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Otome Community Thread: Happiness isn't a limited commodity, my love is boundless!

Both? Definitely for the first, but the latter depends on your taste.

I think I'm already down the hill of otome-ness. I'm already looking forward to Collar x Malice next year, probably one of my more anticipated games.

Between Aksys & Sekai Project my Vita will be well-serviced next year.









I have a weakness for men in suits tbh.


Collar x Malice is out in Japan now, so if anyone is picking it up I'd love to hear some non-spoilery impressions :D


Yeah, it's just a haven for spoilers usually so I'm trying to not tempt myself xD I follow a few people who ordered it but unfortunately it'll be awhile before any of them receive their packages. Guess I'll have to be patient lol


Yeah, it's just a haven for spoilers usually so I'm trying to not tempt myself xD I follow a few people who ordered it but unfortunately it'll be awhile before any of them receive their packages. Guess I'll have to be patient lol

Yeah, found plenty of people excited about the game/or who said they'd buy it but no one that's actually playing it. Guess it'll take a few days.


Yeah, I'm not usually a stickler for spoilers, but since we already have a localization announcement I think I'd like to go in relatively dark for once. Mainly just want to know if the story/dudes/heroine are decent.

I have a feeling it's going to be really rough staying away from CR fandisc spoilers though x_x especially on Twitter where the fans can be...rather excitable lol


Yeah, I'm not usually a stickler for spoilers, but since we already have a localization announcement I think I'd like to go in relatively dark for once. Mainly just want to know if the story/dudes/heroine are decent.

I have a feeling it's going to be really rough staying away from CR fandisc spoilers though x_x especially on Twitter where the fans can be...rather excitable lol

Can't wait to randomly stumble upon CGs from both games on tumblr.

If you don't mind me asking - who do you follow on twitter when it comes to CxM? I usually stick to tumblr and blogs but the people I follow don't seem overly interested in the game D:.


Can't wait to randomly stumble upon CGs from both games on tumblr.

If you don't mind me asking - who do you follow on twitter when it comes to CxM? I usually stick to tumblr and blogs but the people I follow don't seem overly interested in the game D:.

ahhhh that's the absolute worst x_x I don't use tumblr much anymore but that would always make me so mad, especially considering most never actually tagged CG sets as spoilers

I know Hinano (breadmasterlee) is and estearisa is for sure on twitter and waiting on their packages. There's a few more people I know that were interested in picking it up, but I'm not sure if they still are, so if I see any more people posting impressions I'll let you know!


ahhhh that's the absolute worst x_x I don't use tumblr much anymore but that would always make me so mad, especially considering most never actually tagged CG sets as spoilers

I know Hinano (breadmasterlee) is and estearisa is for sure on twitter and waiting on their packages. There's a few more people I know that were interested in picking it up, but I'm not sure if they still are, so if I see any more people posting impressions I'll let you know!

Yay, thanks! :D

Hopefully their games arrive soon.


Whoa, I knew you said that it was a lot, but in practice that's basically $20-$25 worth, huh. What can it be used for besides unlocking the rest of the story (which IIRC was in the 300s total?)?

You can use hourglasses to permanently unlock save files, call back on missed calls (not actually sure about this one, never tried it), and rewind chat conversations you missed out on (so instead of just being a spectator in a chat that popped at 1 am, you can go back and score affection points with your target). You can also use them to unlock a day's worth of chats.

If you're diligent about chats/don't care about making up missed ones, there's not a whole lot of use for hourglasses besides unlocking story content. There's potentially one or two other uses I could have missed listing here, but if they're minor enough that I've forgotten about them, they're pretty minor.
I'd also be interested in hearing CxM impressions. But mainly just if it's as good as it sounds. I'll like to go in mostly blind on the characters and details of the plot.
Howdy. You folks still have room in the otome club? o.o

Welcome +_+ there's always room for more... *steeples fingers*

Oh my god, Mystic Messenger is so good so far... I'm not fond of the free to play BS at all and it's kind of a pain to save scum in this game but it's the most immersive otome I've played in a looooong time. This is the first one where I want to pursue all of them except for
who I assume will be an option later. Is
an option?
I want to be BFFs with her but I don't know if that's going to ruin things for me... and I have so many points with her already. Bitch better stop telling me to stay away from Zen though... I want to flirt with him in front of her but the game just won't let me 😂


There are three reviews for CxM on Amazon.

One is gushing about how cute everything is and the other two praised the story, said it was suspenseful and the VA was good.


an option?
I want to be BFFs with her but I don't know if that's going to ruin things for me... and I have so many points with her already. Bitch better stop telling me to stay away from Zen though... I want to flirt with him in front of her but the game just won't let me 😂

Yes, that person is an option. :)
Yes, that person is an option. :)

That sounds interesting... I'm too irritated with her constant cockblocking in this current route to think much of her anymore but I'm sure we'll get along better next file lol.

I seem to remember you mentioned you had some difficult with some of the endings because you kept getting too many hearts with other boys... but it's so hard to avoid and actually impossible sometimes! The game hasn't explained the heart system to me... like I get hearts from everyone and they add up in the column up at the top but it seems important to get as many hearts as you can from the boy you're pursuing... so what's the deal? Without spoilers... how do the hearts factor in? It seems like everything is going fabulously for me and my boo but I can't really tell.


