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solid snake?
solid snake?
i mean it wud help with stealthPlease see my previous post. Such a silly argument.
Why do people think he is a great actor?
X-men and Star Wars he was pretty bad. Maybe a little better in ex machina , wasn’t that Jurassic park movie. Lol
It would cost them 80 million dollars to hire him, then they would have to cut all the dialogue scenes out and make a directors cut version that puts them all in the extra features section rather than in the actual film.Couldn't get Keifer Sutherland huh?
Which also means he is playing Liquid.
Great actor but...he's not that Sawyer from Lost fella.
Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes. He's on the level with the greats like Heath Ledgers joker, The guy from the Jrock band in Dallas Buyers club, That south African actress who played the bitch in Monster etc, he just needs that big role. I've no doubt he'd fit into Snakes sneaking suit better than 90% of other big names and lets face it, they'd never make this film unless they get a big name actor so the pickings are slim. I can't think of many who could play a shadow Moses Solid snake that is big in fame right now and is known for their acting skill or is the right age, plenty who could play a Big Boss or Old snake but Shadow Moses/Tanker/Big shell aged snake... none, Issacs is about the best choice I could have hoped for next to a time machine that would pull some 80's - early 00's action stars back to youth in current year.The worst casting since Tom Holland as Nathan Drake.
And Big Boss. And Solidus! LoL
I always thought it would be perfect to have Luke Wilson = Solid Owen Wilson = Liquid
I know you're joking here but...just noThis is the one fucking time Mark Wahlberg would have been a better fit
I tend to agree , Jacksons Nick Fury will always be Nick Fury nowWhy does a race change matter? Who gives a shit, what matters is nailing the character, if they manage that then I don't give a fuck what shade of crayon they resemble.
Oh man, That's actually perfect. If Luke Wilson didn't age badly and Luke and Owen Wilson could play anyone else than Luke and Owen Wilson. At least they'd look the part if it was 2005 again.And Big Boss. And Solidus! LoL
I always thought it would be perfect to have Luke Wilson = Solid Owen Wilson = Liquid
I haven't but have looked it up on Netflix after your suggestion "Adds to list" Cheers!Have you seen Colony, btw. Great show with him as the lead
Sure, but I mean himself doing a bit with the voice or something. Just for fan service. Also, Liquid's voice tooHe could help with the script, I mean that is one of his jobs (he wrote X-Men 1 and 2)
He got a bunch of veneers for American psycho - it changed his speaking a littleI can tell that dude hides a lisp, due to the underbite, like bales batman voice
Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes. He's on the level with the greats like Heath Ledgers joker, The guy from the Jrock band in Dallas Buyers club, That south African actress who played the bitch in Monster etc, he just needs that big role. I've no doubt he'd fit into Snakes sneaking suit better than 90% of other big names and lets face it, they'd never make this film unless they get a big name actor so the pickings are slim. I can't think of many who could play a shadow Moses Solid snake that is big in fame right now and is known for their acting skill or is the right age, plenty who could play a Big Boss or Old snake but Shadow Moses/Tanker/Big shell aged snake... none, Issacs is about the best choice I could have hoped for next to a time machine that would pull some 80's - early 00's action stars back to youth in current year.
I liked him a lot in star wars. I don't know if I can imagine him as snake, but I'll give it a shot.
I take it you don't watch many films then? Oscar Isaac is one of the most talented actors around.The worst casting since Tom Holland as Nathan Drake.
he's a fucking great actor
Oscar Isaac is one of the most talented actors around.
Any reason as to why Oscar Isaac wouldn't suit Snake?At no point in my post did I question his acting ability.
Sir Ian Mckellen is a great actor too. But he would make a shit Lara Croft.
Scott Eastwood as Snake cmon its not too late
Ok this is his father but they have similar faces
You can see at least 90% of Snake in there
Put a bandana and theres snake
Have you seen Oscar Issac in Ex Machina and some of his smaller films, he's a fucking great actor who changes his look slightly and his whole personality changes.