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Out of house, but still on good terms with parents?

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Yep, see them pretty much everyday. Love when Mom occasionally fix lunch for everyone. Saves me a few dollars and I know I'm going to be filled to the brim. :)


Always have been. I was raised right.

Moved out at 18yo to attend FSU, but never forgot that my parents tried their best to give me the opportunities to succeed.

Now that I'm grown with my own family, our relationship is better than ever.


I moved out once I started college and haven't been back. I get along with my parents just fine. I'm not the type to call a lot but that's just my personality.

Edit: it's worth noting I live halfway across the country so I don't have the opportunity to see them often. Twice a year tops. It's expensive with wife & kids to travel and my parents have horses and other animals that make it difficult to travel


Yeah I moved out after college, live on my own, visit them once a month, often to help them out. 100% good terms will all of my family, immediate and extended. I live about 1.5 hours away and do what I can to help out for holiday parties, or even just chores or stopping by to say hi. Mom calls me when major life changes happen, and I do the same.

I'm very fortunate.
This is literally me.

I'll be visiting my parents this weekend since it's President's Day. :)


I lived alone for a while from 17-20, and then moved back in with my dad in NYC for a few years. Our relationship then was kinda strained even if we didn't see each other much. We both worked a ton. We'd do lunch occasionally but mostly our interactions were arguing about whatever it is I hadn't done properly.

Since I moved to Montreal I would only see my parents (dad in NYC, mom in PA) 2-3 times a year. We started getting along really well as I got older and we saw each other infrequently. It would just be fun. Going out to dinner etc, or surprise visits for birthdays, the Holidays and such.

Now my mom is back in Quebec (she's from here originally) and fairly close to me. We see each other much more often, and she can be... exhausting. But we still get along well. She's just older, needy, and retiring really gave her too much free time I feel. It's an adjustment. I don't see my dad nearly enough now, but we speak a few times a week usually, and email a lot.

I guess my TL;DR is: Yes, progressively as I got older and we saw each other less. But it was never terrible. I consider them friends and parents.


In a lot of different threads here I've seen a lot of people seemingly proud of the fact they no longer speak to their parents or have fallen out with them effectively forever or have never gotten along with their parents and hardly speak anymore. I think that's honestly pretty sad.
I highly doubt gaf represents normal in any way.
I highly doubt gaf represents normal in any way.
Yeah, people cutting family out of their lives due to an election is certainly an extreme reaction. One that I've only witnessed on GAF.

When I got laid off I moved in with my parents for a bit. Now I live in the same city and see them 2-3x a month. We are on great terms.


I'm out of house and on good terms with my parents but I rarely talk to them or talk to them about anything o_O

how does that fit.
I mean if they called me up or I called them up and we needed something the other would be there for each other. but neither of us are the type to talk to each other constantly, just updates every few months and a visit once or twice a year.
Moved out when I was 19, 27 now. Have been and continue to be on great terms with my parents. They got divorced when I was a kid so if anything moving out actually improved my relationship with my father, since I got to see him more without my mother or any sort of custody issues being involved. I live in the same city as the both of them which is helpful for maintaining the relationship but not so close that I can't avoid seeing them if I don't want to.

I'm out of house and on good terms with my parents but I rarely talk to them or talk to them about anything o_O

how does that fit.
I mean if they called me up or I called them up and we needed something the other would be there for each other. but neither of us are the type to talk to each other constantly, just updates every few months and a visit once or twice a year.

Eh, that's pretty much how adult relationships usually go. Unless you are, like, best friends with someone or have an active reason to stay in constant contact most people are perfectly content with relationships where there lives only occasionally intersect. You love them, they love you, and you are there for each other when it counts. Don't need much more than that.


I live 400kms away from my mom but we talk on the phone at least once a week. I visit her 3-4 times a year. I sort of feel bad for seeing her that little because I respect her for raising me and she was a great parent but it's a long drive for a short visit. I occasionally wonder how lonely she feels (pretty much all of her friends moved away. well at least she's got some family near her still).
My mom has always done a lot for me and my sister, but she just doesn't... feel like the ideal mother to me. We have never been close, I never feel any true emotional attachment to her. Like, I couldn't tell you the last time we exchanged a hug, an 'I love you' or anything. Our relationship just isn't anything like the majority of what I see between parents and their kids. It pisses me off. I definitely think how she's raised me has made me feel very detached from her as a daughter. I couldn't say that I consider her one of my 'best friends' or 'favorite people' genuinely, either. I mean, ffs, I couldn't confide in her about anything. She'd just look/sound annoyed, or brush off my problems.

