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Out of house, but still on good terms with parents?

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Moved out when I was 18. Had to move back in when I was 20 since I quit school and moving out of state didn't work out. Got resituated and married. Now nearly 30 and visit and call my parents either every week or weekend


I talk to my mom every week. My dad probably once or twice a month but never on the phone. I don't hate him, he's just never been one for conversation so we aren't close. Moving out made my relationship with my parents (especially my dad) much much better. Me being an adult living under the supervision of them was straining it.

I live about an hour-hour and a half away so I try to visit one weekend a month.
I'm on great terms with pretty much my entire family on all sides of it, both mine and my wife's. Yeah, there's a few black marks I don't really want to talk about, but overall we have a great relationship.
31, married, two kids, obviously lived away from parents for a very long time. They live about 4 hours south, we go down and they come up at least every other month or so. I always have been and still am incredibly close with both of them, and they are also close with my wife and absolutely dote on my kids. We also group text almost daily about whatever is going on in our lives.

I feel incredibly happy that I ended up with the parents I did. They are wonderful people and always did their best for us.


I live about 5 minutes away from my parents, so I see them a lot, and I am on great terms with them. They actually wanted me to keep living with them even after I got a job, but I wanted a bit of privacy and independence.

Yeah I live in the same city as my parents so I see my parents all the time. Stopped by yesterday to drop off some green tea I got from a local place that I thought they'd like.
Definitely think people who get along with their parents are lucky. Family is a nice thing to have (although you can have it without parents obviously).

Fwiw I'm not close with my extended family, so my family is small and I think it keeps us on good terms.


I have at least a superficially good relationship with my parents. We usually do something every other week and are going on a weeklong vacation in a few weeks.
It's fairly friendly and enjoyable most of the time

On the negative side my dad was a large source of my anxiety and depression and I'm afraid of coming out to my family


Been out of the house for nearly a decade now. Still talk to them on the phone every day, much to the chagrin of my wife.


is this really the case except for when parents are bigots or abusive

i'm kind of a lifeless and depressed person so take this with a grain of salt but honestly over time my perception of my parents deteriorated pretty badly. i dont really view family as something important, more like a kind of a bonus in terms of what makes a relationship. i love them because i know them well and grew up with them but i think they are very flawed, not incredibly understanding, and not entirely trustworthy people

its kind of hard to explain because i dont think parents can necessarily do everything to make their kids lives perfect, but i see my parents choice to have me as not a positive choice, even if it isnt necessarily negative. because i was born into a world where they fought constantly, where they made me feel unsupported and like i was making the wrong choices but without ever trying to actually guide me in the right direction beyond being distant about the things they dont like. generally just passing their flaws as humans down to me, which i never asked for. my mom will always become mad if it seems like you are being a psychologist and blaming her prior parenting on your current mental problems and its because she is afraid her kids wont like her and afraid of being alone, because she has immense baggage from her life choices. but i fail to understand why their problems have to become our problems. even if parents dont intend malice, i often feel like they just dont care what effect their actions have on us

i think if you dont view your own life as a blessing it becomes quite easy to sink into looking at your parents objectively as people, possibly even critically in a way others dont, and realizing you sort of have no interest in them as people if they werent your parents. maybe even sort of hate them.
i judge them a lot honestly. and i see that as my right as someone unwillingly brought into the world by their hand.

so uh, im on good terms i guess and i talk to them every week, but i dont really have much personal attachment. not that i would take any weird pride in that, its actually pretty depressing
I love my family. Out of college I had some disagreements with my parents over the career choice I decided to make (a move halfway across the country) but we worked through it. Now I've moved back to my home state and I go visit my parents once or twice a month and call them about ever other day at least.


Moved to my own flat at 17 y.o. because of studies, then to another one 700km away at 19 y.o. I used to go back seeing my parents each week-end at this time.

Twenty years later, I still visit them at least each month (totalling ~30 days a year including holidays). And I talk to them by phone a couple times a week. I have great relationships with them, even if I'm not always fond of some of my father stances, and I don't like seeing them often have a dispute over menial things.

