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OS X Yosemite [OT]

I don't have wifi disconnect issues with Yosemite. My wifi disconnect problem is with iOS 8.
Hopefully this release addresses some of the Safari graphical glitches.


is there a way to opt out of the pre-release updates? I did the Yosemite beta and I just saw right now I can install the 10.10.2 pre-release...

I'd rather just not deal with the beta anymore... what do to??



Also, I believe I asked this during the beta but...

is it possible to just have my admin account on my MBP and not have to type in a password every time the computer goes to sleep and I wake it up? Or would I have to create a new account on the computer?



Also, I believe I asked this during the beta but...

is it possible to just have my admin account on my MBP and not have to type in a password every time the computer goes to sleep and I wake it up? Or would I have to create a new account on the computer?

You can go under "Security and Privacy" and change the "Require Password [X time] after sleep or screen saver begins, or uncheck it entirely.


If all this is true, AND the new graphics drivers improve GPU performance, well, I'm worried about how the complainers on MacRumors are going to fill their time.

Improved GPU performance? Will it make my ~$3000 Best MacBook Pro We've Ever Built™ finally scroll as smooth as my mother's $500 ugly-ass HP notebook?


Alfred Remote has been released today. AlfredApp.com, iTunes

Alfred Remote is your personal command centre for Alfred 2 for Mac. Your iPhone or iPad now becomes a perfect day-long companion to your Mac; Whether at work or play, be more productive than ever!

Alfred 2 for Mac is available from http://www.alfredapp.com/


With a single touch on your iOS device, you can control many Alfred 2 actions on your Mac, including:
- Show Alfred 2 on your Mac
- System Commands: Lock, restart, shut down, log out or sleep your Mac, eject all devices, quit all apps and empty trash
- Launch Applications and System Preferences on your Mac
- Open files and folders you've defined on your Mac
- Open websites and bookmarks, or pop up Alfred with a custom search filled in
- Replace hard to remember hotkey combinations and keywords with icons on iOS

If you're an Alfred 2 Powerpack user, you can control Powerpack features, such as:
- iTunes on your Mac: Play, skip, rate your tracks and even start playing random albums
- Quickly paste user-defined clipboard snippets into text fields and documents on your Mac
- Run user-defined scripts, AppleScripts and terminal commands
- Connecting Remote to your favourite Alfred 2 Workflows gives almost limitless possibilities!



Maybe i'm being a complete moron but how I do paste a signature in pages to sign a document? I have my signature in preview but I am not seeing anyway to move or copy it across to pages.


A tip for some of you gentlemen with decreased performance.

System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Check "Reduce transparency"

Helped out a bit with smoothing transitions such as Mission Control. Doesn't make the OS GUI look like ass either.


A tip for some of you gentlemen with decreased performance.

System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Check "Reduce transparency"

Helped out a bit with smoothing transitions such as Mission Control. Doesn't make the OS GUI look like ass either.

I've enabled this a long time ago.
What systems are you guys on? My 2008 Mac Pro hasn't stumbled at all with the recent upgrades.

I've got a 2014 rMBP. My main issues are seriously annoying mouse lag when connected to an external monitor and horrible UI performance. I haven't had a system struggle and chug this much at basic tasks like resizing windows since the Pentium 166 days.

Good example of what I see every day: http://vimeo.com/115309653


I was gonna say... I have the 2013 rMBP (though it's basically the same exact machine) with no lag. But I guess it's something with the external monitor support.


I've got a 2014 rMBP. My main issues are seriously annoying mouse lag when connected to an external monitor and horrible UI performance. I haven't had a system struggle and chug this much at basic tasks like resizing windows since the Pentium 166 days.

Good example of what I see every day: http://vimeo.com/115309653

Call me crazy, but I'm not seeing the stuttering the person is describing (aside from some flicker when you open up the Accessibility pane?)

Another issue with people talking about "OS X is slow" is they're probably noticing the transitions they added, which can make things feel slower.


