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Outlast |OT|

Wow, FANTASTIC so far. Definitely a game that I can't sit and play for long spurts at a time. Had to put it down for a bit..

Great stuff.
I've gotten around on them. Even the best horror uses jump scares. It's just about moderation. You can do jump scares successfully when they're paced well. Condemned 1 had a great jump scare. Many eastern games or movies that do more psychological horror still rely on them. It doesn't sound like you want to actually be scared :p

I'm nervous around balloons too


What the FUCK

ok I'm done for tonight, can't handle this with work tomorrow, it's legit making me restless now


PSY・S;78618821 said:
GIF from the PS4 thread


No. But yes. But No.


Well... I definitely need a break from that. My god. Here are my thoughts:

It's definitely very nerve wracking. It doesn't offer much of a breather, but it also doesn't allow for much tension to build. You'll be scared anyway, but an elongated into would have been nice.

The run-and-hide mechanics are about what you'd expect. You can stash yourself in a locker or some far distant corner and wait for the guy to get bored. Good to note is that some of the enemies are wandering and it makes for some nail-biting guessing games as you try and determine where they are at a given moment.

BUT this game has one design choice that really throws it all off for me. You can take about six hits before you hit the ground. You don't feel quite as vulnerable as in, say, Amnesia. This might not sound so bad, and its not, but a couple of times I used getting caught as an opportunity to scout the winding environment. Essentially this is the climax of the game's tension resulting in slightly reduced anxiety. Ideally it would be a little different.

It's a neat game, extremely intense.
What scene got to you? I had to quit shortly after
getting past the doctor
, loving this game so far.
Oh man, I was sweating there. Still kept going for like an hour and a half before quitting though. I'll get back to it tomorrow night, I'll probably finish it.

This and Amnesia next week, oh man, how good does it feel to be a horror game fan.
lol how can some of you be THAT scared by it? I mean I love horror games and they freak me out a lot sometimes and make me jump but I've never been physically affected by them in my real life

This game has some fantastic audio though


lol how can some of you be THAT scared by it? I mean I love horror games and they freak me out a lot sometimes and make me jump but I've never been physically affected by them in my real life

This game has some fantastic audio though

"Why isn't everyone's subjective opinion of horror exactly like mine? What is wrong with all of you?"


Man, this game is a hell of a ride so far. I just got to the female ward and decided to stop for the night. Can't wait to finish it up. Game is incredible
Fucking hell, it's HARROWING! I'm just stressed the hell out after spending about two hours with it! I would keep playing but I have work tomorrow so "to be continued" in that regard.

I'll say that the jump scares are still there but their effectiveness is far outstripped by how completely tense it is to just walk around and explore. I love that you have no idea who is or is not an enemy. Inmates will walk around and completely leave you alone and then suddenly BAM you're running for your life. The
necrophilia part was equal parts "ewwww" and yet strangely funny since the guy is calling YOU a sicko!

Anywho, a few more shots I took tonight. No spoilers, just a few of the mid-game areas:





Is this game free roam?
It's completely linear. Each section acts sort of like a "hub" that you explore but this isn't an open world environment.
Oh, I see. The trailer made it seem like you could go anywhere at any time-to get away from monsters/freaks, which seemed kinda cool.
Well, there are rooms where you have lockers you can hide in or beds you can hide under. You have to remember those so that when you are running for your life you can get hide out until they stop looking for you, etc. but the progression of the games story/chapters is fairly linear if that makes sense.


Hey future, how did you get the game to look that good? Are you downsampling or using forced AA? I run it maxed and it doesnt look quite that sharp.


How scary is this game, compared to Amnesia? I'm planning on starting it tonight.

Headphones and dark room suggested?
I can't wait for this on PS4! And the fact that it is free for PS+ users (apparently only for the game's first month on PS4) makes it even sweeter! I've long looked for a good jump-scare video game (on consoles) to play with multiple people looking on. It'd be like a good scary movie!


