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OS X Yosemite [OT]

More developers very rarely means more quality. There is no substitute for more time.
It's a paradox but effort doesn't really scale well.

That said, better management and better organizational structures can mean superior quality assurance. It's absolutely more qualitative than quantitative.


That said, better management and better organizational structures can mean superior quality assurance. It's absolutely more qualitative than quantitative.
To that end, it's important to note that Apple has very high standards on who they employ, so at least in theory they seem to think so too.


iOS8 and Yosemite makes me want Apple to return to 18-24 month OS intervals, so it all works and everything is there Day 1.
Short-term memory. I remember people who wouldn't even update until OS X was at its third or fourth point release.
I think OSX needs another Snow Leopard-like release.

Snow Leopard was a buggy, laggy mess until 10.6.5.

That's what you want?

We're at 16 month releases right now with the public beta. That's not bad. 18 months standard would be nice, but I'm willing to see how 16 works out first.

10.10.2 has been a dream.
Looking forward to installing the update tonight. I hope that it will solve the problems I had with Time Machine. I tried it before but the initial backup would take 2 days just to to 20% of the drive. If it does not work I'll just buy the full version of Super Duper for backups.
I'm fully in agreement that Yosemite has had more bugs and issues than usual (though as of 10.6.2 a lot of it seems resolved), but it's also important to remember that it's one of the most ambitious OS X releases ever in terms of redesign and number of new APIs.

I expect OS X 10.11 to be less of a leap not because Apple regrets Yosemite or whatever, but simply because a bigger leap isn't really possible or necessary.

The question is, when does Apple decide to rewrite the core OS applications in Swift?

That I expect to be a buggy mess, at least at first.
The question is, when does Apple decide to rewrite the core OS applications in Swift?

That I expect to be a buggy mess, at least at first.

I'm not really certain about that. I'm sure it's quite possible but it's not like the Intel or 64-bit transition where there's clearly a strong reason to do so.

The compiled code is barely different from code compiled from Obj-C, from what I've read.
My 2011 MBP froze (for the 2nd time in a month) and emitted 3 loud beeps, which google tells me indicates a RAM problem. I ran a test and the RAM turned out to be fine. However, in both instances I was running Chrome all day streaming videos on the web.

I highly suspect Chrome is the direct cause of those crashes.

I just thought I'd share.


My 2011 MBP froze (for the 2nd time in a month) and emitted 3 loud beeps, which google tells me indicates a RAM problem. I ran a test and the RAM turned out to be fine. However, in both instances I was running Chrome all day streaming videos on the web.

I highly suspect Chrome is the direct cause of those crashes.

I just thought I'd share.

Depends on the test. Three beeps is most likely a ram issue, and the alert is at a hardware level.

It's not a 15 or 17" MBP per chance is it?
I'm not really certain about that. I'm sure it's quite possible but it's not like the Intel or 64-bit transition where there's clearly a strong reason to do so.

The compiled code is barely different from code compiled from Obj-C, from what I've read.

Hm. I was thinking the performance benefits over Objective-C that Apple was claiming, plus the fact that the sooner they have rewritten everything, the sooner they can depreciate Objective-C and remove legacy code.


Hm. I was thinking the performance benefits over Objective-C that Apple was claiming, plus the fact that the sooner they have rewritten everything, the sooner they can depreciate Objective-C and remove legacy code.
Performance differences between native compiled languages should be almost non-existent as long as compilers are functioning as they should tbh. If there is any tangible performance benefit, it is probably because of rewrites in the underlying API. Though I have not investigated any possible compiler optimisations that Swift's syntax might enable not possible in Objective-C.
Rewriting everything is a pretty large undertaking without much immediate benefit so Apple might opt to not allocate resources to such a thing at this moment. Not that performance is the only or even a primary reason Apple would consider doing this in the first place.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I dig the widget. However, the best thing about this update is that they finally fixed the iTunes 12 issue where cmd+L was set to both go to current song and to bring up the downloads window, but it only did the latter (I think this only affected some languages). It was terrible because I always use go to current song but was unable to have a working shortcut for it. Thankfully with this update they changed the shortcut for the downloads window to option+cmd+L, so everything is working like it should now.
I really do hate how fullscreen sends apps to their own desktop instead of just maximizing in the current one. It's the most baffling design decision ever. Like who sat there and was like "yea...people are definitely going to like this!"

