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OS X Yosemite [OT]

The Real Abed

iCloud.com is still "Preparing" my library. I'm going to assume that feature just isn't finished yet. At least syncing works. Looking forward to being able to see it all online too.


...hate me...
Kinda hard for apple to "match" your photos without an upload... Would be scary if they could.
Not if my library is mainly composed of Le funni memes and stock photos. They should match that.

40GB uploaded and going strong.

But I have a terrible feeling I'm upsetting my ISP. Especially b/c it's a 4G connection.

The Real Abed

Not if my library is mainly composed of Le funni memes and stock photos. They should match that.

40GB uploaded and going strong.

But I have a terrible feeling I'm upsetting my ISP. Especially b/c it's a 4G connection.
You don't have a normal internet connection to use? Even temporarily... for a few days non-stop?


...hate me...
You don't have a normal internet connection to use? Even temporarily... for a few days non-stop?
The home connection where I am is 4G on a wifi hotspot. It is marketed as a home connection, doesn't have any caps and it's viable and "normal" enough, I promise. Browsing is fast and responsive, I watch Netflix on HD, I even play online games like FIFA.

I'd even go so far as saying that it's uploading my photo library at a nice pace. Almost 50GB in just under one day (and the app is not always uploading) is no slouch. It should get the job finished at some point tomorrow.

What a time we live in.

The Real Abed

The home connection where I am is 4G on a wifi hotspot. It is marketed as a home connection, doesn't have any caps and it's viable and "normal" enough, I promise. Browsing is fast and responsive, I watch Netflix on HD, I even play online games like FIFA.

I'd even go so far as saying that it's uploading my photo library at a nice pace. Almost 50GB in just under one day (and the app is not always uploading) is no slouch. It should get the job finished at some point tomorrow.

What a time we live in.
Interesting. I guess when I think 4G I think cell phone data connection. Not normal home internet connection. Are you sure they don't have any hidden caps? A lot of "unlimited" data has a throttle cap which is bullshit. Either way I can't see them being really happy with your constant use. But if it's unlimited then they shouldn't care.

How fast is the connection BTW?


...hate me...
Interesting. I guess when I think 4G I think cell phone data connection. Not normal home internet connection. Are you sure they don't have any hidden caps? A lot of "unlimited" data has a throttle cap which is bullshit. Either way I can't see them being really happy with your constant use. But if it's unlimited then they shouldn't care.

How fast is the connection BTW?
Yeah, 4G in an area with good coverage is a good enough tech to service some households with small families. It's ideal for places like Finland, where I am, and where the population is very sparsely distributed, so it doesn't pay to run fiber everywhere. I imagine 5G or whatever the next evolution is will be mainly purposed for residential usage. Phones already have it good as it is tbh.

But honestly, what I don't like the most about this connection is the exclusively wi-fi router/hotspot. When more than one person is doing something that is bandwidth-intensive, that's when the trouble starts. Especially when watching flimsy video streams with poor caching or when playing online, since the ping takes an additional hit on top of everything else.

Anyway, I can't really read the small print since I don't have a full grasp of the language yet, but I've here a few months and haven't seen any significant throttling. We're heavy Netflix users, and sometimes I download a heap of stuff like full OS X or OS X updates, and I'm almost all digital on home consoles, so I'm sure the GBs amount to a nice number each month.

Here's the speed test:


It fluctuates though, and it's far from 4G's max potential (in our provider it supposedly can go up to 150Mb/s but we don't have good enough coverage for that) but it's still very serviceable. The upload is actually better than back when I had a fiber connection in my home country.

Anyway, one thing on topic. Since I switched to Safari I never looked back, but bookmark management has always been pants, with no signs of improvement. For example, creating a new folder on the favorites bar is a pain, and if you create a new one bookmark folder and then drag it to the favorites bar it copies, instead of moving. Doesn't even show you the plus sign to let you know. Amongst other problems, of course, like no favicons etc (I'm half aware there are plugins to deal with that though).

Any hot tips to deal with all this? Convenient bookmarking and bookmark managing is what I miss the most from my Chrome days and I'm seriously starting to dread how the way it is on Safari
but I still wouldn't switch back or to another browser.


