Love it 

The 64x64 pixel frame i picked up before i got my speaker, really loving the divoom stuff. Fills a dark corner of my room with something that looks nice, i love looking at pixel art so it's nice to have something that can display it and be easily updated by been connected to phone a infinite amount of art to display some animated others not. This one is an animated one.
I always regretted selling this so I finally rebought a copy:
The PlayStation 5 has Astro's Playroom and the PlayStation 3 had Heavenly Sword for showcasing what the system could do. The motion capture animations, the arrow sections that made use of the six axis functionality, the voice acting, the graphics on display... it was amazing at the time.
If you liked this Reggies book is also pretty goodFinally bought and delivered today.
yep thats the oneThis one?
With Amazon prime days 350€ instead of 500€
I always regretted selling this so I finally rebought a copy:
The PlayStation 5 has Astro's Playroom and the PlayStation 3 had Heavenly Sword for showcasing what the system could do. The motion capture animations, the arrow sections that made use of the six axis functionality, the voice acting, the graphics on display... it was amazing at the time.
Ordered this on an Amazon Prime Day deal. "Used - Like New" condition for £80 minus 20% and I had £20 gift credit to use up so I only paid out about £42 or so.
I'm very impressed so far![]()
That's great to hearLegitimately the best controller I've ever used by a huge margin. I've had mine since launch, easily over 4000 hours on the thing now and only now is it finally showing signs. One of the analog caps is worn out ($10 stick cap replacement kit on Amazon), and I've used the paddles to the point they've worn divots into the switches they contact which I repaired by putting a small round .5mm thick stickers on the four switch faces to pad them back out.
The battery still routinely goes 40 hours between charges and I typically only charge it one a week. The sticks have no drift at all and almost no play (helps I never use the click sticks at all) and in terms of wear the thing still looks like I just bought it, the rubberized coating is basically wear-proof. It's kind of nuts how resilient this thing is. In comparison the control sticks on the heavy equipment I've used at work (skid-steers, telehandlers, excavators, etc) typically need to be replaced at around 3000 hours because they're falling apart at that point. One joystick on the skid-steer is around $2K to replace.
I sincerely hope yours doesn't have any of the issues that seem to plague these (sticking face buttons, unresponsive bumpers, missed inputs) and your experience is more like mine has been.
Another pickup, love this game on PS4 decided to double dip & get it for portable play.
LOL let them steal like the literal gaming parasites they are, i like supporting devs especially ones that take a risk & make the quirky fun stuff if it's been released on cart i'll buy it or if it's not i'll get digital and hope that one of the limited run types turn it into a physical release down the line. Love playing stuff on my switch, the collection is getting out of control but it's pointless keeping it tidy anymore as i have to be out of here by end of year so i leave it all in various piles as it's gonna get boxed up at some point. When peole say switch has no games worth playing & theirs collects dust hmmm ok....You almost single handedly make up for all the pirates in the other thread.
Have you tried them death mark games yet? I'm sure I've got them on something been meaning to get round to themAnother day another switch game, not really bothered much with the visual novel genre but this one is supposed to be good and i do enjoy a good spooky story have part 2 coming at some point too. There were loads of these kinds of game on PS1 in japan but my japanese was never good enough to get into them.
Been working my way through the first title so far (death mark), played the first 2 chapters i'm really enjoying it. Taking them slow as i need to be in the mood to sit down & read when playing. Usually i play them when at home instead of on my breaks at work as i like to turn the lights off get the headphones on & immerse myself in some japanese spookiness. So far the story is keeping me entertained some of the curses are quite gruesome. Might save the 2nd title (NG) for closer to halloween time.Have you tried them death mark games yet? I'm sure I've got them on something been meaning to get round to them