Call me crazy, but I'm not seeing the stuttering the person is describing (aside from some flicker when you open up the Accessibility pane?)

Another issue with people talking about "OS X is slow" is they're probably noticing the transitions they added, which can make things feel slower.

here's another example, it's what I experienced before I downgraded to mavericks:


2013 rmbp w/ external monitor too. a new $1500 computer should never, ever, ever do this. pretty sad that it's still not fixed after three months.
UI is soooo much faster for me on my late 2013 rMBP.

Where have you heard about improved graphics drivers?

Dump of driver versions a while back on MacRumors. Intel had driver updates. Not just x.y.z z-level increments, but y-level.

Edit: Here you go:

Driver Version - OS X Version
10.0.86------>10.10.0 14A389 RELEASE
10.0.86------>10.10.1 14B17
10.0.86------>10.10.1 14B25 RELEASE
10.2.33------>10.10.2 14C68k
10.2.33------>10.10.2 14C78c
10.2.40------>10.10.2 14C81f
10.2.40------>10.10.2 14C81h
10.2.40------>10.10.2 14C94b (last 10.10.2 beta)

here's another example, it's what I experienced before I downgraded to mavericks:


2013 rmbp w/ external monitor too. a new $1500 computer should never, ever, ever do this. pretty sad that it's still not fixed after three months.

This is the first actual major update to Yosemite (.1 releases tend to be small, very focused critical bug fixes). And it came out 2.5 months after Yosemite's release, compared to 3 months for Mavericks, 4 months for Mountain Lion, 2.5 months for Lion, and 2.5 months for Snow Leopard.

This is what Apple does. If you're not OK with it, don't upgrade right away.


Looks like Photos for Mac might be delayed.

9to5mac said:
Apple has made a small but significant change to its website that could spell bad news for those eagerly awaiting the release of the company’s new Photos app for OS X.

Every single mention of the software has been scrubbed from Apple.com, save for a single help article that now lists the app as being “available at a later date.” A page dedicated to Apple’s Photos app on iOS and iCloud as well as the Continuity page have both been updated to remove references to the software.

The app was supposed to ship in “early 2015″ like the Apple Watch, but while the wearable device is now confirmed for an April launch, the Photos app has gotten little to no press since the original announcement. The recent changes to the website could indicate that the release has been pushed back even further.

At the time of the Photos release, iPhoto and Aperture were both scheduled to be discontinued. Competitors like Adobe have already started putting plans in place to help users transfer their photo libraries into Lightroom.

Meanwhile, Apple has continued to expand the feature set for its web-based iCloud Photos app, adding support for uploading new photos, as well as tweaks like the ability to zoom in on images. That service is intended to function as a stopgap until the native app is released.

We’ve reached out to Apple to find out if there’s a new timeframe for the app’s release.


It's smoother for me as well. Haven't tried my Retina MBP.

Is there a log for the ATI Driver Updates...if they even do that anymore?
Looks like Photos for Mac might be delayed.

Glad it's coming still, but from what I've heard, Photos for Mac (and Photos in the Cloud) isn't quite ready for prime time.

Makes plenty of sense for that (and the rumored transit directions) just to get folded into iOS 9 and OS X 10.11, I think, especially after the hubbub about Apple's software quality lately. Gotta take time to get that shit right, IMO.

It'd be great if OS X 10.11 is the one that does away with iPhoto/Aperture *and* iTunes.
10.10.2 is the state the OS should have launched in.

As I've said, that's really every OS X .2 release.

Luckily the public betas for Yosemite should help Yosemite get to a stabler point than past one-year releases. In some ways, the beta was an extra 4 months of public release for issues to be identified and addressed.


Glad it's coming still, but from what I've heard, Photos for Mac (and Photos in the Cloud) isn't quite ready for prime time.

Makes plenty of sense for that (and the rumored transit directions) just to get folded into iOS 9 and OS X 10.11, I think, especially after the hubbub about Apple's software quality lately. Gotta take time to get that shit right, IMO.