I'm sad whenever I hear people talk about internet. I've got 50/50 FiOS with no caps or throttling, which is good considering it took me two weeks to back up 4TB of data to BackBlaze.

Hope you guys jumping on the beta train have fun figuring out the kinks :)

(Oddly enough before OS X beta program I would have said I'd love to be a part, but now in practice I barely touched the Yosemite beta and really don't want to upset the cart on my machines, even though I guess I could sacrifice my Mac mini as tribute.)

Deku Tree

I don't do a lot of heavy lifting on my computers,
but I have jumped head first into all the beta's so far
and I haven't yet experienced any bugs that were bad at all.

I did get caught by that Western Digital Mavericks bug that caused my external backup to wipe itself and that was horrible but I was lucky that it was a second backup and not my first. But that wasn't a beta it was the full release...


...hate me...
Early Yosemite betas were shit. At least for me. I don't even remember the bugs but I remember them being very annoying and take quite a few betas to get fixed.

This is completely different though. Any significant bug will probably stay within Photos, and I have a full backup of my iPhoto Library anyway.

And now a partial one on Apple servers as well, I guess.

The Real Abed

Some problems I've noticed with Photos so far:

It keeps moving the incorrectly dated photos I took in 2001 with a camera whose date and time had been reset to the default, which for some godforsaken reason is 2018, to the end of my photos even though I keep manually changing them to 2001. I can't stand it. And all I can do is delete them. Is there anything out there for OS X that can actually hack into the file itself and change its date manually so it stops doing this?

Also, in albums on my phone they show up in a random order even though on OS X they're properly ordered.

And on the iOS side of things I now have empty folders in my iOS Photos app for photos "On My Mac". One is Events and the other Faces, both of which don't exist anymore, but the folders remain even though they're empty and I can't delete them.

I guess these are really Photos problems overall not necessarily Yosemite. Still. Hopefully this stuff is fixed. It might really be more of an iOS problem. But it's related to the Yosemite beta release of Photos I guess.


...hate me...
So my upload is mostly complete. Just stuck in 2 items, I hope it gets over it soon.

Just like Abed, so far what I've noticed, at least on my phone, and on a very quick glance, is that some photos are wrongfully dated. Some photos are shown as being from 2034, but also others can have small differences, like 2007 photos showing a 2005 date.

Sucks a bit, dunno if I should try to sort it out myself or wait for it to get sorted,


There are times where my mid 2014 rMBP will just have an entirely blank screen when I try to wake it from sleep. Sometimes it won't even budge from that and I'll have to power down. Other times it takes a bit and it'll let me enter my password. Ugh. It's become more and more frequent, as well.

Ninja Dom

I really need some help with the new Photos app.

I can't sync photos over to my iPad & iPhone from my Mac. Cable sync. In iTunes you can't select the Photos library to sync Photos with. I don't want to use iCloud.

This wasn't a problem when we had iPhoto or Aperture, you could just select the albums that you wanted to sync and there you go.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I may have to wait for a newer version of iTunes that recognises the new Mac Photos app.


Any news of this beta fixing the Wi-Fi problem? My 2013 Macbook Air on Yosemite was perfectly fine until the last update fucked that up.


Tell me if I'm going crazy, but the volume and screen brightness overlay was normally centered, right? Because mine is now in the lower third of the screen and I have no idea why.

Mine is too. They probably just moved it in the latest update so it wouldn't be right in front of whatever you had in the middle of your screen.

I didn't notice until I checked, but yeah. This is very much a thing.

Yeah. And it's still centered on iOS, which is even more annoying because of the smaller screen. I've already made it a habit to always pause videos before adjusting the volume.


...hate me...
Photos upload 100% complete and phone gallery 100% updates.

This is great. Huge step in adding abstraction to my digital life. I pick up my phone and all my content is there. All though it isn't. But I can pull it up from the cloud at any time. Just like iTunes Match. Sensational.

There's a small gap between what Photos says and what the iPhone says though.

Photos: 17,080 photos, 744 videos. iPhone: 17,033 photos, 744 videos.

