I fucking love Junkrat.
My top 3 most-played characters right now are Pharah, Junkrat, and
I fucking love Junkrat.
The butts are really good in this game.
someone stop me from buying loot boxes
Killing a Pharah with a headbutt from D.VA mid-air is glorious.
I bought 100 boxes. No regrets.
Received my first legendary rating & it was the best feeling ever when even the enemy team voted haha!
I bought 100 boxes. No regrets.
Gimmick Matches are the best matches
Hey everyone,
Just curious what you all think is the best way going about learning a character. I'm at player level 9-ish on PS4 and didn't participate in the Beta.
The characters I like playing the most are D. Va and Mei. I also enjoy Lucio, Zenyatta, and Zarya at times.
So far, I usually switch characters to try to fill whatever role my team is missing, but the end result is that I'm not really familiar with any characters. I'd like to learn how to use Mei better, but she seems to contribute very little to the team.
I just don't feel like I'm contributing anything (except when I play Lucio). I'd like to learn how to play Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Symmetra one day.
tl;dr: Should you just pick one or two characters and stick with them even if it means a wonky team composition or just keep playing and switching and it will come to you eventually?
i dunno how to zip around effectively. you need to be locked on to a teammate from a distance to use that right?
How can I join the PS4 group? My PSN ID is Menitta if that helps. Edit: NVM Figured it out.
Nope, you just need to be pointed at a teammate. You'll zip to where they are at the moment, so if they are moving fast (or flying, etc.) you'll go to where they *were* when you hit the button.
Note that there's a setting for Mercy (in the Controls -> Hero Specific section) that makes the Guardian Angel (zipline) "prefer" whoever you're currently healing/buffing. While this can be super-useful (you can be pointed one way, and use it to zip backwards out of danger), I leave it the other way: I want to go to where the person I'm aiming at is, not where the person I'm healing has wandered off to.![]()
I think i need help figuring this out
Thank you for that. It's cause of people that want to and chose to buy things in game that will let us that don't have servers for a while.
So thanks
I rarely hear her say the full JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE! She usually gets sniped down before she can do so.How bad does it feel getting hit by an arrow during an ultimate as pharah?
How bad does it feel getting hit by an arrow during an ultimate as pharah?
I rarely hear her say the full JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE! She usually gets sniped down before she can do so.
ah ok. thanks. didn't know it was that versatile.
Doubt it. If my experience in Dota is anything to go by. Likely get more stubborn and rude people actually.I can't wait for competitive play mode, you have to be rank 25 to play it so i guess there will be a lot less idiots in matches.
Yup got my favorite skin color for Mercy and got the Gundam Skins for Pharah.
Well yes, I honestly hate the loot boxes are randomized instead of favoring your most played characters.
So instead of just grinding and hoping for a small chance of actually getting something I want, I said F--- it. Not bragging or anything but with all the overtime pay I get, it's not that big of a hit.
I fucking love Junkrat.
Lucio was such a dark horse for me. Had no interest in him at all but once I started playing him I couldn't go back, so much fun and you feel like you can actually contribute a lot in a bunch of different ways.I'm really enjoying Lucio, it's a good break from Mercy. Being able to help the pace of your team and still do a good amount of damage, it really does remind of Bard in FFXI.![]()
Seems like it would be better if you could at least buy currency and then CHOOSE what you want to unlock as opposed to buying lotto tickets with loot boxes.
Lucio was such a dark horse for me. Had no interest in him at all but once I started playing him I couldn't go back, so much fun and you feel like you can actually contribute a lot in a bunch of different ways.
How bad does it feel getting hit by an arrow during an ultimate as pharah?