/Willy Wonkasomeone stop me from buying loot boxes
"Stop. Don't. Come back..."
/Willy Wonkasomeone stop me from buying loot boxes
How do you find that?
someone stop me from buying loot boxes
Just tried it on borderless windowed and it doesn't do it but I take a pretty big hit to fps. Guess I'll have to wait until they figure it out.Happens to me every single time I walk away from the PC for a break. I come back to the game being in window mode on desktop and I have to manually switch it back to fullscreen under options every time. Don't know if it happens if you have set it to Borderless Window.
someone stop me from buying loot boxes
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
Hey now, I got a 50 Elim/20k damage round with Junkrat!Reaper is OP as fuck.
Damn.No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
In case anyone wondering what i got:
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
You've honestly spent $300+ buying cosmetic items?No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
How often do randoms pick support? I enjoy maining Mercy but if people are going support a decent amount of the time in pugs I feel like I should have a tank (probably Reinhardt) and a defense class (probably Torbjorn or Junkrat) in my pocket. If nobody ever heals I'll just continue riding the Mercy train because I'm having a blast.
Reaper is OP as fuck.
My own anecdotal evidence shows that tank and support are almost always the last two chosen, meaning usually the last two people aren't particularly thrilled with choosing either of them (and sometimes just won't lol).
Versus A.I. on easy?
My own anecdotal evidence shows that tank and support are almost always the last two chosen, meaning usually the last two people aren't particularly thrilled with choosing either of them (and sometimes just won't lol).
sometimes i think people should just choose who they're good at. can still win.
You've honestly spent $300+ buying cosmetic items?
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
Well damn, I can't imagine if you played Dota 2 with all it's really nice cosmetics, or do you? That game has got me to spend around $100, but that's with thousands of hours in game and it was free so I felt I wanted to throw some money their way.I have no urge to buy any loot crates at all.Yet
Dear GAF, today I learned that hitting Mei's Ice Wall ability twice while placing it rotates it 90 degrees.
Game Changer.
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
No. Welcome to my world.
Spent about 300+ so far.
did you get what you wanted tho?
You've honestly spent $300+ buying cosmetic items?
Dear GAF, today I learned that hitting Mei's Ice Wall ability twice while placing it rotates it 90 degrees.
Game Changer.
Pharma eh? Is she a new healer? Does she drop antibiotics, pain killers, anti-inflammatories, and some Xanax for Winston to use so he can calm down after using his ultimate?Pharma has become my favorite character to play, I'm always zooming around the sky and getting more use to the control of it, being above enemies raining down death upon them.......it makes me feel warm inside.
Dear GAF, today I learned that hitting Mei's Ice Wall ability twice while placing it rotates it 90 degrees.
Game Changer.
Finally I got my second decent skin.
Now I'm ready to play Overwatch as a Raid Boss.
So Zenyatta.. is he just awful, or is there something I'm missing?
With little health, no maneuverability, no CC, no self-heal or shield or anything, he seems way too vulnerable to.. everything. Get into the action and he'll die to splash, stray bullets, and real snipers. Try to hang in the back, and he'll die repeatedly to any half-competent Reaper, Genji, Tracer, Pharah, or Winston who decides to go after him.
Never seen a whale before?
So how are you liking all those sprays?![]()
You need help.'_'
hello whale.
Hey everyone,
Just curious what you all think is the best way going about learning a character. I'm at player level 9-ish on PS4 and didn't participate in the Beta.
The characters I like playing the most are D. Va and Mei. I also enjoy Lucio, Zenyatta, and Zarya at times.
So far, I usually switch characters to try to fill whatever role my team is missing, but the end result is that I'm not really familiar with any characters. I'd like to learn how to use Mei better, but she seems to contribute very little to the team.
I just don't feel like I'm contributing anything (except when I play Lucio). I'd like to learn how to play Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Symmetra one day.
tl;dr: Should you just pick one or two characters and stick with them even if it means a wonky team composition or just keep playing and switching and it will come to you eventually?