I can't wait for competitive play mode, you have to be rank 25 to play it so i guess there will be a lot less idiots in matches.
I wouldnt bet on that, rank is more or less entirely a function of time played
I can't wait for competitive play mode, you have to be rank 25 to play it so i guess there will be a lot less idiots in matches.
I wouldnt bet on that, rank is more or less entirely a function of time played
I can't believe the game I just had on Xbox. I hope my teammates aren't gaffers, because they should be ashamed of themselves. I've never seen a more piss-poor display. My god in heaven.
People being bad at a 3 day old game?! THE HORROR!
What do you guys think are the hardest characters to use or master?
It's less being bad in the "I'm not good at aiming yet, I don't know the characters" but more being bad in the "what is that glowy thing with a letter on it? What's a 'payload'? Why are you guys standing in that square and not killing these guy waaaaaay over here?".
What do you guys think are the hardest characters to use or master?
Yeah people need to pick that up. It would haven been nice if the game had an intro by Winston that just went over each mode briefly.
People being bad at a 3 day old game?! THE HORROR!
Jumping in two days late. What's the worst that can happen!
I have never played a team shooter before this.People being bad at a 3 day old game?! THE HORROR!
I dont care for the brawl mode, but I didnt care for it in hearthstone either. I like my rules thank you very much.
I have never played a team shooter before this.
I never touched the beta or read about the game's modes before picking it up.
I may suck at getting eliminations and I'm still working on my aim and use of characters.
But it's common sense to stick to the objectives and the game makes them abundantly clear even without a tutorial.
A full Zarya GAF team can achieve amazing things in the current weekly brawl.
Makes a bit of sense for week 1. Make all players less squishy, have faster access to abilities and Ults for helpful learning, and it can make for some crazy chaos,
Would be nice for a daily rotation as well though.
Got a Bastion legendary at lvl 3 (gearbox) and a Torbjörn epic (woodclad) at level 5 and nothing since... Of any skinLevel 22, no legendary or epic skins. The search goes on...
As long as you stay focused on the objective you are above average at the game
I think he's mediocre easily but a beast in the right hands. Look up seagulls gameplay of genji. Dude goes on a 25 kill streak it's nuts.None. It's kind of crazy to me that Genji has a 3 star difficulty rating
like what
Losing to a team with 3 Bastions and a Renhardt
I can't wait for competitive play mode, you have to be rank 25 to play it so i guess there will be a lot less idiots in matches.
Reaper is OP as fuck.
Reaper is OP as fuck.
Use: Genji. Junkrat, Symmetra. Tracer.
Fuuuuuuck. Reaper is strangely absent from general discussion when he is an absolute powerhouse in the right hands.
I wouldnt bet on that, rank is more or less entirely a function of time played
Anyone that have gotten a duplicate legendary yet? How many coins does that give?
Hold left click into the air of the general direction of the enemy, wat