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Overwatch Mafia |OT| Keep Your Vote On The Payload


AbsolutBro (3)
WhereAreMahDragonz .2024
*Splinter .2223
Mazre .2238

Mazre (2)
StanleyPalmtree .2211
cabot .2247

Barrylocke (2)
cabot .2235 .2247
Burbeting .2240
Ty4on .2248

StanleyPalmtree (1)
franconp .1909

*Splinter (1)
melonrabbit .2092

Cherry Bomb (1)
cabot .1814 .2099
Burbeting .1852 .2240
Xamtheking .1853
Bronx-Man .1933 .2167
Ty4on .2079 .2248

Haly (1)
kingkitty .2119

kingkitty (1)
Haly .2129

No active vote for Day 3:
Bronx-Man (has previously voted)
Cherry Bomb

Day 3 ends:

10 votes for majority


Maybe. But Ynnek was a roleblocker. I'm not so sure about a second one. Maybe someone with several 1 shot powers? I like that idea more.

Something like that would make sense. I just feel it was much more likely for someone to have stopped Ezekel than Ouro being lucky enough to protect the right person. He'd also have to give up protection on himself which seems risky.


Sooo... Barrylocke and Mazre for remaining scum then?

I'm re-reading over Mazre's posts right now, but I don't object to that lynch.

Where *IS* Barrylocke, anyhow?

Maybe Barrylocke, maybe WAMD.

A third candidate depends on some flips.


Mazre's "No cop" stuff was kind of weird on Day 1, especially the whole "wishful thinking" part. It kind of echoes what Ezekel was doing when trying to find alternatives to the peeking strategy... Hmm...


Mazre's "No cop" stuff was kind of weird on Day 1, especially the whole "wishful thinking" part. It kind of echoes what Ezekel was doing when trying to find alternatives to the peeking strategy... Hmm...
It's almost like a dashingly handsome man from Bronx pondered and questioned his line of thought on D1. I didn't vote for Mazre on D1 because I thought he was just being dumb, but still trying to peddle this theory on D3?



It's almost like a dashingly handsome man from Bronx pondered and questioned his line of thought on D1. I didn't vote for Mazre on D1 because I thought he was just being dumb, but still trying to peddle this theory on D3?

Who said anything about him peddling this theory on Day 3? And what makes you think you were the only person questioning him?


I'm working under the assumption of a 5-man scum team. Plan for the worst.

I'm leaning 4, more after Eze's flip. 5 scum with double kills every 2 phases it's too much.

I'll join you on that Mazre vote then, because there's so many potential candidates I'm not sure where to start.

Vote: Mazre

All your votes looks scummy to me. Like you are trying to not make a stand and just go with the flow. In every vote you are not sure.


IAll your votes looks scummy to me. Like you are trying to not make a stand and just go with the flow. In every vote you are not sure.

Indeed. I'm not sure where to start. I see evidence towards a lot of people, which is making me bounce back and fourth between theories and people. And unfortunately, AB hammering the vote last day phase didn't help my case.


I still feel pretty good with my Haly vote. That might change in a few hours if the deadline is near, and this game's picture still looks the same. If the vote leaders are between AB and Mazre, I'd pick Mazre since I have a more unsure/less towny read on him compared to AB. If it's between AB and Barrylocke, I'd pick Barrylocke since based on a quick read, he hasn't attempted much on Day 3 to take a stand on anyone, or least make a read list. Although he does seem interested whenever there's suspicion in his way. However some of his more negative interactions with Ezekel gives me pause. But in the end, I'd give him more a lean suspicious. If it's between Mazre and Barrylocke, I think I might have to pick Barry.


oh if the vote leader included Splinter, then my heart says destroy Splinter. Still time for the Haly train though, choo choo. I will be back 2 hourish before deadline.
One question is "If our lynchee is town, how much other information does that give us?"

