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Over 100 people allegedly sent to 'concentration camps' for gay men in Chechnya

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Over 100 gay men have been sent to concentration camps for homosexuals in Chechnya and three people have been killed, a new report has claimed.

Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and human rights activists allege that anyone authorities suspect are gay is rounded up and sent to these camps, where inmates are reportedly tortured.

A spokesman for Chechnya’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov denied the allegations, claiming that gay people don't exist in the region.

Alvi Karimov told Interfax news agency: "You cannot detain and persecute people who simply do not exist in the republic.

"If there were such people in Chechnya, the law-enforcement organs wouldn’t need to have anything to do with them because their relatives would send them somewhere from which there is no returning."

One of Chechnya's human rights officials, Kheda Saratova, echoed those sentiments as he dismissed the report.

He told a Russian radio station: "I haven’t had a single request on this issue, but if I did, I wouldn’t even consider it.

"In our Chechen society, any person who respects our traditions and culture will hunt down this kind of person without any help from authorities, and do everything to make sure that this kind of person does not exist in our society."


Authorities in the Russian republic of Chechnya have launched an anti-gay campaign that has led to authorities rounding up dozens of men suspected of being homosexual, according to the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and human rights activists.

The newspaper’s report, by an author regarded as a leading authority on Chechnya, claimed that more than 100 people had been detained and three men killed in the roundup. It claimed that among those detained were well-known local television personalities and religious figures.


This has been happening for some time but has been flying under the radar due to everything that's going on right now.

Horrifying stuff.


For fuck's sake. There needs to be international intervention at this point. This is literally turning into another Holocaust.




"You cannot detain and persecute people who simply do not exist in the republic"
Can they be more vile and despicable? GROSS

And Trump wants people to get along with Russia? sdl;asldkas


^ yeah...

Mindbogglingly stupid and evil if true.

Chechen families must have relatives leave the country and never return quite often.


Shouldn't Putin/Russia step in and pull on Kadyrov's leash?

This is a monumental human rights disaster.

I don't know, the last time Kadyrov and another of Putin's "strong men" had a conflict, Putin just dissapeared until the waters calmed down.

That said, Kadyrov is a full blown Putin's cheerleader so if there's someone that can stop this is probably Putin.


For fuck's sake. There needs to be international intervention at this point. This is literally turning into another Holocaust.

Chechnya is a vassal state of Russia, there's nothing to be done but add more sanctions. Most likely this will just be ignored

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mutually Assured Destruction sure does suck when one side is unabashedly evil.
Yeah I heard about this. Fucking disgusting. The official literally said quote, 'There are no gay men and if there were any, their family would silence them.'. Just fucking horrible.
"In our Chechen society, any person who respects our traditions and culture will hunt down this kind of person without any help from authorities, and do everything to make sure that this kind of person does not exist in our society."

So, mob rule?


You must be joking. America has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and while the story you posted is disgusting in its own right, it doesn't compare to literal concentration camps.

It means that during a time where the United States could be rallying the world against this, instead its brought in people whose feelings are not dissimilar as part of the new administration.
Mindbogglingly stupid and evil if true.

Chechen families must have relatives leave the country and never return quite often.

I mean, that's the more optimistic outlook, the others don't really bear thinking about...families feeling pressure to 'do something' about their gay child being forced into taking decisions to save face/honour in their community.


This is absolutely infuriating! There has to be something someone can do about this. We can't just sit idly by as this is happening to people who didn't do anything wrong.


"In our Chechen society, any person who respects our traditions and culture will hunt down this kind of person without any help from authorities, and do everything to make sure that this kind of person does not exist in our society."

Uhh what the fuck? This is the guy in charge of human rights in Chechnya? This is some pretty overtly evil stuff.


Homeland Security Fail
Fuck everyone that is responsible for this shit. I hope those people get out, somehow, someway.
Trump: "You think our country is so innocent?".

This is absolutely deplorable. These people sending anyone into camps need to be sent to concentration camps to feel the pain.
Mike Pence's wet dream

This. This is fucking sick and wrong and as always says a lot about the apathetic masses & people with the power throwing their weight around to abuse and kill people who have no influence on their lives whatsoever. But also, this landscape isn't far from the minds of the people currently in control of our government. I can only imagine being physically sick if I hear Trump, Pence or some other bible-thumping GOP politician decry this when they're doing the best they can to mimic it. It's why I scoff at anyone who supports the party, as it currently is, claiming that they care about human rights in any way.

Hope everyone involved with fostering this horrifying system suffers and dies a painful death sooner rather than later so that innocent people can actually have the peace they deserve. And anyone that'd like to claim I'm just as monstrous for harboring such a wish can kindly stuff it and get some perspective.


Why is anyone saying Putin and Russia would stand against this? Wasn't Russia the country trying to bar gay athletes from the Olympics? I thought there was a lot of bias there.


It's a special kind of evil when you're not only demonizing a group of people, but claiming that they don't even exist.


the canadians used gay tests back in the 60s, and the russians had this technology as well. I was surprised to learn that there is an industry based around this stuff used in multiple countries.


Doesn't Chechnya generally have mega-fucked-up laws? Like, how it's basically illegal for women not to be married past a certain age or something?


Fuck this is terrifying. Absolutely Holocaust level rhetoric and actions. Something needs to be done by the world community ASAP. Obviously Russia is heading this way too right now. How the fuck did we fuck up so badly we're now going backwards!?
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