I just realized why I don't play these kind of games. I haven't even seen anything yet, but I'm too terrified to go further... I have to do this though. Amnesia had me screeching like a little girl, see what this game can do to me. Hope I don't wake the kid.



This game is a pleasant surprise.
Love the organic feeling of the character movement. It really feels like he is walking and interacting with stuff.
The camera is amazing. It adds a lot to the immersion. The night vision is just perfect.
I'm really impressed. The weird thing is i didn't hear about this game until today.
This game is a pleasant surprise.
Love the organic feeling of the character movement. It really feels like he is walking and interacting with stuff.
The camera is amazing. It adds a lot to the immersion. The night vision is just perfect.
I'm really impressed. The weird thing is i didn't hear about this game until today.

I really love this game's dedication to the first person, leaning around corners feels really nice.
Just as the game started to grow on me it throws another one of those "turn the cranks! find however many ____s!" objectives at me. Come on, man.
This game is a pleasant surprise.
Love the organic feeling of the character movement. It really feels like he is walking and interacting with stuff.
The camera is amazing. It adds a lot to the immersion. The night vision is just perfect.
I'm really impressed. The weird thing is i didn't hear about this game until today.

My only complaint is there isn't enough interaction with the objects around him. Docs and batteries, that's it. There's phones that need to be put back on the receiver :p It would have been really great to have the ability to do more with stuff in the environment.
So the game is higher budget Slender?

I wouldn't go that far, but how closely this game sticks to its own formula and the objectives themselves are really frustrating to me.

Anyways, I feel like this game does a lot of things right, but what it does wrong really gets in the way of me being able to enjoy the good stuff. Aside from the uncreative and repetitive objectives, I feel like a lot of the chases in particular amount to "Run straight, don't bump into shit, pick the slightly cracked open door. If you gotta turn around, just run in a loop around something, it's not like the enemies can catch up to you anyways." I don't really feel stressed or pressured to get away, because I know that the path I'm on is generally going to be pretty clearly defined and the game doesn't really punish me for or even let me make serious mistakes. There have been a few chases where I've felt like I'm stumbling around in the dark or I'm unsure where to go, and those are exciting, but I want more of that, less of the linear crap.
I did an outdoors bit that was pretty cool, though. I liked that. I hope there's more soon. At the same time, where you get spotted near the end was lame. All you gotta do is run around the gazebo and you're good.
There are too many encounters like that where I feel like I just gotta run around an object for a bit so I can proceed or lose a line of sight to put the enemy on "patrol" so I can sneak by. It makes me feel like I'm exploiting dumb AI rather than sneaking around. I know most stealth games require the AI to be "dumb" on some level, but part of what makes the best of the best good is how well they hide that "dumbness." I'll play more tomorrow and see if my opinion changes.


I'm really liking the game. It's been a while since a game made me feel this tense.

My gf is an horror fan and has been watching me play (she normally doesn't do other than shitty fb games) and at some point she got so scared that she dropped the pizza she was eating.

As others have said the controls are very good, the character has some weight and the graphics are really good (my i5 and 7950 ran it pretty well) but it feels a bit shallow.

For reference I didn't really play amnesia because of the lack of native pad support and found then graphics a bit jarring.

History sounds interesting so far and the atmosphere is great(awesome sound design) . Not knowing which npc are just there and which ones are out to get you is cool too.

Enemies walking in patterns is a bit off putting but I guess it would be a bit frustrating otherwise.


Character feel
Sound design
Full pad support
Fairly innovative
Camera dynamic


A bit shallow
Very very linear
Voice acting is not so good
The character jumps over tables, calling pakour is an exaggeration


Just played for an hour but didn't get very far.

It's...OK so far.

The graphics/sound/lighting is top-notch.

But the hiding is kind of crappy and the first objective you have to do comes with a guy riding on your ass who seems to keep searching for you relentlessly.
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