Me: In a moment of self interest, I will go over myself first. My flip would possibly give information on WAMD, who has had a laser sight on me since day 1. I honestly believe WAMD is town though, so I think in the end we will waste two days going over this. Or at least a day and possibly a night power. If we take the stance that I lied about my reason for voting Ynnek (I did not, but let's examine the case anyway), the only other person that would get us interest in/information on is Mazre (being one of the other vote leaders of the day). Ez and Ynnek are both dead, so that doesn't really help us.

WAMD: WAMD has had a laser sight focused on me since D1 it seems. Despite that, and despite not getting that response :p, I still firmly believe that WAMD is town. I would not think scum would usually focus on someone this hard for no real reason. I also find WAMD has been good about explaining why a vote was on a particular person, and sticking to that vote. "My vote stays" and all that. I also do not see what other information it gives should we lynch WAMD. If WAMD flips town, it certainly makes me look bad but does not prove anything. If WAMD flips scum, it paints me more as town, but again with no guarantees. Well, other than WAMD starting or being on board every bus coming my way. :p The only really suspicious thing I have is WAMD pushing so hard when I voted Ez for peeking "why Zeke over, say, Ynnek" seems scummy, but I suspect that is 20/20 hindsight giving it a context it did not actually have at the time.

Barry: Honestly I am not sure how much we get out of Barry's flip. Looking back, his direct conflicts with others posters are basically nonexistent. It would of course give context to some of his votes and other posts, but that is true of anyone that flips today.

Mazre: Mazre's posts tend to make me think Mazre is town. Sure, he had the "wishful thinking" post early on which certainly rubbed people the wrong way, but after that nothing that even remotely sticks out as scum. Mazre was one of four vote leaders during D1. Something I want to go over in a bit more detail.

My suspicion is that scum had their votes kind of spread out. Multiple scum voting on D1 for someone that ends up being town never looks good. It is especially bad down the line when you can start looking at voting patterns and seeing certain people usually voting together.

So, D1 voting really gets going around post #1018, where the vote at that time is really between Ezekel and Mazre, with Ynnek as the outlier. Several people, myself included have 1 vote on them. So at this point, the vote leader is scum.

In #1027 *Splinter creates the 4/4 tie between Zeke and Mazre, potentially saving scum. If *Splinter is scum then he probably did this to try and save Zeke.

#1029 WAMD votes me, putting me at 2 and tying me with Ynnek. Ynnek and I are now both in the "could gather votes, but still off from being an actual contender" category.

#1036 Zeke lays an OMGUS vote on me. This pushes me above Ynnek and into "lynch contender status. Again, we know now that Zeke was scum.

#1046 and I create the 3 way tie for second place. Keep in mind, this puts Mazre in the vote lead now.

#1054 melonrabbit pulls me out of the three way tie for second, and into the tie for first. If I was not sure that melonrabbit was town, I would find this pretty scummy.

#1079 Vere (scum) votes Ynnek (town). This puts Ynnek into the first place tie that I am currently in. This vote sort of surprises me in hindsight. If Mazre and I are both town, why not vote for one of us? I suppose he could, at this point, be forcing three town into a tie for lead to give scum votes more breathing space. It's a very curious vote.

#1094 Ty4on pushes Ynnek into the lead with no explanation. Honestly not liking this vote/post at all, and he has never since explained the vote. Ty4on?

#1095 Ynnek tries to break a tie, actually creates a new one. At this point, Mazre is no longer in the first place tie, but is still a possible contender being only a single vote behind.

#1098 Sophia votes Ynnek. This pushes Ynnek into the vote lead, but honestly posts are coming so fast at this point (5 posts all at 2:27pm for instance) that I don't think it was intentional. Sophia's post even mentions "any of those three".

#1125 Xam's extends Ynnek's vote lead. This is the final vote of the day. Xam's reasoning is solid "to prevent some last minute tie shenanigans". It doesn't say anything about Xam's alignment, given if Xam was scum then the reasoning is just as easily a facade.

