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Out of house, but still on good terms with parents?

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In a lot of different threads here I've seen a lot of people seemingly proud of the fact they no longer speak to their parents or have fallen out with them effectively forever or have never gotten along with their parents and hardly speak anymore. I think that's honestly pretty sad.

But I wanna hear something positive. Are you out of the house and still on good or even great terms with your parents? Do you call them often and talk about life and stuff in general? How often do you visit them or do things with them?

I'll start: While at the beginning of life my relationship with my parents was rocky and they went through a years long custody battle for me leading to a lot of hurt feelings over the years, I've mostly gotten over that.

I 29 now but I moved out when I was 24 but I still maintain strong relations with my mom along with my dad and stepmom. I call speak with my mom almost every other day because she is a massive worry wart and I swear she assumes I've gone off and died or been murdered if more than 2 days go by without me speaking to her. I try to visit her at least once a month since she only lives about 45 minutes away. While she isn't the most open minded person I still love being able to talk to her so much in addition to the fact I know I'm one of the few people she talks to a lot.

Dad and stepmom live all the way in California so I don't get to visit them well, at all except once a year when they come back home to visit or I go out there. (I'm in Ohio btw) I actually speak to my stepmom more often than my dad, but a lot of that is due to the fact my dad isn't the most talkative guy and our interest basically don't intercede at all. But I'm on great terms with the both of them and we talk a lot when we talk because we tend only only talk once a week to bi weekly. I'm more open with my stepmom than my dad because she is an extremely open minded person so basically anything goes with her.

So what about the rest of you and your parents?


Yeah I moved out after college, live on my own, visit them once a month, often to help them out. 100% good terms will all of my family, immediate and extended. I live about 1.5 hours away and do what I can to help out for holiday parties, or even just chores or stopping by to say hi. Mom calls me when major life changes happen, and I do the same.

I'm very fortunate.
I got kicked out when I was 18. I went a few years without really talking to them, but slowly started to talk to them again. I ended up moving about 2000 miles away and told them I would call every week, but didn't really do that until my girlfriend started to make me. Now it's 8 years later, and me and my wife call them every week. They come and visit a couple times a year and my relationship with them is pretty good.
In a lot of different threads here I've seen a lot of people seemingly proud of the fact they no longer speak to their parents or have fallen out with them effectively forever or have never gotten along with their parents and hardly speak anymore. I think that's honestly pretty sad.

is this really the case except for when parents are bigots or abusive


Yeah, I have a great relationship with them. They live in Spain and I live in the UK, but I still go visit 3 or times a year, and we speak a lot over the phone.


Not really great terms. Stating to repair the relationship, but only due to their grand kids. If it wasn't for that, fuck em.


Junior Member
I live about 45 minutes away from my parents. Talk to them all the time and usually see them every week. I am 28. I would say I was less close with them through my early 20s, and I am glad we spend more time together now.


I live about 20 minutes away, still have dinner over there once a week. For the past few weeks my parents have been the only people I've "hung out" with so it feels kind of sad.
But in all honesty I feel like I've started to value my relationship with them more since I moved out, when I don't see them every day I don't take it for granted as much and tend do really enjoy the time I spend with them.
Luckily they aren't Trump supporters or things might be different.


I talk to my mom all the time. Dad not so much but that's not because we don't get along, he's just not really a talker. We talk when they come visit or when I go home. I'm only 2.5 hours away from them so it's not like I'm far. I probably see them on average like once ever 2 months or so. Really depends on what's going on. I'm 29 now.

I'll be back in Ohio next Saturday/Sunday to visit. Mom is throwing my fiancee a wedding shower.
is this really the case except for when parents are bigots or abusive

Yea. If it's abusive or bigots then that's one thing. I have a buddy whose wife is basically estranged from her family because her husband is Black and they have kids. She tried to bring the kids around but parents treated them like shit so she don't have nothing to do with them. That's on the parents.
I haven't lived with my parents in a really long time, but I visit them often. They only live a couple of cities over, so I'll take them dinner every now and then. Sometimes I visit just for the sake of visiting.

I don't have a strict schedule, but I try and get down there once or twice every couple of weeks.


Why would you be proud about not talking to your parents? That doesn't make sense unless you were in some abusive situation. They brought you up through all the nonsense that you sent their way.

I'm on extremely good terms with my parents.


I try to FaceTime them every day. I miss them and it sucks not living in the same city as them. My dream is make enough money to move them closer to me.


I talk to my folks at least once a week for about an hour at a time. Usually while grocery shopping. They've always had my back and I can tell them pretty much anything. I don't think it's that unusual to be on good terms with your folks.


Although we had a lot of strife in my youth, I love my parents and they are great.

Once they started looking at me and treating me like an adult things got awesome

My mom is basically my best friend now and its cool.

Inb4 - "Moms great, lets call her"


What you are describing is completely out of the question for me. I live on my own but still see my parents at least once a week for dinner. I'm pretty sure both my brother and sister who live in different cities and states still call at least once a week.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
It was hard during my high school ages with my parents but once I got older I developed a great relationship with my parents. Moving out helped a bunch of that.

They even let me move back in for a period of time to save up to purchase a home, which without them I would have probably have been lost.

Text on and off and see them for lunch every other week maybe.


I talk to my parents every week and visit every month or so. I think that's pretty typical for people who don't live too far away

My Sister hasn't seen them (or me) in nearly 10 years, and didn't even attend my grandmothers funeral, though.
I find most people's relationship with their parents tends to improve once they move out. There is something to be said for how independence can positively impact a person's outlook.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Moved out straight out of high school and have never been back under the roof for longer than a few months during two summers in college.

