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OS X Yosemite [OT]

The Real Abed

No.The UI is only dark when full screen or in editing mode.
Hmm. Well, we can keep wishing I suppose.

Anyway, my dad has an iPhoto library that's 20GB. That's going to be a lot of fun to import I can tell you right now. I bet a lot of the images in it are deleted orphaned and will probably be reimported when we switch. Really looking forward to that one.

Also, he was going to buy a book on iPhoto. I told him "Don't! iPhoto is dead and will be gone soon. It's a waste of money."

Hopefully the Windows version won't suck either. My sister and mom are on Windows 8 and have iPhones too and take a lot of photos. A LOT of photos.


Hmm. Well, we can keep wishing I suppose.

Anyway, my dad has an iPhoto library that's 20GB. That's going to be a lot of fun to import I can tell you right now. I bet a lot of the images in it are deleted orphaned and will probably be reimported when we switch. Really looking forward to that one.

Also, he was going to buy a book on iPhoto. I told him "Don't! iPhoto is dead and will be gone soon. It's a waste of money."

Hopefully the Windows version won't suck either. My sister and mom are on Windows 8 and have iPhones too and take a lot of photos. A LOT of photos.
Windows app? You mean web app?


Photos seems pretty great so far. It's having problems loading in full res images, but it's still fetching everything from the cloud so I guess I'll just wait.
What happens when turning on Photos in the Cloud for both your Mac and your iOS devices? Do the libraries merge pretty seamlessly, does one take priority over the other, or do you get a bunch of duplicates?
Soooo iOS interface stuff getting ported == 12" Touchscreen MacBook Air/iPad Pro one in the same evidence?
This isn't interface stuff so much as it's internal reorganization (having a single Photos development team across platforms). It's not like this is somehow super touchscreen-friendly. Yosemite's still clearly designed for mouse and keyboard.


Will there be a web app at least? How will Windows users manage their library? Just a folder like now with no iCloud library option?
There's a web app, but it's only for viewing really. Not managing. I'm seriously surprised you thought there would be a Windows app, as there was no announcement of such a thing and iPhoto has always been exclusive to Apple operating systems.
Will there be a web app at least? How will Windows users manage their library? Just a folder like now with no iCloud library option?

There's a web app now on iCloud.com. Only shows up if you have iCloud photo library turned on.
You can view, download, upload and delete iCloud Photo Library images.

The Real Abed

anyone having a weird glitch where when swiping from one desktop to another, it'll get stuck part way and you have to swipe again?
Yes. I actually made it happen right after reading your post.
I have voodoo powers.

As long as it's not just me, I suppose. If you happen upon a solution (or if you find out that's just how it is right now), pls let me know.
It's only happened to me a few times.

Seems to be when I haven't used my other desktop for awhile. Like it pauses to access the swap file but forgets to continue. It's fine afterwords. Do you use a lot of desktops and keep a lot of apps open?
Finally. Proof that this bug exists and it's not just me. It's not just swiping between desktops but anything that has a gesture that can be partially performed which means either desktop switching, swiping out Notification Center and opening LaunchPad. I can make it happen almost consistently. When LaunchPad is halfway you can't click any icons or close it by clicking. You have to try gesturing again. Same with the other gestures. It's been like this since Yosemite came out and it's annoying as hell. It also only happens on my MacBook. So far I haven't had it happen on my non-Retina iMac. Every update I cross my fingers hoping they finally caught it. I even thought maybe it's some installed app but I don't know what could do it that I have on my MacBook but not my iMac. BetterTouchTool maybe but I use that on my iMac too.

When you stop doing a gesture it's supposed to slide to the closest next setting. Like if you partially start a Launchpad gesture and stop at 0.3 into it, it should slide back closed. If you only partially bring the NC out it should go back in. And if you're 0.78 between desktops it should slide to the next one. Or if you use inertia and start pushing it in that direction and lift your fingers it should keep going. But for some reason ever since Yosemite it's been broken as all hell. And it's hard to pinpoint if it's a conflict or not.


Finally. Proof that this bug exists and it's not just me. It's not just swiping between desktops but anything that has a gesture that can be partially performed which means either desktop switching, swiping out Notification Center and opening LaunchPad. I can make it happen almost consistently. When LaunchPad is halfway you can't click any icons or close it by clicking. You have to try gesturing again. Same with the other gestures. It's been like this since Yosemite came out and it's annoying as hell. It also only happens on my MacBook. So far I haven't had it happen on my non-Retina iMac. Every update I cross my fingers hoping they finally caught it. I even thought maybe it's some installed app but I don't know what could do it that I have on my MacBook but not my iMac. BetterTouchTool maybe but I use that on my iMac too.

When you stop doing a gesture it's supposed to slide to the closest next setting. Like if you partially start a Launchpad gesture and stop at 0.3 into it, it should slide back closed. If you only partially bring the NC out it should go back in. And if you're 0.78 between desktops it should slide to the next one. Or if you use inertia and start pushing it in that direction and lift your fingers it should keep going. But for some reason ever since Yosemite it's been broken as all hell. And it's hard to pinpoint if it's a conflict or not.

