The Candidates:

Benoît Hamon (PS): Candidate of the former president party. President Hollande declined to run again after low popularity polls and high unemployment. Hamon wants a universal basic income for french citizens, Pro-EU, wants to legalize marijuana and wants to remove the controversial el khomri law. Due to the unpopularity of the current president, low approval of any candidate from this party.

François Fillon (LR): Former prime minister of France during 2007 to 2012 during Sarkozy's term. Surprise winner after expected to be placed third in primary against Former president Sarkozy and Alain Juppé

Marine Le Pen (FN): Leader of the National Front, a national conservative, similar to Trump
at being Putin's puppet

Emmanuel Macron (EM): Former minister of economy under Hollande during 2014-2016. He left his former party (PS) to create his own movement. Youngest candidate and Pro-EU. Criticized for yet to not have a detailed program for his campaign.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI): Candidate of the Far-Left Party, Also anti-Establishment
Important Dates:
29 January: 2nd round of the Social Party Primary ( Benoit Hamon vs Manuel Valls )
23 April: 1st round of the Presidential Election
7 May: 2nd round of the Presidential Election
Reminder: only top two candidates are allowed in 2nd round if none of the candidates reach 50% in first round.
Polls are variable depending who wins the PS Primary and If Center-Right Candidate François Bayrou chooses to run or not.