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OS X Yosemite [OT]

nah my images definitely synced with iPhoto on my mbp prior to the recent updates to the app.
i could come home, wake my computer, and they'd be in iPhoto.

i imagine it'll all get fixed once the Photos app is out.


Again it depends what you mean by "sync".

iPhone photos don't "sync" with iphoto. They may upload to an iCloud service of which you can turn on in iPhoto.

For example if you enable "My Photostream", then photos will upload to your iCloud Photostream and then redownloaf to any device which has "My Photostream" enabled.

On a Mac, this might be iPhoto.

If I recall there might also be a setting to automatically import images in My Photostream to the iPhoto Library. It's possible something along this chain is broken or a setting was reset during an update.
yeh thats what i'm referring to and it isn't working.

my photostream is dead i think.

edit: the March 19th update seems to have fixed this now that i actually just started iPhoto again.


Made myself (another) useful Alfred workflow:


I can share it later, if anyone wants it.


Would you please? That looks awesome.

Here you go. I had to make a few changes. It's still just a quick hack, though, so it might break from time to time. It just scrapes the first page of the Twitter timeline of @NeoGAFNewThread. You can also use "gaf ot" to display the most recent threads from the OffTopic forum (provided by @NESbot_OT.
Actually, I don't check the supplied parameter, so you don't have to write "ot". Any text after "gaf" works.

You're going to need two install two Python libraries, BeautifulSoup and lxml. Installation Instructions:
  • Enter 'pip' in Terminal.app.
    • Does it say "command not found"? Then enter 'sudo easy_install pip'.
    • Otherwise, it's going to display a few commands, e.g. install, uninstall, freeze, etc.
  • Enter 'pip install beautifulsoup4'
  • Enter 'pip install lxml' Not necessary anymore

The last two commands might fail with a "Permission denied" error. Or at least they did for me. In that case, just prepend a 'sudo' to each of them, just like in the easy_install command. Not the nicest solution, I know.


Here you go. I had to make a few changes. It's still just a quick hack, though, so it might break from time to time. It just scrapes the first page of the Twitter timeline of @NeoGAFNewThread. You can also use "gaf ot" to display the most recent threads from the OffTopic forum (provided by @NESbot_OT.
Actually, I don't check the supplied parameter, so you don't have to write "ot". Any text after "gaf" works.

You're going to need two install two Python libraries, BeautifulSoup and lxml. Installation Instructions:
  • Enter 'pip' in Terminal.app.
    • Does it say "command not found"? Then enter 'sudo easy_install pip'.
    • Otherwise, it's going to display a few commands, e.g. install, uninstall, freeze, etc.
  • Enter 'pip install beautifulsoup4'
  • Enter 'pip install lxml'

The last two commands might fail with a "Permission denied" error. Or at least they did for me. In that case, just prepend a 'sudo' to each of them, just like in the easy_install command. Not the nicest solution, I know.

Thanks man! Will mess with this later today, looks quite useful.

On a completely different note, I'm torn about this:


Why the fuck is this process so large? This happens all the time. I'm almost reinstalling OS X because of this shit. 10.10.2 here, late 2012 Mac mini. I only have 4GB of RAM goddammit -.-


Can someone with an Retina Macbook Pro running Yosemite do me a favor?

Please download this PDF and tell me how Preview.app performs when you scroll in it.

When I flick up on the trackpad, it seriously scrolls with 1fps. It's absolutely abysmal. I wouldn't even call it "scrolling". It just jumps around.

Even when clicking somewhere in the scroll bar, there's a ~0.7second delay before it jumps to that position. Searching for a word takes up to three seconds. When I click a search result, there's another delay of one to two seconds.

Sometimes, however, for some inexplicable reason, scrolling is actually almost smooth. But the pages are just blank, then. At some point, scrolling abruptly stops so the app can render the current page. Not necessarily at once, sometimes it renders it part for part.

This is just infuriating. The app is unusable. Completely broken. I've got a fucking Best Macbook Pro We've Ever Built and the fucking Most Advanced Desktop Operating System and it cannot fucking deal with a simple PDF.
I've noticed horrendous performance with pdfs on the latest public beta. Beta though, can't really complain. I don't recall vanilla having any issues, but it's been a while.


I've noticed horrendous performance with pdfs on the latest public beta. Beta though, can't really complain. I don't recall vanilla having any issues, but it's been a while.