And there we have it. *Splinter is the vote that starts the tie which ultimately saves EzekelRAGE. Tthat ultimately does not prove anything about *Splinter, and it is the votes that follow that I find more interesting. Burb had the first vote on me, but that was early in the day so I doubt it was part of any plan. WAMD had been on me during the phase, so his vote on me is not all that surprising. Ez following it up kind of is. If he is trying to save himself, why not move his vote from Fran to Mazre? That would put Mazre up 5/4 and would be easier to explain if Mazre flips town: "I was trying to save myself!" is something I think every mafia player can relate to. But his vote was on Fran because Fran called him out for the peeking thing, same as me. His switch to me doesn't save him unless he knows more votes are coming, but the only other votes that come are both from town. This is part of why I think scum is spreading out their votes.

Looking over the votes on Ynnek, cabot and nin we know are town. I know I am town, though obviously I cannot prove it. That leaves Vere (known scum) Ty4on, Sophia and eventually Xam.

Prior to putting the final nail in Ynnek's coffin, Xam had the first vote on Mazre, which would be suspicious but it was a direct response to Mazre's "I there's no cop because wishful thinking" post that rubbed so many people the wrong way.

Sophia only ever puts down the vote on Ynnek, with only the explanation of "I dislike lynching Ynnek the least out of [Mazre Ynnek and myself]". Which, frankly, is fair. I know 2/3 are town, and lean towards all 3 being town.

Ty4on's previous votes were on Haly (prod vote), Barry (prod vote), and *Splinter. (Reasoning for which follows in a discussion with melonrabbit: tl;dr: *Splinter doesn't seem to really be into the game.)

IF, and I do mean IF there is a second scum vote on Ynnek besides Vere, I find it most likely to be Ty4on (for complete lack of reasoning on his vote) or Xam ("protecting" from shenanigans that he can be sure are not coming).

Going from there, we look at the Verelios votes:

That is the list of remaining non-confirmed town votes. I left myself there for completeness sake.

Bronx had his vote on Vere early and never moved it. I would think that scum might hedge their bets a little bit before bussing one of their own.

Xam also gets his vote in early, and leaves it there. He does this after a bit of back and forth with Ouro. While his late vote on Ynnek could be considered suspicious, this vote frankly knocks him off my list.

WAMD is another vote that never moves. Pretty straight forward to me.

Burb's vote also sticks, with what I feel is pretty solid reasoning.

Ty4on votes somewhat later in the chain. Why so late?
I didn't want to bring it so close to a turbo with people still talking. Now we're 4 away from a turbo \o/
but wait, what about:
Work in less than 4 hours so I doubt I'll vote, but I'm pro turboing Verelios today.

Granted, several votes come and go from Vere during the day (*Splinter, Franconp, Haly and King Kitty all vote and then unvote for Vere), but that contradiction kind of stands out to me. It is hardly damning, but given the already shaky standing Ty4on is on I felt it worth pointing out. If you were for turboing him, why didn't you vote when you said that? Why did you wait for "I didn't want to turbo" to vote?

The final two votes are Mazre and myself. Mazre tries to give people time to bring up last minute issues, six minutes later I shut it down. I really felt it was best if we just saw the flip and went from there. It was highly unlikely that enough votes would shift from Vere to anyone else, especially not in anything resembling a safe and managed form. Barry comes in literally as I close the door. Sorry Barry.

holy crap this post got long so I am going to post this and try to TL;DR my thoughts in another post.


I waited with the vote because there was still a lot of discussion going on and IIRC my vote would put Verelios one vote away from a turbo. I didn't want to shut down discussion, but I wanted my opinion out there if consensus for a turbo grew while I was at work.


Ynnek vote was because I had a preference for lynching him and I wanted to push Sophia a bit. I didn't like how she posted "I'll break the tie" and then didn't break it right away.