I speak with both sets of parents every week or two.


Haven't lived with parents in a few years, wouldn't want to again. Very close to them though and get on great - sometimes stay over at Christmas or whatever.

Not as close with my brothers, I get on with most of them but don't interact with them all that much.


Why would you be proud about not talking to your parents? That doesn't make sense unless you were in some abusive situation. They brought you up through all the nonsense that you sent their way.

I think its more of a situation where people were actively oppressed or their parents have backwards ideas.

Like LGBT kids in the bible belt.


My parents weren't very good parents at all when I was growing up, but they really stepped up in my late teens to now. We live across the country from each other, but I try to talk to them regularily and they always help me out when I need it. Plus they are doing really well by my youngest brother who has severe OCD and anxiety.
Actually noticed that too, OP. Makes me sad as well. I'm on great terms with all of my family immediate and extended. There is no way I would want a life where it would be any different. Going to Seattle next weekend for my pops' birthday and i'm STOKED!


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
Still on good terms with my family even though we constantly argue over politics. Just because family fights doesn't mean family stops being family


Married and moved out. See my folks a couple of times a week. On the weekends my brother and sister all visit as well so everyone gets a chance to catch up. All good in the hood. We actually sit and talk as friends now which is a stark contrast to the fighting that used to go in when everyone was living together and growing up!


keep your strippers out of my American football
I would think the majority of people have a good relationship with their parents. I talk to my folks like 3-4 times a week. I have seen a few threads here of people being complete and total a-holes to their parents and seem to be proud of it.


My relationship with my parents was relatively strained during my early-mid 20s because I left Mormonism at 21, and then moved in with my girlfriend at 25. Both were big deals to them and the fact they were giving me shit about it made me not want to talk to them. Finally we effectively called a truce and I'm married now, so it's better but still somewhat icy since they're hyper conservative and I'm not.
I do find it disturbing how great the volume of people on here who have seemingly shit relationship with their parents are.

I speak with my father almost everyday and my mother now and again


People act proud of it here?

I guess that's possible; in real life it's something you tend to avoid telling people as it's not the norm, and a ton of people, particularly older people with kids get pretty judgy if you tell them you don't talk to your parents. So maybe on an anonymous forum it makes telling people about it feel like a good outlet for your frustrations.


I speak to my parents about twice a week and see them about 2-3 times per month (they don't live far). Yes, I'm on good terms with them about 95% of the time.

We don't see eye to eye on certain issues and yes that leads to arguments at times, but that's to be expected in any close familial relationship.

I keep in touch with them because ultimately they're good people and I do very much care about them.


I'm really close to my parents still. I'm 29. One of the reasons for why I decided to move a bit closer to home for my medical internship/residency was so I'd be better positioned to care for them now that they're growing older.

I owe them my life. Not in the sappy "duh, of course, they gave birth to you" sense but in the quite literal "without them I'd killed myself years ago" sense. I got fucked up badly by a major depression in the middle of medical school about 8 years ago. I was single then (still am, depression leaves major scars) and didn't have close enough friends for support. My parents provided me with the emotional support I needed. They provided for me economically while I took several gap years. They payed for therapy. Without them, I would have been forced to drop out - with no ability to get a job or study, because of the depression - and would probably have killed myself. Literally. Their help, and me not wanting to let them down, was a major reason why I never hurt myself.

After a few years I got better, managed to go back to the school and graduate. I'm about 95 % recovered by now. Internship's going great, I try to talk to my parents by phone a few times a week and visit them over the weekends at least once a month to help out. I will never be able to pay them back for all they did for me, but I'm sure going to try.
Idk why people being proud of not speaking to their parents is a bad thing tho. Like some peoples parents are not good or healthy to be around.
I talk to my mom all the time. Dad not so much but that's not because we don't get along, he's just not really a talker. We talk when they come visit or when I go home. I'm only 2.5 hours away from them so it's not like I'm far. I probably see them on average like once ever 2 months or so. Really depends on what's going on. I'm 29 now.

I'll be back in Ohio next Saturday/Sunday to visit. Mom is throwing my fiancee a wedding shower.
Jeeze this makes me feel bad because when my mom lived almost two hours away I only visited a few times a year because I hated the long drive.


I'm not on bad terms with ANYONE I consider family/related, and that spans something like three dozen people.
I visit my family about once a month and it's like a regular vacation to the countryside.

Everytime I read about people's broken family situations, I consider myself lucky.


I'd say I'm on good terms with my mother and father. I talk to my father more, since he makes more of an effort to keep up communication, and we usually just joke around or commiserate on the Trump administration. Our relationship's actually gotten a lot better in recent years. When I was younger and still trying to find my way in life, we'd get into a lot of arguments, and occasionally went stretches without speaking. But we've both kinda mellowed, and now we're good. I live in Chicago and he lives in Miami, though, so we don't see each other too often.

As for my mom, we're also solid, but we just don't talk very much. She's a really independent person (especially after she and my dad split up when I went to college), so it's mostly just checking in for birthdays, holidays, and when something important comes up. And since she also lives in South Florida, we don't see each other much.

Yeah, I guess I have kind of a boring answer. There's no bad blood, but I'm just not that close with my parents.


Neo Member
I live about 5 minutes away from my parents, so I see them a lot, and I am on great terms with them. They actually wanted me to keep living with them even after I got a job, but I wanted a bit of privacy and independence.
All fine and good to have a thread to talk about positive relationships with your folks, rather insensitive to frame it like that imho. Some people have been through hell with their parents. If you had good ones, be grateful. Not everyone does.

My relationship with my own parents is pretty decent, all things considered. Somewhere in the middle.
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