Technically, I've moved out into my own place with my sister last December, but my mom's been staying with us since she has no place of her own at the moment. She helps with rent and other things which is nice, but meh. I'd prefer if she'd be a cooler mom.

On a plus side, I get along with my dad and step-mom very well.

EDIT: Yeah, it's sad that some people don't get along with their parents, but understand that not everyone has the same life story. Cutting family off is a thing many people end up doing to escape abuse or any kind of mistreatment. Doesn't make them weird or anything. They should be proud of it, because it's a really hard thing to do.


I see them probably at least once every two weeks. Sometimes more. They live in the same city, about 15 minutes away from me so it's easy for me to visit them. we're good!


I think its kind of a given that people get on well (enough) with their parents, hence the majority of people don't feel the need to post that they do.
Similar to reviews, most people won't leave a review for a product if its okay, but anything abnormal either positive or negative they are more likely to.


My parents basically forced me out of their house, so no. Both verbally abusive towards me, constantly on my case, and things got especially nasty during the election (they are both Trump supporters). My dad actually attacked me on election night for disconnecting the cable, the police were called and everything. Things calmed down for a bit but I couldn't handle another fucking day of him guffawing at the vile shit Trump is doing. I moved in with my sister and her husband for the time being, not sure if I'll ever talk to my parents again. Don't really care either way, to me they're already dead.


Aye, love my Dad. Speak to him on the phone, at minimum, twice a week. Mom died 6 years ago.

Before that, we talked almost daily. (Mom knew how to keep conversations going; we don't)

I live 6 hours by car from him. Otherwise, I'd see him daily, like my brother does. My sibs and I may have arguments, but we all cherish him. He's our Dad.


Is this actually supposed to be an uncommon thing?

I see my mom once every 2 weeks or so. Either go to her house or she comes over for a visit. I don't speak to my father, but that wasn't a result of leaving home he just hasn't been a father figure at all in my life.
Been moved out from home five years this month. Call my mam every day. Folks visit about once a week on average. Irish here though, so no election drama or anything.


i moved out but i still maintain a great relationship with my parents. i go over once a week and have dinner with them, talk, catchup, have fun. my dad is an excellent cook so he either cooks something or we find a new place to eat in town and go there. i also regularly ask them for advice on things and they in turn ask me to help them with their iphones and setting up netflix.

our relationship has always been great, but as i've gotten older i've definitely appreciated them more and make more of an effort to see them.


I moved out right after high school, 23 years ago. Never had any problem with our relationships. We live relatively close, and we see and talk several times throughout the week.
Parents actually left me almost 20 years ago when my dad had to move to the opposite coast for work; I stayed behind in their old house for several years until they decided to sell it.

We're on fantastic terms and visit every other year or so, but I wish they were closer so they could spend more time with their grandchildren :\


o_O @_@ O_o
I live 3000 miles away, but I call my mom at least once a week. Usually twice. My dad travels for work, so I'll end up talking to him maybe once or twice a month.

When I had a place nearby, I'd make it a point to come visit at least once a week. I'd miss a week here and there, but I tried to keep to that.

Now, I tend to travel home often, about 3-4 times a year, for at least two weeks at a time, and I always stay with them. I spend a lot of that time visiting old friends, but I get along just fine with my parents while I'm there.

Like most kids, I grew up and figured out they're normal people, with their own unique set of flaws. But in my case, I'm lucky and they're generally good people, and I love 'em, so spending time with them is enjoyable.


I love my parents and they are some of the most imporant people in my life.
Me and my dad are actually planning to start something work related in the near future.
I don't live close but call them 1-2 a week and am allways in contact with them via whatsapp.

I grew up seeing how they worked their assess off so me and my sister could grow up with no big worries. That's something I'll never be able to repay


Moved out when I went to college 10 years ago (fuck). Still 100% on good terms. I live too far to visit often but try to at least once per year, and call once every month or so.


Moved out. Got married. Still in great terms with parents, family, in-laws. See my parents just about every weekend.
I have had a better relationship in the past 5 years than before, though they still sometimes drive me up the wall. But I have moved out a few years ago, and it definitely is true that the relationship does get better after you leave- you don't fight over little stupid things. I visit them almost every day, it helps too that I still live in the same town as them.


I haven't talked to my parents since the election

LOL i remember election season so fondly. "I'm cutting off my family because they had differing viewpoints on stuff".

It's like when people on FB say "I cut off fake people" "i don't deal with snakes". So edgy...
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