Why can't I quit this game?
(48 hours later I was back into it). Now I have completed the placements and I stand at low gold, 2045SR. 5 wins, 5 losses, one of them was a disaster match, and another I forgot about "when is not the time to charge as Rein". But in the end I'm kinda ok because it is much higher than I was expecting (I was scared of "If I get placed in bronce I won't be able to deal with this shame"), bad because one defeat and it will send me to the Silver rank. So I may not touch the Comp ever again, at least as solo queue.
The following things have happened since I began playing comp (just the 10 placements):
I have become a one trick pony. While I used to rotate between two tanks and two healers, I am too afraid of causing the downfall of the team and losing first the placements, then the SR. So I haven't played Mercy or Lucio in comp for some time, and I have discarded D'Va too. Right now I'm a Reindhard Main for fear of screwing up with other characters.
- While occasions of voice chat happen more often, it keep happening in complete french. While I can understand basic text messages (Thanks, Duolingo), the voice is a different beast. And they sounded angry as heck.
- Toxicity worsens "You are retards, I have X golds on zenyattta". Then another player asking to shut up since he was undermining the team morale and making things worse.
- Leavers in comp are more frequent than I expected, despite the higher penalty.
- The enemy is starting to show serious tactics in comp. In Lijiang I haven thrown to the abyss countless times by a Phara, something that had never ever happened before. Steamrollings are a real thing now.
Other trends that I have noticed:
- Despite the nerf, lots of annoying Roadhogs.
- I see far less Mercys and more Zenyattas
- Also surprising that you find far less snipers and a lot more junkrats.
- Winston dives are much less common lately (QP)
For now I think I Am not playing comp on my own as it will be a disaster. I now dislike QP even more and I see it purely as training grounds for different characters. Unless I can team up with somebody, I'm not getting into competitive. Also, I'm going to try and lower my sens even more from the current 1600/7. Which makes me thing about what's the right sens for Rein. A lower sens would help with firestrike, but a high one (16, as I use on Mercy) would allow moving the shield and turning fast.