I've got two similar issues. When closing tabs in Safari on my iPad by swiping them to the left in the tab overview, the animation stutters pretty much all the time. So the tab is stuck in the middle for a second until it continues moving.
Second, sometimes Notification Center on my Mac is stuck so I can't close it by swiping to the right. Then, I have to swipe to the left first in order to "grab" NC, so to speak.
Referring to UXKit, not Yosemite.

Ah, sorry.

I suspect not, though. This strikes me as being more about simply making OS X as simple to program for as iOS (because AppKit is ancient and everyone hates it). Perhaps also making it easier to port an app from one to the other, too.
Ugh, I wish one could change the location for notifications on osx. They pop up onto of lots of useful stuff all the time...
If I could just move them down 2 cm everything would be fine.
At least a two finger swipe makes them disappear quicker, as I learnt today.


Bleh. Not impressed with Photos yet.

Maybe in a year. (Although, it does look better than iPhoto.)

Now to use Time Machine to revert my photo database back, just in case I encounter inevitable problems with it and Aperture. :/
Bleh. Not impressed with Photos yet.

Maybe in a year. (Although, it does look better than iPhoto.)

Now to use Time Machine to revert my photo database back, just in case I encounter inevitable problems with it and Aperture. :/

Photos isn't really about being impressive, it's about removing the pain points of using iPhoto and (with Photos in the Cloud) manual/physical photo syncing. It's not supposed to wow you so much as it's supposed to make a currently-kinda-shitty part of the Mac experience cease to be shitty.

The Real Abed

When the Spotlight search box is visible I sometimes have trouble finding it on my screen. I feel like it should blur or dim the rest of the screen when it's open or something. Anyone else feel like that?
I know that the shift from Photo Stream to Photos in the Cloud is going from a free solution to one that likely costs most people money, but (since it already costs money) I'd really like to see iTunes Match have playlist/ID3 tag/metadata syncing for everyone/for free but have music storage be something that uses your base iCloud storage as well, and just fold iTunes Radio into whatever they're doing with Beats.
Finally. Proof that this bug exists and it's not just me. It's not just swiping between desktops but anything that has a gesture that can be partially performed which means either desktop switching, swiping out Notification Center and opening LaunchPad. I can make it happen almost consistently. When LaunchPad is halfway you can't click any icons or close it by clicking. You have to try gesturing again. Same with the other gestures. It's been like this since Yosemite came out and it's annoying as hell. It also only happens on my MacBook. So far I haven't had it happen on my non-Retina iMac. Every update I cross my fingers hoping they finally caught it. I even thought maybe it's some installed app but I don't know what could do it that I have on my MacBook but not my iMac. BetterTouchTool maybe but I use that on my iMac too.

When you stop doing a gesture it's supposed to slide to the closest next setting. Like if you partially start a Launchpad gesture and stop at 0.3 into it, it should slide back closed. If you only partially bring the NC out it should go back in. And if you're 0.78 between desktops it should slide to the next one. Or if you use inertia and start pushing it in that direction and lift your fingers it should keep going. But for some reason ever since Yosemite it's been broken as all hell. And it's hard to pinpoint if it's a conflict or not.

I'm not the only one.


The Real Abed

I know that the shift from Photo Stream to Photos in the Cloud is going from a free solution to one that likely costs most people money, but (since it already costs money) I'd really like to see iTunes Match have playlist/ID3 tag/metadata syncing for everyone/for free but have music storage be something that uses your base iCloud storage as well, and just fold iTunes Radio into whatever they're doing with Beats.
I believe it only costs extra if you want to use the iCloud Photo Library feature, which iPhoto doesn't have anyway. You'll probably still be able to use Photos normally with iTunes doing the syncing and iOS just saving the last 1000 photos.

I for one will be using the cloud and when I need more space I'll gladly pay the $1 per month to quadruple my storage. That's like dirt cheap as hell and easy to buy (Since people already spend more than that on a single song and the purchase can be made right from your phone if you need to. Plus it's dead simple to unsubscribe too or expand the storage when you need to.)

It's a shame the two people in my family that take a hell of a lot of photos don't have Macs.
I believe it only costs extra if you want to use the iCloud Photo Library feature, which iPhoto doesn't have anyway. You'll probably still be able to use Photos normally with iTunes doing the syncing and iOS just saving the last 1000 photos.

I for one will be using the cloud and when I need more space I'll gladly pay the $1 per month to quadruple my storage. That's like dirt cheap as hell and easy to buy (Since people already spend more than that on a single song and the purchase can be made right from your phone if you need to. Plus it's dead simple to unsubscribe too or expand the storage when you need to.)

It's a shame the two people in my family that take a hell of a lot of photos don't have Macs.

Agreed. My photo library's only about 6GB, I'm pretty sure, and 99 cents a month is basically no money next to the sheer convenience of cloud sync.