So dumb.

In other "Y U!?!" news. I really hate Chrome on OS X sometimes. Fullscreen and HD video don't work for embedded videos on a few screencasting sites I frequent. On Safari, I can do HD and 60fps if available, but not fullscreen. If I want both I have to use my Windows machine using Firefox (and enabling MSE). It doesn't work under Chrome on Windows either. You'd think Google would make sure such nonsense wasn't a thing on their browser for their video service...>.>

Sigh, not even sure who the culprit is in such a situation. Ironically the screencasters use OS X so I doubt they're the ones causing the issue.
I really do hate how fullscreen sends apps to their own desktop instead of just maximizing in the current one. It's the most baffling design decision ever. Like who sat there and was like "yea...people are definitely going to like this!"

I like it?

PS, Option+Click the Fullscreen button, if you didn't know.


I really do hate how fullscreen sends apps to their own desktop instead of just maximizing in the current one. It's the most baffling design decision ever. Like who sat there and was like "yea...people are definitely going to like this!"

So dumb.

In other "Y U!?!" news. I really hate Chrome on OS X sometimes. Fullscreen and HD video don't work for embedded videos on a few screencasting sites I frequent. On Safari, I can do HD and 60fps if available, but not fullscreen. If I want both I have to use my Windows machine using Firefox (and enabling MSE). It doesn't work under Chrome on Windows either. You'd think Google would make sure such nonsense wasn't a thing on their browser for their video service...>.>

Sigh, not even sure who the culprit is in such a situation. Ironically the screencasters use OS X so I doubt they're the ones causing the issue.

If it just made it full screen in the same desktop how are you supposed to have multiple full screen apps open? It's just a three finger swipe left or right. It's perfect for me.


If it just made it full screen in the same desktop how are you supposed to have multiple full screen apps open? It's just a three finger swipe left or right. It's perfect for me.

Problem is, at least for me, it creates a bunch of desktops that I find useless.

The old version of Spaces made it much clearer what desktop you were in, and set a finite amount so they didn't multiply like rabbits.


Alternatively if they expand their OS team. They can afford it.

Apple doesn't really work like this. They put people on what projects need focusing at the moment, this way they can keep a smaller pool of employes at each project and just move around larger groups where needed..
If it just made it full screen in the same desktop how are you supposed to have multiple full screen apps open? It's just a three finger swipe left or right. It's perfect for me.

The same way any other OS does it? Apple should be smart enough to simply allow swipes between any open fullscreen app regardless whether or not it's in it's own space. As in if apps are in fullscreen then 3f swipe switches between them, else 3f swipe does something else. Allow people the choice of throwing a fullscreen app to a new space or not.


The Real Abed

I don't like the widget. It doesn't disappear when nothing is playing and iTunes is closed. Why? What's the use?

Reminders is the ONLY one that does this right. If you have no reminders coming up the widget disappears and doesn't show its face. The way it should.

But the calendar widget shows up no matter what too. If you have no events coming up for the day it just shows an empty day planner. So stupid.

So forget the iTunes widget.

Also, if fullscreen didn't give app windows their own space I would be pissed. It's the way it should be. I hated the old spaces. Hated it. As much as I hate other versions of multiple desktops. I don't need multiple desktops. But I love fullscreen spaces. I just wish they could figure out a way to remember where an app put its window and put it back there again next time.
No, keyboard shortcuts are physical controls. The NC/CC controls are both on-screen, one on the right edge and the other (according to the leaked picture) on the left.

But the point being they require so much more user effort to access, and if you can reach your keyboard it's likely easier to just open itunes proper. Notification centre is in no way an elegant alternative.


They're supposed to overhaul Beats Music soon

We'll see what comes of that but they should have had something in place long before the Beats acquisition. They've watched iTunes become increasingly irrelevant with folded arms while everyone moved to Spotify, Pandora, Google Play and Youtube for their music because they didn't want to let go of their outdated business model.


They've been talking about that Beats Music overhaul since spring. With the future price point in mind it may be significant competition against other streaming services. But when will it happen?


been happening to me multiple times now...

