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Out Of Shadows - A free documentary that got 8+million views in a week.


Not just taken down, completely wiped it off the face of the internet. I can't find it anywhere.


cosmic wizard

Neo Member


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Well.. urbandictionary.com has an entry linking cheese pizza to child pornography dated 2010 and that is probably information coming from reality TV show "To Catch a Predator 2004" so.. maybe not totally arbitrarily, it is at least predating pizzagate..

There is some other stuff in those emails, though, like that strange line about playing dominos on cheese instead of pasta or about the pool party where young children are transported to as "entertainment" for the adult guests and the blog where those same children are advertised with "spend time with her online raw & uncut"....
Urban dictionary also has an entry for cheese pizza as punching a women in the face before cumming on her face. Plus some other entries involving menstrual blood or gay sex acts. Urban dictionary is a worse source than a guy your friends uncle once sold a dog to.
The other stuff is completely innocuous in context and certainly doesn't need investigation unless there was an actual report or even any hint of children in danger.
When I first read the OP, I had a slight interest on clicking on that link and Watching this thing.... but then I read the entire thread, and the general consensus (majority) who watched (all or part of ) it, have come to a conclusion that it’s a silly crock of juvenile conspiracy shiet !!

And now I have no interest in watching it... But also, I’m now very skeptical and worried that this whole thread was made to inconspicuously boycott and steer people away from seeing the “truth” this documentary has to offer.... Hmmmmm 👀 👁
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So far this video isn't getting to the point. I'm only 5 minutes in, but its using tools that narrative builders use to manipulate viewers. If you want to talk about propaganda then strip your doc of those techniques.



Seriously what the fuck man. There was a time when this kind of story and picture would have people in fits of rage, we let it roll over us now.


"Your kids need to watch more porn"

This guy also wrote an article for the WSJ entitled "What We Talk About When We Talk About Pizza"
The article is behind a paywall, but, I mean, again....what the fuck people:


Just a sex educator with a pizza obsession, who appears to blatantly come out and link coded pizza talk to adolescent sexuality, who wants your kids to watch more porn.

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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

Seriously what the fuck man. There was a time when this kind of story and picture would have people in fits of rage, we let it roll over us now.


"Your kids need to watch more porn"
There was a time when people would judge an article by actually reading it rather than getting their reaction from a social media snippet.

PS the take away is not "Your kids need to watch more porn", but "your kids are likely watching porn, so they need to be educated on the unrealistic portrayal of sex in porn"


sure ok what's up with the pizza???

It’s not just the pizza talk in Mr. Pedesta’s e-mails that bring up multiple questions. It’s also talk about children of certain ages being in a pool for someone’s enjoyment. It was on the Joe Rogan podcast, the one with Alex Jones.

You aren’t alone in thinking something is wrong, Nymphae Nymphae , but I get used to the idea that questioning it makes one a nut.


Unlike that opaque crucifix in the thumbnail image...

Not a better response could have been said in the eyes of Satan, who these people openly worship.

OK, I'm out. Made it 38:00 minutes in but this is just some unhinged craziness. Had to bail when the guy started talking about how Hollywood is desensitizing us to sex and violence.
A mind that only knows "nature and purity" idealistically in the current climate, playing GTA V as their first exposure to another world, would have an intense reaction internally. Compared to the average person, who submits to the norm. (as it now)
Comparatively, a depraved mind who seeks out the most disturbing porn, gore, and sickest corners of the internet, would consider this to be nothing.

The "documentary" is trying to create this great conspiracy theory but everything it talks about so far is information available to the public.

There is a VERY important line in the documentary that is one sentence long that is significant in value so much so, it is the crux of the documentary as a whole.

"These people believe they must show you what they are doing" (paraphrasing from memory with quotes - final message is the same)

Have you heard of the hermetic principles?
The law of mentalism has grounds in agreement, everything is created in the mind (not a single individual), if you have the keys to the kingdom (the mind), could you create a reality based on agreement without violating free will?
You may not agree with this understanding, but if the elite did, then they would openly showcase to you their intentions, so that you would consent to that reality.