Anyway, I think now I'll do a Time Machine backup and then *gasp*... delete the motherload. AKA the iPhoto library. God help me.
Photos upload 100% complete and phone gallery 100% updates.

This is great. Huge step in adding abstraction to my digital life. I pick up my phone and all my content is there. All though it isn't. But I can pull it up from the cloud at any time. Just like iTunes Match. Sensational.

There's a small gap between what Photos says and what the iPhone says though.

Photos: 17,080 photos, 744 videos. iPhone: 17,033 photos, 744 videos.

Anyway, I think now I'll do a Time Machine backup and then *gasp*... delete the motherload. AKA the iPhoto library. God help me.

Where can you see how many photos you have in total?


...hate me...
Where can you see how many photos you have in total?

Go to the "Photos" view, and when you're seeing thumbnails of your photos (actually separated thumbnails, not that amalgamation of photos stuck together by year or event etc), scroll all the way to the bottom, it will be there. It will also say when it was last updated.
Go to the "Photos" view, and when you're seeing thumbnails of your photos (actually separated thumbnails, not that amalgamation of photos stuck together by year or event etc), scroll all the way to the bottom, it will be there. It will also say when it was last updated.

Ah, thanks!
23 336 photos 227 videos
Photos upload 100% complete and phone gallery 100% updates.

This is great. Huge step in adding abstraction to my digital life. I pick up my phone and all my content is there. All though it isn't. But I can pull it up from the cloud at any time. Just like iTunes Match. Sensational.

I really hope that when Apple introduces the revamped Beats Music service this summer (and lays some of the groundwork for retiring and/or reshuffling the iTunes Match and iTunes Radio features), the playlist syncing feature of iTunes Match becomes standardized and available for free even if the music uploading/downloading doesn't. There's no reason for that to stay a paid/premium feature and it goes a long way toward making iCloud an "it just works" product.

Photos in the Cloud is fucking great.
What should I replace iPhoto and iMovie with? Final Cut Pro and....
What do you need to replace iMovie for?
What editing features do you expect? If you're used to iPhoto, Photos will be fine.
Yep. Photos is *better* for editing than iPhoto and only worse with regard to some geotagging features. It's Aperture that it's in many ways inferior to (with regard to editing and tagging), but it basically blows iPhoto away (not like that's hard to do).


...hate me...
So I deleted my iPhoto library, and Photos started downloading a bunch of pictures. So it was just referencing to the iPhoto library before. This thing is SMRT.

Still seems like after this download ends, I'll be have a ton of space free'd up (going from 10GB free to 50-60 maybe) and it's supposed to make more room if I need to? Not sure how that works but I'll be here to judge.

And so basically now it's goodbye forever to cable syncing with the iPhone to get photos AND videos right? All of those get uploaded, in their full-res glory, to iCloud, and I have access to the best version of them on any device? What a time to be alive.

And god damn my dedicated camera is getting deader than dead. Should've put the money towards an iPhone 6 instead :p

Seriously though if only there was some sort of plugin to upload with your wi-fi enabled camera to iCloud. That would be truly sensational.

Ninja Dom

Got to say, I'm really worried about losing cable sync facility from Photos app on Yosemite to iOS devices. Apple have made no reference. There's just some photo albums in my collection I don't wanna have in iCloud but still want sync'd to my devices.

Ninja Dom

Interesting, upon restarting my Mac again (hadn't restarted it since the 10.10.3 Public Beta), plugging my iPhone in and firing up iTunes prompted me with the options for a cable sync of my Photos from the new Photos app. This never happened before I restarted the computer.

It does seem like it's deleting all of my previous photo albums I had sync'd from iPhoto and replacing them with the same photo albums from the new Photos app.


Junior Member
This is weird.

So the latest release is 10.10.2, right?

About this Mac shows 10.10 (14A379b) for me and no system updates are appearing in the App Store. Only the update to iMovie released yesterday.

Any ideas? I did a clean install a few weeks back so I don't really want to go through doing all that again.
Force Touch getting introduced into OS X is pretty interesting, no?

