loading up the website on my iPad to watch a saved broadcast since the shitty piece of shit iOS app doesn't have past broadcasts and it told me I needed Flash.

Twitch doesn't work without Flash. Even if I only use Twitch chat popped out and have Flash turned off the chat box doesn't work for some reason even though the content isn't Flash.

Twitch is just a shitty website overall anyway. Their forced reliance on Flash and refusal to move to HTML5 at a more rapid pace is ridiculous. It's a travesty the internet isn't Flash free yet.


Twitch is just bad on browsers. I watch streams through VLC now (w/ aid of Livestreamer) because Twitch streams stutter no matter what browser I use but they're beautifully smooth through VLC.

The Real Abed

Twitch is just bad on browsers. I watch streams through VLC now (w/ aid of Livestreamer) because Twitch streams stutter no matter what browser I use but they're beautifully smooth through VLC.
How do you do this? Is there a way to bookmark streams? And does it count you as a viewer? (I would assume no. But I'm not opposed to keeping the bookmark with just the popped out chat open for chatting and logging me in.)


How do you do this? Is there a way to bookmark streams? And does it count you as a viewer? (I would assume no. But I'm not opposed to keeping the bookmark with just the popped out chat open for chatting and logging me in.)

No way to bookmark them as the process is done entirely in Terminal with command lines. Basically whenever I want to open a stream I have to type
$ livestreamer [url to stream] [quality]

This is the guide I used.

It works with more than just Twitch as seen here.


I could never get Time Machine to work properly, so backed up my drive using Super Duper. it did all 405GB in about 3 hours. I think I can relax knowing that all my stuff is now backed up somewhere.
Curious as to why you couldn't get Time machine to work?

I know there are
Some oddities with it, but just curious.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
No way to bookmark them as the process is done entirely in Terminal with command lines. Basically whenever I want to open a stream I have to type
$ livestreamer [url to stream] [quality]
This is the guide I used.

It works with more than just Twitch as seen here.
If you have brew installed there's a quicker way to do all this.

However, if you already have all of those installed, you'll have to remove them manually.

# installs brew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

brew install python
brew install rtmpdump
pip install livestreamer

livestreamer twitch.tv/USER_NAME


10.10.1 fixed SSH for me. VNC, on the other hand, still doesn't work.

Finally figured it out, but I don't quite understand it. While Back to my Mac is working fine (Seriously! It's actually working!!), Screens for iOS did not work at all. Didn't even throw an error message, it just tried to connect forever. None of my connection settings have changed.

According to the developer's blog, some users reported that Yosemite had changed their local computer hostname. "Yeah, whatever, it's just the local name, but I might as well check it out."

System Settings said:
Computers on your local network can access your computer at "macmini-2.local"

Well, there it is. That's supposed to be "macmini.local", obviously.
Now Screens is working again - but why? I am not in the same network as my Mac mini. Screens shouldn't care about the hostname, all it needs is the IP, the port and the credentials.

Anyway. Speaking of Screens, both the iOS and Mac apps are 50% off right now.


I love my Desktop's new look, thought I'd share it:

I got the icons from this MacRumors thread, more specifically from the user Arn0. Here's his icon collection on Dropbox. There are four different styles for the round icons. The wallpaper is from InterfaceLIFT.

It's not perfect, but damn close.
  • Haven't yet found icons for Screens and Mou
  • The date in the Calendar icon is tilted. There's nothing I can do about it, as it's rendered dynamically by the app onto an empty icon template.
  • The iTunes and Wunderlist icons are a bit garish. The former sticks out in a bad way because of the green background.
  • I'd like to increase the distance between the Dock separator and the icons next to it. But an empty spacer tile is already too much.
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