I liked the media being controlled by the Government stuff but then they actually went full pizzagate and my eyes rolled back into my skull

Why would a sitting president order $60k of pizza and hotdogs for a private function?

(not a single case)

Why they have to shoehorn some religious bullshit there?

"The best lies in half truths"
What if all religions were corrupted with the single goal of perpetuating an increasing disbelief in God?
Does a belief in God have to be mutually exclusive with religion?
How many pedos in the vatican?
Be honest with your answer.

edit: LOL this is nuts. Yes media is propaganda and elites are often evil. But not because of demons

Good vs bad
Light vs dark
Good vs evil.
You may not believe in demons, you may think it a fantasy in entertainme... oh wait. What if the people who created these stories really believed in demons?
They control, in no uncertain terms, perception. Yet have enjoyed a level of control and 'wealth', whilst openly worshiping these demons you do not believe in.

Absolutely. I've never been a fan of Christian moral posturing. Same kind of bullshit we heard for decades about how video games are rotting our brains and turning kids into trained killers.

I can enjoy a good dumb conspiracy theory, but I'll pass on the sanctimonious preaching.

Heavily dissident of the christian label, rather than true objectivity.
Is taking into serious consideration the effect of our "entertainment" onto our psyche really considered sanctimonious preaching by a "dumb conspiracy theory"?

The way they are framing the conspiracy theorists helps the elites keep control, if shit hits the fan (ie. mini-civil war) they can just blame it on the promotion of conspiracies and then lockdown on freedom of speech even more with justification. Alex Jones and pizzagate shooting is all a part of this mixing fact with fiction in order to keep things covered and for the luls.

Alex Jones has always been CIA.
Define "conspiracy", does it match with your personal definition? Negative personal connotation pushed by C_A
Who is Mike Pompeo now?
Who was he before?

Dividing the people against each other using 'us vs them' so that they cannot work together to fix the real problem.
They find parts of 'that other group' that is 'not good' and intensify the perception of this in order to increase the random bantering.
But I am afraid it does work very well...

Framework correct, change in rapid transition. When was the last time you saw most of society singing the same tune? Interception.

The point is that people CANNOT become experts in CC, or the shape of the earth, so they revert to trusting authorities blindly and taking a side.

Deference of knowledge is open to manipulation, if you cannot verify "presented facts", do you defer to trust-ability?
We are social, we believe the more our peers agree, then it must be true? Does that make them right?
At what point does deference of knowledge make us sheep?
If you could convince a majority of a frame work, based on truth with an agenda to ultimately to deceive.
"The best lies are told in half truths".
How could unanimous science be wrong?
Translation: you are not allowed to decide that this unanimous decision presented to you is wrong, how could they be wrong? They are experts and unanimous?
No corruption and bribery could ever taint this system.

Did I not just say to stop quoting me and replying with bullshit?

Of course we can't all become experts in everything. That's why we often refer to the expertise of others. Of course some experts might be charlatans or frauds, or maybe they've genuinely made a mistake and are wrong, but that's the best system we have. Nobody is saying it's perfect, but to degrade science to being "just another religion" is fucking laughable.

Science will eventually give us a solution to coronavirus. A bunch of fat white blokes with goatee beards driving their gas-guzzling retard-mobiles into city centres and standing around in black sunglasses holding shotguns while protesting what the science tells us is the best thing to do cos "only god decides when my time is up" really isn't helping. I'm sure when we have a vaccine, they'll be the same mongs spreading "it turns frogs gay and gives kids autism!" scaremongering shite to fellow members of their low IQ Facebook groups, but that's what happens when your ability to think critically has been destroyed by overdosing on Alex Jones "BIG BRAIN GENIUS PILLS".

(I will return with vaccine danger and autism when i can find the link i saved)

I haven't watched the docu yet. Will watch when I have time.

But let me say this about these documentaries that claim to lift the veil on reality. I agree with a lot that is usually being said. I think the media is controlled to a large degree, and there are other things we don't usually think about. But let me say this also..

