Double dipped on PC and PS4. Friends on both, and this game deserves it.
Dubz#1516 on PC and Dubzinator on PS4, if anyone wants to play.
I would very much doubt this.
Dang. That Bastion skin is insanely cool.I think the skins say in the menu "Only available through Origin Edition" or something to that effect.
Yeah, when you are on your own you just have to wait to use it when your charge is decently high (I would say 50+) and you can just lob alt fire shots into it. Nobody it seems is really communicating is pubs enough yet to coordinate ult use.I really like Zarya, but I hate how her ultimate is pretty worthless if you're not playing with friends or communicative pubs. It's one of the best ults for its utility, but only if your team is on point and can communicate well.
Git gud
All jokes aside, what platform are you on? I think there is a GAF user list on here, you could try playing with others. The game is 100% more fun with at least 2 other people in your group.
I was noticing this last night. I was constantly on teams with people who only played one character and refused to switch. I'd mention that we need a healer and the response was, "play healer then." I was the only tank and we had 2 Widowmaker's. Meanwhile the other team has everything needed and is easily crushing us.
What are you struggling with in particular? What heroes do you use? And do you play solo? Because there are plenty of people on GAF you could team up with.
Im at work. I miss overwatch.
Man, I don't know what happened to some of the community today, but it seems fucking toxic. Like CSGO level. People are just talking crazy shit and calling teammates out like crazy this morning. Didn't see that at all yesterday.
I'm going to pick this up tonight, not sure its my kind of shooter but I am falling for the hype, reviews and feedback are way to good! Wish I played the beta, I downloaded it but didn't find the time.
Any suggestions on a couple of the easier to use characters to start out with? I am a COD and Gears guy, never played Team Fortress, Counter Strike or any of those kinds of games.
I'm going to pick this up tonight, not sure its my kind of shooter but I am falling for the hype, reviews and feedback are way to good! Wish I played the beta, I downloaded it but didn't find the time.
Any suggestions on a couple of the easier to use characters to start out with? I am a COD and Gears guy, never played Team Fortress, Counter Strike or any of those kinds of games.
I'm going to pick this up tonight, not sure its my kind of shooter but I am falling for the hype, reviews and feedback are way to good! Wish I played the beta, I downloaded it but didn't find the time.
Any suggestions on a couple of the easier to use characters to start out with? I am a COD and Gears guy, never played Team Fortress, Counter Strike or any of those kinds of games.
Soldier 76. He's even the character in the tutorial.Any suggestions on a couple of the easier to use characters to start out with? I am a COD and Gears guy, never played Team Fortress, Counter Strike or any of those kinds of games.
I'm going to pick this up tonight, not sure its my kind of shooter but I am falling for the hype, reviews and feedback are way to good! Wish I played the beta, I downloaded it but didn't find the time.
Any suggestions on a couple of the easier to use characters to start out with? I am a COD and Gears guy, never played Team Fortress, Counter Strike or any of those kinds of games.
Only encountered two or three jerks in the wild. One was last night, when a guy on the other team was calling his team some homophobic and racist shit, all because they lost the first round of a Control map. He was also mad because we ran three tanks?Man, I don't know what happened tot he community today, but it seems fucking toxic. Like CSGO level. People are just talking crazy shit and calling teammates out like crazy this morning. Didn't see that at all yesterday.
Thanks.Sent you a request on PS4.
is there a gaf group? I'll add you tonight
Yeah i think Lucio is OP, his ult is just too strong.
The amount of money Blizzard must be making on Loot Boxes is insane. I have two friends who bought 100 and I even ended up buying the 24 pack, and I've never paid money for a cosmetic before.
is there a gaf group? I'll add you tonight
I keep getting thrown into Pre-Match Skirmish games because the game can't find a match to join for Arcade mode.
Do you keep EXP for Skirmishes?
Yeah i think Lucio is OP, his ult is just too strong.
I'm pissed off enough at my luck from the free ones that I want to buy some. This is awful
Ok, im tired of joining games that are seconds away from the end, and getting a loss.
Patch this, seriously.
I really hope they add more UI elements that give us more information about our team mates/opponents. For example, character portraits at the top for each team (similar to how dota does it) that tells us if they have their Ultimate ready or not.
Also - a map would be beneficial for me personally, but im not sure that is something they will ever add.
Yeah, I love Lucio on Ilios. Definite pick for a team to win on it!So, if you're playing as Lucio on Illios a great tactic is to jump in the well and wall run when it gets hairy. I was able to contest a point on my own while my entire team respawned, leaves the enemy team scratching their heads![]()
I wouldn't call him OP as a single hero but he is OP in a way that he is better than other supports. I guess buffing the other support heroes could work. Well except maybe Mercy as she's fine currently.
I think neither of those additions will help the game, most likely would make it worse.
Not having the ultimate status and not having a map make it possible for people to flank.
seeing these advanced tactics evolving
had my team wiped twice from timed zarya singularity ult with a mcree ult
had us snatched all together and mcree with the high noon and 6 dome shots--GONE, just like that
Ok, im tired of joining games that are seconds away from the end, and getting a loss.
Patch this, seriously.