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Out of all the places you’ve lived , which place do you miss the most?


Gold Member
I have been to Japan about 10 times in 3 week bursts. There are two places I would love to live in Japan. Hidetakayama or, I think, Yamanouchi. I can't remember if that was the exact place but it was an onsen town by the Judenki monkey hot springs. I love the rural areas of Japan and prefer those much more than the city. There were some sakenbreweries near Nagano that had delicious sake too heh heh.

Im on year 2, in a few years i would like a house....and yea i would live more rural....but not TOO far. I spent the last 20 years in one of the worst cities in the world, flat bland gross Los Angeles. It took 3 hours to go 10 miles by public transport. and most of the city is flat and bland, expensive and everyone is a cunt.
So for now i like living in the center of it all..its exciting, i can go anywhere at anytime in 15-20 minutes. and in the same amount of time it took me to take a bus from..a regular daily work commute in LA.....i can be at mount fuji. I am surrounded in walking distance by 7 supermarkets, stores open 24 hours. Its beautiful and clean and theres endless things you can do. So even if i mostly stay home...the knowledge i CAN do it all is enough .

Also i was the same....i had been here 10 times over the last 20 years before i moved here. Afaid to buy a house until i get a permanant residence card though...which i think will take 3 more years.
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Manchester in the 90s, not including a time period then Berlin was a very nice place to live, had access to everything within walking distance from the apartment I had there.
I've got a fondness for everywhere I've lived, even if times weren't so good in the moment. Brains are funny like that. Anyway, add me to the "Southeast Asia" list.


I used to live just south of Seattle in 2009 through 2021, and before Seattle turned into full blown fucking overly woke rioters who hate all men and whites and destroyed local black businesses while wearing Black Lives Matter shirts, I had always stated that WA was the best state in the country and that I'd never leave. I absolutely loved it.

I lived in TN, FL, and OH before, completely hated all three, particularly FL, (Miami is a fucking cesspool and I immediately know that anyone who likes living there is the anti me), but the WA area deeply appealed to me. I loved the geography, the culture, (at the time), the beer, the food, I loved everything about it.....then it went fuckin nuts.

I miss WA specifically circa 2011. Couldn't pay me to go back now. Moved to Maine and I love it here, hasn't gone completely insane yet.


I used to live just south of Seattle in 2009 through 2021, and before Seattle turned into full blown fucking overly woke rioters who hate all men and whites and destroyed local black businesses while wearing Black Lives Matter shirts, I had always stated that WA was the best state in the country and that I'd never leave. I absolutely loved it.

I lived in TN, FL, and OH before, completely hated all three, particularly FL, (Miami is a fucking cesspool and I immediately know that anyone who likes living there is the anti me), but the WA area deeply appealed to me. I loved the geography, the culture, (at the time), the beer, the food, I loved everything about it.....then it went fuckin nuts.

I miss WA specifically circa 2011. Couldn't pay me to go back now. Moved to Maine and I love it here, hasn't gone completely insane yet.
Dude, my friends and I used to skateboard in Seattle when I was a kid. We would spend the day and come back at night. This was mid 80s to the 90s. I would NEVER let my kids in Seattle now with supervision. Hell I don't go unless I ABSUTELY have to. What a dump it is turning into.

Winter John

The open air museum that is Paris. Access to so much awesomeness.
I spent about a year living in an apartment over from the pompidou centre. It was fuckin great. Every morning I’d go downstairs for croissants and jam with coffee. The apartment had a leaking roof. It was boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter. Despite that I loved it. I was dating a French chick who was either crying her eyes out and calling me the devil or fuckin the living shit out of me. I remember going to a swimming pool. I met this chick In there. Neither of us understood a word we were saying to each other. She fucked me in the changing rooms. The only thing I didn’t like about Paris was the Metro. Maybe it’s different now but back then it was filled with beggars. I felt real sorry for them people but fuck if I didn’t end up ignoring them like everyone else.


What was Dubai like? All the stuff I see on TV show it as super extravagant.
Terrible terrible for work commute , there’s one main highway which everyone has to use and 2 hour one way was not unheard of. Bumper to bumper crawling traffic. All that super extravagant things are “in your face” and becomes depressing really quickly.


Less a place and more of a time, living by myself in a trailer 2015 to 2018. Worked a physical job then on weekends my brother would take me out on his new boat. Plus there was the time i found a palate of "cheese its" in dumpster, had an entire cabinet full of reduced fat chees its.


Terrible terrible for work commute , there’s one main highway which everyone has to use and 2 hour one way was not unheard of. Bumper to bumper crawling traffic. All that super extravagant things are “in your face” and becomes depressing really quickly.
It might sound stupid but is the highway above ground? That commute in that heat would be nuts... What was the food like?


I've never lived in another city than where I currently live today. Only moved twice and today I live `15min away by bike from where I grew up.
Good old The Hague, Netherlands.


It might sound stupid but is the highway above ground? That commute in that heat would be nuts... What was the food like?
Yes above ground, if your car is parked unsheltered then you you have to wait for few minutes for it to cool down after start otherwise all pores in your body will open up : ).
Food is really good specially local cuisine like Mandi, Kabsa, Madfoon, Harisa etc. are really good if you like meat.
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I lived in this great little suburb outside a city near Tokyo for a year. Could see My.Fuji clearly on a clear day, and the place was well connected to Tokyo and everywhere else in the area with two train stations, buses etc. Had all the amenities including pretty much all the popular fast food chains and restaurants in walking distance, three supermarkets, city hall, nice open parks, a little river. A dedicated videogame shop and second-hand book shop etc. Compared to people living in the city in Japan, the people were mostly friendly and chatty and it was easy to get to know the people working in shops etc.

Unfortunately I lived next to a hikikomori who would pound on my walls whenever I breathed inside there, even though I was barely at home during the week and weekend. Guy was obviously kicked out by his parents and they were paying for him to live there.

Had to bail out there after a year because of that fucker. Moved to a more central area in the end but I still think it's a shame because except for him it was the only place in Japan (in a city) so far that I've felt had a sense of community and friendliness to it.


Yes above ground, if your car is parked unsheltered then you you have to wait for few minutes for it to cool down after start otherwise all pores in your body will open up : ).
Food is really good specially local cuisine like Mandi, Kabsa, Madfoon, Harisa etc. are really good if you like meat.
Thanks for.the info :)


I've never lived in another city than where I currently live today. Only moved twice and today I live `15min away by bike from where I grew up.
Good old The Hague, Netherlands.
I like The Hague. My wife goes often for work and I tag along sometimes. We are considering a move there actually.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Newport Beach, CA. I lived right on the beach on the peninsula. Such an amazing place and living by the water was such a vibe. When bored just hop on your bike and head down to the Wedge and watch bodysurfers and boogie boarders just get absolutely demolished lol.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Newport Beach, CA. I lived right on the beach on the peninsula. Such an amazing place and living by the water was such a vibe. When bored just hop on your bike and head down to the Wedge and watch bodysurfers and boogie boarders just get absolutely demolished lol.
We went there for a day when we were on holiday in California, I remember it had a nice small town vibe (based on that one small visit) it felt slightly removed enough from the other beaches we visited to feel more "local" and less touristy, I can well imagine it being a great place to live.


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