Sometimes when I leave my MBP closed for a few hours, when I open it back up it has seemingly been shut off? I have to hit the power button and the computer starts us as it was shut down and anything I had open was shut down.

thanks be to Adobe for having auto-save in Photoshop these days but this is really annoying. Guess I'll have to be sure to save everything before I close the lid. UGH.

anyone experience something similar??


Is there a way to have every Finder window look the same?
Yes, under view options there is the option to set a default, but that doesn't seem to work retroactively. I would like a general default that is on everything now and from now on, unless I define a specific directory otherwise.

been happening to me multiple times now...

Sometimes when I leave my MBP closed for a few hours, when I open it back up it has seemingly been shut off? I have to hit the power button and the computer starts us as it was shut down and anything I had open was shut down.

thanks be to Adobe for having auto-save in Photoshop these days but this is really annoying. Guess I'll have to be sure to save everything before I close the lid. UGH.

anyone experience something similar??
Can't say too much about it's effect on power consumption and it might be too much for what you are trying to prevent but NoSleep is really amazing.

But the calendar widget shows up no matter what too. If you have no events coming up for the day it just shows an empty day planner. So stupid.

So forget the iTunes widget.
Absolutely correct. Oh btw, I can't be the only one who would really appreciate alarms (set on iPhone) to be included in the calendar, right.

Oh and one more thing.
YouTube really can't seem to figure out their HTML5 player. One day there was that problem with the staying pause/play button, every now and then the time code freezes and generally it's not as great as it could be while running at fullscreen.


I still haven't found a practical use for Notification Center.

Notifications are great. Notification Center itself, in its forms on iOS and OS X, doesn't get much use from me, because I'm not usually in a situation where my computer is idle without me there and I'm getting lots of them.


The notification centre is dead space for me considering, albeit my google calendar (which contains the bulk of my agenda until April) being there, I never actually head into it to see what I have to do next in the day. Nor does anything else it offers have much use in my case.

The Real Abed

Absolutely correct. Oh btw, I can't be the only one who would really appreciate alarms (set on iPhone) to be included in the calendar, right.
Here's how it should work, and here I go again laying out a path for Apple to take that they won't, but anyway...

When you set an alarm or a timer on your iPhone or iPad or iPod, it should show up here. Continuity should take over and show your alarms and timers in the sidebar. When a timer or alarm goes off on your device, it should also put up a notification on your Mac and other devices, BUT the annoying part to figure out is whether all of them should be making a sound. Maybe not. If only they could figure out how to tell when the devices are near each other and only play the sound on one. Anyway, when the alarm or timer goes off you should be able to dismiss or sleep or delay it from your other devices. Basically alarms and timers should be on the cloud. Maybe it could be an option you choose when you set the alarm or timer. ("Here only" vs. "iCloud") Either way, I shouldn't have to jump up from my MacBook in the living room to run down to my bedroom when an alarm I forgot I set starts going off. And when they go off, they WILL NOT STOP for a long time. So if you're "incapacitated" in some way and can't actually go stop it, you have to listen to it go off for 10 minutes or more. When my timer or alarm goes off, it should show up everywhere. When I dismiss it, it should disappear everywhere. Seamless integration. Basically, I should be able to see what my iPhone and iPad are doing from my Mac.

Oh, and by the way, not only should we be able to monitor the timer (They'd show the remaining time/alarm time in the Today section of the sidebar) but we should be able to set them too. The question is what interface would you use for it? There's no Clock app on OS X anymore. And it seems too much to open Calendar just for a timer. So the only solution is of course, SIRI ON OS X. Come on Apple. We've waited for it for years. And now that Microsoft has Cortana on Windows 10 it's time to do the same. I want to Hey, Siri my MacBook.

Oh, and before you do that make sure you figure out a way for all devices that are listening to check and figure out which one is being actively used and perform the command there. If I'm on my Mac make her talk to me on my Mac. If I have my iPhone, and my Mac is across the room, make her answer me on my phone. It's not that hard to do this. Use the power of BlueTooth and WiFi to figure this out quickly and respond fast.