I sure hope to be able to visit them on a regular basis for a long time... Several of my friends have troubles with their parents, some of their don't talk each other anymore, I think it's pretty sad :/


My relationship with my parents has always been good, but if anything it probably got better when I moved out. They became good friends instead of authority figures.

Now whenever we get together it's for a fun event, so everyone's in a good mood.

They're pretty awesome.


My parents have continued doing a lot for me after moving out (mostly financially, as i was very poor while working my way through grad-school and needed money for food, cell-phone, and essentials. I covered my own rent, utilities, and student loans, though). I talk with my mom like 30 minutes a week and dad about 15 minutes a week on the phone, plan to go visit them about 4 times this year (already got back from one extra visit, but that was because my maternal grandmother passed away).

Great people.
I moved out of state after college to continue my education.

As an adult, I'm on great terms with my parents and keep them involved in my life, but that's really common in my group of friends/extended family.

I talk to them often and visit around the holidays and other times as often I can, but I live about 6 hours away by car.


Our relationship is now better then ever before. I really love my mother, father, step mother and stepfather.

Plus my mother is my boss. But we get along perfectly.
It's been 3 years since I moved out and I see my parents almost weekly. My mom calls in almost everyday although I would prefer she didn't, but that's her way of feeling better that I'm doing good.

The past 3 years I haven't been as involved in what is going on. They used to ask me to write their bills and take care of other issues. They don't do that as much now. And they do tend to see my other siblings more often, so it can feel as if I'm left out. However, the time we do spend together is quality time, and I can see they enjoy it a lot. I love my parents.


Neo Member
Currently live by myself in Ohio, Dad is in Washington, Mom is in Maryland.
I don't talk to them often enough but still love them both, might be able to visit them a bit more if I can get a new place closer to my work and transition over to full-time with paid vacation.
I was on bad terms with my mother when I first moved out at 18, but otherwise, I get along great with my parents.

Both my mother, and my father + stepmom have been fantastic grandparents to my kids, and are generally good people I can count on.

Sure, my mother has some issues, and she and my sisters have complex relationships, but I ended up with good relationships with pretty much everyone.


My mother is my role model, and I will be lucky if I'm ever half the parent she is.

We live on different coasts now but communicate almost daily and see each other 3 or 4 times a year for a week or more at a time.

My dad is OK.


My father and I fought constantly when we lived together even through college but once I was out on my own we didn't have that conflict and are great friends now. That transition to adulthood can be a tough one but it certainly isn't always negative.
I'm 41 and I see my folks at least once a week. My in-laws too. In fact we often take a family vacation together in the summers. My wife and I, both sets of parents, and my brother-in-law and his wife. I'm very lucky in that everybody gets along in my immediate family.

Growing up, I rarely fought with my parents, though I didn't and don't always agree with them. Everybody respected each other. For the most part we always got along and that has continued until adulthood. To be fair I was always a bit of a goody two-shoes (never had any desire to drink, smoke, do drugs, rebel for the hell of it, etc.) so I'm sure that accounts for a lot. I'm also an only child.
I understand having a good relationship with your folks but the people that are on the "my parents are my best friends I see them 3x a week" wave are super weird to me.
My parents are great and I thank the stars for being blessed with competant and wonderful parents every day.

They need help so I see them very often and I try to do the best I can to repay all they gave me.


I don't understand why this is a question as I would imagine not being on good terms is probably a more rare occurrence than being on good terms (I could be wrong).


I understand having a good relationship with your folks but the people that are on the "my parents are my best friends I see them 3x a week" wave are super weird to me.

Why? Parents are people too, maybe they happen to be the people you get along with best.
I moved out.

And I love my parents. I still visit and bring my girlfriend over for dinner and stuff.

I always feel sad whenever I see gaffers almost bragging about not speaking to their parents.

Especially over politics.

Fucking hell man, life is too short to cut your family off just because they voted for trump or whoever you disagree with.