I know people who have entered one(or many) of these rabbit holes and gone completely mad. I know people who eventually went on heavy anti-psychotic medication, and they continue to take them to this day. So, let's be careful. I'm not saying "don't think outside the box at all", but let's be careful please.

They create this outcome and use it to instill fear to anyone who wishes to seek truth.

Now is the safest time you will ever have to go all out.

Well I watched the whole thing. It was not as terrible as I was expecting I have to say. If the makers didn't seem to really believe in God and the Devil it might have been worthwhile. Pretty much every shocking secret they present is well known or at least readily available, I mean half the doc is media clips. But ultimately the whole thing is a damp squib, they just allude to a bunch of stuff like mkultra and hope you are paranoid enough to think the government is putting LSD in your water and making you watch Katy Perry videos and somehow this will achieve .... something.
It's ironic that the best part of the whole thing is some behind the scenes footage of movie stunts and the makers of the doc are proud of their bodies of work even though they believe now that they were the works of Satan.
My internal path to God was the same, realizing the evil and asking why.
Why do they worship Satan and I dont believe in anything.
The documentary dips your toe in the water, how many never even thought about this?
Is it wrong to turn a new leaf?

People will get the wrong message about this documentary. Mostly because of the editing. The tell a vision stuff should not have been in there....

A drop in the ocean of how language manipulates reality.

This. conspiracy theorists are just projecting the fact they have been brainwashed by this kind of garbage onto everybody else. quite painful

The fact that they badly want to believe anybody is censoring this documentary to keep people suppressed tells you everything you need to know. Anybody can watch this...it's just fucking retarded.
"nothing new under the sun"
Who is really projecting?

8 Million views in a week and it does not come up when you search by title :/

We need to get our heads out of the sand.
active censorship

This documentary was the most boomer, Qanon thing ever.

There are some shady things the government does with Hollywood, especially historically (talking about WW2 propoaganda, the witch hunt for communists etc.) but it certainly doesn't' have anything to do with some occult conspiracy. Lady Gaga and other celebrities are just attracted to it because its "edgy" and interesting, and that's what sells. In fact, symbolism and teasing actual conspiracy theorists actually helps sell (free marketing). The whole "Television = Tell A Vision" and Hollywood coming from hollys that were used in the occult is just laughable. You can trace back anything to the occult if you try hard enough.

define "occult"
Satanic cults? And yet there's an image of torture and death on the thumbnail. I wonder who has killed more people throughout history,

Best lies are told in half truths.

I was excited when she came on because she seemed credible but she turns out to be bat shit too. There are code words in this email therefore child sex ring. What?

WHO EATS PIZZA FOR AN HOUR??? was her very compelling argument

Cheese Pizza admitted to be Child Porn on MULTIPLE indictments.

Most people consistently claim "knowledge" when what they are actually doing is supporting hearsay as unequivocal truth without any sort of direct experience or confirmation. Real knowledge is an incredibly rare (and limited) thing.

Ironic username, truth from within.

It's odd, when I search the podesta wikileaks for Pizza now I get like 4 results that clearly are not being used in a coded manner at all, but there were a lot more previously.

You don't find the language odd in any way?


I think that's a legitimate question. What does "get pizza for an hour" mean, have you ever heard anyone talk about a food order like that?




Let's dig
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Not a better response could have been said in the eyes of Satan, who these people openly worship.

It took you ten days to come up with a response. I'm an atheist, I don't care with invisible friend anyone supports, God, PS5, Captain America, Satan, brap brap , big titties, Hera or Jedi it's all cool with me.

Take your meds.
Alex Jones has always been CIA.

This one gets me. Like, how? Like, if we're going to say that, we might as well just give up everything and just play Rocket League all day long in our pants (not American pants, British pants).

Like, it doesn't bother me that this is an option, that he might be on the inside, but if you wanna go down and live in this rabbit hole, then you might as well just be a rat in a cage NPC.

Anyway, doesn't this just ignore the point of Alex Jones? The way I see him is the way most of his followers do, which is that he connects the dots that are already being published in the MSM.