It'd be great if OS X 10.11 is the one that does away with iPhoto/Aperture *and* iTunes.

iOS9 and 10.11 really need to be exceptional. iOS8, Apple's services and apps on Mac are utter pap. I've had to go from being completely in Apple's ecosystem (I even had a @mac.com email) to using Android and Google's services. I don't even use Apple's apps on Mac anymore; it's sad to see what's become of iPhoto, iTunes, Pages and Mail. They're lucky that OS X is fundamentally a great OS and that Windows (especially 8) is so awful.

I agree I hope they take the time to get it right this year. Another rushed app and service is the last thing we need but it begs the question why has it taken so long? I feel like iPhoto had barely progressed since Tiger.
iOS9 and 10.11 really need to be exceptional. iOS8, Apple's services and apps on Mac are utter pap. I've had to go from being completely in Apple's ecosystem (I even had a @mac.com email) to using Android and Google's services. I don't even use Apple's apps on Mac anymore; it's sad to see what's become of iPhoto, iTunes, Pages and Mail. They're lucky that OS X is fundamentally a great OS and that Windows (especially 8) is so awful.

I agree I hope they take the time to get it right this year. Another rushed app and service is the last thing we need but it begs the question why has it taken so long? I feel like iPhoto had barely progressed since Tiger.

The likely reason it's taking longer for OS X than it is for iOS and iCloud is likely the need to implement the Photos/Camera Roll sort of APIs on the Mac. The idea is to have an actual Photo Library like iOS devices have and that any app (e.g. Photoshop) can access quite separately from the actual filesystem. Which will be great! But that's a pretty big shift for OS X.

That, and I suspect that the cloud services aspect of it still needs work (is anyone here running the Photos in the Cloud beta on multiple iOS devices so they can talk about it?). The photography experience is one of iOS's greatest strengths and I suspect that it's incredibly important for them not to fuck it up.


Anyone else having issues with Safari not remembering sites added to the top site list? I added them using bookmarks and they show up from them on when I open a new tab. If I close Safari or restart they are gone. I'm not sure when this started as I had not closed Safari or restarted in months.
Anyone else having issues with Safari not remembering sites added to the top site list? I added them using bookmarks and they show up from them on when I open a new tab. If I close Safari or restart they are gone. I'm not sure when this started as I had not closed Safari or restarted in months.

I've had that issue. Got tired of it so I went back Chrome since 41 beta is much faster than 39 (haven't tried 40).
I think OSX needs another Snow Leopard-like release.

Snow Leopard was buggy as shit for the first few point releases, same as every other version of OS X. People have rose-colored nostalgia glasses on for it because *by the time it hit 10.6.8* it was completely rock solid. At 10.6.0 it had plenty of problems.

As far as optimizations for speed and battery life are concerned, though, Mavericks already did a pretty great job on that.
I'm fully in agreement that Yosemite has had more bugs and issues than usual (though as of 10.6.2 a lot of it seems resolved), but it's also important to remember that it's one of the most ambitious OS X releases ever in terms of redesign and number of new APIs.

I expect OS X 10.11 to be less of a leap not because Apple regrets Yosemite or whatever, but simply because a bigger leap isn't really possible or necessary.
Everyone constantly says this, without remembering the massive changes Snow Leopard made under the hood and the massive bugs and flaws that didn't get ironed out until 10.6.6 and later.


I dare anyone to install 10.6.0 and say it's awesome with a straight face. Shit was a bug fest. Not to say that eventually it became amazing, but people don't like to remember what it was really like upon initial release.

I dare anyone to install 10.6.0 and say it's awesome with a straight face. Shit was a bug fest. Not to say that eventually it became amazing, but people don't like to remember what it was really like upon initial release.

It *did* lay the foundation for the next several generations of OS X releases to be much better than they would have been otherwise, for sure, but I'd actually argue that Mavericks did plenty of that recently and stuff like Continuity/the eventual Photos.app is doing the same.


iOS8 and Yosemite makes me want Apple to return to 18-24 month OS intervals, so it all works and everything is there Day 1.
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