And lastly, any widget that has no content should not show up until it has content. Period. There's no reason to show me an empty calendar day planner or an iTunes controller with nothing in it because nothing is playing. If you ask me the Calendar Events Widget is badly designed. It shows a day view which I guess is fine, but I think I'd prefer just a list of events for that day complete with their proper colors and shapes depending on whether they're all day or not.

Oh, and for the love of Pete, let us move Tomorrow up below Today and when we do, merge them into one panel. It's silly and stupid that I can't move Tomorrow.

I can't wait to see what 10.11 brings. Hopefully they push Continuity to its limits. /Rambling

I still haven't found a practical use for Notification Center.
Notification Center as a list of notifications is rarely useful for me except in some cases. However...
Notifications are great. Notification Center itself, in its forms on iOS and OS X, doesn't get much use from me, because I'm not usually in a situation where my computer is idle without me there and I'm getting lots of them.
I love the Today/Tommorrow/Widgets sidebar though. I have my OS X and iOS sidebars set to Today view 99% of the time and only check the Notifications list when I feel I missed something like I want to check when my CCC backup last ran or what Hazel did last. Most notifications that are important are set to Alert. Others that aren't as important are just disappearing notifications that jump to the sidebar when done. If I want them I'll just go and look at them.


You sure always show me why I like you, Abed.

Yeah, Continuity has so much potential and it's neither hard to acknowledge nor to achieve. It's also odd that you can accept a phone call on your Mac but you then can't switch back to the iPhone.
I still haven't found a practical use for Notification Center.

It's good for people who are not always at their computer to get caught up quickly on what's transpired since they last sat down. But for people who are actively on their machine they don't really serve much purpose. Though the notifications themselves are great for managing windows, activities and messaging that isn't your current focus.

But yea for most users, notification center isn't something they're going to be using a lot of since they're actively using their machine. But I imagine for those times you step away (and have your mac set to NOT sleep when you're away) it's a quick way to see if anyone/any program has new information to show you at a quick glance and not have to dig through all your open programs.

The Real Abed

Notification Center should optionally sync notifications from your iOS devices as well as your OS X apps and services. As I said, I should be able to see everything happening on my phone from my Mac.
It's good for people who are not always at their computer to get caught up quickly on what's transpired since they last sat down. But for people who are actively on their machine they don't really serve much purpose. Though the notifications themselves are great for managing windows, activities and messaging that isn't your current focus.

But yea for most users, notification center isn't something they're going to be using a lot of since they're actively using their machine. But I imagine for those times you step away (and have your mac set to NOT sleep when you're away) it's a quick way to see if anyone/any program has new information to show you at a quick glance and not have to dig through all your open programs.

I keep Notification Center set to the Today view (and that's occasionally quite useful, especially since OS X lacks a dedicated Weather app) - notifications themselves are great as they come in, but yeah I very rarely check old notifications (and I very rarely do so on iOS as well except on the lock screen).

BTW, iTunes 12.1 apparently added Books and PDFs to possible media types, which strongly suggests that iBooks might get folded into iTunes in the future (which would take an OS update, since iBooks is currently a part of OS X itself). Gross, unless it just means there'll be an underlying media library and iTunes is finally getting unbundled.
I keep Notification Center set to the Today view (and that's occasionally quite useful, especially since OS X lacks a dedicated Weather app) - notifications themselves are great as they come in, but yeah I very rarely check old notifications (and I very rarely do so on iOS as well except on the lock screen).

BTW, iTunes 12.1 apparently added Books and PDFs to possible media types, which strongly suggests that iBooks might get folded into iTunes in the future (which would take an OS update, since iBooks is currently a part of OS X itself). Gross, unless it just means there'll be an underlying media library and iTunes is finally getting unbundled.

You're better than me, I don't use notification center at all. Well I lie if someone sends me a text and I'm not quick enough to hit the toast before it's dismissed, I'll go into NC if my mouse is close by, if not I'll just click on messages from the dock.


I hate iTunes 12.1. Why? Well, try to add a new album to your library and then change the album artist of the whole album, per example. Now watch the album getting duplicated with identical tags, one containing the first song and the other containing the rest. Fix? Delete the album and re-add it to the library. Fuck!
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