Apart from the clockwork elves thing, he can go fuck himself there. Alex is a good source of alt. news, I doubt he's inside CIA, he can have his bizarre theories, but he needs to keep working for the little man.

But you clearly know a hell of a lot more than me about conspiracy theories. (I'm jealous lol.)
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This one gets me. Like, how? Like, if we're going to say that, we might as well just give up everything and just play Rocket League all day long in our pants (not American pants, British pants).

Like, it doesn't bother me that this is an option, that he might be on the inside, but if you wanna go down and live in this rabbit hole, then you might as well just be a rat in a cage NPC.

Anyway, doesn't this just ignore the point of Alex Jones. They way I see him is the way most of his followers do, which is that he connects the dots that are already being published in the MSM.

Apart from the clockwork elves thing, he can go fuck himself there. Alex is a good source of alt. news, I doubt he's inside CIA, he can have his bizarre theories, but he needs to keep working for the little man.

But you clearly know a hell of a lot more than me about conspiracy theories. (I'm jealous lol.)
His job at the CIA was to take truth and associate it with a personality the average person wouldnt want to be associated with, and then scoop up the rest of the people who could believe that stuff.

I travel to work with a woman who only knew of AJ as "turning the frogs gay" rant, but doesnt know it was actually based on research.

Another example of this is his latest appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, where he opens with admittance to being wrong about Sandy Hook, and how seeking the truth leads him to have "mild psychosis". Millions of viewers Do you think anyone would like to "end up like him"? Then after starting on that, then hits the overdrive button and goes off on the wildest tangents.

At it's core, that is psychological warfare.
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His job at the CIA was to take truth and associate it with a personality the average person wouldnt want to be associated with, and then scoop up the rest of the people who could believe that stuff.

I travel to work with a woman who only knew of AJ as "turning the frogs gay" rant, but doesnt know it was actually based on research.

Another example of this is his latest appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, where he opens with admittance to being wrong about Sandy Hook, and how seeking the truth leads him to have "mild psychosis". Millions of viewers Do you think anyone would like to "end up like him"? Then after starting on that, then hits the overdrive button and goes off on the wildest tangents.

At it's core, that is psychological warfare.

Interesting. But I still like him :messenger_tears_of_joy: I think his message is a strong one, and I wonder what he'd be like on air if there wasn't such craziness everyday. He got proper mad in yesterday's show. We all need to learn to forgive people a little more and accept people a little more.

It is psychological warfare. I'm gonna say it again though cuz why not, we create our own war with ourselves. "It is your mind that creates this world."

I still have to watch your recommended video, only seen 5 mins so far. Cheers.
His job at the CIA was to take truth and associate it with a personality the average person wouldnt want to be associated with, and then scoop up the rest of the people who could believe that stuff.

I travel to work with a woman who only knew of AJ as "turning the frogs gay" rant, but doesnt know it was actually based on research.

Another example of this is his latest appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, where he opens with admittance to being wrong about Sandy Hook, and how seeking the truth leads him to have "mild psychosis". Millions of viewers Do you think anyone would like to "end up like him"? Then after starting on that, then hits the overdrive button and goes off on the wildest tangents.

At it's core, that is psychological warfare.

You're lost in your own wisdom chap. Anyway Bible boy.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

So, which man in the Bible was known for his wisdom?

King Solomon.

1 Kings 4:34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.

And how many talents did Solomon receive a year?

1 Kings 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

And what did Solomon do to his God?

1 Kings 11:9 And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice,

Turned from his God, and followed after his own wisdom. Rich in his own knowledge, which is why; (Came speaking in parables remember)

Matthew 19:23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

So what does the number of the beast symbolise?

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

Man's own knowledge.

Mildly amusing how no one can get the obvious, and instead invent a fictional all powerful evil being, that people worship, and build conspiracies around.
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timeflais timeflais man, you really got me down lol

Everything can't be an inside job. At what point in life does one take things at face value if this is the case? I asked my wife about it, and she summarised the whole thread as total BS. Problem solved!

This is like the conspiracy theorist's version of MSM being Chinese owned. Alex Jones is CIA owned.