I seem to remember you mentioned you had some difficult with some of the endings because you kept getting too many hearts with other boys... but it's so hard to avoid and actually impossible sometimes! The game hasn't explained the heart system to me... like I get hearts from everyone and they add up in the column up at the top but it seems important to get as many hearts as you can from the boy you're pursuing... so what's the deal? Without spoilers... how do the hearts factor in? It seems like everything is going fabulously for me and my boo but I can't really tell.

I thought I was going to have trouble, but it ended up being fine. I do wish that they would add some sort of meter to see where you were in affection with each character...

Regarding the hearts: you need affection points/hearts from your chosen character to jump into their route, as usual. The game puts all the hearts you collect in one big pile, though, which you can redeem for hourglasses (100 hearts = 1 hourglass). I don't think redeeming hearts actually lowers your affection level with characters, but if anybody knows otherwise, let me know!


There's a US PSN flash sale going on this weekend; Amnesia: Memories is $5.99 and Norn9 and Code: Realize are $11.99.


I've been tempted about Amnesia, but I've heard that it gets problematic at certain parts.

One of the routes gets bad, while another two or so can easily put people off. Two aren't bad, though. I'd say get it if you have nothing else to play and want an otome. Worst comes to worst you could ask for which routes to be wary of.



Brief things about Collar x Malice for now:

It is so. freaking. gorgeous. I love whoever rethought how to approach bgs + sprites. They aren’t changes on some super huge/expensive scale, honestly, but they do so much. I’ll have to post a bunch of pretty caps later. I keep going “whoa this has to be a CG!” and then realizing that no, it is not a CG. It is just a sprite and a bg. Whaaaaaaaaaaat.

You literally have to choose a route more or less the moment you’re out the door. Two routes are locked at the beginning. I guess Kou-lookalike is the true end, hands down. Not sure yet whether he’s locked until the 2nd playthrough or the final playthrough.
If you make a wrong choice, you’re more or less immediately dead. Quite seriously. That or you don’t get enough affection points for the midgame check and you’ll die there. So yeah, don’t even need a guide - can just hop back via scene replay to get the midgame bad end, and then otherwise…just try not to die. (Or if you’re like me, purposely try to die to get the bad ends first. =D!)

This pint-sized icy-tongued hacker tsundere is making me so interested in him that I shifted his route to the esteemed 2nd to last slot. Namidai’s voice is such a good fit here that I never want to hear him voicing some soft and gentle char ever again. VOICE ALL THE COLD TSUNS FROM NOW ON K
The heroine’s pretty good! (thank god because seriously…)
Kou-lookalike is actually getting overshadowed by the other four guys. Which doesn’t mean I’m not interested in him, but…these characters are just so well written that I can’t quite see his yet, since he’s really out of focus right now. But the hopes are high and the OTP is real.
…also all of the secondary guys are attractive why this why me

I know I keep saying this with each and every subsequent new VN I play, but…why is this game so gorgeous? Why???


That sounds interesting... I'm too irritated with her constant cockblocking in this current route to think much of her anymore but I'm sure we'll get along better next file lol.

Which route are you going for if I may ask?


Oh I missed this post too, welcome! :'D Waiting to play MM myself... I hope you'll check out Haouki! It's my #2 otome of all time and has my #1 romantic moment T3T <3 Haradaaaa

And in return I can't believe I missed your reply. ;;

Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'll definitely have to try it out and the other recommendations after I am done consuming UtaPri in its' entirety, that series has really pulled me in for the moment :')

That sounds pretty good, I'm so glad this is getting localized. Also happy to hear about the sprites and how nice they look, I just played MuvLuv recently and liked all the work that went into having the sprites move around, zoom in and out, etc. I'm on the lookout for more games that give the sprites more life than as mere paper cutouts.
Which route are you going for if I may ask?


And in return I can't believe I missed your reply. ;;

Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'll definitely have to try it out and the other recommendations after I am done consuming UtaPri in its' entirety, that series has really pulled me in for the moment :')

Zen! I beat it and enjoyed it but unfortunately I got stuck in a bad ending loop before I figured out what I was doing wrong (Zen route spoilers)
Turns out being a jealous possessive fangirl and being horrible to Jaehee is not what the game wants you to do... which is honestly fine by me but I just assumed that that was what Zen wanted because he kept reacting positively to it... I don't like that the game lets you think you're doing great when you're actually headed to a bad ending. Or a normal one anyway. :I

Anyway I ran out of hourglasses because I wasted them replaying.. :( but I'm seriously pissed off at this free to play bullshit. The fact that fucking SAVE SLOTS are locked behind currency is the most aggressively-anti-player measure I've ever seen in one of these games. They're also going to start charging 5 hourglasses for loading so you can't save scum... which would require you to waste even more time and hourglasses starting over. I would have been so happy to pay $40 for a game I'm this immersed in but the free to play features are a serious disappointment. I DM'd them on twitter to express as much but I don't expect any response or for them to even really look at it.. I just wanted to put that opinion out there on the record.

