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Outlast |OT|


Ohh, never heard about this game. Downloading off Steam now. I just wish I could actually get scared by videogames. Too many horror movies as a kid I guess.
Is it mostly jump scares? Sudden loud noises? Hope not. Getting goosed by sudden noise is BS. It is a cheap gotcha. It's not fear or horror. Everyone in the real world jumps at a sudden bang. If someone drops something or bangs a cabinet door shut, people around will jump at the surprise. If grandpa blasts a mighty wind during quiet time, everyone will get goosed. Movies that do it are crap too.

It's cheap crap that angers me and turns me off of the experience. Making people fear when the next loud bang will happen is a failure at horror.

So before I buy, is this more than sudden loud noises?
What's the meaning of "save and quit", if I have to repeat again things that I already do?I'm talking when I have to (around 50 minutes from begin)
activate generator. I already made two piece of three, I miss just one pump station to connect, I save and quit but I've to redo all of the things


Lot's of jumps so far (mind you, just one hour or so). There is some horror because it has lot's of Amnesia DNA. Hiding, getting stalked etc.

Freakiest thing for me so far was the
Alien-ish looking lady in the room with the TV
Is it mostly jump scares? Sudden loud noises? Hope not. Getting goosed by sudden noise is BS. It is a cheap gotcha. It's not fear or horror. Everyone in the real world jumps at a sudden bang. If someone drops something or bangs a cabinet door shut, people around will jump at the surprise. If grandpa blasts a mighty wind during quiet time, everyone will get goosed. Movies that do it are crap too.
I haven't played enough to be able to say that there is definitively more but from my short time spent with the game there's a balance of excellent sound design, brooding atmosphere/tension as you explore and yes - jump scares. I know its popular to condemn games and movies for employing them but the reality is that when used right it's an effective tool to heighten tension.

I won't say more as I haven't spent enough time to speak more intelligently on the games content.
Is it mostly jump scares? Sudden loud noises? Hope not. Getting goosed by sudden noise is BS. It is a cheap gotcha. It's not fear or horror. Everyone in the real world jumps at a sudden bang. If someone drops something or bangs a cabinet door shut, people around will jump at the surprise. If grandpa blasts a mighty wind during quiet time, everyone will get goosed. Movies that do it are crap too.

It's cheap crap that angers me and turns me off of the experience. Making people fear when the next loud bang will happen is a failure at horror.

So before I buy, is this more than sudden loud noises?

I've gotten around on them. Even the best horror uses jump scares. It's just about moderation. You can do jump scares successfully when they're paced well. Condemned 1 had a great jump scare. Many eastern games or movies that do more psychological horror still rely on them. It doesn't sound like you want to actually be scared :p


I am installing it now. Im lighting those two candle i have and putting together my straw figurine. When night descends ill play the games.


as cliche as some elements are (like the "puzzles" and the story) the game does horror really well!

for the first time I feel the protagonist's reactions feel natural and believable. the sound design overall definitely makes the game so special.
This game is very nearly too much for me.

I spent probably a half an hour too long in that basement section because I could not find the second pump. All I can say is Miles Upshur is the luckiest man in the world when it comes to hiding in old lockers.
Oh man, played quite a bit while streaming for a couple of friends and they said they were nearly pissing themselves on a few occasions, so imagine me. Must have played around 5 hours of this, I'm sweating all over the place.

Yea, it has some jump scares but that's not only, it has a pretty well done atmosphere and it's just all around creepy, way too creepy. I'm really digging it.
I just got to the first jump scare, it got me. A few more steps through that area and I had to turn the game off. The discordant chords were too much. I can literally feel the vibration in my spine.

Even if I never go back to this (I will) that alone justifies the price to me.


My wife just told me I'm not allowed to play this game around her. After the first scare she stopped wanting to watch and then me getting scared is scaring her. Hell, I have to play this game in short intervals.
Really enjoying it so far, about an hour in.
I pulled the breaker in the basement, sneaked the fuck out of there and back up the stairs, thinking "shit yes! Made it!". Looked at the objectives: 'Activate the generator in the Basement'.

I have to go back down there. Oh hell.
The nightvision makes everything look scary.



welp guys wish me luck

i nearly pissed my pants when I played Amnesia and the invisible water monster part came, so.... I hope I can refrain from any pants-soiling related activities this time


Is it mostly jump scares? Sudden loud noises? Hope not. Getting goosed by sudden noise is BS. It is a cheap gotcha. It's not fear or horror. Everyone in the real world jumps at a sudden bang. If someone drops something or bangs a cabinet door shut, people around will jump at the surprise. If grandpa blasts a mighty wind during quiet time, everyone will get goosed. Movies that do it are crap too.

It's cheap crap that angers me and turns me off of the experience. Making people fear when the next loud bang will happen is a failure at horror.

So before I buy, is this more than sudden loud noises?

There will probably be some of that, but I think what they're going for is since you can't fight back unlike most games like Resident Evil or whatever, you are living in fear as you walk around and if something spots you, it's a frantic chase to get away from it. That kind of "if you were one of those helpless victims in a horror movie, how would it feel" type of thing.


welp guys wish me luck

i nearly pissed my pants when I played Amnesia and the invisible water monster part came, so.... I hope I can refrain from any pants-soiling related activities this time
If the lowly water monster got to you.... I have bad news lol


Only 20 minutes or so in but I am REALLY impressed by the graphics and the feel of the player's movement. There's a weight and feel to it that is just perfect.

The tutorial/opening progresses a little too fast and relies too much on scripted moments but the first scare definitely did make me yelp. Perhaps I won't continue playing with the volume so damn loud.

It seems the game opens up a bit once you get past the tutorial. I really know nothing about this game but it seems like the levels get a bit more open. Perhaps more Bioshock than System Shock in how it's laid out. Is that right or does it mostly stick to narrow, linear level design?
Played the first half hour and I really like it. It's really solid and has a lot of the perfect elements for Horror.

One thing I don't like is just how fast and early they show the "monsters" to you.


The first scare made me yawn. Not really, but I didn't find it scary. The part that made me quit playing tonight was INTENSE, though. This is a great game.


Yeah i mean if you arent scared by the effective jump scares then you are at least tense as shit from the crazy sound design and scenarios.


Come on son, it's just a vidya game.

I should not have been wearing my goddamn high quality headphones when
that fucking horror whispered in my ear and then tossed me the fuck out

I fucking knew some shit was going to come and I STILL fucking shit myself.

Every room in this game is just "Do I go in there? Nope. Nope. You can't fucking make me. NOOOOOO"
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