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Oscar Isaac to play solid snake in metal gear solid movie


Gold Member

solid snake?


Gold Member
Why do people think he is a great actor?
X-men and Star Wars he was pretty bad. Maybe a little better in ex machina , wasn’t that Jurassic park movie. Lol

He was awesome in a most violent year. It was great and the one to watch if you want to see an isaac movie. One of my favorite movies.
Couldn't get Keifer Sutherland huh?
It would cost them 80 million dollars to hire him, then they would have to cut all the dialogue scenes out and make a directors cut version that puts them all in the extra features section rather than in the actual film.
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Gold Member
I can guarantee that Kojima will find a way to do a cameo in this. Maybe sitting in the background at some bar together with Norman Reedus and Guillermo Del Toro while playing Snatcher.


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Perfect Casting, I really like this Director, he's my kind of man. Hope he gets the gig and doesn't let the Hollywood types (if they're even there after the pandemic and this doesn't end up as a Netflix deal or something) water this down or add in real world elements to appeal to viewers like the Monster hunter director. I want Kojima to be well hidden behind a wall peaking out like a where's wally, proverbially speaking.

I know this film ain't ever gonna see the light of day though :C


The worst casting since Tom Holland as Nathan Drake.
Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes. He's on the level with the greats like Heath Ledgers joker, The guy from the Jrock band in Dallas Buyers club, That south African actress who played the bitch in Monster etc, he just needs that big role. I've no doubt he'd fit into Snakes sneaking suit better than 90% of other big names and lets face it, they'd never make this film unless they get a big name actor so the pickings are slim. I can't think of many who could play a shadow Moses Solid snake that is big in fame right now and is known for their acting skill or is the right age, plenty who could play a Big Boss or Old snake but Shadow Moses/Tanker/Big shell aged snake... none, Issacs is about the best choice I could have hoped for next to a time machine that would pull some 80's - early 00's action stars back to youth in current year.


Rodent Whores
Not a bad choice, but I think his face is too popular. I would have preferred a less recognizable face so that it gives the Snake persona a better chance to take center stage. I'm not sure if Oscar's acting is that amazeballs to make that happen.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Why does a race change matter? Who gives a shit, what matters is nailing the character, if they manage that then I don't give a fuck what shade of crayon they resemble.
I tend to agree , Jacksons Nick Fury will always be Nick Fury now
But It seems to matter when it's the other way round and the White washing card is pulled
The only problem I do have with Leon and Jill is that they're are characters that have a visual identity and the casting doesn't match that.


Below is the best and largest image I can find of pre-aged snake from the era the film would be set in, he's like a skinnier big boss and unless the actors he is based on come to the 2020's in a time machine or we can clone them there is slim pickings in the terms of actors. I'd even suggest Issacs is better cause he is a much better actor than those 80's and 90's action film stars. The voice is my biggest concern but Hayter was never great anyway, all Issacs has to do is add a bit of a throath growl and get the surprised tone right.



Please just do the plot from the first game and tidy is up a bit for film. Take the best bits. Spider wolf death, Meryl. Revolver ocelot.

Were not ready for anything related to 2 yet.


And Big Boss. And Solidus! LoL

I always thought it would be perfect to have Luke Wilson = Solid Owen Wilson = Liquid
Oh man, That's actually perfect. If Luke Wilson didn't age badly and Luke and Owen Wilson could play anyone else than Luke and Owen Wilson. At least they'd look the part if it was 2005 again.


This is probably more about who is hot right now rather than who is best. Sometimes those two line up. I guess we’ll find out. Oscar Isaac is great but I don’t know if he’s the best fit for Solid Snake. It’s hard to see it.


anyone complaining about height has obviously never worked in film. i’m a cinematographer so trust me when i say that film has consistently made short people seem a lot taller through camera angles, and it’s not hard to do, it’s one the oldest tricks in the action film book. plus google says oscar is 5’9’’, for reference tom cruise is 5’7’’ and he’s in all kinds of action flicks!!


4-Time GIF/Meme God
He could help with the script, I mean that is one of his jobs (he wrote X-Men 1 and 2)
Sure, but I mean himself doing a bit with the voice or something. Just for fan service. Also, Liquid's voice too


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm just glad they're starting with Snake and Metal Gear Solid rather than going all the way back to the roots of The Boss, or even starting with Big Boss. They made that mistake with the Warcraft movie - they should have started with the more interesting fall of Arthas, instead they focused on the earliest story most Warcraft players aren't even familiar with.

But great choice I guess, Isaac can act.
Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes. He's on the level with the greats like Heath Ledgers joker, The guy from the Jrock band in Dallas Buyers club, That south African actress who played the bitch in Monster etc, he just needs that big role. I've no doubt he'd fit into Snakes sneaking suit better than 90% of other big names and lets face it, they'd never make this film unless they get a big name actor so the pickings are slim. I can't think of many who could play a shadow Moses Solid snake that is big in fame right now and is known for their acting skill or is the right age, plenty who could play a Big Boss or Old snake but Shadow Moses/Tanker/Big shell aged snake... none, Issacs is about the best choice I could have hoped for next to a time machine that would pull some 80's - early 00's action stars back to youth in current year.

Yep he can do it. The direction for his character was just meh in the ST. But he can do it justice. I mean the dude is actually so good you don’t say oh that’s Tom Hanks you say holy shit that character is great. Don’t forget Annihilation that’s probably the best depiction of what to expect.

I liked him a lot in star wars. I don't know if I can imagine him as snake, but I'll give it a shot.

See above watch Annihilation.
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The worst casting since Tom Holland as Nathan Drake.
I take it you don't watch many films then? Oscar Isaac is one of the most talented actors around.

Watch Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis, The Promise, Drive. There's a reason why Denis Villeneuve wanted him to play a prominent role in Dune, as he's a great actor.

Watch Ex Machina and Inside Llewyn Davis back-to-back and you'll see what I mean, this guy is a fucking chameleon in how he can change his entire mannerisms, dialect and personality on a whim when a role requires it, similar to Heath Ledger, Daniel Day Lewis and Joaquin Phoenix.

Lofty praise but he deserves it, he's up there with Pattinson, Gyllenhaal and Joaquin for me in terms of my favourite actors working today.
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I hope that they make him look taller with some tricks like in LoTR and that the script it's a clever adaptation. If they diverge too much there is gonna be too much backlash and if the stick to either game it's gonna be too cramped, putting every enemie of the first one in one film for example would be ridiculous.

I hope they find a good balance and choose the right characters to focus on, if it's set on the first game i would focus on Liquid, Sniper Wolf and Psycho Mantis since their stories work as character development for Otacon and Meryl who are the quintessential support cast.
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Oscar Isaac is a very talented actor, the best they can choose. Scott Eastwood resemble Snake more but you can give to him an entire film as a protagonist, he is not ready yet.
They'll definitely cast some tall blue-eyed blonde dude as Liquid to play up the white supremacist angle. They'll change the narrative so that Snake was born to a different mother, most likely from the Middle-East. Meryl will be played by black woman, going by recent trends.



Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes.

I only know him from Star Wars.
In my opinion he is way to friendly looking. A grim snake would be more appropriate. But I'll give him the benefit of doubt.
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