If you live your life that far down the rabbit hole, does it not have actual personal repercussions? Does it not just end up like The Matrix or The Truman Show? Do you not end up just filled with hate?

Face value is what truth should be about, no? What attracted me to Buddhism in the early days was this approach to life, try to see it for everything it is. It is this approach that also attracted me to earlier conspiracies as a younger man and seeking out alternative media. I mean, this is also science isn't it? Face value no deception? But if you say that what you see is not what you get, even after all the delusion and lies, then this is just another lie your telling yourself?

lol, you can see I'm lost hah

Man, I wish you all the best. I root for the underdog.
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If you live your life that far down the rabbit hole, does it not have actual personal repercussions? Does it not just end up like The Matrix or The Truman Show? Do you not end up just filled with hate?

Check out Owen Benjamin's stream sometime, zero hate in that man's heart and he is deeper down these rabbit holes than most. He is always preaching No Despair. No one is having more fun than the bears :messenger_winking:

This one gets me. Like, how? Like, if we're going to say that, we might as well just give up everything and just play Rocket League all day long in our pants (not American pants, British pants).

Like, it doesn't bother me that this is an option, that he might be on the inside, but if you wanna go down and live in this rabbit hole, then you might as well just be a rat in a cage NPC.

Anyway, doesn't this just ignore the point of Alex Jones? The way I see him is the way most of his followers do, which is that he connects the dots that are already being published in the MSM.

Apart from the clockwork elves thing, he can go fuck himself there. Alex is a good source of alt. news, I doubt he's inside CIA, he can have his bizarre theories, but he needs to keep working for the little man.

But you clearly know a hell of a lot more than me about conspiracy theories. (I'm jealous lol.)
Clockwork elves or machine elves might seem bullshit (just as any of these things) but if you google it you can find that a lot of people talk about them. I even saw a NeoGaf topic about dmt and people talked about them there too.
Edit: I heard about them in that topic first, to be exact.
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timeflais timeflais man, you really got me down lol

Everything can't be an inside job. At what point in life does one take things at face value if this is the case? I asked my wife about it, and she summarised the whole thread as total BS. Problem solved!

This is like the conspiracy theorist's version of MSM being Chinese owned. Alex Jones is CIA owned.

If you live your life that far down the rabbit hole, does it not have actual personal repercussions? Does it not just end up like The Matrix or The Truman Show? Do you not end up just filled with hate?

Face value is what truth should be about, no? What attracted me to Buddhism in the early days was this approach to life, try to see it for everything it is. It is this approach that also attracted me to earlier conspiracies as a younger man and seeking out alternative media. I mean, this is also science isn't it? Face value no deception? But if you say that what you see is not what you get, even after all the delusion and lies, then this is just another lie your telling yourself?

lol, you can see I'm lost hah

Man, I wish you all the best. I root for the underdog.

I can see where you are coming from.
The globalist agenda has existed for a long time, reshaping society, the soul mind and hearts of the people to be more submissive and accepting of authority. The economist in 1988 put on their cover "Get ready for a one world currency" w/ accompanying article - 2018.
This shows you how long it has been planned, being a single world currency requires a lot of control. With a lot of control comes a lot of blackmail, ownership, accumulation of everything. The small group of people behind the scenes control. Where you got your entertainment, where you got your education, what food you ate, what air you breathed, what science got used and what got ridiculed and scrapped, your medical system, the economy in which you thrive, and they controlled how society changed generationally.
When you know how they communicate and the symbols they use you become aware of the truth all around you. When deception exists, so must truth.
It is a difficult reality to accept that such evil has pervaded our lives with us being unaware for most of it, but it has existed longer than us.
I don't state all my opinions for I dont want one message to be clouded by another but that rabbit hole can go quite deep.
Personally, it does not fill me with hate that we are surrounded by a hidden enemy, a patient enemy that through bloodlines have slowly been eating away at us with the sole intent of our destruction/or absolute control.
It fills me with hope, light and love. Do you think the young journalist student knows when they intern for a major news network, that they know yet their journalistic freedom and integrity is going to be tested by control of the hierarchy that puts the way they eat at risk of going against said hierarchy?
What about media?
The military?
Law enforcement?
On and on.
The game was rigged by a small group of people with too much power, and hatred. We are not born evil, there are more good people in these places than bad. Good people who can make change, who can stand up to the evil, who can rediscover life, to shine a light on the shadows. People who can reclaim everything that was stolen from us.
Not all science is bad. Not all religious people are bad.
It is the evil that hates.
It is the good who are filled with righteous anger.
It is the evil who are violent.
It is the good who respond with appropriate force to that violence.
And as of 2020 there is no single world currency, so it shows you that the good guys are winning that silent war ;)
Don't be down, look around, ask honest questions, truly understand yourself, seek truth and light. Pray. You will walk your path and rediscover greater heights, listen to your heart and be strong.
We are going through big changes.
But since you mentioned the matrix.