I'll be curious to see if we get new versions of the Magic Trackpad, Magic Mouse, and Wireless/Extended Keyboards soon with some of the advances from the new MacBook design. And it'll be interesting to see how Force Touch (basically being used as a third click type) gets integrated into the OS in general in the future.


Is it not possible to sort Finder items by Date Added in ascending order while in icon view?

In my Downloads folder, I want the newest files appear at the end, but I can't figure out how.


iCloud drive question...

Is there anyway to auto upload my documents to it? Basically I'd want to have all my documents stored locally on my MacBook AND on the drive without having to keep dragging and dropping from the MacBook.


Booted up today, I looked at 'About this Mac' and saw 150GB in my 'other' category that wasn't there before. Any idea of what it may be?
I'm missing the three-finger look-up definitions a lot more than I thought I would in this latest beta.
Being able to preview weblinks with the same gesture is very useful though!

The Real Abed

Booted up today, I looked at 'About this Mac' and saw 150GB in my 'other' category that wasn't there before. Any idea of what it may be?
Are you saying 150GB of space that wasn't used before is now filled or that 150GB of space that used to be something else is now Other? It might just be Spotlight indexing.


My friend's 2010 MacBook Air (ha ha ha) is apparently running like crap and has a virus.

I told him I would wipe the HD for him and reinstall.

He's currently on 10.10.2.

He only has maybe ~15 GB of files he wants to keep, so I was thinking of backing up those files on an external HD.

what is the process then for getting a clean OS X on there? It can do it over WIFI correct?


My friend's 2010 MacBook Air (ha ha ha) is apparently running like crap and has a virus.

I told him I would wipe the HD for him and reinstall.

He's currently on 10.10.2.

He only has maybe ~15 GB of files he wants to keep, so I was thinking of backing up those files on an external HD.

what is the process then for getting a clean OS X on there? It can do it over WIFI correct?
You can get ClamAV for OSX to scan for viruses. Mount 10.10 to a USB stick and hold the option key during boot. You should get a prompt for running the installer. Wipe the drive using diskutil and install.

The Real Abed

You have to try really really hard to get a virus on OS X. A trojan is easier if you're not paying attention when something asks you for your password and you didn't initiate it. I'd be curious to know what virus it is. The only time I hear about a trojan for OS X is when it's part of an illegal torrent or a porn site that downloads a DMG to your desktop hoping you're running Safari with "Open safe files" turned on and are dumb enough to launch the innocent looking installer inside it.

After backing up, you should be able to just hold down Option at reboot and go into the Recovery mode and reformat the partition from there. It'll then download and install the latest version. It's easier than making a USB stick. Then just copy the files back over when done. Just make sure if it is a virus, to scan the files first. Though I don't think viruses work the same way on OS X as they do on Windows. Still, to be safe.

The Real Abed

The latest Public Beta of 10.10.3 (14D105g) has some weird bug where I lose my keyboard completely after a while. I have to reboot to get it back.

The Real Abed

Same, happens whenever I do a three-finger look-up on any word.
Ugh. I can't believe they broke and changed that. I want to look things up with three finger double-tap. I even set up a custom BTT gesture and disabled the original to make it work for me. It would just open that panel for whatever word I had my cursor over.

Now it does what, shows a web preview? I don't even know because it's broken. All I get is a crash dialog.

Why did this change have to happen? At least make it optional. I want my word definitions! It was a great way to quickly look something up.
when is this official Photos update coming?

iPhoto is so broken right now after whichever updates they released past month or two.
none of my iPhone photos sync with iPhoto on my mpb or with iCloud photos.

i'd try the beta, but it seems like its an upgrade to the whole OS, and not just the install of one program.


when is this official Photos update coming?

iPhoto is so broken right now after whichever updates they released past month or two.
none of my iPhone photos sync with iPhoto on my mpb or with iCloud photos.

i'd try the beta, but it seems like its an upgrade to the whole OS, and not just the install of one program.

Not sure what you mean. Images on the iPhone aren't aupposed to "sync" with iPhoto. You import them. Or otherwise you MIGHT use them with iCloud (either My Photostream or iCloud Photo Sharing), which then may appear in iPhoto if you turn that on.
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