Neo Member
I live in an apartment in the same city as them. I visit them regularly and we go out to bars or bands together. They're great parents all together.
Yeah, I'm still on good terms with my parents.
I wasn't aware that people were "proud" of not being on good terms (unless it was for the parents abusing them, fights, differing beliefs about stuff, etc.)


I'm 40, married with one child. My parents moved about 2.5 north around the time I graduated college. They recently retired and moved back to help us care for our son who has autism. I am extremely thankful for and on very good terms with my parents, and always have been.


We're on pretty good terms. The election kind of made us a monthly phone call as opposed to a weekly phone call family though.


Looking for meaning in GAF
On good terms with parents. Both my wife and I see our respective parents regularly.


I love my parents and get on with them super well. They've always been really supportive and awesome and growing up around a lot of broken homes meant I never really took them for granted.

I moved out about 5 years ago now and I try to go back and visit at minimum once a month but I keep in touch via social media and stuff between visits.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Definitely slowed down speaking to them. Not on purpose really because i do love them. I just suck at keeping in touch in general. We have a family group chat now and that keeps us texting more frequently.


I am on great terms with my parents. They live about 15 minuets from me and I see them a couple times a week. I consider my mother and my husband to be my two best friends. My father and I are very different people fundamentally but get along great, we just have very different views on things.


I understand having a good relationship with your folks but the people that are on the "my parents are my best friends I see them 3x a week" wave are super weird to me.

I consider my mother, along with my husband, to be my best friend. My mother and I get along great together and are very similar to each other. There is nothing weird about it. Also, we have a small business together so I see them sometimes 2 or 3 times per week.

Why is it "super weird"?
Parents live 20 minutes from my house, they used to babysit my kids all the time which was a god send. I bought a house for my wife's parents in our town about a decade ago, her mom spends a few months of the year there (dad is dead) and the rest with her other children. My wife talks to her mom pretty much daily, we visit my parents once a week or so. My mom and my wife go visit our daughters (different coasts) pretty much non stop to baby sit our grand kids, I sorta feel bad for my son who is starting to get the "you should get married... have kids..." pressure. Hah!

I feel bad for people who can't be close to their family for whatever reason, it sucks but I hope they are able to make their own family out of whatever close people they have, even if its just online. We are extremely social, bonded creatures and every day I watch an hour or two of the live safari streaming on youtube and it always amazes me how much time animals spend just hanging out with each other.

For those who love animals, safari live streams daily ~7 hours (morning/evening) out of kruger national park and its amazing
Should be a given that most folks leave their parents home and have a good relationship with them.

I mean I left during college and see them occasionally. They're moving back nearby so I'll be able to visit them (and my friends in the area) more often. And if my company gets a project in Houston, I'll be able to see them even more often.

I don't go out of my way to call them, but my sisters my parents and I have a WhatsApp group to talk to each other and they occasionally ask for updates. They might call once every 2-3 weeks to actually hear my voice, and I talk with them however much I can spare due to work.
I understand having a good relationship with your folks but the people that are on the "my parents are my best friends I see them 3x a week" wave are super weird to me.

I come from a family where parents and their children never really separate at all. My mom still talks to my grandma multiple times a day and goes over almost every other day to help them with stuff. When I was a kid, my mom and I would pretty much spend the entire summer at my grandma's.

I guess it's hard to explain. My parents are just sort of "there." A huge part of my life. I have a hard time imagining a life where I didn't constantly see them.

We're an extremely tight knit family.


I'm on great terms with my parents individually but they really are at odds with each other. The result is that both of them kinda confide in me about what they hate about each other. It's really rough. I try to visit them once a year. I live like 14 hours away though.


Moved out, but me and my mom are kinda like best friends. I just see her a few times a month rather than every day.


Yep, Moved out about a year ago, still talk to them on a weekly basis. Hell, I still talk to basically all my relatives. I'm extremely lucky however in that my entire extended family is completely liberal.
Currently in Boston, parents back in Hawaii. Its tough but I talk to my mom every week and my dad usually every other week on the phone. Text them usually every day or other day. I'm hoping to move to the west coast by the end of the year to at least be somewhat closer to them.
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