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Not a better response could have been said in the eyes of Satan, who these people openly worship.

A mind that only knows "nature and purity" idealistically in the current climate, playing GTA V as their first exposure to another world, would have an intense reaction internally. Compared to the average person, who submits to the norm. (as it now)
Comparatively, a depraved mind who seeks out the most disturbing porn, gore, and sickest corners of the internet, would consider this to be nothing.

There is a VERY important line in the documentary that is one sentence long that is significant in value so much so, it is the crux of the documentary as a whole.

"These people believe they must show you what they are doing" (paraphrasing from memory with quotes - final message is the same)

Have you heard of the hermetic principles?
The law of mentalism has grounds in agreement, everything is created in the mind (not a single individual), if you have the keys to the kingdom (the mind), could you create a reality based on agreement without violating free will?
You may not agree with this understanding, but if the elite did, then they would openly showcase to you their intentions, so that you would consent to that reality.

Why would a sitting president order $60k of pizza and hotdogs for a private function?

(not a single case)

"The best lies in half truths"
What if all religions were corrupted with the single goal of perpetuating an increasing disbelief in God?
Does a belief in God have to be mutually exclusive with religion?
How many pedos in the vatican?
Be honest with your answer.

Good vs bad
Light vs dark
Good vs evil.
You may not believe in demons, you may think it a fantasy in entertainme... oh wait. What if the people who created these stories really believed in demons?
They control, in no uncertain terms, perception. Yet have enjoyed a level of control and 'wealth', whilst openly worshiping these demons you do not believe in.

Heavily dissident of the christian label, rather than true objectivity.
Is taking into serious consideration the effect of our "entertainment" onto our psyche really considered sanctimonious preaching by a "dumb conspiracy theory"?

Alex Jones has always been CIA.
Define "conspiracy", does it match with your personal definition? Negative personal connotation pushed by C_A
Who is Mike Pompeo now?
Who was he before?

Framework correct, change in rapid transition. When was the last time you saw most of society singing the same tune? Interception.

Deference of knowledge is open to manipulation, if you cannot verify "presented facts", do you defer to trust-ability?
We are social, we believe the more our peers agree, then it must be true? Does that make them right?
At what point does deference of knowledge make us sheep?
If you could convince a majority of a frame work, based on truth with an agenda to ultimately to deceive.
"The best lies are told in half truths".
How could unanimous science be wrong?
Translation: you are not allowed to decide that this unanimous decision presented to you is wrong, how could they be wrong? They are experts and unanimous?
No corruption and bribery could ever taint this system.

(I will return with vaccine danger and autism when i can find the link i saved)

They create this outcome and use it to instill fear to anyone who wishes to seek truth.

Now is the safest time you will ever have to go all out.

My internal path to God was the same, realizing the evil and asking why.
Why do they worship Satan and I dont believe in anything.
The documentary dips your toe in the water, how many never even thought about this?
Is it wrong to turn a new leaf?

A drop in the ocean of how language manipulates reality.

"nothing new under the sun"
Who is really projecting?

active censorship

define "occult"

Best lies are told in half truths.

Cheese Pizza admitted to be Child Porn on MULTIPLE indictments.

Ironic username, truth from within.




Let's dig
It's good to know to not take you seriously in the future.
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