Ynnek vote was because I had a preference for lynching him and I wanted to push Sophia a bit. I didn't like how she posted "I'll break the tie" and then didn't break it right away.


You... realize that was a timeframe of not even two minutes to figure out who the vote leaders were, right?


Stuff like this is why I don't want to lynch AB. He is actually trying to solve the game. He's a bit overeager, but I read that as townie especially when pressured. A scum would be much more interested in saving themselves than getting their reads out there.



You... realize that was a timeframe of not even two minutes to figure out who the vote leaders were, right?
Yeah :p

I remember right there refreshing the page a few times and being a bit annoyed that I didn't see your vote right away.


Crazy lunchtime theory, nin1000 and Franconp are scum. Nin is bastion but his joat claim is bull. Fran is scum Sym switcher. Zeke sniped ouro and the switch was used by scum to kill Zeke and set up nin's claim.

That was painful to type through autocorrect.


Crazy lunchtime theory, nin1000 and Franconp are scum. Nin is bastion but his joat claim is bull. Fran is scum Sym switcher. Zeke sniped ouro and the switch was used by scum to kill Zeke and set up nin's claim.

That was painful to type through autocorrect.

How would it work? What about the second kill?


Crazy lunchtime theory, nin1000 and Franconp are scum. Nin is bastion but his joat claim is bull. Fran is scum Sym switcher. Zeke sniped ouro and the switch was used by scum to kill Zeke and set up nin's claim.

That was painful to type through autocorrect.
That's.. a bit too crazy for me. The craziest thing I can imagine with Nin is that he's the neutral serial killer and was somehow blocked on N1 and wanted town creds for killing Ezekel. Don't really think it's likely though.

Google keyboard is nice with remembering crazy names. Just need to type them once or twice manually.


Google keyboard is nice with remembering crazy names. Just need to type them once or twice manually.

So you're the neutral survivor Google arse licker then, eh?

Don't think I forgot, Sorian.

Did you send that from Your Google Pixel, scumbag?

Mazre (3)
StanleyPalmtree .2211
cabot .2247
Sophia .2270

*Splinter (2)
melonrabbit .2092
nin1000 .2277

AbsolutBro (2)
WhereAreMahDragonz .2024
*Splinter .2223 .2286
Mazre .2238

Barrylocke (2)
cabot .2235 .2247
Burbeting .2240
Ty4on .2248

StanleyPalmtree (1)
franconp .1909

Cherry Bomb (1)
cabot .1814 .2099
Burbeting .1852 .2240
Xamtheking .1853
Bronx-Man .1933 .2167
Ty4on .2079 .2248

Haly (1)
kingkitty .2119

kingkitty (1)
Haly .2129

No active vote for Day 3:
*Splinter (has previously voted)
Bronx-Man (has previously voted)
Cherry Bomb

Day 3 ends:

10 votes for majority


Thank you YNNNY, you're lovely.

Edit: Also, if anyone noticed, I had been previously saying that 9 votes were needed for majority. That wasn't some subtle hint to anything, I am just bad at math.


So you're the neutral survivor Google arse licker then, eh?

Don't think I forgot, Sorian.

Did you send that from Your Google Pixel, scumbag?
Nexus 4 of course. The true Google phone.

Now you got me convinced our neutral looks something like that...
Thank you YNNNY, you're lovely.

Edit: Also, if anyone noticed, I had been previously saying that 9 votes were needed for majority. That wasn't some subtle hint to anything, I am just bad at math.

a spider passes out now. baton over to you, beanie <3

beanie math game needs levelling up :D
Stuff like this is why I don't want to lynch AB. He is actually trying to solve the game. He's a bit overeager, but I read that as townie especially when pressured. A scum would be much more interested in saving themselves than getting their reads out there.

Yes. I really don't think Bro is scum. He has consistent throughout the day and trying his best to assist the town.
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