Still think Apple should provide more free iCloud storage, though, because you basically can't use iCloud backup if you have one iPhone and one iPad. I'm strongly of the opinion that 5GB free for your first iPhone, 5GB free for your first iPad, and 5GB free for your first Mac would be a good idea.


I don't use iCloud storage except for things like 1Password, really. I still manually back up my phone to my computer, don't use photos in the cloud, and haven't really found any reason to move to iCloud Drive compared to Dropbox. Luddite me.


Well that was weird. After I just woke my MBP, the fans started moving faster and faster until they hit full speed. I hadn't used any CPU-intensive apps when I had put it to sleep earlier today, and Activity Monitor didn't show anything strange. They kept going after rebooting, but after completely shutting it down and turning it on again, everything's back to normal.


I'm trying to delete my 200 GB Photos library so I can restore my iPhoto library from Time Machine. (So it plays nicer with Aperture.)

Can't empty my trash properly.

But this is my fault for making an unauthorized Fusion Drive. (So problematic.)

The Real Abed

Dropbox takes care of all my image backups. No reason for me to switch considering I got 15GB for free.

Yeah that's cool too but I keep image files other than photos in my DropBox and their app is badly designed. It has a single "All or nothing" thumbnail grid view that shows all image files whether they're photos or not so it's a jumbled mess. At least the normal Photos app can keep just photos to itself and DropBox can be used for other stuff.

What DropBox needs to do is change it around so the Photo Album view is a toggle that can be turned on on a per folder basis or let you exclude folders from view. Also, I hate that you can't get the path of the image file. I've been browsing through my Album before and saw photos I didn't recognize, but I can't get their folder path to find out when and where they are from. It sucks. The app needs work. Also, how do you disable the stupid "Turn on Photo Upload" and "Try Carousel!" notices? I don't want to upload my photos and I don't want another stupid app for my photos.

Then again, at least DropBox has an app. I wish Apple would completely copy the shit out of it complete with file browser. (Or at least let devs create their own iCloud browser. I'd pay good money for one that let me view pretty much any file type.)

Oh, and another suggestion I'd like to give them for the OS X version, especially since they have a 1TB option, is to have a setting in Preferences to let me only keep certain folders on the DropBox cloud itself, but still show its folder and preview thumbnails in the Finder and when I try to open it it will download it. I have a feeling that can't be done though so oh well. I just wish DropBox would offer cheaper smaller plans. I only need 20GB. Why should I pay $10 for 980GB I won't even use? Copy Apple. Have a 20-40GB for $1 plan.


Well that was weird. After I just woke my MBP, the fans started moving faster and faster until they hit full speed. I hadn't used any CPU-intensive apps when I had put it to sleep earlier today, and Activity Monitor didn't show anything strange. They kept going after rebooting, but after completely shutting it down and turning it on again, everything's back to normal.

Try an smc reset.


Let's hope they finally get around to tackling the file system in 10.11.

(Wishful thinking.)

Eh, they were clearly going to do something with ZFS back in 10.6, and I don't think anyone expected them to unveil Swift. So there's plenty of hope to be had that Apple is chipping away on its long-term issues like HFS.


Eh, they were clearly going to do something with ZFS back in 10.6, and I don't think anyone expected them to unveil Swift. So there's plenty of hope to be had that Apple is chipping away on its long-term issues like HFS.
Eh, filesystem is a very breaking change. Not that its worse than the Intel shift but I can see why Apple might be holding off fixing it.

Two Words

Is there an alternative to making the red close button actually quit the program besides RedQuits? For some reason, I can't get it to work even after following all of the instructions.


Is there an alternative to making the red close button actually quit the program besides RedQuits? For some reason, I can't get it to work even after following all of the instructions.

But why not just cmd+Q?

You have assistive device access enabled in Sys Prefs, right?
Eh, filesystem is a very breaking change. Not that its worse than the Intel shift but I can see why Apple might be holding off fixing it.

It's not so dangerous so long as they deliberately make sure to discourage update-thirsty not-so-savvy users from changing over and just use it for fresh installs on new Macs going forward.
Anyone have tips for making my computer run with Yosemite?

I have a 2012 MacBook Pro that is all but bricked by having installed this OS :(

-I've reset the PRAM
-I've reset the SMC
-I've basically disabled Spotlight
-I've reduced transparency
-I updated all my apps
-I repaired permissions
-I have almost 500GB free

And yet everything is so sluggish, Finder takes forever to load, emails take forever to load. It's just horrible. I'm about ready to take this laptop, snap it over my knee and throw it out the widow :( :( :(


Anyone have tips for making my computer run with Yosemite?

I have a 2012 MacBook Pro that is all but bricked by having installed this OS :(

-I've reset the PRAM
-I've reset the SMC
-I've basically disabled Spotlight
-I've reduced transparency
-I updated all my apps
-I repaired permissions
-I have almost 500GB free

And yet everything is so sluggish, Finder takes forever to load, emails take forever to load. It's just horrible. I'm about ready to take this laptop, snap it over my knee and throw it out the widow :( :( :(

Do a clean install.
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