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Our New Platformer Game...

Hi guys, late last year I posted on here an old incomplete project (Fanboy Fighter) that Saturnman and I did. Well it impressed the right people, so I got enough money to start a new project and form a business.

I took the big plunge and quit my job at Sony and now 8 months later, here's our new game:
Pow Pow's Great Adventure


Saturnman and I collaborated again, he did all the hand-drawn art. We also have two other talented individuals who did the 3D models and the music.

There's screen shots and a game trailer at the link above.
Comments are welcome. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Downloading trailer as well. You don't have Fanboy Fighter there as well, on the site, that is?

Any chance of a name change, or is it too late at this point?


force push the doodoo rock
looks pretty neat, the wave level looks really neat and i like those little transitions that happen when you turn.

saturnman needs to draw more frames of animation cause it really really hinders the visuals of this game.
"You don't have Fanboy Fighter there as well, on the site, that is?"

Naw, Fanboy Fighter was much too incomplete to keep on the site. :)

Last year, I justed posted that demo on GA and showed it to a few people. Wasn't really meant for public consumption.
"saturnman needs to draw more frames of animation cause it really really hinders the visuals of this game."

Ha! It's funny you say that, that was one of the number one concerns when we focus tested it. So yeah more frames of animation will be added.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, it does look decent. Looks generic however, terribly generic. The main character looks boring and animates VERY poorly. The worlds... I don't know, but I think something more than blocks and platforms invisibly suspended in midair could be done.

Not enough of the gameplay is immediately understandable from the trailer, however.

Kinda reminds me of that weird Saturn platformer game, the one where you control an ant or something, and has the occasional Sonic cameo. For the record, I didn't like that game.

Gameplay is key, however. Will you have a downloadable demo at some point?


I've just seen the screens so far, but I hope the on-screen interface is just a placerholder. If you need any help...
1) Needs more frames of animation for the character

2) Needs more wardrobe (for different environments) or different colored shirts

3) Could use a waterpack
Mike Works said:
1) Needs more frames of animation for the character

2) Needs more wardrobe (for different environments) or different colored shirts

3) Could use a waterpack

1) Mike could read the thread.

Dave Long

Go to Stardock.com and consider selling the game through the Drengin.net subscription service. This is the perfect kind of game to get decent sales through there. I'm not sure how the affiliate deals work, but I bet you can hit a broader range of customers that way rather than just selling direct through your own website.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
i don't really like the art or concept.. it just seems so... third party if you know what i mean. But the game is still pretty cool i guess
Hitman said:
i don't really like the art or concept.. it just seems so... third party if you know what i mean. But the game is still pretty cool i guess

"Third party"? I don't get it. We're obviously not Nintendo or Sega, we're just a little Independent developer on a near shoe-string budget. :)

Anyway, thanks guys for your honest opinions! I knew I would get honest feedback if I posted it at GAF. For those interested, I'll let you know when the demo is up.


The Chosen One said:
Anyway, thanks guys for your honest opinions! I knew I would get honest feedback if I posted it at GAF. For those interested, I'll let you know when the demo is up.

Yeah, don't let it get you down though. Considering your budget and team size, it's impressive, but given modern gaming, it's something I doubt people would play. On the positive side, however, if you keep busting your ass on it, it'll make a great portfolio piece for a bigger company, again, given your great limitations in manpower and finances.


+1 for the simultaneous Mac/PC release.

I don't know how aggressively you're going to court the Mac gaming community, but you should think about doing so. It's small, but it's dedicated, and Mac developers tend to pretty close to their audience as a result.

Oh--and though I agree that the 2D animation still needs work, some of the 3D effects look really promising.


I think it's a great idea...

Here are some recommendations (that you don't have to consider...I'd rather you follow your own vision of the game, only take these seriously if you think it's useful).

-Try adding some flat polys with grass-textures/flowers/rocks/cactii (or perhaps sprites, but they would look weird in some cases) to the blocks. The blocks look plain as is, and this may be enough to make them look varied, without bumping up the poly count to crazy levels. In the same way, you can have icicles hanging from under some blocks in the snow level.