Does anyone have a screen cap so I can see these revolutionary sprites? I couldn't find anything


Zen! I beat it and enjoyed it but unfortunately I got stuck in a bad ending loop before I figured out what I was doing wrong (Zen route spoilers)
Turns out being a jealous possessive fangirl and being horrible to Jaehee is not what the game wants you to do... which is honestly fine by me but I just assumed that that was what Zen wanted because he kept reacting positively to it... I don't like that the game lets you think you're doing great when you're actually headed to a bad ending. Or a normal one anyway. :I

Very interesting. I haven't gotten any bad endings yet, but it's good to know that charters will react positively to the bad answers.

How were you able to go back and redo conversations? I thought that once you participated in a chat, that was it.
Very interesting. I haven't gotten any bad endings yet, but it's good to know that charters will react positively to the bad answers.

How were you able to go back and redo conversations? I thought that once you participated in a chat, that was it.

I was just reloading my save files and playing the last two days over and over again like an idiot, I ran out of hourglasses :( I shouldn't have been skipping forward. I'm just so mad about this free-to-play bullshit. It actively gets in the way of me enjoying this game sometimes. Now I have to just sit and wait for hours for a small conversation.


I was just reloading my save files and playing the last two days over and over again like an idiot, I ran out of hourglasses :( I shouldn't have been skipping forward. I'm just so mad about this free-to-play bullshit. It actively gets in the way of me enjoying this game sometimes. Now I have to just sit and wait for hours for a small conversation.

Oh geez. I've gotten into the habit of waiting for days to pass, so it doesn't bother me as much. Sad to hear that you're not having a good time. :( I'd buy the game in a heartbeat if Cheritz released it as a normal, paid game.

I had heard that Cheritz was going to start charging hourglasses to reload save files, but I hadn't seen them do it yet... Must've finally been implemented when I took a break from the game.

I've been building up hourglasses slowly but surely, and once I get back to the game and actually play through Jaehee's route, I'll probably blow through Jumin and 707.
Oh geez. I've gotten into the habit of waiting for days to pass, so it doesn't bother me as much. Sad to hear that you're not having a good time. :( I'd buy the game in a heartbeat if Cheritz released it as a normal, paid game.

I had heard that Cheritz was going to start charging hourglasses to reload save files, but I hadn't seen them do it yet... Must've finally been implemented when I took a break from the game.

I've been building up hourglasses slowly but surely, and once I get back to the game and actually play through Jaehee's route, I'll probably blow through Jumin and 707.

They haven't yet the game is just putting up a warning that they're going to start charging for it. I also have this really annoying thing happen where I lose conversations I've already played through when I go to play the game after I get a notif for a new one... so I have to spend hourglasses AGAIN :/ it's getting to be a bit much.


They haven't yet the game is just putting up a warning that they're going to start charging for it. I also have this really annoying thing happen where I lose conversations I've already played through when I go to play the game after I get a notif for a new one... so I have to spend hourglasses AGAIN :/ it's getting to be a bit much.

Have you been using the manual save, or just the autosave? I believe there are some issues with the latter (though I haven't experienced any myself yet, thank goodness), so much so that Cheritz has a new warning up in the Android version to manually save.


I know this is an otome community thread and most yuri are made for male pandering, but have you guys tried Flowers yet? I started the game last night and it's quite a charming "coming of age" story.
Have you been using the manual save, or just the autosave? I believe there are some issues with the latter (though I haven't experienced any myself yet, thank goodness), so much so that Cheritz has a new warning up in the Android version to manually save.

Manual save... ;_; that's the part I don't get. I have no idea what the point of the autosave is.

I know this is an otome community thread and most yuri are made for male pandering, but have you guys tried Flowers yet? I started the game last night and it's quite a charming "coming of age" story.

Shizuka you changed your iconic av!! How will I recognize your quality posts now?! 8D


Neo Member
Mystic Messenger is really good but I'm encountering a bug where I just can't get into one of the chat rooms which means I can't progress at all. ;__; I really really don't want to have to start over.

EDIT: Whew, logged out and then back in a couple times and I think that's fixed it.


Mystic Messenger iOS players: Cheritz will give you 80 hourglasses if you re-login, apparently, as an apology for server/patch issues or something.


Oh geez. I've gotten into the habit of waiting for days to pass, so it doesn't bother me as much. Sad to hear that you're not having a good time. :( I'd buy the game in a heartbeat if Cheritz released it as a normal, paid game.

I mean while I managed to try and keep up with the game but sometimes it felt really disheartening having missed some conversations and missing some calls just because I didn't have the app on, only having the hourglass system to fall back to so I could re-participate in some conversations.

But yeah as you say, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it was a normal, paid game. The concept and the writing is so good and honestly my biggest qualm with it is simply the freemium stuff kinda keeping it back since while I think the tie to IRL time makes it a really organic/immersive experience it still felt really disheartening that I couldn't reload nor participate in like the 3AM conversations without paying for IAPs.

That is, unless I've been doing something wrong...
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