They're supposed to be fun. It'd be boring if everything was tied to the reality of the game's lore.
I feel like his ultimate is almost like Lucio's. It basically makes everyone around you invulnerable to normal attacks because the healing rate is so high. Use it for pushing objectives or counter-pushing the attackers. I never wait for everyone to be on low health before I pop it because they're probably gonna die anyway. I use it proactively.
I'm so bad at any of the offensive heros, you die so freaking fast. I also can't hit shit with them (maybe because my last played FPS on the PC was a few years ago).
So i understand how Zarya works now. But there's no specific numbers in the UI that tells you how charged she currently is. This is fucking stupid
I don't know if it works with Zen's ult, but I've trained myself to pop a Sound Barrier whenever the other team uses an ult. It still does a lot of damage, but thanks to Sound Barrier, it won't kill my teammates.
I'm so bad at any of the offensive heros, you die so freaking fast. I also can't hit shit with them (maybe because my last played FPS on the PC was a few years ago).
So i understand how Zarya works now. But there's no specific numbers in the UI that tells you how charged she currently is. This is fucking stupid
They need to either significantly increase leveling speed or the content in the boxes. Right now the system is garbage.
Try Solider who can heal himself or Reaper who can run away when in trouble. Reaper also can regain health from defeated enemies.
Not all of the attack heroes are based around direct offense. The labelling of types is actually a little weak and best treated as a guideline. Tracer for instance is about distraction and disruption, head on charging will get you killed quickly. You'll start getting the hang of it as you see others playing them but in the meantime I'd suggest either of the two offensive heroes that have splash damage on their weapons, Junkrat and Pharah. You won't need to be as accurate and it should give you a chance to get used to the mouse again.
Once you learn the health pickup placement you'll start becoming even more effective too, as some attackers are best to be well separated from the group and you wont always have a healer around to help.
Haha my first hate mail...
Their team was 1 Widowmaker, 2 Hanzos, 2 Mercy, 1 Reinhardt
They kept camping the gas station @Route 66, I flanked using that narrow path near the cliffs, then flanked hard and took out both Mercy's and Rein
My team broke the other 3 "Team kill"
We won in overtime
Sorry if my Bastion can fucking flank you and overpower you
1 Mercy switched to Reaper, 1 went Lucio, but they kept getting flanked
How is it my fault you couldn't beat me to change my choice, got 25 eliminations, 11,000 damage and POTG
I find the skins to be a bit boring at the moment, hopefully blizzard do something about this and create some interesting fun designs in the future.
I also would like the option to quickly change skin while choosing a character.
I find the skins to be a bit boring at the moment, hopefully blizzard do something about this and create some interesting fun designs in the future.
I also would like the option to quickly change skin while choosing a character.
Are you sure? I only played her a couple times but doesn't a number show up by her reticle?
I've been saying that since closed beta, changing skins/sprays/voice lines should be doable at character select.
Are you sure? I only played her a couple times but doesn't a number show up by her reticle?
As a Torb player I think the turret needs a cooldown after your turret is destroyed. It's so easy to build a second level 2 turret after yours is destroyed, especially where there is a natural choke point. If 3 or 4 opposing players manage to get into our main perimeter, the turret+teammates take out one or two before the turret is destroyed. While my teammates fight the remaining two enemies I quickly build a level 2 turret again to finish them off.
I've been saying that since closed beta, changing skins/sprays/voice lines should be doable at character select.
Damn you're right. That's like the only place I wasnt looking, as weird as that might sound. Guess the reticle area is just an area where my mind only thinks about aiming or something
On a different subject. How hell do you deal with winstons? Especially plural
I wonder how awful it would be for Torbjorn players if leveling up turrets required scrap metal. Maybe buff the level 1 turret a little to compensate. It would force them out of their little holes in order to maximize their effectiveness (and yes I know that the best Torbjorns already have to get scrap to be effective, but in pub play you can still stomp without any real risk to yourself).
On a different subject. How hell do you deal with winstons? Especially plural
As a Torb player I think the turret needs a cooldown after it's destroyed. It's so easy to build a second level 2 turret after yours is destroyed, especially where there is a natural choke point. If 3 or 4 opposing players manage to get into our main perimeter, the turret+teammates take out one or two before the turret is destroyed. While my teammates fight the remaining two enemies I quickly build a level 2 turret again to finish them off.
They want you to feel like you are progressing months or years from now. They don't want you to get every legendary skin within the first couple of months.
More of them would be selfish and not dispensing armor if the turret required it.
Hey nerds! I was thinking about trying to cobble together a "tabletop" version of Overwatch. (My family is big big big into board games) I know that the mechanics behind the game appear to be relatively (deceptively?) simple. I'm wondering if any of you have come across a googledocs spreadsheet where someone is tracking damage done by weapons and abilities.
There would be a good deal to organize/interpret BUT...I think there's actually a good deal of "chess" to Overwatch and you don't always get to experience that due to the frantic nature of the game. I think it could prove to be a really rewarding tactical experience as a board game.
So i understand how Zarya works now. But there's no specific numbers in the UI that tells you how charged she currently is. This is fucking stupid
Damn you're right. That's like the only place I wasnt looking, as weird as that might sound. Guess the reticle area is just an area where my mind only thinks about aiming or something
On a different subject. How hell do you deal with winstons? Especially plural