-variation to the blocks (this may conflict with your vision though, feel free to ignore): the blocks are all horizontally flat...how about adding some slopes...or if you don't want slopes, add some blocks/crates to it so that you can jump over them, or use them, etc.

-gameplay looks simple: but I'm judging this from a short video...I don't know how the coins work, or how to kill baddies...I may be prejudging the game. But the "platformer" element looks basic. It looks like the only time I'd jump it to avoid enemies and to jump to the next platform.

-incorporating the impressive lighting you have on the blocks that fall, onto all other blocks. I think it would look a lot more diverse, and when you switch planes of view, you'll know whether your headed North/South/East/West simply by noting where the darker sides of the blocks are. I liked the shadows for the character/baddies. Looks great!


Ah, so there's a topic about this here.

When The Chosen One approached me with this project, he had a little demo to show off and upon first seeing it, I immediately recognized it as a Bug! clone. I was on board right away after that. :D My collaboration really started in April, with baby steps at first, and then accelerating with the game closer to release.

So it's roughly like the Saturn platformer, but in hi-res (it runs at 800x600 on full screen). Imagine something running on Ultra HLE, that's how it looks to me when I play it. The PC spec requirements are very modest which, for a game of this type, is the way to go, IMHO.

Early on, there was a lot of wranglings between myself and TCO concerning the design of the characters. There was, for example, the issue of proportions. All platform games I knew had little munchkins for characters, with tiny limbs and all, but TCO wanted something different and since it is his project, I had to go along with it. It works, but creates problems like animation (more on that later).

TCO had a very clear idea of what the characters should look like. He showed me lots and lots of images, all from animes, but he didn't want them to be too anime-ish. That was all good to me as I'm not a fan of the style (I never posted any anime drawing at GA. Ever) so I could create a bastadized style, more evident with the male character rather than the female one, match it as closely to TCO's vision as I could. If the Japan worshippers at GA don't approve, that's a good sign. :p

Some of the characters I didn't design, most notably the bosses since they are 3D in-game. Someone else designed those. I was not supposed to design the standard enemies, but after some discussions, I had to quickly create and animate those, delaying my contribution for the rest of the game.

While most classic, hand-drawn platformers have the same amount or even less animation cells as TCO's project, because the character is bigger with large limbs, the need for more cells was evident when I first tested them myself. So for the walking and running sequences I will double the amount. For the rest, I think it is overkill. One area that is definitely overkill are transition cells in most situations. This is something I learned the hard way with TCO's first project (that was brought up in this thread). There's a very good reason why you don't see those in other platformers.

Developing a game at a distance (I don't live in California like TCO) can be a bit challenging. For example, animation in this game is not merely producing the cells and then sending them to CA. You have to know about the frame delays and stuff and we've devised a system with animated GIFs that shows him how I want the characters animated. Another area is with using Flash, you can distort polys and sprites. I think this is in large part what makes the characters appear stiff since they are not animated with exagerated motions. Hopefully, this will be something to be ironed out in the final stages of development.

Finally, one major reason why I accepted this project is that it allows me to produce dozens of stills, my real area of expertise. I'm not sure if they will be seen in the demo, but in the real game, the story is illustrated with large, colored pics complemented with voice acting, similar to Keio Flying Squadron 2 and Astal, two of my favorite platformers on the system (I don't know why Nintendo still snobs voice acting, if done well, it enhances the gaming experience). It will be like illustrating a childern's book, except you can use Flash to move the characters and backgrounds independently from each other. I'm really eager to see how this will turn out. The storyboarding is almost finished and I look forward creating the stills afterwards.

And, for God's sake, no waterpack. It's better that way. ;)


Fight for Freeform said:
-gameplay looks simple: but I'm judging this from a short video...I don't know how the coins work, or how to kill baddies...I may be prejudging the game. But the "platformer" element looks basic. It looks like the only time I'd jump it to avoid enemies and to jump to the next platform.

I can answer this based on my play-testing.

You can deal with enemies like you do in Castle of Illusion. Jumping on them is not enough, you need to press down after jumping to really take care of them. There are also special powers though not all of them are offensive in nature.

Many enemies are tricky to handle and you need to outsmart them instead of using brute force.
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