It varies, at least for me. Performance is generally bad, but for most documents it's still miles better than with the one I linked.

The Real Abed

Yeah, Preview is terribly slow with anything big. Especially large images with dementions in the thousands. It's ridiculous. Just becomes unbearable. Especially if you open multiples at once.

Edit: Also, it is good to have word lookup back. And better than it was before. Very nice move.
Edit: Also, it is good to have word lookup back. And better than it was before. Very nice move.

Have you tried it on a link yet?
You get a full webpage preview and option of adding it to Reading List. Very cool.

Look-up and Spotlight are perhaps my two most used tools and the recent improvements have made both excellent now.

The Real Abed

Have you tried it on a link yet?
You get a full webpage preview and option of adding it to Reading List. Very cool.

Look-up and Spotlight are perhaps my two most used tools and the recent improvements have made both excellent now.
I have now. I tried it during the last beta and it was completely fucked up. It is all working perfect now and I love it.


Apparently, I've lost the answers to the security questions of my Apple ID. I always meticulously enter all kinds of passwords, keys, security questions/answers, access tokens and so on into my password manager, so I'm a bit confused why they're not in there. Haven't set up a rescue email either, and at this time of day phone support isn't available either. How annoying.

edit: Phew. I found them. In iPhoto, amusingly. Turns out I had entered the answers on my iPad back then. I was too lazy to copy them to the 1Password app one by one, so I just took a screenshot.


Looking for a VNC app? Don't buy Screens by Edovia. Just don't. Their QA is absolutely embarassing.

Here's the recent history, starting with the last big update, which was version 3.5 in September 2014.

You see, the app had always been very crash-prone. Never had a day where it didn't crash at least once.

So they released version 3.5.2, which included "Improved stability and performances" (sic).
It kept crashing.

So they released version 3.5.3, which included "Improved stability and performance".
It kept crashing.

So they released version 3.5.4, which included "Improved stability and performance" and "Improved memory management".
It kept crashing.

So they released version 3.5.5, which included "Performance and stability improvements".
It kept crashing.

So they released version 3.5.6, which included "Stability improvements".
It kept crashing.

Now, one of the last two updates happened to break SSH too. I'm not sure which one. Doesn't matter. Having a secure connection is fucking essential for a screen sharing/remote access app; how could they miss this?

So they released version 3.5.7, which "[fixed] an issue that prevented secure connections to succeed".
It didn't fix secure connections. And it kept crashing.

So they released version 3.5.8, which "[solved] issues with secure connections".
It didn't fix secure connections. And it kept crashing.

So they released version 3.6.1, which they called their Snow Leopard. Almost no new features, only bug fixes. Loads of them.
And would you believe it, SSH did actually work again and I haven't had any crashes since then!

The update also included a connection test for SSH, which some genius decided to have it start every single time you open the connection settings, completely blocking the UI while it's running (~3-5sec. Annoying as hell.), even though there's a button to manually execute it.
But if a certain setting was on (Disable SSH when connecting to a computer in the local network), the connection test would always fail.

So they released version 3.6.2, which includes a fix for the failing connection test.
It didn't fix it.

edit: Almost forgot. That setting I mentioned above, Disable SSH for local connections? It doesn't actually work.


Any particular reason the latest Yosemite beta is going to take ~7 hours to download for me?

I have a 100mbps connection and these betas usually download super quick.

Edit: just getting absurdly slow speeds on anything I download from the app store, strange.


Sorry to double-post, but I'm really pleased. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I've posted a few times in here about my macbook pro randomly freezing and restarting all the time.

I'd tried all sorts, PRAM resets, hardware tests, deleted applications - nothing.

Reinstalled my OS today and haven't had a restart since I did it hours ago. I hope this has solved it.
Hi Vashetti,

my last MBP (mid 2009) had this problem. It got to a point where someone from Apple's office in California was calling me to try and get to the bottom of it (I'm based in the UK).

The troubles started with Mavericks, I believe it was connected to the graphics (it was the base model without the separate graphics card). I found a few online threads with people with the same machine and same problems - bad news is I'm not sure it was ever fixed. Random freezing, then difficulty booting back in. I would get a black screen of death and have to attempt reboots three or four times. I even tried replacing the hard drive and doing a clean install but it made no difference.

In the end I upgraded to a new MBP that's had no problems, which isn't the solution you're looking for. I would recommend emailing Tim Cook (seriously) with a polite, concise email explaining your problems. Someone from his office will likely contact you to help. It's worked for me on a number of occasions - plus you get to avoid apple stores!


Sorry to double-post, but I'm really pleased. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I've posted a few times in here about my macbook pro randomly freezing and restarting all the time.

I'd tried all sorts, PRAM resets, hardware tests, deleted applications - nothing.

Reinstalled my OS today and haven't had a restart since I did it hours ago. I hope this has solved it.

Hi Vashetti,

my last MBP (mid 2009) had this problem. It got to a point where someone from Apple's office in California was calling me to try and get to the bottom of it (I'm based in the UK).

The troubles started with Mavericks, I believe it was connected to the graphics (it was the base model without the separate graphics card). I found a few online threads with people with the same machine and same problems - bad news is I'm not sure it was ever fixed. Random freezing, then difficulty booting back in. I would get a black screen of death and have to attempt reboots three or four times. I even tried replacing the hard drive and doing a clean install but it made no difference.

In the end I upgraded to a new MBP that's had no problems, which isn't the solution you're looking for. I would recommend emailing Tim Cook (seriously) with a polite, concise email explaining your problems. Someone from his office will likely contact you to help. It's worked for me on a number of occasions - plus you get to avoid apple stores!

Probably a graphics card (or otherwise down other logic board) problem.

Is it one that's under The replacement program? Either way you need a diagnostic run to determine the issue.


Probably a graphics card (or otherwise down other logic board) problem.

Is it one that's under The replacement program? Either way you need a diagnostic run to determine the issue.

Mine only has integrated graphics. It's the 2012 13" non-retina MBP.


Great. MBP just restarted and did the three beeps for the first time since I reinstalled the OS.

I thought it was fucking fixed. Getting really tired of this, and the Apple Store near me never has any Genius slots available.


Great. MBP just restarted and did the three beeps for the first time since I reinstalled the OS.

I thought it was fucking fixed. Getting really tired of this, and the Apple Store near me never has any Genius slots available.

I thought 3 beeps means a ram issue.


I thought 3 beeps means a ram issue.

Not necessarily. I've opened up the bottom many times, RAM's not loose at all and is snug in place.

Done several hardware tests and no issues came back.

Edit: when it freezes and restarts, I also get green-lined graphical defects all across my screen. In my uneducated view, it seems as though something is being 'pressed' or pressured inside the machine.
Not necessarily. I've opened up the bottom many times, RAM's not loose at all and is snug in place.

Ram doesn't need to be loose to be bad.

Friend of mine had a MacBook Pro with a bad RAM socket-- machine worked flawlessly and passed memtest86 with either stick in one of the slots, but having the other slot loaded caused errors and memtest errors.

when it freezes and restarts, I also get green-lined graphical defects all across my screen.

Is the GPU dedicated or integrated? Bad RAM being used for memory can cause these issues.


Three beeps, according to apple, means the ram fails a data integrity test.

What hardware tests have you done? Also apple state that three long followed by three short and three long again, is an efi rom corruption.


Three beeps, according to apple, means the ram fails a data integrity test.

What hardware tests have you done? Also apple state that three long followed by three short and three long again, is an efi rom corruption.

I did the standard Apple Hardware Test from restart.


I've got two graphics-related problems with my Mid 2012 rMBP:

1) After waking it from standby, the screen displays static

This happens pretty much every day in the morning. The screen displays static for 1-3 seconds, then the login screen appears and everything seems to be fine.
It does not happen every single time I wake the Mac, but usually when it had been in hibernation for a longer period of time (~ more than two hours). I have already reset both PRAM and SMC. Didn't fix it.

Note: The picture above is not mine. For me, the static is not multi-colored. It's just grey and black.
edit: Actually, it's indeed multi-colored. I just noticed that for the first time. It looks monochrome because the pixels on the retina screen are so small.

2) Corrupted windows in Mission Control

This happens extremely rarely. In fact, I can only remember two occurences, including this one.

The Real Abed

I get corrupted windows in Mission Control all the time. Seems to depend on what other apps are running at the same time.

Don't get the static though. But the corruption is normal for me and has been since Yosemite came out. You can tell it's something to do with the video card frame buffer because it'll display ghosts of stuff you were viewing or watching before. (Like I'll see parts of a video I was watching in VLC. Or an app from hours ago.)


I get corrupted windows in Mission Control all the time. Seems to depend on what other apps are running at the same time.

Don't get the static though. But the corruption is normal for me and has been since Yosemite came out. You can tell it's something to do with the video card frame buffer because it'll display ghosts of stuff you were viewing or watching before. (Like I'll see parts of a video I was watching in VLC. Or an app from hours ago.)

Oh, great. Another software issue.
Where's that 10.10.3? They released the seventh beta last week. Looking forward to all the things it won't fix. "All the UI lag on the notification center and mission control are gone on my late 2013 rMBP", writes a Redditor. Oh, sure. I'll believe it when I see it.

Speaking of UI lag, I'm considering switching back to Chrome. Safari is just too goddamn slow. Loading pages is fast enough (only slightly faster than Chrome), but the browser itself lags all the time. There's a delay of almost a second when opening a new tab. Sometimes, the beachball appears out of nowhere and the browser freezes for ~15 seconds. And there's tons of small visual glitches everywhere, both in websites and in native UI elements.


When you create a Smart Folder in Finder, you can hold Option when pressing the + button to create a nested rule:


When you create a Smart Playlist in iTunes, you can hold Option when pressing the + button to create a nested rule:


Well, of course you can. It's the same UI component, after all.

When you create a Smart Mailbox in Mail, you can.. not create nested rules.


There's a different rule editor. No support for nested rules. Why? Why the bloody hell?

See, I'm doing several group projects this semester. Figured I'd create a smart mailbox for each of them, consisting of rules checking whether the sender of an email is one of the team members.
However, I have worked with one of my team members in the previous semester, so those old emails show up in the smart mailbox as well. So I'd have to add a new rule to check for the date (greater/equal than the first day of the current semester) and put the sender rules in a disjunctive sub-rule. Well, that doesn't work. Meaning, either I have to live with a bunch of old, unrelated emails showing up in my "smart" mailbox or create another helper mailbox (e.g. mailbox 1 = mails from the team members, mailbox 2 = all mails from mailbox 1 from this semester). Fuck this.

By the way: See those textfields in the screenshot from Mail.app above? "Empfänger" means recipient, so obviously the only thing anyone will enter into them is either an email address or a name. Of course you would assume the textfield supports auto-completion, powered by your contact data. Just like the To/CC/BCC fields in the New Mail window.
But it doesn't. I had to first copy the addresses of my team members one by one into my editor, then open the New Smart Mailbox dialog and copy them back into it. Again, one by one. Freaking great UX.

What's the current state of third party mail clients for OS X?


Bunch of stuff I don't understand

What's the current state of third party mail clients for OS X?

I'd like to know this as well as I keep having issue with the stock mail client. It seems to randomly decide to ignore the email account I select and send them from my main account. I've tested this by sending emails to myself and can't figure out why it happens.

The Real Abed

Speaking of UI lag, I'm considering switching back to Chrome. Safari is just too goddamn slow. Loading pages is fast enough (only slightly faster than Chrome), but the browser itself lags all the time. There's a delay of almost a second when opening a new tab. Sometimes, the beachball appears out of nowhere and the browser freezes for ~15 seconds. And there's tons of small visual glitches everywhere, both in websites and in native UI elements.
To fix the lag when opening a tab, switch to Favorites view instead of Top Sites. Top Sites is shit and takes forever to load.

I also get the beachball occasionally but I just quit the browser and reopen it if I need to.

Nothing could ever get me to reconsider Chrome.


To fix the lag when opening a tab, switch to Favorites view instead of Top Sites. Top Sites is shit and takes forever to load.

I also get the beachball occasionally but I just quit the browser and reopen it if I need to.

Nothing could ever get me to reconsider Chrome.

I have always used Favorites.


Another performance issue with Safari: For several lectures, I'm using lucidchart.com to work on different kinds of charts and diagrams.

When a diagram gets too big, Safari just shits the bed. Meaning, either the FPS drop to single digits, or the beachball spins for ~5-10 seconds anytime I try to do something. In other words: It's unusable. I can't do my work with this browser. You know, just like I can't work with PDFs with the fucking OS.

Of course, the performance in Chrome is perfectly fine. Why wouldn't it be? Seriously, why the hell wouldn't it be? The site's not rendering a 3D game or anything, it's a goddamn 2D diagram tool, nothing more.


Might wanna double-check this
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